I think, I will just lay down and give up.
It is way too early. I hope you feel better now, though I admit the video was sad and the deleted video disturbing, because while you found your second link, I also found the video reposted here:
LaTika "DieFrontNews "
I was watching this video from dr. Andreas Noack on friday, he was doctor of chemistry and he was specialist in development of new materials, he specialized him for carbon. He was talking in this video about watching research work from Profesor dr. Pablo Campra, from University of Almeira in Spain, with micro frame spectroskopy, examination of material on vibrational bands, were he found graphene oxide in vaccines.
Below I have tried to revisit graphene oxide, its properties, applications, and what could be done to eliminate it.
Regarding the structure of graphene oxide, I was told about the following article, where one finds this illustration:
Graphene and graphene oxide as nanomaterials for medicine and biology application June 2018 DOI:
10.1007/s40097-018-0265-6 It shows graphene, graphene oxide and reduced graphene and their applications:

Among the above terms,
ligands in biochemistry are explained in the Wiki as
biochemistry and
pharmacology, a
ligand is a
substance that forms a
complex with a
biomolecule to serve a biological purpose. The etymology stems from
ligare, which means 'to bind'. In protein-ligand binding, the ligand is usually a molecule which produces a
signal by
binding to a
site on a target
protein. The binding typically results in a change of
conformational isomerism (conformation) of the target protein. In DNA-ligand binding studies, the ligand can be a small molecule, ion,
[1] or protein
[2] which binds to the
DNA double helix. The relationship between ligand and binding partner is a function of charge, hydrophobicity, and molecular structure. The instance of binding occurs over an infinitesimal range of time and space, so the
rate constant is usually a very small number.
Binding occurs by
intermolecular forces, such as
ionic bonds,
hydrogen bonds and
Van der Waals forces. The association or
docking is actually reversible through dissociation. Measurably irreversible
covalent bonding between a ligand and target molecule is atypical in biological systems.
It is encouraging that the likelihood of irreversible covalent bonding is small. It gives hope some changes could change back to what they were. The paper has an illustration showing the application of the graphene compounds:

Andreas Noack explains Graphene Oxide (GO) as a razor. If that is so, why would people still react differently, are all GO compounds equally bad for the body, how long do GO impurities remain in the body, have they had problems with the different applications above, and what are the chances of detoxing from the influence of GO? Andreas Noack views the presence of GO in the vaccine from his perspective, but GO would also interact with other ingredients and the immune system of the body.
This video might indicate how the immune system could react. In
Graphene Oxide Interactions with Innate Immune Cells..., one slide shows how the body may remove GO through the work of the neutrophils that in this example extends a net to capture a GO particle:

There may be more ways of eliminating the different varieties of graphene compounds, and especially aid the digestion of it. On this page,
HOW TO REMOVE GRAPHENE OXIDE FROM THE BODY, they suggest that glutathione can help, and
La Quinta Columa informs on more antioxidants that degrade graphene oxide including N-acetylcysteine, vitamin D, Milk Thistle, Melatonin, Zinc, and Quercetin. He also lists Astaxanthin, it is mentioned only once or twice in the protocol
thread, but in many posts elsewhere on the forum.
About the fluorescent properties of graphene oxide
Less connected to the previous, but in the course of writing the post, I went back in the thread and watched:
Pfizer Whistleblower Melissa McAtee on Vaccine Glowing And What Happened When She Confronted Management They mention the fluorescent properties of the Pfizer/BioTek vaccine. If GO is a suspect, there should be some papers, and there are. In
Exploring the Origin of Blue and Ultraviolet Fluorescence in Graphene Oxide, Daichi Kozawa, Yuhei Miyauchi, Shinichiro Mouri, and Kazunari Matsuda.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
2013 4 (12), 2035-2040
DOI: 10.1021/jz400930f one finds:
We studied the fluorescence (FL) properties of highly exfoliated graphene oxide (GO) in aqueous solution using continuous-wave and time-resolved FL spectroscopy. The FL spectra of highly exfoliated GO showed two distinct peaks at ∼440 (blue) and ∼300 nm [ultraviolet (UV)]. The FL of GO in the UV region at ∼300 nm was observed for the first time.
I tried to match the color of the vials in the video with the 440 nm color. It is not too far away, but it is difficult to be sure. Another consideration is that there may be more than one fluorescent composite, even of GO. This study
Fluorescent graphene oxide composites synthesis and its biocompatibility study discusses that GO with Cadmium, (Cd), which give a green fluorescence. If there is more than one colors, they would blend, just as a low concentration could make a color appear more like a hue.