The Living Force
Vitamin D3 Hormone
The vast benefits of it during the Corona Plandemic, and the black painting of it by authorities and media, with false studies and false arguments.
During the latest Corona Investigative Committee session • No 131 "Crime & Punishment" there was one interview with Priv.-Doz. Dr Michael Nehls, i felt was truly interesting.
Not just because it is always nice to get more repetition exercises regarding this outmost important Vitamin D3, but also because of the information behind why it was black painted with lies in the public space. (There were outlets who actually claimed for Corona, it was better to have a compromised immune system, rather than a healthy one)
There are some very interesting aspects coming up in this interview, explaining the situations with Vitamin D3 levels in the blood of people. For example, the majority of people (looking like 80-90% in the chart) in Germany, lack essential levels of vitamin D3 in their blood, which makes them are more susceptible to Covid, or any other respiratory infection. This would all be unecessary, if people had sufficient levels of Vitamin D3 in their blood around 125 nmol/liter = 63 nanogram/liter
Nasty Tricks played against Vitamin D3
One of the most startling aspects was how the medical establishment via "studies", made Vitamin D3 look as if it doesn't help at all for people who where compromised with medium to severe Covid.
The trick was, that they gave patients hyper large dosis of Vitamin D3 - and then declared that it was not effective. Well no of course not - because if you give non metabolized Vitamin D3 - it takes 1 week for the liver to transform it into [25(OH)D3 Vitamin-D-Pro Hormone] and then in the final stage being used for activating the immune system and fight against infections. (Actually the metabolization happens in two steps, first in the liver - which then is stored in the body's fat tissue - from which it is very quickly transformed and accessible as 1,25(OH)2D3 VitaminD-Hormone
When studies were performed by injecting people with the final, metabolized version of the Vitamin D3 hormone - the patients got immediately better after 1-1.5 days - and nobody needed to die !
The vast benefits of it during the Corona Plandemic, and the black painting of it by authorities and media, with false studies and false arguments.
Dr. Michael Nehls: There should actually be a wave of lawsuits rushing through Germany because nothing has been done about the vitamin D deficiency
Session 131: Crime and Punishment
Dr. Michael Nehls shows that it is now well documented which decisive role an adequate vitamin D level plays with regard to infection, infectivity and of course mortality in connection with influenza-like diseases and COVID-19 - not only in sun-poor countries or seasons, but also culturally, for example, in Israel, where people avoid the sun or use sunscreen, which reduces the formation of vitamin D.
He asks: Why is the population not made more aware of this widespread and serious deficiency, which could be remedied cheaply and easily?
During the latest Corona Investigative Committee session • No 131 "Crime & Punishment" there was one interview with Priv.-Doz. Dr Michael Nehls, i felt was truly interesting.
Not just because it is always nice to get more repetition exercises regarding this outmost important Vitamin D3, but also because of the information behind why it was black painted with lies in the public space. (There were outlets who actually claimed for Corona, it was better to have a compromised immune system, rather than a healthy one)
There are some very interesting aspects coming up in this interview, explaining the situations with Vitamin D3 levels in the blood of people. For example, the majority of people (looking like 80-90% in the chart) in Germany, lack essential levels of vitamin D3 in their blood, which makes them are more susceptible to Covid, or any other respiratory infection. This would all be unecessary, if people had sufficient levels of Vitamin D3 in their blood around 125 nmol/liter = 63 nanogram/liter
Nasty Tricks played against Vitamin D3
One of the most startling aspects was how the medical establishment via "studies", made Vitamin D3 look as if it doesn't help at all for people who where compromised with medium to severe Covid.
The trick was, that they gave patients hyper large dosis of Vitamin D3 - and then declared that it was not effective. Well no of course not - because if you give non metabolized Vitamin D3 - it takes 1 week for the liver to transform it into [25(OH)D3 Vitamin-D-Pro Hormone] and then in the final stage being used for activating the immune system and fight against infections. (Actually the metabolization happens in two steps, first in the liver - which then is stored in the body's fat tissue - from which it is very quickly transformed and accessible as 1,25(OH)2D3 VitaminD-Hormone
When studies were performed by injecting people with the final, metabolized version of the Vitamin D3 hormone - the patients got immediately better after 1-1.5 days - and nobody needed to die !
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Michael Nehls | Session 131: Crime and Punishment
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