Tagging devices coming soon! :-(

But they use our "smart" phones for that, currently. Soon it's going to be mandatory to have one, so they can track you... and control everything about you.
Mario Draghi, former Goldman Sachs banker, president of the ECB, member of the Rockefeller-funded Group of Thirty and current Prime Minister of Italy, has said, and I quote, 'the unvaccinated are not a part of our society'. He's suspended the pay of 500 000 unvaccinated people.

Apart from the profoundly despicable action of taking away people's ability to buy food and pay bills merely because they don't want the death shot, this is an extremely dangerous thing to say to half a million citizens just as the pandemic is ending.

Because I'm sure some of them are going to agree. I'm not part of Italian society? Great. I'll stop paying taxes, stop obeying laws, stop respecting societal conventions and anything else I can think of. Perhaps I'll start treating the government as the enemy it's revealed itself to be.
I don't want to increase noise and cannot verify if this manager guy is legit or not, but in the interview below, he talks that Blackrock will sacrifice Moderna, Pfizer, and others.
I've started following him on Twitter, and really like his market-based angle on the whole vaccination campaign. His chart is spot on:
Has anyone heard anything more about Freedom Airways? I have found their site but don't have $100 to join their lowest membership to find out how they are shaping up, if at all.


We are building an ecosystem of like-minded members, partners, and businesses to safeguard our rights to move around the world as a freedom traveler. Join our tribe today!

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hancellor Scholz left no room for doubt that he remains supportive of a general vaccine mandate as a key to getting the upper hand on COVID-19. He also said he was confident that German politicians — whom he "is taking at their word" — would pass legislation enabling a vaccine mandate by October.
What the article forgets to mention is that we still have the vaccine mandate for all health care professionals starting March,15th which does not only include nurses but also every person working in a health care institution such as cleaning staff, secretaries, staff in medical offices etc...but also firefighters, paramedics etc.... which will probably lead to a complete collapse of our medical system.
Unvaxxed people such as myself are in fear of losing their jobs with no clear information or guidance how this will all play out or what to do.
We bet on the chaos that will probably occur and try to ride it out.
As bad as this total Covid scamdemic has been and continues to be, it appears to be serving the purpose of awakening the peeps (slowly, ever so slowly). And as the PTB actions become more and more tyrannical, it's enabling the masks to fall off (and note the irony of that statement) - the officials are being exposed for the tyrants/psychopaths they are! Even as censored as the main social media networks are, there are still plenty of tweets/vids/articles exposing these criminal leaders and their minions. Their false illusion of legitimacy is being shredded.

What really annoys me in regards to the many, if not all, of the covid restrictions being dropped, is the reasoning is still based on outright lies! There is still no acknowledgement that Ivermectin is the best cure, that masks are 100% useless as is social distancing, and that the testing is fraudulent and producing a faux "case" illness. The vax is still being touted as not only the best solution, but the only solution! And even more and better vax are being concocted (already on the shelf actually) to save the day for the next wave of contrived illness be it a newer bioweaponized virus or merely actual adverse reactions to the vax already given. We're still being subjected to massive gaslighting and forced to live that reality - can I see a doctor or enter a hospital without wearing a mask, NO! And, as we're seeing, this covid-19 rollout was in itself a trial run in order to put into place all the measures needed - and compel compliance - for the next phases waiting in the wings to take us ultimately to the Great Reset goal of total control of depopulated humanity.

Certainly, paying attention right and left - adamantly following all the developments regarding this plandemic - subjects us to chronic stress as more and more terrible possibilities are seen developing. We feel the pain of those actively being abused and on the receiving end of violence inflicted by the PTB enforcers. That this will only escalate seems more and more likely. It's hard not to think that at some point, violent resistance will be the only recourse to keep total subjugation of humanity from happening. But then I think of the movie, The Wizard of Oz that the Cs mentioned as important. In the end, Dorothy did not directly kill the wicked witch of the west. No, she did so indirectly and unintentionally by throwing the water to put out the fire the witch had ignited on Scarecrow:

And so, I think this is how we win although I can't conceive of what that scenario will actually look like. Then there's also the ruby slippers that the Cs referenced as our having the power all along. Are we close to figuring that one out? As ever - wait and see!
In the Netherlands, they're going to let go of most of the Covid restrictions (see here), probably because elections are coming up. The 1G (only tested have access) will be used for mass events and festivals. Meanwhile, the govt is going to invest 29 million euros to further develop the Covid app, so it's pretty clear they're not going to let go of the app.

Sidenote: A bit late news, but the Dutch minister of health, Joker/Goblin-look-alike de Jonge, has been replaced by Voldemort-look-alike Kuipers. Just look at him (top image). He's just another sick person who's happy to lie and manipulate. Where do they find these creeps? Meanwhile, de Jonge, who knows nothing about housing, is now the minister of housing and spatial planning... 🤦‍♀️
Where do they find these creeps?
The same pit that spewed this one:


The Biden Administration recently hired a drag queen who has boasted about having sex with animals for a high-level position in the Department of Energy. Sam Brinton — who has “lectured” on kink at college campuses — was hired to serve as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy. Brinton’s hire was first reported by The National Pulse.​

I spoke too soon. In addition to marijuana & alcohol (which are relentlessly promoted), warm weather, cold weather, moving your clock ahead, high energy bills, tobacco, pandemic stress, covid itself, and other recently discovered heart-attack triggers, we have sport fandom, skipping breakfast, and diets that exclude gluten.

Really great commentary that begins with:



Yes, the Jaberooo Moments are happening more and more frequently! Remember the lady comic that fainted and fractured her skull? Vids are scrubbed from the internet as quickly and permanently as possible:
The PerpZ do not want the Sheeple to see the ever-increasing “Jaberoo Moments” …at least…not before they’ve all had their “Booooooooostersssss”.

Way more content at the link including this Twitter joke:

"It's so cold in Canada right now the bank accounts have frozen."
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