{in response to part of this post} What better way to isolate China in the "trade war" and cause economic and financial difficulties, starting in the central business hub in China, with "a newly-identified coronavirus"?

Yes, there is that line of force one could consider, however...

Jon Rappoport has a slightly more cynical look at the usual touted risk of spreading viruses, as people would know who read his work on vaccines et cetera (e.g. he has written on many sudden news worthy virus outbreaks over the last many years, especially when directly tied to certain agencies and drugs). Now this does not negate whatsoever Gaby's post on the New Light on the Black Death... and that quote from the mid 1300's event (and others). That is the stuff from the stars. There is also the chilling standalone read (really chilling) of Daniel Defoe's 'A Journal of the Plague Year' - "...1722 account of the epidemic of bubonic plague — known as the Black Death — that ravaged England in 1664–1665."

You can read a little about it here:

To quote Wickramasinghe again from within:

The rather sudden appearance in the literature of references to particular disease is significant in that it probably points to times of specific "invasions". Thus the first clear description of a disease resembling influenza is early in the 17th century AD. The common cold has no mention until about the 15th century AD. Descriptions of small pox and measles do not appear in a clearly recognizable form until about the 9th century AD. Furthermore, certain early plagues such as the plague of Athens of 429BC, which is vividly detailed by the Greek historian Thucydides, do not seem to have an easily recognizable modern counterpart.
We noticed that epidemics and pandemics of fresh diseases, both in historical times as well as more recently, have almost without exception appeared suddenly and spread with phenomenal swiftness. The influenza pandemics of 1889-1890 and 1918-1919 both swept over vast areas of the globe in a matter of weeks. Such swiftness of spread, particularly in days prior to air travel, is difficult to understand if infection can pass only from person to person. Rather it is strongly suggestive of an extraterrestrial invasion over a global scale. We argue now that it is primary cometary dust infection that is the most lethal, and that secondary person-to-person transmissions have a progressively reduced virulence, so resulting in a diminishing incidence of disease over a limited timescale.

Taken with the above, Defoe's book is an eye opener, yet on the commercial and more cynical side of pandemics, Jon starts with shades (in Upper Case) of MSM headlines that we read. Here was his first article, second and third (there is probably a fourth by now).

Despite what Jon is saying related to the CDC/WHO 'virus hunters,' clearly in the past these agencies created big stirs which begot control and mass vaccinations. They create unbridled fear in the public. Are they looking for the big one to cover up its celestial origins? Is that part of their role?

Take this related to comets, there is a passage in this article:

Cynics (or modern sophists), in other words, would say that we do not need the celestial threat to disguise Cold War intentions; rather we need the Cold War to disguise celestial intentions! (The Hazard to Civilization from Fireballs and Comets)

So, reaching with this, what if the above (as Rappoport looks at in his way) is disguising not 'Cold War' intentions, it is substituting it with viruses, plagues or pandemics: '...we do not need the celestial threat to disguise pandemics; rather we need pandemics intentions to disguise celestial intentions!'

It was just a thought.

Can't recall (temporarily) exactly which of the many articles on SOTT the following comes from, yet it relates to the word Pestalence (as people here might remember Laura writing about this). It starts (on Pestilence) with "Jacme d'Agramaont, a doctor writing in 1348 described it in reference to the "Black Death"':

... Agramont said nothing concerning the term epidemia, but he extensively developed what he meant by pestilencia. He gave this latter term a very peculiar etymology, in accordance with a from of knowledge established by Isidore of Seville (570=636) in his Etymologiae, which came to be widely accepted throughout Europe during the Middle Ages. He split the term pestilencia up into three syllables, each having a particular meaning: pes = tempesta: 'storm, tempest'; te = 'temps, time', lencia = clardat: 'brightness, light'; hence, he concluded, the pestilencia was 'the time of tempest caused by light from the stars.'

Perhaps this event in China will not develop further, really hope so, and it was just from dirty water, open sewage, infected food and animals (bats) et cetera, yet when it does come (not if), history tells us it will spread like wildfire and there will be no WHO or CDC to stop it (yet they will assign some origins for it (like rats) and measure out control, if they even can).

As Rappoport says of all the old events; SARS, H1n1, ZIKA, the response was massive and 24/7 on the news, yet what did it really amount to? Who many people did they put in quarantine? Annually, the flue takes out between 200 and 600 thousand people (compromised immunity and old age are markers), so this is either that, some release or mutation or it is something more.

I was wondering whether 5G could cause mutations that would result in the "accidental" creation of this virus since this technology is based on microwaves. Furthermore, we also know that 5G weakens the cell walls allowing the virus to enter cells more easily.

According to this article, the virus is not related to the wet market.
No link with seafood market in first case of China coronavirus

Researchers into initial cases find first person with symptoms had no contact with market where disease is believed to have originated. The first patient had no exposure to the Huanan seafood market which was shut down on January 1 over fears that the new virus was linked to its trade in wild animals. The researchers added that none of the patient’s family had developed fever or any respiratory symptoms. There was also no epidemiological link between the first patient and the later cases, they found.
People on weibo are now saying that the "90,000 cases" video is false :

"Comments have details why this is fake: doctors do not wear this type of mask, she is wearing a swimming cap, etc"

I thought it was fake from the moment I saw it. There is another of a young guy supposedly from Wuhan being posted all over Twitter, I think it's fake too, his accent sounds Taiwanese but I'm not an expert on Mainland accents so I could be way off base.

I've been following this whole situation for a couple days now on twitter. The first videos uploaded of the bat soup were by Hong Kong accounts, then almost a day later it was going viral by westerners. The problem is westerners see an account run by a 'Yang' or 'Lee' etc and assume its Chinese, when it could be anyone. When a video is uploaded of a Chinese looking person they can't differentiate or use critical thinking that just maybe the vid is propaganda by Hong Kong, Taiwan or Tibetan pro-democracy agents. For these guys this whole virus outbreak is a perfect storm to sow dissent and especially in how the CCP is managing the situation.

Even though I myself am not the biggest fan of China, it was clear as day that the anti-China propaganda machine was and is in full swing but I think China is going to show the world that they will have this situation under control. Do I think they may not be telling the whole truth, especially on numbers? Yes. But it's nothing like the propagandists are trying to portray.
What's interesting about the bat soup is that the image taps into a number of connections that may not be entirely conscious. Bats carry lyssavirus and rabies and we're told to either not handle them at all or handle them very carefully. For many there is a disgust element surrounding bats that is really enhanced by putting a dead bat in a bowl of soup.

China is portrayed, here in Australia at least, to be buying up a lot of land and that whips up discontent about govt selling off assets to foreign interests and is allied with Russia through BRICS. There is evidence that the Chinese have bought up assets, but it seems as though that idea is exaggerated when images like the below do the rounds on social media.

Screen Shot 2020-01-26 at 2.02.01 pm.png

Overall this coronavirus outbreak, if it hasn't come in on comet dust, seems to be as much psychological warfare against China and the Chinese as it is pre-marketing for a new vaccine. Two birds with one stone.
God bless Jon Rappoport! His expose on Aids was a real eye-opener for me!


Annually, the flue takes out between 200 and 600 thousand people (compromised immunity and old age are markers), so this is either that, some release or mutation or it is something more.
As to the flu, from last year:
Massive flu outbreak? Here’s the real story the media won’t touch. The lies, the hoax, the scandal.
I covered part of the scandal the other day, but here I’ll give you much more.
by Jon Rappoport
January 15, 2018
SCANDAL TWO: In December of 2005, the British Medical Journal (online) published another shocking Peter Doshi report, which created tremors through the halls of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), where “the experts” used to tell the press that 36,000 people in the US die every year from the flu.
Here is a quote from Doshi’s report, “Are US flu death figures more PR than science?” (BMJ 2005; 331:1412):
“[According to CDC statistics], ‘influenza and pneumonia’ took 62,034 lives in 2001—61,777 of which were attributable to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was the flu virus positively identified.”

Can we trust anything any kind of authority says? Hell no!!!

From the same article:
Health authorities admit this year’s flu vaccine is only 10% effective.
But of course, they urge you to take the vaccine anyway.
Why is this year’s vaccine ineffective? Because it’s made using chicken eggs, and researchers have discovered that the flu virus—which is placed in the vaccine—mutates in chicken eggs.
Therefore, by the time a person takes the flu shot, he’s not being protected against this year’s seasonal flu virus. He’s being protected against a mutated virus that isn’t causing the flu this year.
This is the conventional explanation. If you think it’s the whole story, I have condos for sale on the moon.
You see, vaccines have been made using chicken eggs—not just this year—but for the past 70 years.
That would mean the flu vaccine has been ineffective for decades.
Healthline.com: “The majority of flu vaccines are grown in chicken eggs, a method of vaccine development that’s been used for 70 years.”
Please remember, too:
Q: (Niall) Geez. Why would they want to target the UK?

A: Create chaos.
A: General chaos generated from 4D STS sources.
A: We once pointed out that mass human behavior was a reflection of cosmic conditions. Now is the time when all must be extra vigilant. We also pointed out that STS forces are fully aware of prophetic patterns and will change and twist in order to discourage and put those to sleep who are slack in vigilance. Note the human environment and try to imagine what it represents above!!!

Q: (Joe) Well, what's the human environment doing?

(L) It's just going nuts!

(Joe) And what does that represent above?

(Pierre) Chaos.
A: Hello to beloved ones. Cassiopaea calling. Fear not; All will be well! Wave effects produce many unusual manifestations and chaos.

Q: (L) So, you're saying that the recent events with which we've had to deal and news we've become aware of is all part of chaos caused by the Wave?

A: Yes
(L) I would say that maybe part of the chaos would be the snapback from the masses of ordinary people against the whole postmodernist, deconstructionist, liberalist, Marxist stuff... Like the French Revolution or something. And then we've got climate chaos for sure.
And now we have virus chaos! All part of the plan - as above, so below?
(Chu) In the book Evolution 2.0, it talks about how the restructuring of DNA and recoding in order to rearrange the code and create something new happens mainly in response to heat shock, pollution, hazardous chemicals, absence of food, or presence of food that's harmful – that is, under hardship conditions and extreme conditions - and it happens all in a few hours. I was wondering if this is an explanation for why suffering is conducive to learning?

A: Yes
If the official numbers in terms of people being infected, dying from it, the rate of spread as well as the mortality rate correspond to reality, I have a hard time to understand the surrounding hype. We are talking about middle of china here (one of the most populated areas on the planet) where it supposedly first broke out and still it is a very mild disease both in terms of dead and rate of infection compared to many other diseases that can and have spread and are far more dangerous. Of course, we don't know how the numbers are in reality and if what is reported is true or not. So there is room for speculation what might be really going on. But for now, for me at least, I find this way over hyped. But then again, of course the virus could always mutate at any point, making it far more dangerous.
The scientists from Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention have successfully isolated the virus, and working to select the proper strain for a vaccine production, the report said.

26 JAN, 2020
Wow. That was fast. Im not surprised. Lets go now and calculate how many billions will be made on this vaccine worldwide. Theres the answer why such hype and the spreading of the virus was "allowed", osit. Right at the time people are travelling in 100s of millions around the world. Maybe a new cooperation between pharmaceutical parasites and governments to profit and cull the population some? (strike that maybe and there you go. no reason for fear if you arent seeing dead bodies in the street)
I can bet high amounts of money that more than 60% of msm articles on this are fake/false/lies.
And knowing how hygiene works in China I think that virus wont spread anywhere where people are aware how viruses and bacteria travel around and there is ample hygiene. I mean, Chinese dont use soap in hospitals? You seen how they handle peanuts that are sold around the world? No peanuts for me thank you😉


Wow. That was fast. Im not surprised. Lets go now and calculate how many billions will be made on this vaccine worldwide. Theres the answer why such hype and the spreading of the virus was "allowed", osit. Right at the time people are travelling in 100s of millions around the world. Maybe a new cooperation between pharmaceutical parasites and governments to profit and cull the population some? (strike that maybe and there you go. no reason for fear if you arent seeing dead bodies in the street)
I can bet high amounts of money that more than 60% of msm articles on this are fake/false/lies.
And knowing how hygiene works in China I think that virus wont spread anywhere where people are aware how viruses and bacteria travel around and there is ample hygiene. I mean, Chinese dont use soap in hospitals? You seen how they handle peanuts that are sold around the world? No peanuts for me thank you😉


I don't get the impression this time around that there's much in the way of 5D chess going on. Viruses do happen naturally after all, and the they do come from China. The press coverage hasn't got the earmarks, imho, of manipulation. Normally, if they're angling to sell drugs, they'll ramp up the fear quotient, with subway ads and TV spots and brochures all prepared in advance, (it takes months to set up and coordinate a massive public relations campaign). In this case, there's none of that, and in fact they've been making efforts to downplay things. -Rushing dozens of earth movers to a site to manically build a hospital in record time speaks of government "Do SOMETHING" desperation, and teams of hazmat suit dudes spraying down main throughfares? That's not typical Big Pharma playbook stuff. This feels genuine.

And there have been bad flu seasons in the past, but I can't recall any where folks were dropping on the sidewalk.

I'm not particularly worried, however. The West is much more hygenicaly prepared and knows how to deal with this stuff. So just play it smart and don't get sick. And if you do get sick, be prepared and do the right things to get well again.

The thing I'm most worried about is somebody knocking on my door with a needle in hand. Hrm...
Now imagine if the authorities of the planet put a law that every passenger that will take an airplane have to be vaccinated of the Coronavirus? If not you can not travel. Good way to make money, and to control. When we talk about vaccines and so fast my cat whiskers are in alert.
The West is much more hygenicaly prepared and knows how to deal with this stuff.

I wouldn’t be so sure about that. At least in the spiritual sense I would think that the West in general is much more vulnerable than non western populations, since the hygiene in the West in terms of the soul seems to be pretty much at an all time low. I wouldn’t discount this type of hygiene when it comes down to pandemics and how they effect populations because it might also be an important factor. When it comes down to physical hygiene I wouldn’t be so sure either. For example, in terms of diet I think many western populations are more at risk compared to asians for example who eat far less gluten (rise based instead). That is also a important type of hygiene I think.
Regarding those images in Western media of a Chinese woman eating a bat soup, it seems that the woman has made the following statement that it happened not in China, but in Palau, Micronesia (the fruit bat soup is a famous delicacy in Palau), fwiw:

I don't get the impression this time around that there's much in the way of 5D chess going on. Viruses do happen naturally after all, and the they do come from China. The press coverage hasn't got the earmarks, imho, of manipulation. Normally, if they're angling to sell drugs, they'll ramp up the fear quotient, with subway ads and TV spots and brochures all prepared in advance, (it takes months to set up and coordinate a massive public relations campaign). In this case, there's none of that, and in fact they've been making efforts to downplay things. -Rushing dozens of earth movers to a site to manically build a hospital in record time speaks of government "Do SOMETHING" desperation, and teams of hazmat suit dudes spraying down main throughfares? That's not typical Big Pharma playbook stuff. This feels genuine.

And there have been bad flu seasons in the past, but I can't recall any where folks were dropping on the sidewalk.

I'm not particularly worried, however. The West is much more hygenicaly prepared and knows how to deal with this stuff. So just play it smart and don't get sick. And if you do get sick, be prepared and do the right things to get well again.

The thing I'm most worried about is somebody knocking on my door with a needle in hand. Hrm...
Yet to me it looks exactly like any other flu scare, on a much larger scale. And since its flu season and its China it wouldnt look like usual western big pharma spiel. Spiels also tend to get upgrades so Im always presuming the worst when it comes to thinking about what are they gonna do to us next. I hate surprises.
And this is China. So many people that we in the "west" rarely can comprehend what it means in social coherence and how their society functions. Virus outbreak there would look extremely different than in well ordered society. x10000000
And I imagine if western big pharma and msm are not in it from the start that they would slowly but surely jump on it to make some billions themselves.
Knowing hygiene in China is almost non-existent I also thought theres no spiel and its a "natural" outbreak. Certainly that would be claimed by msm and governments even if there was foulplay.
But I suspect Chinese are very advanced when being sneaky.
Also theres a fear factor that plays into spreading viruses faster. Viruses have very low vibrational energy state and my hypothesis is that they cant enter a human body which is on a high vibrational energy state. That is how some people wouldnt get plague when surrounded with it.
And when I saw all these scenarios of foulplay being thrown out there immediattely I though "fear mongering". Whenever I get that vybe on a "viral" topic it always turns out that it was just more fear implementing and when you know that a fearful human is food and ripe for manipulation theres not much you need to make good conclusions.

If people are droping on the streets it must mean theyre old, full of infections and in a negative state of mind, probably on some hard schnapss while at it. You dont know old commies like I do. My grandparents were from that first communist generation and ex-Yu got a real good taste of it.


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