Many are now becoming restless. Many are angry - they were promised: 1 shoot for eternal freedom and health. Now they are waking up. Gurdijeff described it very well for me. Man must be disappointed with the usual ways and at the same time believe that there is something else. Now is the time when the pressure is on the masses. Some will sleep even deeper, others will wake up - disillusionment

I have noticed this too; especially after the fear porn on the Omicron scariant earlier this week. I had like 4-5 different conversations with colleagues/friends who were up until this point pretty much believing the MSM and they dutifully took their jabs. But suddenly they shifted their views; extreme disappointment was in their demeanor. They were demanding answers and almost all felt that something is definitely wrong, this is no longer about healthcare and something else. I even managed to channel one of them to Sott and the person was very thankful, thanking me for the different perspective and that he now understood it better.

Reminds me of this conversation by Morpheus in the Matrix :

Morpheus: The truth. No one will panic. Because there is nothing to fear. That army will never reach the gates of Zion.
Councillor Hamann: What makes you so sure?
Morpheus: Consider what we have seen, Councillor. Consider that in the past 6 months we have freed more minds than in 6 years. This attack is an act of desperation. I believe very soon the prophecy will be fulfilled and this war will end.
Councillor Hamann: I hope you’re right, Captain.
Morpheus: I do not believe it to be a matter of hope, Councillor. It is simply a matter of time.
The situation is getting increasingly strained because of the accelerating amount of double injected people getting serious ill. But officially it is subverted into looking as if the unvaccinated are responsible for it.
Yepp !!!
Straining the system are a mix of people who lost their health from side-effects caused by lose of job due to lockdowns/mandates, wearing unsanitary masks for long periods of time, cut-off from medical treatment, psychological damaged from over 1 1/2 yrs of this Scare Campaign, rising prices (manipulated by Davos Club Rulers through secondary mechanisms like "mandates to clot-shot") leaving little to live on, lost hope of living and ..... on and on.

But all that is nicely swept under the rug of "Unvaxxed are responsible" and last but not least "It is Omicron which is more deadly and fast". It's one heavy psyop, one that those relying on just TV and Radio have little hope of seeing through. In my estimation, I believe it to be mainly those 50 and over (rough guess based on which people I see on the street wearing a mask).
In this second interview, Catherine explains how the central bankers are using governments around the world to implement a digital currency system that will signal what she calls the “end of currencies” and the implementation of global human slavery.
I noticed movement in this direction by Lidl stores that I frequent sometimes, though I try to buy as much as possible in mom-and-pop stores. The Lidl stores that I see have "Self Checkout" BUT ONLY USING DEBIT/CREDIT CARD. No cash through self checkout. Some other big chain stores still have cash machines for self checkout but NOT Lidl where I am.
I was having a discussion earlier today, and the topic of marijuana came up. The wonders of the once illicit drug! Wow! Isn't weed great?

Sure. The drug people use to simply not care about all the difficult things in their lives. Like work and trying hard and responsibilities.

I wonder if Canada's duly appointed psychopath in power, Justin Trudeau, legalized marijuana so that when the covid totalitarian state descended upon the populace, they'd be too stoned to care about having their civil liberties crushed. (I'm no longer allowed to travel by train or by plane. How do I escape the state? I guess for now I could drive my own vehicle across the border and hope the U.S. feds won't tackle me to the ground as I seek a red state willing to accept me. -I'm a willing and hard worker. I'll be a benefit to your economy. I won't vote blue. And I sure don't smoke dope.)

What a marvelous drug. Oh, the wonders!

But hey, you can make rope and paper out of it.

Also... My heart cries for Germany.
I had an appointment with my cardiologist today. The first question from the ladies at reception: are you vaccinated? Of course my answer was no. "Then you would have to wait outside" ... I said: of course, no problem" I stayed very friendly and dutifully followed everything and always asked exactly (maybe even a bit exaggerated :whistle:) where I could go and where I should wait between the different examinations. In the end, I had the feeling that she was apologising to me and that I should just bring a negative test next time.

The doctor herself didn't say a word about the vaccination. She was very nice and there is nothing wrong with my heart. Very interesting experience... 🇩🇪
I had an appointment with my cardiologist today. The first question from the ladies at reception: are you vaccinated? Of course my answer was no. "Then you would have to wait outside" ... I said: of course, no problem" I stayed very friendly and dutifully followed everything and always asked exactly (maybe even a bit exaggerated :whistle:) where I could go and where I should wait between the different examinations. In the end, I had the feeling that she was apologising to me and that I should just bring a negative test next time.

The doctor herself didn't say a word about the vaccination. She was very nice and there is nothing wrong with my heart. Very interesting experience... 🇩🇪

Indeed. There is nothing wrong with your heart.

I like that part.
I think it's worth acknowledging that it'll get worse and stay like that for a bit before it gets better. By this I mean the governments will continue doing what they are doing and increasing pressure and the majority will be fooled and believe the lie. It feels like there are things happening above our heads that mean this has to play out. So the question will become increasingly what you'll do to relieve the pressure you feel, the sense of impending doom. The easiest answer is to get jabbed and keep getting jabbed every 3 - 6 months but they'll also ask you do much more than that. You can keep doing what they ask in the hope that they'll eventually leave you alone - I think this is one way to deal with that pressure.

The other approach is to stay on your lane, navigate the path ahead utilising what you know and have learnt and wait to see how events will play themselves out. For sure I believe that the people who say "no" will have a place. It's like in the matrix where the resistance was always be maintained. I don't think the darkness will completely win because if it could it would have already by now given where humanity has been for a long time.
I'll share my experience of interacting with people on this subject.

My observation is that education has nearly zero correlation with how easily are person can be "nudged" to move from their accepted narrative of Reality. I have an uncle with so many educational titles one would think the man is smart as can be. Well yes, in his field he is smart as can be but despite being sent multiple sources of statistical data he went off to get all his jabs !!!! People with less education were likewise, apparently, not convinced by statistical data. My conclusion from such experiences is : TV God is the winner in this PsyOp. TV God is the "kill-switch" to critical thinking.

The people that did move from their previous position of "Believe TV God" were the ones that took the jab and had an "experience" or know of people who had them. This is the classic "Learn the hard way. Burn your fingers".

So just talking with people I see as just a circle-jerk (not in sexual context !!!!). It is a never ending conversation (going around and around ....) based on "I think this" without actual hard data. I've done that and know it is a waste of time. What these people need is to be hit by REALITY. Experiencing or learning from/about side-effects of jabs or finally "seeing" the lying coming out of the TV. REALITY is the Master, not just a flow of words.
Maybe. -It may simply be wishful thinking, but the C's do advise that the 4D STS forces are set to fail, while other mystery schools variously describe the bargain being that for evil to have its way, it must allow a few to escape.

Though, I temper hope by recalling the C's mentioning; (paraphrasing) "with a brief stop-over in 5D". (That is, you gotta die first).

But there's no point in worrying too much. We can only make our best plans, use our best practices, remain in a state of relaxed vigilance, and enjoy following through on our little survival schemes (and maybe even prosper!). To paraphrase another of my favorites: "You know you're on the right path when things seem to just naturally fall into place."

Also.., network and shake the bushes.
The way I look at it is if you do what is right and stick to your principles regardless of pressure to do otherwise, then you're a) exercising your free will b) maximising your chances of an outcome that is favourable to you and your soul. I think this applies even more so to big ticket items that really engage your whole Being.

I personally don't think there will be a day anytime soon when the PTB will admit they were wrong or people enmasse will admit they were fooled. What does 4D STS losing mean? I don't think there's a battleground in the classical sense. They will lose by not convincing enough people but others will be convinced for sure. There's 2 things happening together - 4D STS exercising their will within the limits of their awareness and people exercising their free will within the limits of 3D. The people who are fooled and battle hard to remain fooled are for sure exercising their free will and it would appear it's best to get out of there way whilst they pave there way to hell. The only tragedy here is that they are determined to take everyone with them on this joyride to hell.

It's hard to see where those exercising a different choice will end up because the darkness clouds our visibility of such destinations and instead reflects back to us images of doom and fear. I think it's worth staying strong and driving straight into that cloud and see what is on the other side. I say if there are no option B's in this world then the universe has forsaken us and I'm not sure it's a world you'd want to be in anyways. If there are option Bs then you'll be like the explorers of old who find themselves on a new piece of land and have the task to discover and settle into the new environment - future generations will thank you.
But what really just got me was this photo- Germany, November 2021:

So, yes, the photo is real and the shop-owner who wrote this on his window received quite some backlash.

Original article in German:
"Ungeimpfte unerwünscht"

No, you haven't read it wrong. The saying from the headline, which can also be seen in the picture, was written in thick white letters on the shop windows of a 65-year-old Gelsenkirchen businessman. That's the bad news. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. When readers sent me the picture, I fervently hoped it was a fake. But it is real.

The good news: the businessman's action, painfully reminiscent of "Jews not wanted" signs in the Third Reich, caused a storm of indignation. It was so violent that the 65-year-old removed the writing. And replaced it with the inscription "I am ashamed".

In an interview with the newspaper "WAZ", which is hidden behind a paywall, and in a telephone conversation with the "Digital Chronist", the man justifies himself "I like to use my shop window to make people think with such slogans," he says there. He said he wanted to give people something to think about when it came to Corona. "I wanted to polarise people with it," he tells the WAZ. "It wasn't meant seriously: if the hygiene rules are observed, even unvaccinated people can enter my shop." He had imagined that people would come in and discuss it with him. "That was a huge mistake," he says today, according to the report.

A reader of the newspaper already filed a complaint with the police for incitement of the people. The shop window was smashed. There were threats, he reports. He did not think of the connection with the Nazi era at all, he says in the interview with the newspaper: "That was a huge stupidity on my part, I am very ashamed of it." In the interview with the Digital Chronicle, the businessman, who calls himself a leftist, said: "How stupid can I actually be?" Asked what he was thinking when he did the action, he admitted he couldn't say: "I don't even know what I did there." He was afraid, and it got out of hand. At first he trusted his immune system: "Then we were bombarded with more and more news, then insecurity got involved. Then I followed a herd instinct and also got vaccinated. I believed."

I think that is the key moment in the whole story. That no thought is given at all. Especially not of the lessons of the past.

Any equation of what is happening today with the Nazi reign of terror would be absurd and criminal (but that goes both ways - for stigmatising critics of Corona measures as "Nazis" as well as for comparing discrimination against the unvaccinated with the minorities persecuted in the Third Reich).

But as criminal as an equation would be - it is just as criminal not to see that today the very psychological mechanisms are being fomented by politics and the media, and unfortunately taken up by many people, that in the early days paved the way for the darkest hours in German history.

In his simplicity, the Gelsenkirchen businessman has demonstrated exactly that in an impressive, haunting way. He has shown how alive the ghosts still are!

May it be a lesson to at least some!

Most of the horrors of history started small and in the beginning many made fun of those who cried alarm.

But apparently a not small portion of people are incapable of learning from history.

PS: Here in the comments it became clear again that unfortunately equation and comparison are confused by very many in Germany. One can, indeed must, compare many things. One must also always compare what is happening in the present with the past. In order to recognise similarities - and also differences. An equation, on the other hand, is something quite different.

Translated with (free version)

I think it describes really well the mind set so many people are demonstrating these days.
Impressive compilation of studies that show evidence on many irrelevant decisions made by the politics :

A good article to refer to, or even a page to save somewhere (or save the long tables listing all studies at the bottom of the article)
I was having a discussion earlier today, and the topic of marijuana came up. The wonders of the once illicit drug! Wow! Isn't weed great?

Sure. The drug people use to simply not care about all the difficult things in their lives. Like work and trying hard and responsibilities.

I wonder if Canada's duly appointed psychopath in power, Justin Trudeau, legalized marijuana so that when the covid totalitarian state descended upon the populace, they'd be too stoned to care about having their civil liberties crushed. (I'm no longer allowed to travel by train or by plane. How do I escape the state? I guess for now I could drive my own vehicle across the border and hope the U.S. feds won't tackle me to the ground as I seek a red state willing to accept me. -I'm a willing and hard worker. I'll be a benefit to your economy. I won't vote blue. And I sure don't smoke dope.)

What a marvelous drug. Oh, the wonders!

But hey, you can make rope and paper out of it.

Also... My heart cries for Germany.

I've had the same suspicions about the legalization of the devil's lettuce. How interesting that at the same time Canada has implemented drastic measures to curb the use of tobacco, ostensibly due to the threat the plant poses to respiratory health, it has legalized and encouraged the use of marijuana ... a drug which is far more damaging in that regard, when consumed in quantity. Surely it has nothing to do with tobacco making people a bit smarter, and weed making them a lot dumber 🙄

On the travel ban. I'm on the other side of this: Canadian citizen, living in the US. Haven't seen my family for almost two years now. Of course, they can't prevent me from entering the country, but that would mean 2 weeks of quarantine ... and as of yesterday, with purebloods prohibited from boarding domestic or international flights, I would then be trapped in the open air prison that Canada has become. It's a truly awful situation. The emotional pressure is becoming intense. I miss my family desperately, especially with Christmas approaching. But the thought of getting trapped in that totalitarian hellhole terrifies me.

At the same time, there's a very real possibility that I will soon lose my position here thanks to the fake president's illegal mandate. In that case, I won't be able to stay in the US for very long. Before all of this, I had the vague idea that if things didn't work out here, I'd just go to Eastern Europe. But most of the European countries have gone full vaxxtard, so that doesn't seem like a great option anymore. Same in Asia, same in Latin America. As a result I've been feeling increasingly like I'm being backed into a corner, with all avenues of escape being closed off by the advancing shadows of the global prison system.

Dark times, to be sure.
I've had the same suspicions about the legalization of the devil's lettuce. How interesting that at the same time Canada has implemented drastic measures to curb the use of tobacco, ostensibly due to the threat the plant poses to respiratory health, it has legalized and encouraged the use of marijuana ... a drug which is far more damaging in that regard, when consumed in quantity. Surely it has nothing to do with tobacco making people a bit smarter, and weed making them a lot dumber 🙄

On the travel ban. I'm on the other side of this: Canadian citizen, living in the US. Haven't seen my family for almost two years now. Of course, they can't prevent me from entering the country, but that would mean 2 weeks of quarantine ... and as of yesterday, with purebloods prohibited from boarding domestic or international flights, I would then be trapped in the open air prison that Canada has become. It's a truly awful situation. The emotional pressure is becoming intense. I miss my family desperately, especially with Christmas approaching. But the thought of getting trapped in that totalitarian hellhole terrifies me.

At the same time, there's a very real possibility that I will soon lose my position here thanks to the fake president's illegal mandate. In that case, I won't be able to stay in the US for very long. Before all of this, I had the vague idea that if things didn't work out here, I'd just go to Eastern Europe. But most of the European countries have gone full vaxxtard, so that doesn't seem like a great option anymore. Same in Asia, same in Latin America. As a result I've been feeling increasingly like I'm being backed into a corner, with all avenues of escape being closed off by the advancing shadows of the global prison system.

Dark times, to be sure.

The global village doesn't seem like such a great idea when the village leaders are bloodthirsty cultists. You can't exactly leave the planet to go do your own thing.

I'm getting the first inklings of an "Ohhhhh" kind of realization as a visceral feeling rather than just an intellectual concept. -Of how people were once able to make what seemed to me the very unlikely decision to risk absolutely everything by packing themselves on fragile wooden ships to sail to the Americas. -Where freedom from tyranny existed. You don't do that sort of thing unless you feel completely cornered with nothing left to lose, -and with great promise on the other side. The momentum of that impulse has carried through to today in many ways in the Western psyche, even if it has been distorted and tormented and forgotten by many. I get it.

I guess that's the blessing of hard times. Nothing teaches faster than having no option other than to learn.
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