@Mandatory Intellectomy on ERVs being directly implicated to some form of viral interferance.

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An endogenous retroviral element exerts an antiviral innate immune function via the derived lncRNA lnc-ALVE1-AS1
Article (PDF Available)inAntiviral Research 170:104571 · July 2019 with 41 Reads

Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) constitute an important component of animal and human genomes and are usually silenced by epigenetic mechanisms in adult cells. Although ERVs were recently reported to be linked to early development, tumorigenesis and autoimmune disease, their impacts on antiviral innate immunity and the underlying mechanisms have not been elucidated. Here, we provide the first direct evidence of an endogenous retroviral element affecting antiviral innate immunity via its derived antisense long non-coding RNA (lncRNA). We found that an antisense lncRNA, which is called lnc-ALVE1-AS1 and is transcribed from the endogenous avian leukosis virus in chromosome 1 (ALVE1), distinctly inhibited the entry and replication of exogenous retroviruses in chicken embryonic fibroblasts (CEFs). This behaviour is at least in part attributed to the induction of an antiviral innate immune pathway by ALVE1 activation, suggesting that an activated endogenous retroviral element may induce antiviral defence responses via its derived antisense lncRNA. We also found that lnc-ALVE1-AS1 mediated these effects by activating the TLR3 signalling in the cytoplasm. Our results provide novel insights into the antiviral innate immune function of ERVs, suggesting that ERVs may play an important role in antiviral defences and provide new strategies for the development of new vaccines.

So it looks like ERVs may play a role in viral interferance (which remember isn't one thing, but many).

In any case, this is stuff I didn't know! It's quite academic though LOL.

I'll dive into the lysogency stuff later - I have a hunch it doesn't only apply to bacteriophage 😛 but is another way our cells can interact with viruses and "receive upgrades" as the chateau crew speculated in one of the sessions I think.
In reference to Gov. DeWine's request for HCQ not to be banned in Ohio -
On Thursday, DeWine said that he agreed with FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn, who said that the decision to use HCQ should be between doctor and patient.
- the same should apply to masks. Nonetheless, a move in the right direction.
With the science behind the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat COVID-19 far from settled, more than a few people have noted the aggressive campaign against the widely-prescribed anti-malaria drug.
Meanwhile, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Stephen Hahn noted that some medical observational studies "suggest a benefit" to the drug, also according to Just The News.
Health officials from China, Korea, India, Taiwan, Malaysia, Bahrain, Turkey, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Morocco, Algeria, Nigeria, Senegal, Cuba, Italy, and 65 scientific studies have shown hydroxychloroquine is effective when used early against COVID19. A thread.
Isn't this fun? I wonder what Stage 5 lockdowns look like?

"There is no Stage 5", said the premier (lol). The next phase would be the NZ model, i.e., the elimination strategy.

This whole thing is giving me serious creeps at the moment. I don't think that the people can handle a 'second wave', anywhere globally really. Something has got to give here and I just hope it's not like a violent snapback or something.

Or maybe a reveal?

Can't quite put my finger on it yet - but it sure is interesting to watch the current developments in Australia and other countries.
I think there were 41(?) attempts on his life. I'm not sure on the exact number. Mainly by men who were in the military. This gives the impression that he was somehow 'protected'. Perhaps by something that we would consider Evil? :evil: The German public, who allowed this Evil to manifest has to take some of the blame - maybe even most of it? Most specifically it was all those 'good people who did nothing' who are to blame.

I definitely think we are facing the same situation now, for this '2nd coming'. Those 'good people who are doing nothing' are going to let it happen again, and then be its final victims, of course.

There's also more of them this time, and more countries this time.

I am listening to Robert Barnes and Viva Frei discuss masks and cases. A person by the name of M Watson said : I thought this was pretty funny. People could get really creative with the masks and not break 'the law'. We need to find a company that makes masks..... and then get them to tailor them.

MAGA masks strikes me as a brilliantly simple idea to possibly get rid of the masks, except I know in my workplace, they wouldn’t be compliant so it would be limited to wear in other public places. Maybe an action that can be taken by the silent majority instead of protests that spiral out of control.
The hydroxychloroquine madness should be used to point out the obvious double standard:

- "The effectiveness of HCQ in fighting COVID-19 is not clear" - so nobody should use it. (Banned)
- "The effectiveness of a vaccine in fighting COVID-19 is not clear" - so everyone should get it. (Mandatory)

Same situation, completely opposite conclusion.
Celeste Solum warns of final depopulation attack to be unleashed against humanity THIS YEAR

Very informative video - Mike Adams interviews Celeste Solum a 20 year veteran of FEMA.
She was one of the sources of Steve Quayle feeding him information while she worked at FEMA.

Celeste talks about the plan of "disabling 90% of the population" and the lab manufactured 'plant destroyers gene' to kill off the fruit trees and plants, therefore destroying the food supply.

Celeste Solum, warns that FEMA has long been planning to enslave and then exterminate tens of millions of Americans.

This genocidal attack is likely being unleashed this year, warns Celeste. And guillotines are already distributed across America, stored in FEMA camps, ready to deploy as mass murder machines. Why guillotines? They’re low-tech and have just one moving part. They don’t break down and require no ammunition, no electricity and no fuel to operate. Unlike all other death machines, guillotines can be effectively used even when societal infrastructure is crippled.
I thought this was pretty funny. People could get really creative with the masks and not break 'the law'. We need to find a company that makes masks..... and then get them to tailor them.
The biggest effect would be if Trump himself wore a red MAGA mask - with the middle a net material like Gandalf showed earlier in the thread! Just think how much that would wig the lefties out! :-P
The hydroxychloroquine madness should be used to point out the obvious double standard:

- "The effectiveness of HCQ in fighting COVID-19 is not clear" - so nobody should use it. (Banned)
- "The effectiveness of a vaccine in fighting COVID-19 is not clear" - so everyone should get it. (Mandatory)

Same situation, completely opposite conclusion.
It's called an agenda. The first one saves lives and is cheap, the other one is expensive, but makes pharma a lot of money and kills people. Guess which one governments will chose? It will be the one to benefit THEM, not the one to benefit the people.
Funny, in a passive-aggressive way about wearing this damned thing, I do all the contrary of those guidelines ! I just have one disposable one taken at my job (it would hurt me to buy one...) that I use each time it's mandated. Even worse, I've got a second one for my husband, and it's very possible that we have exchanged them several times. :lol:

I too wear it the less time I can, and often under my nose in shops.
I'm surprised how I used to wear it at the operating room without being disturbed, without noticing I had a mask, as it seems so natural. And now I can't bear it, even at the operating room!
In my office, I wear it on the chin, in order to wear it "correctly" if someone seems unhappy. When a patient enters in my office, I say he/she can take the mask off and often he is happy and says "thank you! I couldn't breath".
When I see a patient is hesitant about taking it off, I show him the opened window and say that there is no problem with any virus as the room is well ventilated and he is reassured and take it off. So, for those who are still afraid by "microbes", if you offer an alternative, it's ok.
Only once I had a patient who wanted to keep it, so I respected his willing.
When I give to some of them an exemption certificate because of their health issues, they're very happy.

So it seems that the majority is aware these measures are silly or at least this majority is lost/ don't know/ perplexed about these measures. But they don't have the courage or ability to think otherwise. That's why the autorities' job is so easy.

I would never have thought that one day occidental women (and worse: even men !!) would wear a burka!!
Last week, among my patients, I saw a muslim woman like on the photo #1: she "naturally"/ culturally has her mask.
As Dr Fauci recommends we "protect" also our eyes (with goggles), next it will be photo #2
and also our hands (gloves): photo #3
photo #4: welcome to the new occidental high-tech society, the same as extremist religious countries, finally! Oh how advanced they were!
Seriously, all this antisocial measures are the biggest social madness I've ever seen. This elite might have a big fun, sitting with their popcorn while watching their exciting show.
I still wonder if i'm awake or in a bad dream.


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WHO admits: No direct evidence masks prevent viral infection
This is one of many examples of SOTT relaying content from elsewhere and adding worthwhile editorial comments and references.
This video about mask is virtue signaling is pretty good. A version of it is being passed around twitter without credit or link. I dug around until I found a comments linking to the original. At least she can't get cancelled on twitter. I guess it also shows that twitter is still the more viral platform. Only 1300 views on YT at this moment vs 11k and more for various uncredited twitter-stolen version.

Last week, among my patients, I saw a muslim woman like on the photo #1: she "naturally"/ culturally has her mask.
As Dr Fauci recommends we "protect" also our eyes (with goggles), next it will be photo #2
and also our hands (gloves): photo #3
photo #4: welcome to the new occidental high-tech society, the same as extremist religious countries, finally!
As anyone can see, these coverings serve to dehumanize the wearer. They also signal submission/lesser/the other/untouchable (leper). And yet, when our health authorities mandate something akin to these, the masses will be only too happy to comply in order to be safe! And condemn/assault those who don't!

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