I find it interesting to observe how certain web sites have turned. This could partly be because they are part of the controlled opposition and partly be because fear porn gets clicks.
Zerohedge is a site which otherwise has been a place for many articles which questions the status quo and the deep State etc. It is also an economic website. During this whole thing Zerohedge has very much been on the forefront of the fear porn and hysteria. That can partly be explained if those behind Zerohedge belong to the financial elite which saw this virus as a convenient cover to crash the economy.

Another site is Moonofalabama, which in the beginning was downplaying it, but which suddenly changed quite radically and now even advocates people to wear mask at all time...more or less. It is interesting to read the commenters on the site. Quite a few follow the leader, Bernhard, and advises lock downs, full mask protection etc. Some of those were able to make reasonable comments about geopolitical events just a few weeks ago. Other commenters on the site dare to present info which pokes holes in the official view, or they pose relevant questions.

Anyway, I just find it curious to see, who suddenly becomes enforcers of the official view and who doesn't.

My wife and I were talking about this last night. Not only have we seen websites 'turn' to accept the official narrative, but many of our friends as well. I think people are afraid of being a labeled a "science denier" as online attacks are happening more and more as this so called pandemic carries on.
In New Zealand we are now in full lockdown. The news is full of talking heads, the apparent experts who are giving wide ranging advice to people. Interesting to note that this is not government mandated data, just their "scientific" opinions. We have a couple of petty dictators who have emerged, one a professor of public health and the other a microbiologist. I am convinced they are making recommendations just to see how far they can push people just by their suggestions as "authorities". The young pink haired microbiologist was on today telling everyone that CV19 is just as dangerous to children as to older people. I almost spat my bacon when i heard that. It is also getting difficult as my wife has fully bought in to the event and I am struggling to maintain external consideration with some of these ludicrous suggestions, which causes some stress.

These 'talking heads' are conflating infections with death and acting like they are one and the same! :curse: Maybe you can show your wife the YouTube that Joe posted from Prof Sucharit Bhakdi? Sometimes I think that turning off the TV is a really good idea with all the rubbish that the media comes out with. Practically BEGGING for a total lock down. They are just pathetic!
My wife and I were talking about this last night. Not only have we seen websites 'turn' to accept the official narrative, but many of our friends as well. I think people are afraid of being a labeled a "science denier" as online attacks are happening more and more as this so called pandemic carries on.
Yes, there are so many parallels with the Global warming agenda. The science is settled, extinction is imminent, dissenting voices are deniers and should be guilty of war crimes, global governance is needed, enormous spending prepared etc.

Perhaps Global warming was the designed way to take down the economy, which then didn't happen as people started to question it in the last minute and got tired of Greta and the BS. Then when this virus came along, the plans were all ready and with slight modifications have been rolled out...to save the elderly, of course!!!

It is certainly interesting that many of the same players who were behind the Global warming hoax are also behind fanning the hysteria now.

Edit: Inserting the chancellor's speech from V for Vendetta:
I find it interesting to observe how certain web sites have turned. This could partly be because they are part of the controlled opposition and partly be because fear porn gets clicks.
Many of these "alternative" sites promoted the bio-weapon against China theory since the begining, and in order for it to be a bioweapon, it has to be deadly. Because of that, they ended up falling into the same "OMG we're all going to die" paranoia promoted by the official MSM. A bioweapon that kills almost nobody is idiotic.
Jefferson said:
But like Metrist, I haven't personally experienced, in real life, people expressing their wish for more restrictions and it's only on social media where I see the virtue signalling and kudos given to the government for their actions (I guess I haven't been meeting people except close ones during this lockdown time either: fortunately my family is not buying this crap).

I reside in London, UK. There is an international team of people at my workplace . I did see such individuals in action. The loudest and the most assertive one was from Italy. Which makes me think of some emotional investment in to the situation. Non of his relatives have been affected though.
Calm and constructive conversation didn't happen. My every point in discussion was met with "yes, but...". After few such attempts we stopped speaking on this matter. While staying more or less polite with me the guy was quite rude with some colleagues who had doubts. Couple of times I heard him saying something like "I am not afraid to say the truth" or "I am not going to wait as others for government decision. This place has to be shut down ASAP" or even "People as sheep are waiting for someone to guide them" (having himself in mind as a shepherd). Was really bad...
At one point management had to calm him down.
do not want to be a prophet, but it seems that the authorities in Russia are also starting to go crazy. Small steps get faster. Yesterday, the head of the State Duma proposed giving prison terms to quarantine violators (up to 7 years in prison), and TODAY they have submitted a bill to the State Duma about it. - В Думу внесли законопроект о лишении свободы за нарушение карантина

Notice though that the suggested prison term is reserved for the cases where the quarantine violation either resulted in proved cases of mass infection or deaths of other people, otherwise they suggest a fine.
While staying more or less polite with me the guy was quite rude with some colleagues who had doubts. Couple of times I heard him saying something like "I am not afraid to say the truth" or "I am not going to wait as others for government decision. This place has to be shut down ASAP" or even "People as sheep are waiting for someone to guide them" (having himself in mind as a shepherd).
Your post reminded me of the book Political Ponerology. If you haven't read it, you might like to read it as it is quite revealing in these times as we are experiencing things very similar to what the author Lobascewski experienced in Poland under the communists.

Your description of the work place guy reminded me of the schizoidal type outlined in the book:
Their impoverished psychological
worldview makes them typically pessimistic regarding
human nature. We frequently find expressions of their
characteristic attitudes in their statements and writings: “Human
nature is so bad that order in human society can only be
maintained by a strong power created by highly qualified individuals
in the name of some higher idea.” Let us call this typical
expression the “schizoid declaration”.
My wife and I were talking about this last night. Not only have we seen websites 'turn' to accept the official narrative, but many of our friends as well. I think people are afraid of being a labeled a "science denier" as online attacks are happening more and more as this so called pandemic carries on.
Yeah, and I'm afraid we will soon learn what twisted logic and mental gymnastic were applied to equip SJW and the like with new weapon in their battle with "corona sympathisers".

We have literally nobody to speak openly about it anymore. Our friends, who we believed were immune to any propaganda, are no longer interested in conversation with us. I hope this won't last long and people start seeing what is really going on around them.
I'm reading all the posts here, and this is my only source of informations about what is going on worldwide. So I've read about all the curfews, and fines, and ridiculous "French-way" with the passes you need to write for yourself to go out, and I was thinking that "hm, it is not that bad in here" but also "yet, they may go along the line with slowly implementing more strict rules", so on the beginning there was a ban for cultural institutions, pubs, restaurants etc, and after a week of this they implemented new bans like going out only for essential shopping or for work, in public communication you can only allow half of the sitting places to go in, and in general "stay at home" sentence everywhere. It is slowly going to be like everywhere in the world. Polish government is trying to avoid going into state of emergency because there is election day on 10 of May and they want it to happen as well as maturity exam. I do not use social media, so I don't see people blaming others for going out, although I think this is the scariest part of it, when one stands against another in this weird time.

Should we expect drones in and above city streets anytime soon in some countries? 🤔
So to answer your question I have a story - yesterday I turn on tv just to check what's up this time for everybody, and there was a scene - a drone was flying over the park, and as the presenter saw that there are no people in the park he stated that "we see that you are acting accordingly and you are responsible".
This article also answers yours question: California police to use patrol drones with night-vision cameras during coronavirus lockdown -- Sott.net

There are so many sentences amongst all the post which whom I'm agreeing very much, or which I second strongly. About ten days ago I decided to smile to every person I meet on the street and to be the best version of myself for others. To do not wait anymore, to do not postpone anything, to just do and be with faith and with openness toward future and toward others. To be excellent as luc mentioned in his very uplifting post. I'm very thankful that I found forum and sott almost a year ago now, I don't know where I would have been now without all efforts of yours. I'm hesitating to post anything as I do not believe that I have anything to contribute seriously, comparing to all the excellent analysis that have been done throughout the thread, but I saw people encouraging others to speaks their minds and gives observations, so this encouraged me to give what I can for now and try to network more.

When the CV was just starting up in China and we here on the forum began discussing it. I asked the I Ching this: What about this coronavirus? After reading through several interpretation of the hexagram I wrote down a few notes as take away points. At the time, it didn’t seem to relate much, but after the last session I went back to the notes and see them as more functional now. Here they are.

A cautious advance in the face of volatile conditions will lead to safety.

Don’t run from fate, meet it, and let it guide you.

Business as usual to avoid trouble.

Stay out of sight-low profile-ignore crowds.

Balanced preceptors prevent confusion.

Choices and consequences = razors edge.

Review your options.
I remember I've done exactly the same - I asked I Ching something like, if I remember questions correctly - "What is it all about(about this virus-case)? What one should do(in face of it)? How to act?" which sums up to three questions, more preferable would be one solid question I think ;), and interestingly I've got hex 39 - blocking/limping (Hex.39) with three changing lines (as 3 answers?) and after change it became hex. 7 - legion (Hex.7). When I look from the perspective on answers given they still valid and interesting, but this is the charm of I Ching that advices given by this divination tool are valid from different perspectives :).

Yes I have it If you need the book just sent me PM , and I will send it to you

Konstantin is it ok if I send you PM with request for Timothy Ashworth book? Some time ago I checked the book in the web and I can not afford it in any way, so it was great to read that there is an opportunity to ask for .pdf as I really would like to dive in.

Thanks to everyone for keeping the light :flowers:
Yeah, and I'm afraid we will soon learn what twisted logic and mental gymnastic were applied to equip SJW and the like with new weapon in their battle with "corona sympathisers".

We have literally nobody to speak openly about it anymore. Our friends, who we believed were immune to any propaganda, are no longer interested in conversation with us. I hope this won't last long and people start seeing what is really going on around them.

As with loss of freedoms after 9/11, a lot of us knew well ahead what we were headed for, just did not how in the world it would come to pass. Then BAM! Like that, we were in a different world. And now this! Lord only knows what's next. Still, it is an opportunity for many to snap out of it. Many have a lot more time on hand now, and might do some reading. I'm told that some of the censorship from big players has been turned off and that now there is a lot, including images, that will come up easily on Google instead of the usual pages debunking whatever the conspiracy theory. I'm overwhelmed by all the propaganda, so much worse than before. But maybe there are some wild cards intentionally thrown into the jumble.
As they say, get pass the popcorn.

I am aware about the book. It is on my list. Maybe it's the right time for it to jump the queue:) Thank you.

I have my own explanation to what could have happened to the guy. Might be wrong of course.
I know him long enough to say that he is not a psychopath. And at the same time I am coming to a conclusion that it is not necessary to be the one to make someones life miserable.
Today the police was strong in my neighbourhood, checking people and cars. And also we saw a military truck pass in front of my apartment and 3 soldiers walking on the street. So things are going fast. I also read that people have to go to buy their food at the nearer shop. It is almost an obligation. The police are starting to check what you buy and what you buy have to be "essentials", not bear for example. I tell you this is becoming very creepy. The fine can be of 500 euros and they started to to it in a city but they will do it everywhere because I have the impression that they will put ration tickets as in the WWII. You bet?
As for the Moscow elderly people, I have checked multiple sources, including Western media, and as far as I understand, this is a recommendation, not a strict ban. If an elderly person follows this recommendation, he or she will receive 4,000 rubles as a special aid from the government. If not, then only 2,000 rubles.

I do not want to enter into a useless discussion on this topic, but here is the very site of Sobyanin (Moscow Mayor), where it is written about all the restrictions introduced - Коронавирус. Закрытие библиотек, развлекательных заведений и другие ограничения 25.03.2020

Here is what it says literally:
“Tomorrow, about 1.9 million elderly and chronically ill Muscovites MANDATORY to observe the home regime of self-isolation, which will last until April 14.”
MANDATORY to comply. Not a recommendation, but a direct ban on appearing on the street for almost TWO MILLION people.

In addition, parks are closed, and free travel by public transport for the elderly is canceled.

Even Moscow Mayor Sobyanin himself calls the measures introduced unprecedented in the modern history of Moscow - Коронавирус. Закрытие ресторанов и парков

I have not yet contacted my relatives in Moscow (this is a very long story, not for the forum), but maybe I will have to check in the near future what is happening there (in Moscow) in reality.

I already wrote that in Russia it’s almost impossible to completely block people even in Moscow (we don’t take ALL of Russia), the police, army and all these guys from the Russian Guard are not enough. And it can bring down the economy completely.

What to speak of other cities, then in my city there are 15-20 police officers per 70,000 inhabitants. What kind of blocking can we talk about?

This is where I finish about Moscow, I really hope that everything will be fine there in the near future.

Now about St. Petersburg, there are closed clinics (children, adults - I already wrote about this) and most medical personnel are sent to HOLIDAYS with an open date (not as Putin said yesterday, not for a week, but for an unknown period). With the preservation of 2/3 of the salary (this is less than 200 USD per month on the example of my sister). This is very little money. I think that for other people who are sent on vacation, the situation is not much better.

Now about my city. Today I walked around the city. There were quite a lot of people in the store near the house, despite the working day. I won’t say that there was a panic, but people were massively buying food (potatoes, flour, meat) and cans of water. But there is still a lot of food in the store, it will be enough for a long time.
Then I went to the bank, there were no people there, but everything worked. The cashier’s machine just brought the money, all the ATMs are full of money. I took some money for running expenses.
Then he was in the largest supermarket of the city. There are quite a lot of people (compared to a normal day), but there is a lot of food on the shelves. I bought toilet paper, do not scold me please, just my supplies are depleted)).
At the checkout, sellers sat in medical gloves (this is more than 10 days like that), and some schoolboy (10-12 years old) shouted to the whole store: “I will kill this damn coronavirus” ...

Good to all. I think everything will be all right.

PS Guys I can't like, forgive me. There are many good posts here, but I constantly have to move between the online translator and the English text on the forum. And I lose a lot of messages in English after reading the Russian translation.
Notice though that the suggested prison term is reserved for the cases where the quarantine violation either resulted in proved cases of mass infection or deaths of other people, otherwise they suggest a fine.

Also, the context of why these measures were suggested for consideration is important. This story seriously outraged the Russian public:

Because of this lady's behavior, a great number of people with whom she contacted is now in quarantine.
Global Research has posted an article suggesting a global debt jubilee:

Even before the novel coronavirus appeared, many American families were falling behind on student loans, auto loans, credit cards and other payments. America’s debt overhead was pricing its labor and industry out of world markets. A debt crisis was inevitable eventually, but covid-19 has made it immediate.

Massive social distancing, with its accompanying job losses, stock dives and huge bailouts to corporations, raises the threat of a depression. But it doesn’t have to be this way. History offers us another alternative in such situations: a debt jubilee. This slate-cleaning, balance-restoring step recognizes the fundamental truth that when debts grow too large to be paid without reducing debtors to poverty, the way to hold society together and restore balance is simply to cancel the bad debts.

The problem with a debt jubilee is that it prevents the elites from gaining more property and resources while the market is down, even though a debt jubilee would be a much better idea for an economical reset for all levels of society. It would also prevent the elites from implementing greater control measures. People would get to keep their jobs, their businesses etc and the effects of the reset would be reset would be instantaneous.

I reviewed a book about the subject of debt jubilee by economist Michael Hudson here.


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