Thanks for sharing this, watching the video is kinda like being at a rally, nobody can f-bomb as good as David can, when he’s on point!
These creeps and perverts are going to keep the pressure on, that’s all psychopaths know.
I may not be doing much, but everyday I post a few memes, I have conversations and ask questions, then, in turn get asked questions, on occasion.
Maintaining a clear, focused consciousness, sending my signal to the cosmos, that, I do not, and will not accept the Lie.
Seems even Joe Mercola is joining the meme war now, as well.

View attachment 58766

A cosmic meme ❤️ I laughed my butt off !!! Definitely making my day :rotfl:

Speaking of Schwab's WEF ...

Switzerland is bringing out the big guns to protect the World Economical Forum meeting in Davos in something that must be a record military installation for the country during peace times.

Wild jumbo coturnix quail:
View attachment 58804
These birds are a no brainer for a cheap protein source. They will provide a high protein egg a day everyday. The meat is off the charts delicious and they can be raised almost anywhere even on an apartment veranda. They're heat and cold tolerate and will reward your efforts.
Didn't know that one quail, thank you for sharing !
I am not sure it is available in Europe though...
Didn't know that one quail, thank you for sharing !
I am not sure it is available in Europe though...
You haven't looked or maybe you have, they're raised everywhere. Do a search. Many of the vids on YouTube are Europeans doing just that. 20220521_120407.jpg females separated from males at 3 weeks. Egg laying begins in 6 weeks. 1 male per 4 females introduced at eight weeks. Wild jumbo Coturnix are full grown at 10 weeks, afterwards fertile egg collection for 7 days and then into incubation, new chicks arrive after 18 days. Then the process repeats. Just a note, most chickens take 6 months to start laying. Some take closer to a year.


Males at 3 weeks.

Coturnix quail have been raised in cages for a couple thousand years. They will not incubate or go broody so that part is your responsibility.
Just another option to mull over. Love you all.
Looks as though I'll be experiencing power outages sooner than you all. Phooey, bring it on I'm not caving to the bs of this world. Gotta give a thanks to you all and this forum for enabling me to be prepared to soldier on.

More Bad News on the Energy Front: Entergy Corp Shuts Down Nuclear Power Plant in Michigan

The Palisades plant covers 432 acres in western Covert Township, Van Buren County, Michigan, and generates around 800 megawatts of electricity, that’s enough to power 800,000 residences in Southwest Michigan. The facility employed around 600 employees.


🇬🇧 English • 50 min

Dr Naomi Wolf participated at the latest Corona Investigative Committee, No 104 "The Blue Flower"

She reports on many subjects and findings, among others about the Pfizer Injections, many little aspects interesting to listen to, even if some of the material she presents is already known / we have read about earlier here.

🔹 For example the invention of lipid nanoparticles was originally published in the Biotech industry creating lots of excitement among tech investors - but wasn't much published in the Medical journals, where it should belong to, revolving human medicine and health.

🔹 Lipid nanoparticles were originally only used for extreme diseases in rare cases. Today it is distributed globally into healthy people. Lipid nanoparticles cross the blood-brain barrier, and lots of harms are done by them.

🔹 Different Dosages - are very important and serious for the outcome of severe illness. Moderna is in essence the worst due to being 3 times as much active substances compared to as others. If people use Moderna, shall absolutely not take a second short or even a booster, due to the extrem amount of active, bio-reactive substances (creating a much higher outcome of severe illness). All this was known to the companies, but not communicated to the public. She also explains different dosages on children, being really bad, leading to many deaths, children dying in their sleep. Pfizer was fully aware of the Moderna lethal results, and may (or may not) have lead for Pfizer to use 30 micro gram, instead of 100 microgram.

[I have heard earlier, back in Jan 2021, with Dr Vanessa-Schmidt Krüger which I wrote about a long time ago, that Pfizer studies showed that there was no difference in "efficacy" between 10 vs 30 microgram - but Pfizer chose 30 micro gram dosis - which is illegal according to the EU law, when both amounts show the same efficacy, you must choose the lower dose]

🔹 "Pfizer injection is safe for pregnant woman" - this was only based on a Pfizer study with 44 french rats, which were followed for 42 days, without even letting the rat babies to be born). The 44 rats study was the solely basis for American entities such as CDC, FDA and ....... to state that the injections were "safe and effective for pregnant woman". The 44 rats study was conducted by people who were employees of Pfizer, and shareholders in Pfizer / BioNTech. Pregnant women were entirely excluded from the Pfizer trails.

🔹 Whistleblower database release report via Attorney Tom Renz: 2021 American female Soldiers, injected with the mRNA injections, showed a 8000 rise in fetal abnormalities representing a 80% increase above the baseline abnormalities, the latter based on the years before.

🔹 Averse Events Database: A Very high amount of spontaneous abortions, miss carriage, infant death, discoloration of breast milk. Babies get damage from vaccinated mom's breastmilk. No tests are officially made on vaccinated mothers breastmilk.

🔹 Spike proteins get excreted even in urine.

🔹 Coordinated attack on humanity: Dr Naomi Wolf states & agrees to that there is a coordinated attack on humanity. As at the same time the biolab tech companies, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and usual suspects, get high on creating lab made "breastmilk replacement", also coinciding with the shortage of baby formulae. It all interferes with one of the fundaments in humanity; women to be able to feed their children with their bodies - is attacked.

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg adds, that spike proteins get delivered/spread via exosomes - and therefore it is logical that it is spread to the baby.

🔹 Shedding: defined via contact, inhalation and skin contact, and sexual intercourse at the time of conception.

🔹 PFIZER / BIONTECH - owner structures: It was messaged in the US that BioNTech was a nice German company. Pfizer bought BioNTech. Naomi Wolf looked into the 2021 SCC files (but here she trails off, jumping into wondering where the vials where produced and shipped from). BioNTech is not a German company. Together with the associated Chinese company, they ship 1 billion doses a year. (Pfizer BioNTech injections are not given to the Chinese people according to Dr Naomi's latest knowning) In Jan 2020, when the vaccines already started to get manufactured, there were not even contracts present (which made their lawyers worried). She also states that through the 2021 SCC filing there ha been made a huge tech company transfer (BioNTech), but not to a Chinese owner or shareholder, but to China itself.

🔹 China makes no secret of that it wants to hold the World DNA Database and makes great strides to do that. It puts China into owning the solution revolving the "vaccines". Pfizer opened in 2009 three branches in China; Shanghai, Beijing and... Wuhan.

🔹 2021 SCC filings: One of the side effects of the Pfizer vaccine is that you can faint so hard, that you openly can collapse to the floor - but was of course not communicated via the FDA. Which coincidences with the manufacturing process of the Pfizer vaccines in China at the same. [Is that what we have seen in the videos back in Wuhan 2020 people being used as lab rats ?]. All were aware of those effect with the injections in Jan 2020; Pfizer, CDC, FDA

🔹 The death rate of the first Pfizer trial was 3.4% (or 3.7%) = around 1200 deaths out of 42000. (I read somewhere else that the total amount of adverse effects in that trial was 28.000 from mild to severe - but I am not totally sure if I really read that correctly as I can't find the article to re-read that number).

🔹 China created a while paper in which it projects that in 2030 the people will be so occupied with their failing health, that China will be a world leader, owning the World DNA database and owning the medial solutions.

🔹 PCR tests are in essence a global harvest of human DNA, and companies are sharing/selling that information (read China) There is a massive breach of all information about health etc in that regard. With the key to all of our DNA, and with all the associated and linked tech that has been implemented (vaccine passports, info etc) - is a global genetic imaging, creating the keys of total control over humanity.
Addition to the Corona Investigative Committee, No 104 with Dr Naomi Wolf

as Naomi Wolf went suddenly out of the interview because she had another one, Viviane Fischer, Reiner Füllmich and Dr Wolfgang Wodarg continued to discuss what Naomi Wolf earlier had presented to them.

Blood Donations of vaccinated to unvaccinated

One sentence struck me: It was was when Dr Wolfgang Wodarg mentioned that there is already evidence in existence, showing that when vaccinated people donate blood, that the cells already have integrated the artificial mRNA code into their DNA. And those cells via blood transfusion, can reactivate after a couple of weeks in the body, producing artificial spike proteins in the donor as well. That way it can spread into wider circles via DNA so to speak. This could affect any blood products made from vaccinated donor blood, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg adds.

Mind boggling. And evil.
Grand Jury - Session 7

- 2022-05-22 at 10.30.58.png

🇬🇧 English • 4h 23 min
🇩🇪 German • 4h 23 min


The Grand Jury - The Court of Public Opinion finally continued (after a several months break), with a new session called "Psychology & Propaganda". I can't say much about it, because I have not yet seen/listened to it (still listening to Corona Investigative Committee Session, No 104, as well 105).
In many ways! This monkey returns from the past, when the Aids big lie. Now he is here, again. And déjà vu also because he is capable to be everywhere, like his friend Covid19. He can multiply himself.

By the way, more than 20 years ago a Pakistani who had a small convenience store told me that the British had brought small pox in his country in blankets. I didn't believe him at the time and pretended to believe him. I thought he was crazy. And no, he wasn't.
Speaking of Schwab's WEF ...

Switzerland is bringing out the big guns to protect the World Economical Forum meeting in Davos in something that must be a record military installation for the country during peace times.
Rebel News is bringing out the "big guns" too. I think they just love a good story....

🔹 China created a while paper in which it projects that in 2030 the people will be so occupied with their failing health, that China will be a world leader, owning the World DNA database and owning the medial solutions.

🔹 PCR tests are in essence a global harvest of human DNA, and companies are sharing/selling that information (read China) There is a massive breach of all information about health etc in that regard. With the key to all of our DNA, and with all the associated and linked tech that has been implemented (vaccine passports, info etc) - is a global genetic imaging, creating the keys of total control over humanity.
The DNA harvest and hunt continues in Canada.

This announcement was briefly flashed across the news banner, wrote it down, and was reminded of it from your excellent post, @XPan!

Apparently there is still a “Fringe Minority” of rebellious Canadians who, for whatever reason, haven’t submitted to any swabs, tests, or injections.

Geez, I wonder why not? Bunch of losers, truckers and cowboys, missing out on all that free stuff, and medical attention?

I am sure the Liberal think tank in Ottawa has been taxing the one brain cell they share, to come up with a sure fire way to get those lil’ doggies rounded up.
Here are a few highlights from the pitch, and the link:

“The survey invitations and test kits will be administered during three waves, with wave 1 launched in early April, wave 2 in May, and wave 3 in June.”

“Across all ten provinces, 100,000 randomly selected Canadians aged 18 years and older will have received invitations from Statistics Canada to participate in the survey. Over the course of the first week of April, the first 33,000 selected Canadians will receive a kit in the mail. Among the items inside is a link to the online survey with questions related to their general health, any chronic symptoms and conditions, their COVID-19 history and related symptoms, vaccination status, interactions with the healthcare system and medication use.”

**So, it’s gonna be a “special” invitation only event. Just a little prick, a few drops of blood, and a survey.
I am sure those “rebels” will all feel so special, they’ll finally get with the program! :cool2:

“In addition to the invitations to complete the online survey, respondents will be provided with dried blood spot (DBS) test kits, with step-by-step instructions, to test for COVID-19 antibodies. These DBS tests will be used to estimate the number of Canadian adults who have infection-acquired and/or vaccine-induced antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). Respondents who choose to conduct the DBS test component will receive a personalized report of their results.”

**Ohhh, “personalized”....

“Canadians aged 18 years and over will be randomly selected from Canadian households to create a representative sample and ensure that the results are generalizable to the Canadian adult population. Individuals who do not receive an invitation to participate in the survey cannot volunteer for the study. “


Translated: Romper con la OMS y crear un universo médico paralelo

Break with the WHO and create a parallel medical universe​

That is the plan of a group of more than 17,000 doctors from different countries after verifying the corruption of the current health system and the inability of that international health entity. Dr. Ryan Cole, one of the physicians leading the initiative, looks at the worst mistakes made in the last two years and what to expect in the future.

I am noticing how (first the Russians who want to leave WHO and WTO) and now this, and with a text as literal as Parallel Universe, that we are indeed witnessing the splitting of realities...
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