Exploring more ways to communicate about the state of the world
This past week I found a few books which together, like a collage, could present a thematic review of history and a scaffold from where some people, who have been semi-convinced of the public narrative, might dare to explore their own understanding of what takes place in the world, if they have the curiosity, will and the courage to do so.
Some titles below are in the local language, but similar titles can be found in other languages. The idea is not so much to tell people to read them, although they may, but rather to use them as references in a discussion of whether or not the world of politics functions differently from what we are expected to perceive. The titles I came across included:
1) 1969: Power game Denmark, (Magtspillet Danmark) by Hand Edvard Teglers, a former resistance fighter turned journalist and author. In the book, he explains the hidden sides of the different power groups and how they wield power over circumstances and politics. Much has changed over 50 years, but the overall dynamics although more international has parallels.
2) 1983-1984:
Mediaspeak, how television makes up your mind by Donna Woolfolk Cross, author of
Pope Joan: A Novel. Mediaspeak is an out of print book about that presents cases that document how people are influenced by what they watch on TV.
3) 1995:
The Medical Mafia How to get out of it alive and take back our health & wealth
Guylaine Lanctôt has 85 pages on the interests and ethical corruption in the pharmaceutical industry including chapters on vaccines, AIDS, cancer, and the approaches of Pasteur and Bechamp. Some of it might be written better today, but at least the idea is there that the pharmaceutical industry has interests of its own that go beyond looking out for the health of the patients.
4) 2007:
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi Klein. Translated into Danish, 2008. In this book, there are examples of how money is used as a mean to pressure certain policies and affect change that favor those who have the money and the power.
There was a fifth book, 2012, The life of another, DDR and Denmark (Den andens liv, DDR og Danmark) by Kirsten Jacobsen. It includes stories that show how the surveillance system of the DDR worked, and what it was like to live in a state with totalitarian characteristics. Though many people simply can't accept the merest suggestion of a comparison with Western Democracy ano 2021, many would concede parallels are not as far away, as they used to be. Not only are the control measures more open, but through and from our smartphones and computers more data can be collected than Stasi could ever dream of.
The purpose of exploring different approaches to view what is happening is that I would like to be able to say something that is true, that matches what a person is asking for in a language and manner the person can relate to, and which also invites the person to reflect if it is meaningful and possible. After all, if a person is not willing to think, then even the truth would become an improved version of the previous program.
Allusions to counter illusion and delusion?
Perhaps indirect approaches do not appear to be very rewarding, or to the point, but who knows?. About allusion there is:
Session Date: January 30th 2021 Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, Gaby, Scottie, Niall, Princess Leia Q: (L) Today is January 30th, 2021. We have the usual suspects. [Review of those present] A: Hello children of Cassiopaea. Honorreiae here tonight. Q...
(Chu) Well, we do have French SOTT and they do bash...
A: Tone things a bit and use allusions more.
And about illusion and delusion:
Session Date: August 14th 2016 Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board Pierre, Joe, Chu, Possibility of Being, Arky, Data, Scottie, Niall, Noko the Wonderdog Q: (L) This is Sunday, the 14th of August 2016. The usual crew is here. Here we are, and we say hello. A: Jemxmakanbnz of...
A: Realizing one's blindness and ignorance can be shattering but with the breaking of the shell of illusion and delusion, one can be born into the light!
Q: (L) I noticed you used the words "illusion" and "delusion". What's the difference between an illusion and a delusion, aside from our normal dictionary definitions?
A: Illusion is mostly self-generated; delusion is mostly induced from without.
Might the use of historical allusions help some people to free themselves fom illusions and delusions? One could try. It is not all hopeless, every year new people are born and teenagers turn into adults. Programming may be complete, but it does not work equally well for all. There are holes in the fence.