This psychological component of those who have fallen under the spell of the Covid Lords keeps on fascinating me. Especially with respect to the 'vaccines' it's like they believe the equivalent of "snow is black", which was one of the things mentioned in this Breaking the Spell article up on Sott and which has been on my mind for days now. The narratives have long been fueled by fine-tuned techniques like NLP, Nudging etc. and trance-inducing public messaging incantations, which work so well on those who consider themselves good empathetic citizens, a category people around me undoubtedly belong to. The author says that 'to break the spell these people are under, rather than simply exposing the falsehood of one given body of information, we should identify the frames so people can consciously decide whether they are happy with or agree with the given choice of frame. We should ask others if they agree with the frames, or ask them how they feel about subtly different alternative frames which may have vastly different implications.' However, that would imply that these people are open to receiving such information and have begun some sort of waking up process. As James Lindsay noted in this Sott article, 'many normal people will fail to realize the pseudo-reality is false because they cannot see outside of the frame of normality that they charitably extend to all people, whether normal or not.'

I guess we'll have to wait till they are done with it all and ready to step out of their chosen frame. Yesterday i played a round of golf with a group of 20 people, all Europeans and 1 Canadian who have retired here in Portugal. All are boostered up, 3 suffering serious consequences and 2 on the brink of death, but that's nothing to do with the injections of course. After our round we had a get-together and, upon my mentioning that Ireland and the UK released all covid rules and that Czech Republic is scrapping the mandatory jabs, they produced vacant looks in their eyes and said that they 'believe in the vaccines', these are 'safe and effective' for everyone, also for kids, and that's that and politicians are just naturally doing what they always do and we just let it go because there is nothing we can do about that anyway. One even said that all unvaccinated will die! Yes, they mind only themselves and their little pleasures in life and as long as there is no real interference with that, they simply couldn't care less.

With respect to exposing the falsehood of one body of information, i.e. 'vaccines are safe and effective', there is this article citing over 1,000 studies that prove Covid vaccines are dangerous! They were not ready to hear anything about such studies, and so naturally i didn't mention it. Hopefully one day they are ready to start asking some questions.
This psychological component of those who have fallen under the spell of the Covid Lords keeps on fascinating me. Especially with respect to the 'vaccines' it's like they believe the equivalent of "snow is black", which was one of the things mentioned in this Breaking the Spell article up on Sott and which has been on my mind for days now. The narratives have long been fueled by fine-tuned techniques like NLP, Nudging etc. and trance-inducing public messaging incantations, which work so well on those who consider themselves good empathetic citizens, a category people around me undoubtedly belong to. The author says that 'to break the spell these people are under, rather than simply exposing the falsehood of one given body of information, we should identify the frames so people can consciously decide whether they are happy with or agree with the given choice of frame. We should ask others if they agree with the frames, or ask them how they feel about subtly different alternative frames which may have vastly different implications.' However, that would imply that these people are open to receiving such information and have begun some sort of waking up process. As James Lindsay noted in this Sott article, 'many normal people will fail to realize the pseudo-reality is false because they cannot see outside of the frame of normality that they charitably extend to all people, whether normal or not.'

I guess we'll have to wait till they are done with it all and ready to step out of their chosen frame. Yesterday i played a round of golf with a group of 20 people, all Europeans and 1 Canadian who have retired here in Portugal. All are boostered up, 3 suffering serious consequences and 2 on the brink of death, but that's nothing to do with the injections of course. After our round we had a get-together and, upon my mentioning that Ireland and the UK released all covid rules and that Czech Republic is scrapping the mandatory jabs, they produced vacant looks in their eyes and said that they 'believe in the vaccines', these are 'safe and effective' for everyone, also for kids, and that's that and politicians are just naturally doing what they always do and we just let it go because there is nothing we can do about that anyway. One even said that all unvaccinated will die! Yes, they mind only themselves and their little pleasures in life and as long as there is no real interference with that, they simply couldn't care less.

With respect to exposing the falsehood of one body of information, i.e. 'vaccines are safe and effective', there is this article citing over 1,000 studies that prove Covid vaccines are dangerous! They were not ready to hear anything about such studies, and so naturally i didn't mention it. Hopefully one day they are ready to start asking some questions.
This is where my evil side tends to kick in, in real life. Rather than offer opposition to such people (i.e. those who show they are so pro-vax to the extent they take pleasure in the notion of unjabbed people being incarcerated) I whole heartedly offer support and encouragement to load up on even more vaccine shots. I would mention in March / April the Omicron specific shots are coming out and hopefully the politicians will make those available as soon as possible. I wouldn't want to stand in the way of those who are so committed to certain paths - it's usually safer to just get out their way.

Likewise I wouldn't mind if pro-vaxxers just got out of our way and let us be. Surely in their eyes we're committing suicide by not taking the jabs? Yes? Then sit back and let us be - watch in glee if you must but please, just step aside and let us be.
I find it very interesting that the few people I've noticed that speak with moral fortitude against Con-19 Circus happen to come from the Balkans. This gentleman is as direct as can be. He balsts Macron straight into his face.
I suspect that many politicians in this region have not forgotten how the West (US, Britain and Germany) destroyed Yugoslavia using "democratically bombing" NATO and other subversive methods.

However, that would imply that these people are open to receiving such information and have begun some sort of waking up process. As James Lindsay noted in this Sott article, 'many normal people will fail to realize the pseudo-reality is false because they cannot see outside of the frame of normality that they charitably extend to all people, whether normal or not.'
I think that this short 2 min video nicely address what you say above.
This psychological component of those who have fallen under the spell of the Covid Lords keeps on fascinating me.

IMO Much of the population that has fallen under this spell has had a relatively peaceful life. Of course there are groups that have had other circumstances in their lives and fall under what you have described as well as in sott's article.

But my point is that these people, for the most part in their lives, have never really hit bottom, or if they did they immediately anesthetized themselves to the gaze of the abyss.

I believe that much of the awakening is related to how in the face of all the pain in the world, the suffering, you decide to go to the root of the matter and look for the origin of so much misery. When you do so, that is when the light that cures all blindness begins to arrive little by little.

So for better or for worse, all these people are going to receive a gigantic pressure and a gigantic beating from reality as part of the lesson that for years (or lifetimes) they have avoided.

The complication I see is that this drags others along even if they have already learned the lesson, for the sum total of the group's choice... unless as the bible says: that the days will be shortened because of the righteous.
Re: Adele's cancelled Las Vegas shows; what i think is actually noteworthy is that to attend her show one had to prove that they were vaccinated, and i believe she mentions in the apology video that all of her team were vaccinated, but now she's had to cancel her show partly because her vaccinated team... contracted coronavirus:

From the Daily Mail:

Lol, shows how out of touch I am with celebrity culture. That video was doing the rounds on Telegram and I didn't know who the lady was. So this is the famous Adele? Interesting...

Such a shame... got a good voice, can sing quite well... but sadly has firmly planted herself on the other side of the fence - the side that encourages legalised segregation.

Another one to add to my lifetime ban list. Can join foo fighters on there - did love foo fighters too 🥺... now can't listen to any of their songs. 😭😭
From SOTT this morning:

Comment: There is clearly a coordinated international move to end (or at least significantly ease) Covid restrictions and mandates. It seems highly unlikely that this has anything to do with "the resistance" the Truth winning out, however. One can only assume that this somehow fits within the larger plan of the PTB. We're just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

So by way of a guessing game to pass the time in between...


"We do not need the celestial threat to disguise Cold War intentions;
rather we need the Cold War to disguise celestial intentions!"

Victor Clube

Preparatory ingredients:
  • The build-up of extreme posturing and tensions between Russia and NATO over expansion/ Ukraine is at a greater level of intent on both sides than before. Impression of both sides meaning business is being kept at a high level. It must have an endgame purpose in the short term. It’s not just more of the same for it is at a higher level of superficial risk factor and therefore we may consider the possibility that both sides are in tacit agreement to play this game to the highest stakes without any intention of either going live. The big noise is the purpose or the cover.
  • The EU wide supply chain/cyber-attack war game now underway states as an intended threat to be faced: a gradual escalation toward a major crisis that culminates in an attack that could qualify as an armed aggression under the United Nations Charter
  • The appearance on Netflix at Christmas of a big budget catastrophe narrative by way of DON’T LOOK UP. The widely disseminated message being that something huge by way of an environmental threat outside of our control, even if imminent, will be impossible to stop because of human foolery/cognitive dissonance.
  • The none too subtle increase throughout 2020-21 of public talk about UFOs being real. There’s something out there you know...!
  • A population that have shown they are willing to believe any narrative and act in line with whatever the PTB tell them and instruct.
Therefore: Something wicked this way comes?

They know it and are trying to create a cover story that will explain it as ‘an attack’, an ‘act of war’, or an act by ‘aliens’, and they are planning on using the cold war narrative to help disguise celestial intentions. Such a massive shift of narrative shock-and-awe requires a semi-clean slate to work from, so an immediate apparent and sudden end to operation covid achieves that and places population in a state of confused relaxation in preparation. By temporarily lowering the fear factor, they create a psychological vacuum and room within which to raise it even more dramatically.

  • A staged worldwide cyber-attack that decimates already fragile supply chains thus commencing the controlled demolition of the financial system, leading to a reconfiguration of access to a reduced internet and a massive roll out of digital identification and social credit control grid.
  • The release of an truly deadly pathogen such as small pox, Ebola or Marburg as cover for impending black-plague and large scale vaccine deaths.
Whatever it will be, I somehow suspect team Covid, having come up with a short term solution to the real problem back in 2019 - the imminent and unstoppable collapse of the financial system as witnessed by Blackrock's imposition of Going Direct and the repo market disaster of Sept 2019 - may have to take a back seat now to the real PTB. They kindly delivered a shell-shocked population plus 2 years cover story to prepare in behind the scenes - but I somehow think we're about to see the real heavy weights take over going forward.

Any other guesses folks?
IMO Much of the population that has fallen under this spell has had a relatively peaceful life. Of course there are groups that have had other circumstances in their lives and fall under what you have described as well as in sott's article.

But my point is that these people, for the most part in their lives, have never really hit bottom, or if they did they immediately anesthetized themselves to the gaze of the abyss.

I believe that much of the awakening is related to how in the face of all the pain in the world, the suffering, you decide to go to the root of the matter and look for the origin of so much misery. When you do so, that is when the light that cures all blindness begins to arrive little by little.

So for better or for worse, all these people are going to receive a gigantic pressure and a gigantic beating from reality as part of the lesson that for years (or lifetimes) they have avoided.

The complication I see is that this drags others along even if they have already learned the lesson, for the sum total of the group's choice... unless as the bible says: that the days will be shortened because of the righteous.
....all I can say is (at least here in the UK) people with other underlying issues that make them think they are vulnerable have been absolutely terrified by the covid propaganda that most still continue to shelter to this day. A good chunk of these people have already had a great deal of suffering in life due to health. So there must be other components that lead to people being hypnotised.

Looking at my own individual case, I'll be honest, at the beginning of the pandemic (Jan 2020 to April 2020) I was hypnotised by the spectre of the pandemic and thought this will be the "big one". I recall at that time there were people in the forum who never got hypnotised at all and thought it was all just hysteria. I never figured out how they knew this / could have known this given it was such a novel situation (lockdown in China, images of people collapsing on streets, images coming out of Italy etc). Even Peak prosperity (YouTube channel) at that time was like, best to be cautious and was ahead of governments etc with encouraging masks. I remember initially Boris saying we would not lockdown and go for herd immunity and thinking he was condemning the country 😳.

So what led to the change?

  • @Aeneas in a throwaway comment to me (based on the many arguments I was having at that point against the "this is just a flu" crowd) said I didn't realise this was all going to lead to mandated vaccines. This jolted me slightly as I didn't really connect vaccines to this - I didn't think much about vaccines back then.
  • Bill Gates then gave an interview on the TED channel giving his thoughts on the pandemic and he touted mRNA jabs. It's the "mRNA" bit that sent a shockwave - immediately went like, "wait, what?"

From then on and once covid gripped the west and it started being known that the fatality rate was low plus as the vaccine push started getting strong then it all became like, okay, there are other agendas here.

To be honest, googling the history of Moderna, seeing the connections with DARPA and listening to their CEO (who has all the hallmarks of a snake in a suit) was enough to know nothing good will come from mRNA jabs. Also I noticed that Scott Gotlieb was such a two-faced idiot - in those days he was like a "sane voice" in the mainstream but little did I know his company Pfizer were like in prime position to release the mRNA jab. I was like, wait.. this guy never mentioned this in any of the interviews he was giving and he's part of the Board of Directors. What a two-faced liar.

The thing that ultimately cracked the dam for me was the credibility of the key figures in the mainstream plus the credibility of the companies involved. As soon as these people started portraying themselves as "caring" for us, the gig was up.. that's the hand tyrants always play just before they start taking away your freedoms. The whole liability protection thing was another solid nail to the coffin of credibility.

In the end I think it all comes down to "trust". How do you build it and how do you destroy it. What the elites do wrong is they try and "force" trust and that is precisely what you don't do if you want to build trust. The other thing is you don't protect and prioritise private companies over the welfare of citizens or consumers. Companies should always be accountable. The other thing again is they shouldn't force "products" upon people. All these just erode trust. On top of all these, you also need a product that works and isn't toxic... censoring information doesn't make your product any less toxic. And here is the rub... they never meant to give us a product that isn't toxic because they are evil psychopathic idiots hell-bent on maximising suffering on a planetary scale.
  • A staged worldwide cyber-attack that decimates already fragile supply chains thus commencing the controlled demolition of the financial system, leading to a reconfiguration of access to a reduced internet and a massive roll out of digital identification and social credit control grid.
  • The release of an truly deadly pathogen such as small pox, Ebola or Marburg as cover for impending black-plague and large scale vaccine deaths.
Whatever it will be, I somehow suspect team Covid, having come up with a short term solution to the real problem back in 2019 - the imminent and unstoppable collapse of the financial system as witnessed by Blackrock's imposition of Going Direct and the repo market disaster of Sept 2019 - may have to take a back seat now to the real PTB. They kindly delivered a shell-shocked population plus 2 years cover story to prepare in behind the scenes - but I somehow think we're about to see the real heavy weights take over going forward.

Any other guesses folks?

I think the other shoe could refer to the financial system/economy crashing. The past 2 years, atleast in the Netherlands a lot of small to medium companies/shop have been relying on ''loans'' from the government to keep them afloat, now.. the money that they recieved has never been for free. So companies that had 0 debt before the pandamic are now in debt to the government.

House prices have increased beyond belief, inflation is increasing at a rapid rate, debt is increasing and this will only get worse with the supply chain falling apart world wide.

So here is my theory;

The housing market will collapse, inflation will reach such heights average people can barely keep themselves alive, supply chains collapsing much faster then thought, lots of small to medium companies will be forced to apply for bankruptcy. The stock market/cryptomarkets will take huge hits in the range of losing 80-90% of their values increasing worldwide panic.

Then there will come a point the government will provide a ''solution'' to ''save'' all of us, what that solution might be or could be I have no idea, some talk about one single currency, or maybe something else, but the point being is that they are expecting all of it to go according to their plans but then so much chaos will ensue beyond their control that revolutions might engulf countries worldwide on a scale never seen before.

No to mention that the Omicron variant already put a major obstacle in their covid restriction plans, probally even added some infighting among the controlling elite on how too proceed, because its obvious their desperation/greed is becoming deeper and deeper until they become a black hole and collapse unto themselves.

Atleast those are my thougths, until mother nature decides to intervene big time somewhere along those lines.
Any other guesses folks?
I‘m with you Michael B-C.

I’m in process of translating this article Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls -- and just
yesterday I commented in Hr Sott chat that when you compare all these accounts from Consules reports, it matches 1:1 to todays situation, right down to mutated animals, unusual animals seen miles from their habitats, lightning strikes, natural disasters - just name it.
And not that we are throwing virgins in the volcanos, but when you look how many people are sacrificed on the oltar of the Science, you may well call that Human Sacrifice to Please the Gods (La Carre thread also pops to my mind, as this massive sacrifices orchestrated by psychopathic families?).

So yeah, as Laura said; Something Wicked this Way comes and humanity is deaf and blind.

From what you stated, unfortunately my view of the situation is cometary encounters mixed with the real pandemic.
We’ve joked on Reading Workshop who will be blamed for i.e. distruction a la comet Biela Chicago fire; since there are no cows in the city, it will probably be unvaxxed to blame 😅

Anyway, thanks for this summary and to bringing it up.
I found this short clip on bit chute (Cypher) but I don't know how to link it:


Anyhow, it shows a white tic-tac type shape in the clouds which does drop toward the ocean quite fast and almost immediately the big eruption happens. It seems a little odd that a satellite was right there to capture the whole eruption but then there are many of them up there so, who knows.
It may also be cgi but it's hard to say and to what end?
In your browser, there is an address field. When your video is open, click the field, adn the link should get selected, then right click and copy
I got this Tonga - Mysterious White Object?
If you want to create a hyperlink under the title:
You then select the title with the cursor,
Then you go to the two key links in the posting menu and click.
When the pop-up opens, you paste the link in the top field where it says URL and click Insert, then you get:
Is the story valid? So far it seems not to be confirmed. It has been mentioned in this post:
So for better or for worse, all these people are going to receive a gigantic pressure and a gigantic beating from reality as part of the lesson that for years (or lifetimes) they have avoided.
Seeing the rigidity and closed-mindedness in fanatic Branch Covidian Cult followers for two years now, how they are convinced and what horrible shock reality will give them as a wake up call, when this 'Con-19 Bubble' bursts and just reading what you wrote made me think that maybe this will be the Soul Smashing that Keit so aptly foresaw like a modern day Nostradamus.
Since we are speculating….

Our work here is done…lets run.

From here on out, it’s going to get messy. Let’s just say, madness, bloody madness. Maybe, it’s time for them to run to ground. Literally go to the underground cities. The sickness and disease dumpster has been set on fire and rolled into the herd. Economic crash set to go off at any moment and that dumpster also set on fire and rolled into the heard. All human experiment data collected. The third string PTB have all been marked and ready to be sacrificed, so they don’t come looking for us? Are the natural cataclysms close enough? Already starting! OK, let go. This only has one out come and we’ll come up in a few years with the new race and start the cleanup.

I don’t think much more needs to be done. The outcome is pretty much set (in their minds anyway) and distancing themselves may be the best choice at this time.

I do believe they will fail, or better said, be betrayed, but in the end, there will have been a great harvest, a re-setting of the earth-school, and history and karma will have triumphed again.

If they do ditch us, we could have a more level playing field, and the good news is totalitarianism will come to a close. Only to be replace with chaos or course, but in chaos sparks of courage, and creativity can be reborn, and who know where that can lead😊
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