This is disinformation until proof is supplied.

United States Government Attorneys deny that the
Internal Revenue Service is agency of United States Government.

The following images are scanned copies of pleadings (certified by NARA) wherein a United States Attorney and a United States Department of Justice Trial Attorney, Tax Division, deny that Internal Revenue Service is an agency of the United States Government.

See specifically page 2 of pleadings, item no. 4.

The allegation by Diversified Metal Products, Inc., Plaintiff, for item number 4 reads as follows:

"Defendant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is an agency of the United States government
which has presented to Plaintiff a lien against monies to which Defendant Steve Morgan,
or persumably[sic] Defendant T-Bow Company Trust for him, may be entitled."



United States Government Attorneys deny that the
Internal Revenue Service is agency of United States Government.

The following images are scanned copies of pleadings (certified by NARA) wherein a United States Attorney and a United States Department of Justice Trial Attorney, Tax Division, deny that Internal Revenue Service is an agency of the United States Government.

See specifically page 2 of pleadings, item no. 4.

The allegation by Diversified Metal Products, Inc., Plaintiff, for item number 4 reads as follows:

"Defendant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is an agency of the United States government
which has presented to Plaintiff a lien against monies to which Defendant Steve Morgan,
or persumably[sic] Defendant T-Bow Company Trust for him, may be entitled."

View attachment 38064

View attachment 38065
This is weak and flimsy. An answer in an Answer, denying someone's allegation. The default response in federal district court is to deny the allegation. It's probable the allegation was denied because of a technical defect in the allegation. Without a good definition of United States Government and agency, it's easy just to deny, and then to clarify by admission that the United States of America is the proper party. By that admission, the IRS is some part of the United States of America, and definitely not "a foreign private corporation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)" or "the private 'army' of the Federal Reserve (Fed)." The people suing could've said something along the lines of the IRS being a part of the US Department of Treasury.

If there's better proof, let's see it. Otherwise, still disinformation.
Viral Video of Doctors Countering Coronavirus Narrative Being Deleted

A group of doctors stood in Washington DC and recorded a video countering the coronavirus narrative. The video received instant attention and garnered many millions of views overnight. Overnight on Facebook it rose up to the #2 most engaged post site wide. The video was live-streamed with 185,000 viewers. It had over 17 million views before it was removed from Facebook. It’s also been highly targeted for censorship and been deleted from Twitter, YouTube, and Google.

Facebook’s Communication Director, Andy Stone, openly admitted to deleting the video. He says “we removed it for sharing false information about cures and treatments for COVID-19.” However Andy Stone does not appear to have any medical credentials and he does not indicate what contrary information he has that proves the video is false information. In this case social media ‘experts’ outweigh the medical advice of actual doctors.

The group is called America’s Frontline Doctors. Their site motto says that “American life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign.” In the presentation various doctors speak at the podium about personal experiences with patients and problems with the medical industry. They describe the effectiveness of therapeutic treatments and how those treatments are being suppressed in favor of ventilator and hysteria.

There’s growing evidence to support expanded use of hydroxycholoroquine. A Henry Ford study showed that the therapeutic took the crude-mortality rate from 26.4% to 13.5%. Their study was published in the International Journal of Infections Diseases and President Trump even tweeted about it. The deep state media complex was quick to reply, publishing articles hours later that warn of dangers.

The findings are completely opposite of what many top medical experts and mainstream media outlets were telling us. Early in the coronavirus pandemic anecdotal reports from physicians internationally were met with skepticism. Major outlets in the US panned the drug as dangerous and highly risky. The President was ridiculed for suggesting it’s use, even after announcing he had been taking it for several days.

Study Details:
  • 2,541 Patients Participated in the Study with an average hospital stay of 6 days.
  • 26.4% crude mortality rate for those getting neither drug
  • 22.4% crude mortality rate for those getting azithromycin alone
  • 20.1% crude mortality rate for those getting hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin
  • 18.1% crude mortality rate for the entire group
  • 13.5% crude mortality rate for those getting hydroxychloroquine alone
Growing censorship of the effectiveness of certain treatments against coronavirus is alarming. The medical industry carries out the practice of medicine. There is a constant quest for improving results, quicker treatments, and more powerful cures. It’s normal for scientific fields to question findings but the method of suppressing legitimate results has taken this dispute to full on propaganda. The motive is certainly designed to suppress use of the therapeutic treatments for one reason or another. The victims unfortunately are wholly unaware of potential life-saving treatments being withheld.

Studies on the drugs effectiveness go back more than 50 years. The FDA first approved it in 1955 after one of it’s derivative of chemicals was discovered by Hans Andersag while he worked for Bayer in Germany. The family of drugs is effective against lupus, tumors, and various kinds of viral infections. The exact mechanism of the drug is not completely understood, but it’s presumed to somehow protect DNA by bonding with it.

Various anecdotal reports of questionable reporting practices and genuine failures paint a broader picture of intentional inflation. Dozens of clinics in Florida have submitted numbers that were 100% positive. Colorado has revised numbers down, sometimes as much as 25% at a time. Other states have been caught reporting the same case multiple times.

Various Governors have also been called out on policies that placed positive cases into nursing homes. Mixing a dangerous viral disease with then country’s most sensitive population is insanity. Temporary hospitals sat empty while the policy exposed many elderly and caused thousands of unnecessary deaths. Decisions to place the most infections with the highest risk demographic could be considered negligent homicide. A prosecutor could rightly ask, why a single positive case went to a nursing home while field hospitals sat empty.
Doctor Simone Gold Fired from Hospital After Attending 'White Coat Summit' -- Hires Atty Lin Wood

I don't remember seeing this posted. It's significant news for many reasons.
This isn't about politics it's about the globalist agenda. There seems to be a war going on by the Elites against the ordinary person. The fact that Trump was put into office by ordinary people, only means that they have been trying to get rid of him ever since he got there. Pretty consistently, without let up. This is about controlling and culling the world's population. It's only 'political' because reality is so bleak.
Here an interview from Global Research to Peter Koenig that many of you know and he is really a good journalist. This interview is about the economics about this false pandemic and the panorama is no good even if Koenig is always telling us that we can change this situation if we have the strength to fight. Also his last article about this apocalyptic economic situation.

Global Destruction, 
The COVID-19 Lockdown: Economic and Social Impacts - Global Research
An announcement released a few hours ago stating that Victoria has declared a state of disaster and is returning to stage 4 lockdowns for 6 weeks. The Channel 9 report refers to it as 'shock and awe'. That's ominous.

'Shock and awe': Victoria declares state of disaster, six-week Melbourne curfew and stage four restrictions

Victoria has declared a state of disaster and stage four restrictions are now in place, including a police-enforced curfew in metro Melbourne.
Under "shock and awe" state of disaster provisions, an 8pm - 5am curfew will be imposed by police and soldiers across Melbourne, starting tonight and continuing daily for at least six weeks.
The state of disaster declaration means Victoria Police and others have been granted additional powers, and the government can also suspend various acts of the parliament.

Last I heard the phrase 'shock and awe' was in relation to Bush's continuous bombing campaign in Iraq.

Here's what wikipedia says about it.

Shock and awe (technically known as rapid dominance) is a tactic based on the use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy's perception of the battlefield and destroy their will to fight.

Here is Dan Andrews release:
I know how much Victorians want to go back to some semblance of normal – or at least “COVID normal”.

They want to be able to get a beer with their mates. To drop round and see mum. And they definitely want an end to these daily updates and their grim new milestones.

Our health experts tell us the measures we’ve introduced are working. But too slowly.

The current rate of community transmission – mystery cases that cannot be traced back to work or home – is far too high.

As they tell us, based on the current numbers, cases might begin to drop off not in days or weeks – but in months. Months more of lockdown restrictions. Months more of 300, 400, 500 cases a day.

More Victorians in hospital beds. More Victorians hooked up to machines just to breathe.

And more Victorians – more grandparents, parents, sons, daughters, partners and loved ones – choked to death by an invisible enemy.

That’s not something I’m willing to accept. I don’t think it’s something any of us are willing to accept.

We must do more. We must go harder. It’s the only way we’ll get to the other side of this.

I know Victorians are with me when I say, too many people are not taking this seriously. And too many people not taking this seriously means that too many other people are having to plan funerals for those they love.

It’s why from 6pm tonight, Victoria will enter a State of Disaster. We used this same provision over summer, and as we step-up our fight against this public health bushfire, we need to use it again.

This will give our police additional powers to make sure people are complying with public health directions – more on which we’ll have to say in the coming days.

From 6pm tonight, Melbourne will also move to Stage 4 restrictions with stronger rules to limit the movement of people – and limit the spread of this virus across our city.

That includes a curfew – from 8pm to 5am – beginning tonight. The only reasons to leave home during these hours will be work, medical care and caregiving.

Where you slept last night is where you’ll need to stay for the next six weeks. There’ll be exemptions for partners who live apart and for work, if required.

The Night Network will be suspended, and public transport services will be reduced during curfew hours. This will also allow us to redeploy more of our PSOs into our enforcement efforts.

New time, distance and gathering limits will also apply for exercise and shopping.

Exercise will be limited to a maximum of one hour per day and no more than five kilometres from your home. Group size will be limited to a maximum of two – you and one other person – whether you live with them or not.

Shopping will be limited to one person per household per day. Again, the five-kilometre rule will apply.

Of course, there’ll be some common-sense exceptions. If your closest supermarket is further than five kilometres, you can still shop there. If you’re a parent with little ones, you can still take them with you when you go for a walk.

And these distance, gathering and time limits won’t apply for work, medical care or compassionate reasons.

Study at TAFE and uni must be done remotely. And from Wednesday at 11:59pm, weddings in Melbourne cannot occur.

Face coverings will continue to be compulsory – ensuring that if we do have to be out, it’s in the safest way possible.

The question I know most parents will be asking: schools will return to remote and flexible learning – across all year levels.

Students who are currently attending onsite – including senior students and those in our specialist schools – will go to school on Monday, have a pupil free day on Tuesday, and be learning at home from Wednesday.

Onsite supervision will be offered but tightened – only available for students who really need it. That means children whose parents are permitted workers and vulnerable kids who can’t learn from home.

From Thursday, those same rules will apply to Melbourne’s kinder and early childhood education services.

We know this will be a significant ask of parents with little ones – and big ones too. But I promise, as a parent to three, it’s an ask I don’t make lightly.

These changes will be in place for at least the next six weeks until Sunday 13 September. As always, we’ll keep reviewing and realigning the restrictions in line with the advice of our health experts – and if we can change things earlier, we will.

We also recognise that workplaces continue to be the site of many of our cases.

Today, I’ve made some announcements that change how Victorians will live – tomorrow, I’ll have more to say about the way Victorians need to work.

I know that will cause a certain level of anxiety and uncertainty. But the truth is, this is complex – and we’re going to take some extra time to make sure we get these calls right.

I’ve had the job of leading this state for almost six years – more than 2000 days. And today is by far the hardest day – and the hardest decision.

But it is the decision I’ve made to keep our state safe.

The whole way through this, I promised to be upfront. So I’ll say this now. This will be imperfect. And for a little while, there’ll be more questions than answers.

It’s why I’m asking something else of Victorians – please be calm, please be kind, please be patient.

I understand people will feel scared and sad and worried.

But we are Victorians – and we will get through this as Victorians. With grit, with guts and together.

All the temporary sacrifices we make now – all the time missed with mates, those delayed visits to mum – those sacrifices will help keep our mates and our mums and our fellow Victorians safe.

We can – we will – get through this.

Apart. But together.

This is only for metro Melbourne so far and apparently won't be implemented in regional area's.
An announcement released a few hours ago stating that Victoria has declared a state of disaster and is returning to stage 4 lockdowns for 6 weeks. The Channel 9 report refers to it as 'shock and awe'. That's ominous.

'Shock and awe': Victoria declares state of disaster, six-week Melbourne curfew and stage four restrictions

Last I heard the phrase 'shock and awe' was in relation to Bush's continuous bombing campaign in Iraq.

Here's what wikipedia says about it.

Here is Dan Andrews release:

This is only for metro Melbourne so far and apparently won't be implemented in regional area's.

What's next after a state of disaster? State of Armageddon? 😅
Maybe "random errors" aren't so random but have an interaction with the information field?
That seems to be the clear implication from many comments of the Cs.

Separately, does anyone know if Corona viruses can reverse transcribe? I can't seem to find this info.
They can't. Different family.
(Links are to the relevant sections.)

The stuff about lysogeny is interesting. I still don't quite get how an endogenous virus protects you from anything, but it seems like it would only work against the same virus or a very similar one, though the info in the videos about that is kind of all over the place and unclear. Since most viruses are not retroviruses and can't inject themselves into your DNA, this doesn't seem relevant for them, including coronaviruses.
He talks about Rous sarcoma and leukemia viruses in the videos, which are retroviruses.

He believes every pathogenic virus has a Rubin virus equivalent. That mean every virus that can lead to lysis of the cell has a virus that can protect the cell against it.
Well, he provides nothing to support this belief, and it doesn't sound very probable. It's a pretty far-fetched assumption, and doesn't seem to make much sense especially for anything that's not a retrovirus.

Also, looking up lysogeny, all results so far tell me this is relevant to bacteria with no indication it works in humans. Wiki only says "Lysogenic cycles can also occur in eukaryotes, although the method of DNA incorporation is not fully understood." (And that's the only non-bacterial reference I've seen.) So I wonder how much this guy in the videos is only speculating. At any rate, it looks like you'd have to look into it much more to draw any clear conclusions. Maybe there's something there, but so far it doesn't strike me as all that convincing.

(Also a friendly note from a resident grammar Nazi: it's spelled "interference".)

What's this vaccine that Russia possesses and why are they so confident in it?
It's Russia, so probably more like Vodka. (Which, to be honest, would probably be the safest coronavirus vaccine we'd ever see.)
Maybe you should consider this, from a French Sott article:

Hereafter the video intitled "Mask Microbiology: a very curious culture". It's in Spanish, but French and English subtitles are available.

I used to do the same as you, but since I saw the video, I do it differently.

I use a disposable one too, but I spray it with a mixture of essential oils (like a sanitizing spray with essential oils) before going out, then I put it in a bag in my handbag and take it out before going into the shops. Essential oils also allow you to breathe more pleasantly through the mask. I change it once a week, instead of not at all. The same can be done with a cloth mask, but I don't want to wear one (I've tried) because the thickness of the mask prevents me from breathing properly, even for some minutes. Hereafter, the product I use. Basically, they are essential oils that can be used in diffusion, so they are not more dangerous than when used in this way.


Edit: Subtitles information and link to the article

I heard you MK (and in some synchronistic way too, the geneticist Alexandra Caude-Henrion who explained with her common sense that it's not good to inhale back something you normally exhale). And thanks for the tip, because if anything at least the muzzle will smell better! ;-)
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