Another update of Brazillian lands: in Rio de Janeiro, organized crime (Comando Vermelho = Red Command) took upon its hands to enforce the quarantine via curfews starting at 8 PM in the Rocinha slum, one of the biggest slums in Rio de Janeiro, which is also a major touristic spot. Madness has got an upgrade.

Just nuts! Criminals enforcing the law!
Because they are no different than the other criminals: PTB :-D Both parties hope to make something out of this, don't they?
They are friends, always have been friends. They are from the same family of insects.

I try to find a Laura's article that she wrote some years ago that talked about Nazism and also about the author of "Defying Hitler", Sebastian Haffner. It is very difficult to find what we are looking in, I don't know why. It has always been very complicated. Before the changes, you had a list with authors, so just looking for Laura you were able to see a list of all her articles, for example. I really don't know, it is a mystery for me, why you took off this option. Now, the article I look have a picture at the beginning of the article of a little Nazi boy. I did not find the article and I look long time to no avail. Can someone help me? It is a superb article very appropriate for our times... Thanks!
Well, things might start getting a bit entertaining - I think someone is starting to get nervous about how the public is going to respond to the lockdowns, job losses and bankruptcies etc.

I'm just catching up with a Ron Paul article posted on social media yesterday about the coronavirus hoax and there was a paragraph in there that caught my attention:

According to this the PTB are already planting seeds/fake news in MSM to have Trump and his government incapacitated and the military steps up into power. They sure are getting nervous.

The US military has started preparations for implementing a set of secret contingency plans that can be set in motion if the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak starts endangering the integrity of the American government and the ability of local authorities to uphold order, Newsweek reported citing documents obtained and accounts of anonymous military sources. According to the media, in the worst-case scenario, the US military might actually start running the country in violation of the legal line of "devolution".

Sputnik could not independently verify Newsweek's report and the authenticity of the documents it cites.
Now, the article I look have a picture at the beginning of the article of a little Nazi boy. I did not find the article and I look long time to no avail. Can someone help me?

Is it this article?

I try to find a Laura's article that she wrote some years ago that talked about Nazism and also about the author of "Defying Hitler", Sebastian Haffner. It is very difficult to find what we are looking in, I don't know why.

In Sott search you can use plus signs to indicate "must contain" words - the article must contain those words. For example +Sebastian +Haffner

You can also put quotes around phrases, "Sebastian Haffner" so that the search looks for the exact string.
In Sott search you can use plus signs to indicate "must contain" words - the article must contain those words. For example +Sebastian +Haffner

You can also put quotes around phrases, "Sebastian Haffner" so that the search looks for the exact string.
Thank you, I will try.
Thank you, I will try.

Unfortunately I did not find the article on either. But I remember what it was about. I found a similar one here. I translate it quickly because it is in German.

Memories of the doom

Sebastian Haffner was 26 years old when the Nazis seized power and studied law. In 1938 he emigrated to England. There he wrote down what he had experienced and observed in the years before and during the seizure of power. They are the reports of an eyewitness, without any historical-scientific claim, but with a keen eye for observation, that some historians later doubted that the notes were actually made at this time and not only after the Second World War (the doubts turned out to be wrong).

Contrary to the opinion that a clear view requires a great deal of time, Haffner proves that blind spots can be recognized in the middle of the fray and that one can free oneself from prevailing ways of thinking. As early as 1939 he asked: How could it come to this? Why has hardly anyone resisted the infiltration of the Nazis and Nazi ideology?

The temptation to become right

The notes were not published until 2000, after his death, and were widely received. Haffner's approach captivates through the combination of political analysis and private life; He reports incredibly realistically how Nazism seeped into people's minds, relationships, everyday routines and families. He describes everyday life as a young adult, writes about his first love in the tennis club and about student carnival balls that are searched by SS people, later about Jewish friends who leave the country, about the relationship with his father, about breaks with friends and political discussions with acquaintances, not a few of whom defected to the Nazis.

He also carefully and sometimes ironically examines his own development and attitude; For example, he writes about his growing fear of the Reichstag fire: “I called a Jiu-Jitsu school and asked about prospectuses and conditions. I felt that a time was coming when one would have to be able to do jiu-jitsu (soon afterwards, of course, I realized that the time when jiu-jitsu was still helping was over, and rather that a kind of spiritual jiu Jitsu had to acquire). ”This ease in the terrible envy some of the dead author, he got in the way of official history for the rest of his life. And she avenged herself for it: When Haffner was to receive an honorary doctorate in the late eighties, the scholars of the Free University of Berlin refused.

The book is primarily about the (still) non-Nazi, bourgeois-urban, liberal-minded Germans: What did they do, how did they feel and react when the influence of the Nazis increased? Haffner's sketch of the various “temptations” that many people in his environment succumbed to is particularly vivid. He observes three forms: first, the retreat into the private, second, the bitterness, and third: the overflow. He describes retreating into the private sphere as the greatest danger - and counts himself among this category of “visionaries”. As late as 1933, many of the non-Nazi Germans tried to ignore the Nazis' takeover:

It is uncomfortable enough when the air over a country becomes toxic and smoky. But to a certain extent you can block this air, you can close your windows and you can retreat to the four walls of a private life. You can encapsulate yourself, put flowers in the room, and cover your ears and nose on the street. The temptation to do so is great. With me too. - Sebastian Haffner, 1939

Friends can still be seen, discussions are still taking place, family birthdays are still being celebrated as always. But it is precisely this mechanically continuing life that, according to Haffner, prevents a powerful reaction against the outrageous somewhere. Haffner also does not want to admit for a long time that the Nazi primitives really came to power, because “that they were enemies - enemies for me and for everything that was dear to me - I was not wrong for a moment. But at that time I still tended not to take them seriously - a widespread attitude that has helped them a lot and still helps them today. ”Non-seriousness also fueled the misconception that it could tame the Nazis through inclusion.

Don't let the Nazis bother you

Haffner and his peers cling to normal apolitical life for a long time, because there doesn't seem to be a place from where he can fight the Nazis, and "at least I didn't want them to bother me." Even the undisturbed functioning of the judiciary, he feels everything a reasonably undisturbed life like a triumph. However, it soon becomes apparent that private life is no longer untouched. A “new trembling tension is becoming more and more noticeable
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard explaining to Bloomberg News why he sees the U.S. unemployment rate hitting 30% in the coming months as the world continues to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic: ‘This is a planned, organized partial shutdown of the U.S. economy in the second quarter. The overall goal is to keep everyone, households and businesses, whole... It is a huge shock and we are trying to cope with it and keep it under control.’ (emphasis mine)
Well this is an interesting article about the effect of confinement in a psychological point of view

Covid-19: "Confinement longer than ten days can cause post-traumatic stress disorder."
Covid-19 : "Un confinement de plus de dix jours peut causer des syndromes de stress post-traumatique"

Quote with Deepl translation
Catherine Tourette-Turgis, director of the master's degree in therapeutic education at Sorbonne-University, analysed the existing studies on containment. The psychological consequences are numerous and must be anticipated.

What to expect when the population of an entire country is asked to stay home for ten days, two weeks, a month or even longer? What will be the effects on their mental and social behaviour? And what pathologies might appear?

While a billion people are now confined in the world, since Tuesday 17 March in France, to limit the spread of Covid-19, the psychologist Catherine Tourette-Turgis has dissected the scientific studies on the psychological effects of quarantine. And the founder of the Patients' University, director of the master's degree in therapeutic education at the Sorbonne-University, wants to recall the importance of support in the face of a phenomenon that can be as difficult to live with as a natural disaster.

What do we know about the effect of confinement on our psychology today?

First of all, we can base ourselves on a national survey that was carried out in China, during confinement, on the general population in the 36 provinces: it has just been published, based on 52,730 responses, on an online self-questionnaire. It was necessary to validate the frequency of anxiety, depression, physical symptoms...

We know that 35% of respondents presented moderate psychological stress. And there are 5.14% who present severe psychological stress.

And who are the most at risk?

Women showed a higher level of distress. Otherwise, among those most affected: individuals between the ages of 18 and 30, and those over 60. Migrant workers were also very affected. And the level of stress is higher in the centres of the epidemic: in France, we could imagine a similar effect in the most affected areas, for example in Mulhouse.

Next, there is a summary note, published on 14 March 2020 in The Lancet, on the psychological impact of containment. It was based on 24 studies in ten different countries: it includes studies on Sras, Ebola and H1N1.

We learn that stress during the containment phase will depend, first and foremost, on its duration. A confinement period of more than ten days, all studies taken together, is predictive of post-traumatic stress disorder. In a nutshell, this means that in the long term it will generate stress, anxiety, insomnia, you feel unable to do anything ...

And these symptoms can appear without even being directly exposed to the disease?

Yes, and confinement will bring on more trauma. I have heard testimonies from women who say that they relive the announcement of their cancer in the announcement of confinement: fragile people are sometimes the ones who have experienced other traumas.

There is also an increased fear during confinement for pregnant women and those around them: they are afraid of being infected and of transmitting the virus. The same is true for women who have young children, babies who are only a few months old.

Other factors that contribute to stress include boredom: I have nothing to keep me busy, I'm running on empty, so I let myself worry. People talk about the difficulties of teleworking, but it is also a problem for people who are not working, the unemployed, retired people... hence the age groups most affected.
And soon I guess robots will decide if you are getting locked up or not. The C's warned about AI.

Bangkok: Thai hospitals are deploying "ninja robots" to measure fevers and protect the health of overburdened medical workers on the frontlines of the coronavirus outbreak.
First built to monitor recovering stroke patients, the machines have been quickly repurposed to help fight the disease, which has so far killed nearly 9,000 people around the world.
They have helped staff at four hospitals in and around Bangkok to reduce their risk of infection by allowing doctors and nurses to speak to patients over a video link.
"They can stand outside the room and communicate with patients inside through the robot," said Viboon Sangveraphunsiri of Chulalongkorn University.
Later models will be designed to bring food and medicine to patients, and could also eventually be used to disinfect hospital wards, Viboon told AFP.
His engineering team is racing to build more "ninjas" -- known as such because of their matte black exterior -- for another 10 hospitals around the country.
Thailand has more than 200 confirmed COVID-19 infections, including at least one death. More than 40 have recovered and been discharged from hospital.
Authorities recently ordered the closure of bars, massage parlours and entertainment venues to help prevent new cases.
New rules also require visitors entering the country to produce a health certificate.
Officials have so far stopped short of imposing the full lockdowns seen in other countries in a bid to contain damage to Thailand's crucial tourism sector.
But the government's reassurances that the pandemic is under control have not stopped bouts of panic buying in grocery stores.
Doctors are also urging Thais to stay home to curb the spread of the virus.
Well, things might start getting a bit entertaining - I think someone is starting to get nervous about how the public is going to respond to the lockdowns, job losses and bankruptcies etc.

I'm just catching up with a Ron Paul article posted on social media yesterday about the coronavirus hoax and there was a paragraph in there that caught my attention:

Here's the Atlantic Council editorial where they are urging Trump to invoke Article 5:
Why Trump should trigger NATO's Article 5 vs. COVID-19 - Atlantic Council

I had noticed Ron Paul's article on Unz Review and Posted it a day or so ago here and the paragraph you just highlighted, Jones - is the part that gave me "red flags". Thanks for Posting a link to the Atlantic Council editorial! :-)

When I come across something about the Atlantic Council, my first thought is Germany's Angela Merkel because she has a lot of "pull" there. A report out this morning is that she has placed herself in quarantine. We know, in the past she has experienced some health problems - so it's just common sense. I'm of the opinion, Head's of State and key personnel need to protect themselves, so it's not really anything out of the ordinary.

German vice-chancellor says Merkel is healthy but working from home
Germany's Merkel goes into quarantine after contact with infected doctor
'Optimistic' Merkel not infected with coronavirus: chief of staff
Merkel is well, awaiting coronavirus test result - spokesman
Merkel's initial coronavirus test came back negative: spokesman

Germany reports 22,672 coronavirus cases, 86 deaths
Germany's infection curve could be flattening off, public health chief says
Coronavirus crisis to cost Germany 255-729 billion euros in 2020: Ifo
Finance minister says Germany preparing 150 billion euro supplementary budget

In regards to the Atlantic Council's push for Article 5, I feel there is a connection to Pompeo and "something planned or in the works" having to do with recent visits to Afghanistan of Top Pentagon Brass, along with Esper, and NATO's Stoltenberg? I have a heavy feeling, these idiots in charge are planning something really stupid? My guess, it has something to do with invading Syria (in mass) and a direct confrontation with Russia??? Pompeo and Esper had spent a week in Afghanistan, excuse given of a Taliban Peace Agreement (which is in limbo) and a prisoner swap of sorts (still in preplanning) and now this morning, a report of "an unannounced" visit by Pompeo to Afghanistan?

Pompeo meets Afghan political rivals during visit to Kabul
Afghanistan's President Ashraf Ghani (R) meets with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Kabul, Afghanistan March 23, 2020. Afghan Presidential Palace/Handout via REUTERS
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in the Afghan capital on Monday on a previously unannounced visit
to try to salvage a historic deal between Washington and the Taliban, struck in February but marred by a political feud.

Day before, on Sunday:
Taliban-Afghan government Skype call breathes life into peace process
The Taliban and the Afghan government held a "virtual" meeting on prisoner releases on Sunday,
officials said, offering some hope of a breakthrough on a matter that has deadlocked the two sides and threatened a nascent peace process.

Pompeo would rather waste "carbon credits" flying the friendly empty sky's - then do Skype?

This reported 3 days ago - seems things like this "just happen" when any Peace deal is in the works?
Afghan military base stormed, 27 security personnel killed
At least 27 security personnel were killed when a military base was stormed in Afghanistan on Thursday, in one of the biggest attacks since a violence reduction agreement was signed between the United States and the Taliban last month.

If Pompeo and his side kicks are planning something stupid, I would imagine that Netanyahu is directly behind it? He's willing to try anything to stay in power and timing is of the essence. He's grasping at straws and getting no where. Can't admit "defeat"!
Netanyahu says near unity government to fight coronavirus, but rivals disagree
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday that he was nearing a power-sharing deal with his centrist political rivals, but they swiftly denied it.

Currently in Syria, Russia and Turkey have broke off joint patrols near the Turkish/Syrian Border due to threats by militants. Russia has reinforced Syrian waters by ship and helicopters (Naval exercises). Putin and Assad spoke by phone and Shoigu is in Syria for talks with Assad. The U.S. is frustrated over the Moscow-Ankara accord on the Idlib settlement. No surprises there but it's the U.S. and Turkey, who are calling for a Ceasefire. There has to be a major reason that Putin is in direct contact with Assad and Shoigu is visiting? Plus, Assad has just closed all the Lebanese crossings (Netanyahu's favorite fly-over to get into Syria by air) and a route by foreign troops into Syria. The Atlantic Council's push for Article 5 would give NATO a green light to enter Syria, in my view? Doesn't feel good and all of the World's attention is on Coronavirus activities?

Breaking: Putin and Assad discuss Idlib developments
Russia's Shoigu, Syria's Assad discuss ceasefire and aid: Russian defense ministry
Russian military kicks off naval exercises off Syrian coast
Syria announces closure of all Lebanese crossings amid coronavirus outbreak
Russian military ends patrol along M-4 Highway due to threats in Idlib
Turkish Army resumes military activity after being ambushed in Idlib
US is ready to undermine Idlib agreement: Russia

Syria confirms first coronavirus case as fears grow it could spread

In other news - Italy:
Italy coronavirus deaths rise by 651 in a day, lifting total death toll to 5,476
Italy to shut all non-strategic business activities until April 3: PM Conte
Italy's Lombardy workers to strike for tougher coronavirus shutdowns

Russian army to send coronavirus help to Italy after Putin phone call

Brazil's Bolsonaro plays down coronavirus risk as cases top 1,500
Brazil's Sao Paulo to get two-week coronavirus shutdown, Bolsonaro blasts 'hysteria'
Brazil's Bolsonaro says he could turn to China's Xi for medical equipment
Brazil's Bolsonaro says economy must keep going to avoid catastrophe
Brazil Senate approves state of emergency to fight coronavirus

Former DR Congo health minister convicted of embezzling Ebola funds
A former health minister in the Democratic Republic of Congo and his financial advisor were sentenced on Monday to five years of forced labor for embezzling more than $400,000 from the country's Ebola response funds, a court order showed.
Another update of Brazillian lands: in Rio de Janeiro, organized crime (Comando Vermelho = Red Command) took upon its hands to enforce the quarantine via curfews starting at 8 PM in the Rocinha slum, one of the biggest slums in Rio de Janeiro, which is also a major touristic spot. Madness has got an upgrade.

Meanwhile over in South Africa:


This is pure human rights violation as far as I’m concerned...
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