The channel had another video:
Covid Test für Kinder.. WAS IST DA DRAUF/DRINN ?? Untersuchungen zeigen erschreckendes !!! In English it means: "Covid test for children .. WHAT'S ON IT / INSIDE? Investigations show terrible things!" A German couple had sent sample Covid test sticks for testing in Switzerland. The sticks were of the kind that children are asked to put into their nose to check if their Covid health allows them to go to school. The test came back and showed the presence/traces of two compounds that are poisonous.

From my point of view, that is not surprising, since they should be sterile, but are the traces necessary? Or could they be reduced? We are surrounded by chemical all around us. Laura speaks about it in the intro video to EE. If one looks up the ingredients of household cleaning chemicals, cosmetics, paints, glues, plastics, garden sprays, additives, household insecticides, car fuels, as done next with the two traces compounds in the nose probe sticks, then one might end up being surprised.

What the German couple will work to find out is, if it is safe for children to do the tests daily, for a long time, as is happening now, considering the presence of the following two compounds, ethylene oxide and 2-chloroethanol:

Ethylene oxide
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The small print says:

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Earlier this year, I reported discomfort lasting for some time after being subjected to a Covid nose probe testing in Zürich airport. Eventually I attributed it to a disturbed nerve and symptomatic of latent tension in my right side, but was it caused not only by the mechanical contact, but also by traces of chemicals? One has to be prepared for quite a lot these days.

Coming back to the children who need to test daily to go to school, one could show them how to do the stick test with the least contact and discomfort, just enough to pass. I'm not sure, I would scare them with the presence of the chemical traces. What good would come out of it?
Because of these chemical components on test sticks and also because of the "morgelons" strange kind of parasitical forms, who look just like a piece of somekind of fiber and then become apparently "alive", when they come in contact with body temperature, whole hell broke loose in SLO and they started to post this video from wistlerblower nurse Vera Kanalec, published first time on Slowenian channels allready in June 2021, which than made international scandal, although this story about three different typs of vaccine vials was just a very small piece of the covid agenda puzzle, she exposed.
The President of the Czech Republic, Milos Zeman
has appointed the republic's new prime minister Petr Fiala on Sunday


The president is shown sitting in a plastic cage due to being tested positive for COVID-19.

Die Presse reports that Zeman is vaccinated having received three shots.
He's being treated with antibodies.
The President of the Czech Republic, Milos Zeman
has appointed the republic's new prime minister Petr Fiala on Sunday


The president is shown sitting in a plastic cage due to being tested positive for COVID-19.

Die Presse reports that Zeman is vaccinated having received three shots.
He's being treated with antibodies.
The universe is made of protons, eletrons, neutrons and morrons 🤦‍♀️
Omicron was actually planned for may 2022. Nothing is being kept secret with new technologies anymore and everything is going officially and is verifiable, you just have to be able to read, surch for sources, connect with "outlaws", check out on their informations for yourself and connect the dots into lines.
Just guessing, why they rushed this new BS, is their house of cards shaking too much, because of the mistake, they made with giving broad masses free internet access and of course, C's legendary "wishfull thinking" effect?


  • Screenshot_20211129-215253_Telegram.jpg
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This is a clip from the Bloomberg New Economy Forum, that was held November 11-17.
Bill Gates attended remotely, from the looks of it.
It’s linked to telegram, sorry about that. I copied it, but our forum doesn’t load mp3 files.

At the onset of his report, He fumbles some very significant words, such as “test” Trust” “case” and as he talks,he seems to be having spasms in his throat, choking on his words, and his facial grimaces are epic when he starts describing how the world views him!
Yeah, I think they are realizing they have a problem.
Best reaffirming clip I have seen yet, in my opinion.
Working towards an international Corona Trial by the end of this year

I listened to a half hour interview (in english) between Swedish Ulf Bittner and Lawyer Reiner Füllmich from the Investigative Corona Committee in Berlin. Among other things mentioned, was that he is working on collecting a group international lawyers in order to start an international Corona Trial - albeit they do not yet know what name will be used.

That was to my knowledge the fist time he really expressed that such an international trial is being created. It will not exactly be like a Nuremberg trial because the war is not over yet. But his hope is that millions of people around the world will listen / take part of that future Corona Trial.

Wow :wow:

The Berlin Investigative Corona Committee’s frontmost duty was, is and will be - to collect as much evidence as possible, through the many interviews with expert witnesses in order to penetrate the underpinnings of this Corona fraud pandemic. The collected material is a rich source readily available to lawyers around the world to take part of - in order to form their own lawsuits etc. And it will be a rich source of evidence for a future International Corona Trial, of course.
I just can't believe, how much they are pushing right now. It must be terrible fear or really complete psychopatic arogance, since they for shore have seen the photos and videos from all around the world, how quick masses are opening eyes on their agenda and vaccineted people in hundreds burn they green pass on protests in Rome, as a sign of solidarity with unvaxed. This ... Fauci is pushing now, to declare all, who has not recieved two jabs + booster unvaxxed

Delta, Omicron and Omega walk into a bar.

Delta: Guys, when do we retire? The vaxx is doing all the work!
Omicron: Are you crazy? South Africa just gave me a blank cheque!
Omega: Delta, try to make a deal with the vaxx.
Delta: A deal? Like... the vaxx takes the heart, I take the brain?
Omega: Simpler. Merge with the vaxx!
Delta: Omega, if you knew how horrible the vaxx is, you wouldn't have said that!
Omicron: Delta, just stay away from the vaxx's spiky bodyguards.
Delta: That's not so simple. They are everywhere!
Omicron: Imagine you were James Bond. What would you do?
Delta: Retire.
Omicron: But seriously, what would you do?
Delta: Camouflage.
Omicron: How?
Delta: I don't know... I would buy a metallic tuxedo and say cheese for the microscope!
Omega: Well, Delta, I hope you find a way, because if you don't, I will be jobless.
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