It would be great to have more evidence on this. What I noticed is that the screenshot on top cropped out the time at the bottom, while the lower screenshot does show it (12:41). And it is not exactly the time that the lower images claims it is
It would be great to have more evidence on this. What I noticed is that the screenshot on top cropped out the time at the bottom, while the lower screenshot does show it (12:41). And it is not exactly the time that the lower images claims it is (12:35), though close enough.

You made me think again and again, something on this screeshots didn't let me be in peace with that postings, so I returned to look at them over and over again. Then I saw it, although I don't have Swiss vote right, being here only 6,5 months and having visum to stay for 1 year at the moment, I noticed, that on all flyers and jumbos, there were 3 threads to be decided abouth on sundays referendum. And yes, there were two intruders on these screenshots, voting for pesticides and terorism laws, which I easily discovered were threads from referendum, taking place on 13.06.2021, when the Covid law was voted about for first time.


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I heard a new variation in the vaccine breakthrough explanation from a work colleague yesterday and really had to stifle a laugh: It's because 90% of the patients on the Corona wards have bought/forged vaccination cards. And "UNfortunately" they are still considered fully vaccinated because they showed the vaccination card on admission. :lol: ... quite creative in the explanations ,,,
It's great to read that some in the position of power in Poland are aware of what is happening. Below, the president of Siemianowice Śląskie, one of the cities of Upper Silesian Agglomeration:
President of Siemianowice Śląskie: Wake up, turn off the TV sets. This is the moment.

At the Hospital in Siemianowice Śląskie, five seriously ill patients in the ICU, four of whom were vaccinated and one was unvaccinated. Wake up ladies and gentlemen, see what is happening. This is the moment when we should turn off the televisions, turn on our thinking and start to think logically - appealed Rafał Piech, president of Siemianowice Śląskie.

President was a guest of the National Media on November 22nd.

Rafał Piech: I have the impression that many people are hypnotized. The picture they are staring at mesmerized them and I think that it is our and my job to awaken, above all, those hypnotized and tell them: wake up ladies and gentlemen, see what is happening.

What they promised you, this is the last straight, that no one will be seriously ill anymore, no hospital, no more waves, no lockdowns. Well, I'm telling you today. You can see what is happening in Australia, Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands.

There, everywhere the population is vaccinated at the level of 70 percent. up. There, restrictions are introduced everywhere, lockdowns are introduced everywhere, there the vaccinated people get sick, go through it hard, go to the ICU and die.

An example from Siemianowice Śląskie. Five seriously ill patients in the ICU, four of them vaccinated and one unvaccinated. This is the data for this morning. Please, this is the moment when we should turn off the televisions and turn on our thinking and start to think logically. Learn facts and conclusions from what people who are truthful and want to preach the truth tell you.
This one is not quite about Covis but it is about the same mentality in the research field that created it.

The first 'living robots' that can REPRODUCE: Microscopic organisms made from frog cells assemble 'babies' in their Pac Man-shaped mouths – in breakthrough that could one day be used to destroy cancer cells​

Note how they add in how it will help mankind !!!! ;-);-);-)

Now what could possibly go wrong with this research activity ?
This is the first time in my life that I hear a politician call the people "The Earthlings". Is he betraying by omission? Or does he think he is already in 4D?
-There is a subtitle in English-
C’est la première fois de ma vie que j’entends de la bouche d’un homme politique appeler le peuple « Les Terriens » C’est-il trahit par omission ? Ou se croit-il être déjà en 4 D ?
-Il y a le sous titrage en anglais-
This is a clip from the Bloomberg New Economy Forum, that was held November 11-17.
Bill Gates attended remotely, from the looks of it.
It’s linked to telegram, sorry about that. I copied it, but our forum doesn’t load mp3 files.
As I absolutely have no chance to load any Telegram channel or watch any ""-video or even log in with Telegram PC, because the software wants to send me some unattainable ID code, which can only be viewed on some kind of modern phone chat, if I see it correctly on the pictures on the net.. and Telegram PC refuses to send me this "code" via SMS, since it says that first I have to enter the mysterous "code" that I must have received on my other devices[??], none of which I have... Catch-22.. So here is the Bill Hates video in question:
Bitchute refuses to show me these 3 videos, three copies of same..
So I found this very curiously difficult to find - ? - video here:
".. telegram:thdown:..[shaking head]:ninja:"

The Tide has definitely turned

Bill Gates: “This was an interesting test of people’s trust in their politicians or their health system. We didn’t do as well as I would have expected.”
Translation: “People are not quite as dumbed down as we thought.”
The Berlin Investigative Corona Committee’s frontmost duty was, is and will be - to collect as much evidence as possible, through the many interviews with expert witnesses in order to penetrate the underpinnings of this Corona fraud pandemic. The collected material is a rich source readily available to lawyers around the world to take part of - in order to form their own lawsuits etc. And it will be a rich source of evidence for a future International Corona Trial, of course.

German parliament to vote on mandatory Covid jabs in coming weeks

German lawmakers will vote on compulsory vaccination by the year’s end, incoming chancellor Olaf Scholz has said. Neighboring Austria already adopted similar legislation earlier in November.
Interesting how it will work out:
Imagining the members of the Berlin Investigative Corona Committee being chased down by Vaxx-Enforcer Injector Troops. People reaching the final stage:
- "I have nothing to lose?"
Does this mean that everybody will get stabbed with the satanic concoction, receive billions of parasites / Cthulhus / nanobots in their body and start to change into Spooky Ones™ ? Sorry, hearing that term I imagined banshee-looking Shades roaming a 'Twilight Zone planet' exuding dark smoke from their bodies.. (The Damned)
Then from that corrupted / possessed state the Berlin Investigative Corona Committee hopes to fight their way to freedom? Make the Jabbed get Unjabbed? Like take some kind of "glowing white holy anti-demon"-bath and be cleansed of the foul demonic poison that's the Vaxx?

Dr. Robert Malone - inventor of mRNA technology - says that he expects 'zero clinical chance' that the Vaxx can-will cause any [long lasting] DNA changes or any DNA changes at all.
He states this in the video titled:
Explosive! Dr. Robert Malone They’re Rushing Into Killing Children

So that's a good news.. But there are spiritual / soul-killing aspects of these jabs I think? :( I mean I have enough problems already, I don't need any further "physical+mental+spiritual annihilator agent" injected into me to become Sysiphus and get a large rock Christmas present to continually roll uphill..
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Supply chain disruptions are upending the provision and delivery of a wide array of goods, ranging from computer chips and medicines to meat and lumber,” FTC Chair Lina M. Khan said in a statement.

Along with understanding the reasons behind the supply chain disruptions, the FTC’s study will examine “whether supply chain disruptions are leading to specific bottlenecks, shortages, anticompetitive practices, or contributing to rising consumer prices.”

Those retailers, along with other large wholesalers and suppliers including Procter & Gamble Co., Tyson Foods and Kraft Heinz Co., have 45 days to provide the requested documents.

💡 INSIGHT OF THE DAY: It will take a few weeks to get a sense of how the new omicron variant of the coronavirus will affect economic growth. But it's unlikely to prompt another wave of lockdowns, predicts Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics.

This is just fantastic guys. Bild, one the worst sensationalist newspapers in Germany(comparable to the Sun in the UK), actually brought up something that should wake up more people.
Olaf Scholz, the future chancellor of Germany and successor of Angela Merkel, was quoted as being against mandatory vaccination before the election in September. Now he's done a 180° turn and is all for it, with political commentators expecting that it is only a matter of time before it gets legalized.
That the Corona measures/lockdown/vaccines are "not in any way contrary to German basic law", as ruled by the German high court today(which, as expected, utterly failed in objecting to any of the totalitarian measures, just like the "Ethikrat"(Ethical Council) gives the thumbs up for anything the government wants, was the final legislative barrier they had to overcome to go full Orwellian.

You can already see in the comment sections of these German videos that people fully expect this to head into civil war.
At this point, it should be clear that there are no choices. No matter who you vote for will align themselves with the globalist agenda and any institution your country has(such as ethical councils or high courts) prove to be no obstacle at all to their agenda.
The question is how they can so quickly transform all these people to follow the agenda without protest. I mean, it can't be that there are Men in Black knocking on all their doors before a decision is made. There must be some other very efficient way with which they can convince all of them. And it is probably not monetary in nature.
Starting in January Greece will impose a $114 (100 euros) monthly fine on unvaccinated people over 60. I would imagine most of those people in that age range are on some sort of limited income and this will cause problems for them. It would for me here in the States.

FWIW - Source :-)
Reliable sources have confirmed that Klaus Schwab and even attendees have been getting such threats of violence and death that he has postponed Davos in January for the first time, claiming it is due to the pandemic, which is not true. Schwab is, at last, starting to realize that there is a price to his academic theories. There has been an avalanche in Switzerland but it is death threats rather than snow. This sweeping wave of anger is erupting worldwide, and there is no way that security measures can be enacted to protect world leaders. Even the Swiss news outlet Südostschweiz has also reported about the violent threats. Both employees, as well as attendees, have also been targeted personally.
108 Millions tests in a country of 9 million citizens.

As I listened to the 🇩🇪 Investigative Corona Committee in Berlin No 80 yesterday (but made it so far only half way through the 6 hour session).

I picked up a detail about Austria.

Apparently, their testing has accelerated to absolutely insane levels: We are talking about 108 Million tests in a country of 9 million people, e.g. 500.000 tests daily (which excludes many unregistered tests) - while at the same time, the covid listed deaths in the 4 waves this far, the latest 4th wave, barely registers any deaths in Austria.

The contrast between testing vs few covid deaths in Austria right now, couldn't be any larger - showing that the whole decision of the Austrian Government to scare the people with mandatory "vaccinations" from Feb 2022 and onwards, and of course the now present lockdown for all - is solely based on the absurd large amount of testing.

In order to even come close to 2% positive test results in total, you have to do beyond 100 million tests - in order to get the positive rate up that still low level (which gave the Gov the "reason" do to what they are doing). So, in reality, there is barely any presence of a Corona virus in Austria !

(However, it was also outlined that the mortality rate during the past months has increased worldwide, e.g. in most countries, with around 10-12%) showing the first signs of that something is seriously wrong).


I must say, that the latest session No 80 at the Investigative Corona Committee in Berlin was extremely interesting, mainly/especially for anyone who speaks the german language, getting into the finer details of what is going on in Germany and Austria.

Nothing is totally new for us here at the forum of course - but the No 80 session is a great collection of updates, details and repetitions outlining the bigger picture. It did at times feel quite heavy as well chocking again; with how CHEAP the tricks really are the governments and authorities are using to brainwash the mind of citizens (which wouldn't be possible without the Media being criminal through their false and single sided reporting)

The hospitals (including the investments firms which stand behind them) are participating in (basically) criminal activities; both of economically nature as well in terms of killing people (for the benefit of money). Very sinister when you are listening to it...

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg is truly fascinating; his vast knowledge really contributes to a deeper understanding of what is going on behind the Plandemic; both from a healthcare-, medical- as well political perspective due to his rich background, not just as a doctor, but also having been in the political arena (German Parliament & Council of Europe), and he knows a lot of how things work within the healthcare system in Germany).
FWIW - Source :-)

Reliable sources have confirmed that Klaus Schwab and even attendees have been getting such threats of violence and death that he has postponed Davos in January for the first time, claiming it is due to the pandemic, which is not true. Schwab is, at last, starting to realize that there is a price to his academic theories. There has been an avalanche in Switzerland but it is death threats rather than snow. This sweeping wave of anger is erupting worldwide, and there is no way that security measures can be enacted to protect world leaders. Even the Swiss news outlet Südostschweiz has also reported about the violent threats. Both employees, as well as attendees, have also been targeted personally.

:lol::lol: Geee, what did Klaus Schwab expect (and Bill Gates for that matter); Roses, applause and chocolate fountains ?!?!

As they push evil beyond anything else on a global scale, which starts to blur out the boundaries between our time and that of WW2 - well hey, they just may find themselves walking on thorns. And see how that feels for a change.

So be it.

Or let's put it this way, dear Klausi 'Schwabbel' (Wobble) Schatzy: What comes around - goes around, honey.
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That's puzzling

I have often wondered about the popular tales that Swedes would implant chips under their skins (You can more often read about it in abroad media, especially in alternative media, but not really in Sweden) Or the reports of so called "chip parties", gatherings where people implant them. I have never met anyone, never heard of anyone, not even heard from others who know anyone who has done it. The claim that it would be "increasingly popular".... i consider to be BULL.

The latest push, is nothing else than artificially created propaganda, trying to put the idea of (low tech) chips under the skin in people being useful, or making them wanting to do it. Well, 'Aftonbladet' (as well 'Expressen') are boulevard gossip low-level newspapers, similar to what 'TheSun' is in UK. "The blood runs down the pages when you open them". (Albeit people are reading it, though).

Edit: I do remember around 10 (?) years ago there was a promotion article about (or from?) the Swedish Railway SJ, which claimed that thousands of their customers had themselves inject with microchips for their train tickets.
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