More and more confrontation with police in UK:
Les gouvernements veulent imposer leur dictature par la force !
Les affrontements entre la police et les manifestants deviennent de plus en plus réguliers en Angleterre....Les gouvernements veulent imposer leur dictature par la force !
I would be wary of this build up of 'confrontations' at vaccination sites etc. There is likely an element of agent provocateur about them. There is an aspect of establishment of narrative ahead of time going on, fed by the genuine red line of younger children being jabbed, (highly emotive for good reason), but it also serves the interests to have regular confrontations highlighted by media as we head in to 9/11 20 year territory. The chances of a red-flag emerging from this tension is acute. And the back story is clearly being 'encouraged' and the association between anti-vax and terrorist being firmly fixed in the public domain ahead of time. As and when it happens, we will be told day from one who to blame and it will be bought hook line and sinker because of the programming and the joining of these two cult unrealities (9/11 and Covid). That's when we may truly move to the well documented open hatred section of totalitarianism via the generally accepted and projected scapegoating of those who are really to blame (for threatening the new reality by their very existence). I think we all need to be extra careful around strategic enclosure at this time.