That is COMPLETELY insane! They are not prisoners. Maybe you should ask them is they intend to stage a 'prison break'?
Every week I call a woman in the village where I lived 5 years, a little village of 10 habitants. They are not allowed to go outside, nor to work their little piece of land, their garden. The police check this little village of 10 habitants. Can you imagine?
If you have a little piece of land with potatoes or tomatoes or fruits you can not go there because of the virus that maybe is somewhere willing to kill you.

I read this article by Pepe Escobar, again sorry if someone had put it on this thread I am very late on it, and the situation is so dramatic that it gives really the chills. For people like me, hyper sensible, it is a very hard moment to pass. I am suffering not just for me but for Humanity, for the others, for all the poverty and death that is coming again but at a planetary package, worse then the Black Death, what will come is really like the pictures that the painter Bosh did in his time. Ok, I accept that is the fall of Humanity, but eh, this is very hard to see.

Another good argument to use in discussions both online and offline when faced with emotional manipulation à la "nothing is more important than human lives". Tweeted this today:

I'm sick of the "every life counts" argument. If that is so, why not prohibit alcohol, motorcycles and most sports? Millions die of these things. Newsflash: there are values like basic rights and freedom that are much more important than "every life". #Covid_19 #Corona

You can expand the list to your liking. Things that DEFINETELY should be outlawed because "every life counts":

Cutting apple trees (peeps are falling from ladders in drones!)
Power tools
Swimming pools

BOOM - millions of lives saved. What, you think that would be totalitarian? You murderer, you!!
Current searches bring up articles downplaying or denying that these same Americans got cancer from the polio vaccines. There's a video somewhere showing the persons who developed the contaminated vaccine laughing about it. Forget the doctor's name responsible. Nonetheless, the truth is out there:


I too remember those years and also a video of "persons who developed the contaminated vaccine laughing"

Here is the video I remember watching:

Session 23 March 2013:
Q: (L) Hmm. So you say, "Scientists have been blinded by being led by the blind." Do you mean that...

A: When science is used for killing they have lost their honor and their way. Remember the parable of the talents. The man who was afraid and hid and hoarded? Then when the master came he was cast into darkness with the weepers and wailers. Thus shall it be yet again.
I have a question for @Gaby @nicklebleu and other health professionals, that I think would be important to know:

In Finland (and probably elsewher) they are soon implementing 'COVID-19 antibody tests' to determine who might have had the virus unknowingly. They will be sending out invitations around the country, and I maybe 'invited' too. So, I saw someone mention that in this kind of antibody test, they will not only draw blood from you, but they will also inject something into you. Is this accurate, or bogus?

If this test includes injecting 'something' into you, I would be highly suspicious about the content of this 'something'.

I haven't received a message yet. It could be that a message about the trade association should come. Here in our state, tests will only be carried out from Tuesday through the health insurance. I solved it differently. I ordered the shipping material in the laboratory myself. I just had to fax my firma stamp to the laboratory. You haven't even asked how many people I have. Well - there are three of us, but I just ordered five more. If you are not asked, you do not have to give an answer.:halo: I could also take the blood myself, but then the question of proof arises at some point: How can you prove that this result also comes from your blood? And so I decided to do everything through my family doctor and to document it exactly in case of demand. I pay for it as IGEL service, i.e. Private. Whole blood is drawn there and sent to the laboratory. The samples are packaged B - that is, "probably contaminated blood sample". At the moment, only health professionals and formerly acutely infected people should be tested.

I read that COVID is even an occupational disease. If I have had contact with an infected person and then have an infection, it counts as an occupational disease. As proof I have to state patient zero. Such bullshit. How should I know who infected me if I can't see it? :headbash:
Not sure if this document has done the rounds on this thread yet. By someone called David Crowe on a website called The Infectious Myth. Apologize if already addressed. If not, it might add to some the info being collected:

The summary you quoted has very good points. In all the arguments brought so far on related discussions, there's always very good points. However, I would like to highlight something for people in general.

When watching videos and reading about "infection myths" keep in mind the following that I posted earlier in this thread in relation to someone who brought up the subject of exosomes:

I'm familiarized with most of that research, so I scanned through the slides. I also participated in an interview with a researcher that was convinced that common infectious diseases were not caused by viruses, and I also read his book. This presentation presents a similar argument, and I'm still not convinced by any of it.

I'm afraid that it might be the case of several respectable researchers falling into the "pattern recognition run amok".

It is not that what they are finding is a cellular detox in the form of exosomes induced by environmental stress, although there is some of that happening. Viruses do exist. It is also not the case that RT-PCR for coronavirus testing is totally useless (although I do believe it is currently giving a lot of false negatives and even more false positives due to lack of quality control testing).

It is information at the most fundamental level. If anything, the research does gives some clues as to how this virus can affect and effect so many changes at so many different levels, including tapping into our non coding genes.

People going around and saying that the virus doesn't exist and that infections doesn't exist, discredit the effort, even the effort against mandatory vaccination. They all bring good points about environmental toxicity, toxic food, nutrient deficiencies and the like. But it is just like the 5G thing. That is, viruses do exist, and they have interesting effects when coming into contact with us.

I'm catching up with the molecular biology of the coronavirus and hopefully will post that in this thread at some point. It will have to be the hard version though, there's no way around it. Those who read the recommended books on Intelligent Design will find it interesting though.

In Finland (and probably elsewher) they are soon implementing 'COVID-19 antibody tests' to determine who might have had the virus unknowingly. They will be sending out invitations around the country, and I maybe 'invited' too. So, I saw someone mention that in this kind of antibody test, they will not only draw blood from you, but they will also inject something into you. Is this accurate, or bogus?

It's a blood sample, just like when you have blood withdrawn for autohemotherapy or for a blood analysis for cholesterol and the like.
Actually, quite a few reports on how different govs are acting are found on the main corona virus thread. So, rather than disperse the information, perhaps this thread should be merged there where so many other reports are already?
I'm catching up with the molecular biology of the coronavirus and hopefully will post that in this thread at some point. It will have to be the hard version though, there's no way around it. Those who read the recommended books on Intelligent Design will find it interesting though.

I'd like to ask you a question. A patient of mine contacted me. He suffered a cerebral infarction with hemiplegia and aphasia. Now the wife is very concerned because she has read an article that COVID can also trigger neurological symptoms. I found a lot of articles but I have not yet been able to get an exact picture. Are there indications that this statement is correct and what is the state of the study on this question?
I'd like to ask you a question. A patient of mine contacted me. He suffered a cerebral infarction with hemiplegia and aphasia. Now the wife is very concerned because she has read an article that COVID can also trigger neurological symptoms. I found a lot of articles but I have not yet been able to get an exact picture. Are there indications that this statement is correct and what is the state of the study on this question?

The virus enters through the ACE2 receptor in the body. There are ACE2 receptors in the cerebral cortex, striatum, hypothalamus, and brainstem. The neurological syndromes described have more to do with the "material" alterations of our brain interface, that is, of the central nervous system itself: impaired consciousness, etc:

A stroke is a cardiovascular event. COVID-19 infection also affects the heart though, but the reported cases are severe. These people are in the ICU. Not typically someone sitting around at home.

It depends on your patient's characteristics. It might be the case that he was just too stressed and inflamed and that triggered a typical scenario stroke. Not that he doesn't have the virus and that some inflammation triggered by the virus didn't play a role though.

A stroke is a cardiovascular event triggering a neurological syndrome, which is different from what is being described about COVID19 giving neurological symptoms.

Even if in both scenarios (cardiovascular event and neurological complications from COVID-19), there is a COVID-19 infection, there's a subtle difference but important though. I hope that sheds some light, otherwise I just confused you more.
Here is a short run down about the economic repercussions worldwide that this Corona scam is already producing and what they think it will lead to. The links are in german, so I'll shortly summarize if necessary the gist of each one below the link. Also included is a dark prediction of the infamous Psycho and PTB insider Henry Kissinger, for the world after Corona, which might give us some clues on what some PTB want the planet to look like. It is ordered chronologically by the time the report came out, starting with the earliest on April first.

- Warning from the UN: Corona crisis could trigger global food shortages

- After Corona: Kissinger predicts gloomy prognosis for the world

Kissinger says, paraphrasing: If appropriate measures aren't taken Corona could cause global economic doom that could last for generations, adding "'failure could set the world on fire". Further he said that the world after Corona will be quite different: "When the Covid-19 pandemic is over, many countries’ institutions will be perceived as having failed. Whether this judgement is objectively fair is irrelevant. The reality is the world will never be the same after the coronavirus."

- Corona: China warns of a new Great Depression

China warns of a new global great depression that could be hard to avoid/prevent because of the bad relationship between the super powers adding that this crisis, in contrast to other crises in the past, mainly hits the real economy instead of the financial sector. Adding further that the measures, such as closing companies and enforcing curfews, is creating a domino effect in almost every sector of the real economy.

- IMF: Corona triggers worst economic downturn since Great Depression

IMF chief Kristalina Georgiewa expects Corona to produce the worst economic downturn since the great depression in 1929.

- French Central Bank: Corona pulls economy of the country into deepest recession since 1945

- Corona: 81 percent of all workers worldwide affected by draconian measures

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), around 81 percent of all workers worldwide are already directly affected by the draconian measures surrounding the corona swindle. Expressed in bare figures, that means 2.7 billion people worldwide are affected, while in Europe the average working time has already fallen by 7.8 percent.
A stroke is a cardiovascular event. COVID-19 infection also affects the heart though, but the reported cases are severe. These people are in the ICU. Not typically someone sitting around at home.

It depends on your patient's characteristics. It might be the case that he was just too stressed and inflamed and that triggered a typical scenario stroke. Not that he doesn't have the virus and that some inflammation triggered by the virus didn't play a role though.

A stroke is a cardiovascular event triggering a neurological syndrome, which is different from what is being described about COVID19 giving neurological symptoms.

Even if in both scenarios (cardiovascular event and neurological complications from COVID-19), there is a COVID-19 infection, there's a subtle difference but important though. I hope that sheds some light, otherwise I just confused you more.

Thanks for the quick reply and you don't confuse me.;-D
The apoplex was 2 years ago and was triggered by an aneurysm. He had massive brain edema. Now the wife read about respiratory arrest and cerebral edema and was completely confused and panicked. An apoplex causes family trauma and triggers are formed. I am currently experiencing this in my environment. People read a symptom, link it illogically and panic. I explained to her that you can't mix everything. Some neurological symptoms are probably also due to high fever or a sign of a massive immune response. I myself was unsettled because I read the following article, which describes much more extreme neurological symptoms.
A bit more on the Hollyweirdness and a very possible connection to recent and ongoing events. Vigilant Citizen's pics of the month for March features stuff by Hanx and son Chet who boasts that he's part of the Illuminati:


More pics of celebrities inputting their CV quarantine sh*t. Then it's on to Lady GaGa.
It's hard to say who's more the MKUltra persona, her or Miley Cyrus :nuts:.


The message: Your “entertainers” are actually bots programmed by the elite.

Then we have Willow Smith - actor Will Smith's daughter who:
In a strange art exhibit (media stunt) named “The Anxiety”, Willow Smith locked herself inside a box for 24 hours. During that time, Willow shaved her head – a classic MK slave move (i.e. the Britney Spears meltdown).
I have to say the walls reminded me of the Spirit Cooking walls - very bizarre. But it gets weirder:


Whaddaya know - white rabbit ears.

She then put on bunny ears – another MK slave move. In Monarch programming, the “Alice in Wonderland” script instructs slaves to “follow the white rabbit” to dissociation. On a wider scale, the art exhibit oddly foreshadowed the forced confinement of billions of people that would happen only days after.
This is followed by more one-eye examples and gender fluid crap including this:


The gender-blurring agenda to pre-school children: Billy Porter wears a dress on Sesame Street.
A couple more celebrity trans-kid pics with "symbolic" clothing choices. Then Madonna's 2019 Eurovision performance revisited that I posted previously.

Symbolic Pics of the Month 03/20
Towards the end, Madonna blows a “wind of death”, killing the masked people as a broken Statue of Liberty is displayed on the background. Did the “Grand Priestess” of the music industry predict things to come in 2020?

Now on to another peculiar aspect in regards to "falling". As shown previously, lots of celebs/others falling down. Symbolic or part of the "initiation" in which one has to be humiliated.
Taylor Swift’s Initiation

From unexpected drama to shocking performances, MTV’s 2009 Video Music Awards managed once again to raise eyebrows and get people talking. What most people missed, however, were the occult meanings encoded in the VMAs. The TV event was in fact a large scale occult ceremony, complete with an initiation, a prayer and even a blood sacrifice.

Taylor Swift wins the “Best Female Video” award and goes up on stage to give her thank yous. Kanye West pops out of nowhere, taking the mic from her hand, and informs her that Beyonce has “one of the best videos of all time“. This scene has caused much controversy and has earned Kanye the title of “Douchebag of the year” plus the honor of being called a “jackass” by the President of the United States. I might shock some people by saying this… but this “unexpected” event was… STAGED! There I said it. Did you ever watch a crappy reality show and had the gut feeling that the whole thing was scripted? Well, I’ve got an overload of that feeling while watching this scene. None of the people involved (not even Beyonce making her “I can’t believe this is happening” face) are good actors. Furthermore, I’ve been following Kanye’s career since his beginnings and I’ve retained one important fact about him: the only thing Kanye West cares about, is Kanye West. So if he had to throw a hissy fit about something, it would have been about him not winning. Not Beyonce. Him.

This scene is, in fact, Taylor Swift’s initiation into what I call “The Circle of Chosen Artists”. The pupil is humiliated in front of her peers and told that she is not worthy to be on the same stage as Beyonce, the queen of the ceremony. Almost all groups, fraternities and gangs carry out an initiation process to test the recruit’s character, strength, and worth. Swift’s ordeal was to have Kanye ruin her first award ever and to be told that she didn’t deserve this recognition. The rapper is known for bitching during award shows so he was the perfect candidate to make it all seem “unexpected”.
So, are all those "falls" part of the humiliation/initiation - perhaps just as the "black eyes/one eyes" are proclaiming membership in the Club?

Never talk about Fight Club! Just keep "falling" down the rabbit hole!
Another friend who runs a business contacted the COVID hotline to clarify whether her business was considered essential. She was told that yes it was and that she could keep operating so long as she could implement social distancing measures. She asked them to give her written confirmation of that advice because she could not afford the listed business fines. COVID hotline told her that they would not give her written confirmation and that she should check with the local police. So she called the police and they wouldn't give her any guarantees either. They basically said that it would all depend on the policeman who turned up on the day.
I would have recorded the calls & responses for potential legal purposes & kept the business open. FWIW
Regarding SV-40, there's a book called Dr Mary's Monkey on the subject of the government's plan to find an antidote or something. The book starts as a murder mystery, but the investigation goes in unexpected directions. Early 1960s. Everyone working in that lab died from unnatural causes in a short period of time, including Lee Harvey Oswald! Jack Ruby swore he was given cancer by an injection. He died very soon in prison after shooting L. H . Oswald. Our world is very weird. (shudder)
On the other hand, there is a story going around that Ruby's death was faked. Story from National Enquirer, which tends to be a reliable source of information, believe it or not. My ex-husband worked for them, and so I came to know about their journalistic methods.

Note to self: Next time in the grocery store, see what if anything National Enquirer has to say on subject of Corona Virus.
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