Did anyone see satelite action? I was out in the garden last night for only six to seven minutes (my dog had to pee), and I watched the sky. I saw quite an amount of sattelites. In those minutes there were four satellites i saw. all going the same direction.
Do you mean on a straight line? Just asking because a friend of mine called in January and thought to have seen UFOs in the sky. Actually it was a series of tiny-tiny dots of lights, like satellites, but moving on a straight line, one following the other... Checked the news and there were in fact episodes like that around, but they said it was Elon Musk's satellites, for his big project called Starlink. Last launch was‎ on: ‎18 March 2020. Project started on 2018, 362 satellites in orbit by now.
Thanks for bringing this up, it was about week ago and I was puzzled seeing dozens of lights moving in same direction, dispersed over the sky, roughly West to East. I have never seen so many of them before, but yesterday evening I could see them gain, after the skies cleared a bit, as there was a lot of snowing and raining lately.

This is info provided from 5G Space Appeal


On Wednesday, March 18, SpaceX launched 60 more satellites into space from Cape Canaveral, Florida, bringing the total of SpaceX’s Starlink satellites orbiting the earth to 350.

Also on March 18, OneWeb launched 34 more satellites into space from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, bringing the total of OneWeb’s satellites orbiting the earth to 74.

None of these satellites have yet gone into operation, but on March 13, 2020, the Federal Communications Commission granted SpaceX permission to sell one million user devices to American customers. This has turned a long-standing concern into an emergency. For last fall, SpaceX announced its intention to begin providing 5G service to the northern United States and southern Canada after it had at least 400 satellites orbiting the earth. The threat to terrestrial life -- at least in portions of North America -- may now be only weeks away.
Some "cheerful" news for my region, it seems that authorities in nearby city of Osijek (eastern Croatia) really want to show how advanced they are, by starting drone aerial surveillance of citizens to fight "corona threat", soon to be expanded on more cities and surroundings in the region as they said. Other specialness of this city is that it will be the first city in Croatia with 5G Network in the second half of the year: Just Why Was Osijek Chosen as First Croatian 5G City?

Way to go! 👏
So all countries will go bankruptcy and next step could be a World Government.
This is something to ponder, and here is snippet from the post in FT written by Mario Draghi, who is btw the person chiefly responsible for inflating everything bubble, so this is what he thinks:
The challenge we face is how to act with sufficient strength and speed to prevent the recession from morphing into a prolonged depression, made deeper by a plethora of defaults leaving irreversible damage. It is already clear that the answer must involve a significant increase in public debt. The loss of income incurred by the private sector — and any debt raised to fill the gap — must eventually be absorbed, wholly or in part, on to government balance sheets. Much higher public debt levels will become a permanent feature of our economies and will be accompanied by private debt cancellation.
I'm not sure what he means by that "private debt cancellation", I'm rather skeptical and will wait to see it first.
This update was annouced recently in Poland;

The government has announced new restrictions, including:
- Under-18s cannot leave home without an adult
- Disposable gloves compulsory in shops
- Walking 2 metres apart in public, including members of the same family
- Shops must limit customer numbers
- Only over-65s served between 10am and 12pm every day

These tougher measures are necessary because Poles have "unfortunately not maintained social discipline", says the prime minister.

"- Walking 2 metres apart in public, including members of the same family"

Is this not pretty obvious that it's gone far past the point of 'protecting people', and is now testing how much totalitarian control people are willing to put up with?

Also, PL seems to be one of the places that tests out the new style authoritarian controls, so if successful, I'd expect to see this soon spread across the rest of Europe and UK.

This update was annouced recently in Poland;

"- Walking 2 metres apart in public, including members of the same family"

Is this not pretty obvious that it's gone far past the point of 'protecting people', and is now testing how much totalitarian control people are willing to put up with?

Also, PL seems to be one of the places that tests out the new style authoritarian controls, so if successful, I'd expect to see this soon spread across the rest of Europe and UK.

If people accept this it means they are totally brainwashed. If they are not distancing themselves 2 m at home, what's the point?
And your view is quite pesimistic. Which is understandable. I have to add that few months ago I was thinking the same about Pernar but I changed my conclusions about him. At first he seemed like he is controled opp. to me too! Especially when you know his parents are from politics. And all that circus with Živi Zid lolz. But I somehow saw that over time ŽZ was infiltrated and made to look like that. And he formed his own party after that. So Ive been following and observing and now I think hes true about his purpose. Nevermind that hes the ONLY one in our parliament that dares to speek any kind of truth. Yes hes young and sometimes doesnt go deep enough into his argumentation, but given the mindset that is prevailing in this country I realized he couldnt "go deeper" because then he would REALLY be called a consp.theorist and a coocoo (which is a tactic to smear him by all his opponents and those who criticize his act (EVERYBODY in Croatia except 50000 people!!). And I see some progress in the way he acts.
Him and Domagoj Margetić are the only guys I see that are trying to go against the msm and government narrative and again, hes the only one who will co-operate with Margetić, others wont go near him and our government tried to kill Margetić him more than a few times.... with the way he was "handled". He was attacked 2 times in las 10 days or so. All on camera. By government staff and by mafiosos.

To my mind he Pernar now deserves 10 if not 20 times more people on the board with his propositions. If he got a better crew of intelligent and wise people around him I believe he could be much better! But we can see that only if we give him a chance and show him support as a population. Im aware that with all these sold out people it seems impossible but I like any odds in this fight.
And since hes the only one with any kind of sense I believe that true critical thinkers in Croatia dont have ANY other options. Yes, its a gamble but I dont see a better bet and I think we need to start betting big!
Yep, Im an optimist alright. I realized thats the only way to go ahead and be victorious. (or die!) You want to allow government tags in your body? You want our cash taken away? I doubt it...

And its not 30 people on youtube .... its much more + Serbia is also waking up! Seen only on youtube and live-streams that are not advertised. These videos have 50 000 views. not hundreds. Truth is stronger than anything and when it catches fire it travels 1000 faster than lies.
Those are my observations.
I for one would not want to be branded as a wishfull thinker and a LOVE & LIGHT blob. And this is certainly the time that will shape our future so if we choose to stand by and watch in fear and doubt I think this society will have it much much worse. Thats why I choose to believe in Pernar and if he turns out to be a fake and controled opposition Id rather that we gave him a chance. We can deal with that when it/if comes to it.

Free people always have options only if they allow themselves to think for themselves. And fear in that case is a no no. Thats why I am optimistic. The way I see it any other course of action would be destructive to/for me and others around me.
Don't get me wrong, I see plenty of people who are not buying the scary virus story, and I'm an optimist by nature, but I'm always wary of the "people are waking up" shtick". One can only wake up if one want's to wake up and we both know that the wast majority of people don't want to be awake. Add to that Transmarginal Inhibition and I just don't see it happening. We'll need a truly Cosmic event to wake people from their slumber.
As for Pernar, I'm telling you that he is not right in the head. I know this from friends who know him and from my own interaction with him on two occasions. I can tell you that he is neither intelligent nor sincere. He thinks like a politician and he says the same stuff all of them say to get votes. He might be saying some truths but I don't think he's someone people should get behind. I've been mulling over an ide to start a party, but I couldn't get past finding 3 people worth their salt. You wanna try? But the idea is to make politics more or less a voluntary job once we get into power.:cool2:
Don't get me wrong, I see plenty of people who are not buying the scary virus story, and I'm an optimist by nature, but I'm always wary of the "people are waking up" shtick". One can only wake up if one want's to wake up and we both know that the wast majority of people don't want to be awake. Add to that Transmarginal Inhibition and I just don't see it happening. We'll need a truly Cosmic event to wake people from their slumber.
As for Pernar, I'm telling you that he is not right in the head. I know this from friends who know him and from my own interaction with him on two occasions. I can tell you that he is neither intelligent nor sincere. He thinks like a politician and he says the same stuff all of them say to get votes. He might be saying some truths but I don't think he's someone people should get behind. I've been mulling over an ide to start a party, but I couldn't get past finding 3 people worth their salt. You wanna try? But the idea is to make politics more or less a voluntary job once we get into power.:cool2:
You have the right to your opinion on Pernar! The reason I replied to you is because I had the same opinion. And it was leading me into thinking theres nothing to be done. I was falling in a state of depression and I though I must re-locate or I will be a goner..
But my reality changed quite drastically once I "fliped the record". So I wanted to show that it can be done and I offered my reasons why. Maybe it looks like that but Im not forcing my perspective on you, just sharing it 😃.
I hope you will maybe see more reasons to activate yourself in a positive and constructive way because to me thats the only course of action in times like these. Someone has to cary the torch around otherwise we will be left in the dark...
If people accept this it means they are totally brainwashed. If they are not distancing themselves 2 m at home, what's the point?
I cant believe. Soon they will forbid to stay the whole familly at home because we are to close.

Some people were getting back from abroad in Macedonia. The put them in a bus and drove them to a state quarantine. Some hotel I think.
They locked them up in a bus. The driver locked the bus with all the people inside and left. They told the people that they were waiting for a medical team to come to test them. They were waiting for hours.

All this starts to look worst than Nazi concentration camps. They start to track your movement by your phone signal. They were doing that all this time but now they will punish you if you are somewhere out and they don't like that. They track people by drones, by helicopters.
This has nothing to do with any kind of epidemic. This is a special kind of psychological war against the minds of normal people. :mad:
Not sure how things are where you are, but in my area, in Ontario, Canada, I noticed that similarly with the now familiar "Do not leave your baggage unattended" one hears in Airports, they starting playing things now in Grocery stores reminding people about social distancing and washing hands and basically reinforcing the narrative. Only this should be enough to show us that we should look at it like at a new 9/11...
I cant believe. Soon they will forbid to stay the whole familly at home because we are to close.

Some people were getting back from abroad in Macedonia. The put them in a bus and drove them to a state quarantine. Some hotel I think.
They locked them up in a bus. The driver locked the bus with all the people inside and left. They told the people that they were waiting for a medical team to come to test them. They were waiting for hours.

All this starts to look worst than Nazi concentration camps. They start to track your movement by your phone signal. They were doing that all this time but now they will punish you if you are somewhere out and they don't like that. They track people by drones, by helicopters.
This has nothing to do with any kind of epidemic. This is a special kind of psychological war against the minds of normal people. :mad:
Yes, and then they will make the tracking easier through the vaccine delivered RFID that Bill Gates is pushing with the ID 2020 initiative. Replacement for the tattooed serial number in Nazi concentration camps.
You have the right to your opinion on Pernar! The reason I replied to you is because I had the same opinion. And it was leading me into thinking theres nothing to be done. I was falling in a state of depression and I though I must re-locate or I will be a goner..
But my reality changed quite drastically once I "fliped the record". So I wanted to show that it can be done and I offered my reasons why. Maybe it looks like that but Im not forcing my perspective on you, just sharing it 😃.
I hope you will maybe see more reasons to activate yourself in a positive and constructive way because to me thats the only course of action in times like these. Someone has to cary the torch around otherwise we will be left in the dark...
I hear ya, and I do what I can. I told you I was seriously thinking of getting into politics and maybe I still will. In a small country like ours it's actually possible by someone with no connections to make a change.
My opinion on Pernar is not really an opinion. I know what he is. If he gives you hope, that's fine and I won't try to dissuade you. You want to start a party? The plan is to promise people that once in power we will make politics unprofitable. Also, we will actually call people to vote and tell them to cross out the ballot, if they don't want us. Pernar on the other hand would never say this. He likes his cushy parliament seat.
To my mind he Pernar now deserves 10 if not 20 times more people on the board with his propositions. If he got a better crew of intelligent and wise people around him I believe he could be much better!
When I read this one I thought that politicians are politicians, they promise 'golden mountains' and there is no point to believe them in anything after all, if they get power they want more power, and they also can be leaded by someone else. Just a thought.

"- Walking 2 metres apart in public, including members of the same family"
This is so ridiculous, because you are with them in a household, so what's the matter?! Maybe this one will puzzle people a little bit and make them asking questions? I doubt, but is okay to have some hope.

Not sure how things are where you are, but in my area, in Ontario, Canada, I noticed that similarly with the now familiar "Do not leave your baggage unattended" one hears in Airports, they starting playing things now in Grocery stores reminding people about social distancing and washing hands and basically reinforcing the narrative. Only this should be enough to show us that we should look at it like at a new 9/11...

It is the same here but also about how brave are workers in the shop. Plus police vehicles giving messages to remind people to stay at home, but this is also known for other countries... Every country is trying some of the different methods from the most ridiculous reservoirs.
+++addition, Polish artists are singing songs together (via internet of course) and preapring a concert for heroes of these days - medical workers, but it is typical craziness from television to entertain people and distract them.

About 5G, and satellites and access to internet - it is known that 5G is 'needed' to maintain quality connection of a big amount of devices (in order to get better data of "where are people now") so now this
None of these satellites have yet gone into operation, but on March 13, 2020, the Federal Communications Commission granted SpaceX permission to sell one million user devices to American customers.
so maybe a 'shortage' of internet will come if you don't have a needed device to connect to it? If they maintain to provide internet only by this source then the old way of doing it will perish and by this some may lost connection. But this is only a thought - I don't know much about how it works for now, so it is based on assumptions, I'm sorry.
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