Session 28 December 2019


FOTCM Member
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, PoB, Joe, Chu, Ark, Scottie, Gaby, Niall, The Lunar Module

Q: (L) Today is Saturday December 28, 2019.

(Andromeda) St. Innocent's Day.

(L) [Review of those present]

(Artemis) And puppies.

(L) So, hello!

A: Hello to beloved ones. Cassiopaea calling. Fear not; All will be well! Wave effects produce many unusual manifestations and chaos.

Q: (L) So, you're saying that the recent events with which we've had to deal and news we've become aware of is all part of chaos caused by the Wave?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And why does it manifest in this way?

[Personal questions redacted.]

(L) Okay. I guess we should ask some general questions. Maybe I'll ask about this book I just finished about Paul and the Gospel of Mark. Have I pretty much laid things out as accurately as possible?

A: And more than that!

Q: (L) In this recent book I read about Paul, it basically exhibits what Paul was seeing or perceiving in his visions, or his conversations, or his channelings with Jesus I guess you'd call it. It's pretty much what we have received via this communication. Now, this guy interprets righteousness as absolution. I would like to ask about this absolution/righteousness issue. What did Paul actually mean?

A: Something rather like what you and others have experienced as "cleansing" or "opening" of the conscience as Gurdjieff described it.

Q: (L) So in other words, this getting "saved" or "made righteous" or having absolution or whatever is not necessarily an instantaneous thing?

A: Exactly. But it can be in rare instances.

Q: (L) But for most people, it would be more like what Jeanne De Salzmann describes in the First Initiation. First, you have to get to the point where you can really see yourself, see your lies, see how you have identified with your false personality, and grow that spiritual part of yourself which is the "spirit self" as Paul describes it - as opposed to the fleshly self. Paul says that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. What he means is not necessarily that you have to die, but that it is that inner self, that awareness, that conscience, that spirit self that has to be brought to awareness and then grown and solidified, more or less. That is being "saved", so to say.

A: Yes

Q: (L) And that's pretty much what Paul says because he doesn't describe it as an instant process. He says you need to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. So it's something that requires work and time. And yet Christianity as it exists today has distorted this to where they say, "Oh, all you have to do is come down to the altar and say you believe" and that's it. That's just not the way it works.

A: Consider that much editing and confusion has entered the texts for impure purposes.

Q: (L) Impure purposes... You mean like people seeking power and control?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So am I right that the Book of Mark was an amalgamation of elements of Paul's Christ overlaid on Judas the Galilean, and the Judas the Galilean figure was completely stripped of his revolutionary character and that sort of thing?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So there was a Jewish Christ, and there was Paul's Christ. They were combined to make Jesus of Nazareth, the hippy who went around in sandals doing miracles?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Any other questions?

(Joe) Who was Paul's Christ?

A: Caesar!

Q: (Joe) Did Paul know that?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) Ave Caesar!

(Scottie) BOOM!

(Andromeda) Did we want to ask about Betelgeuse or any of these disappearing stars and changing galaxies and stuff?

(L) Yeah, there's been a lot of REALLY weird stuff going on in the whole universe! It's not just global warming anymore.

(Artemis) The stars are burning! We're killing the stars! [laughter]

(L) I mean, it's... Betelgeuse looks like it wants to blow up, galaxies are acting weird... Can ya'll remember all the different things have come up in the news lately? Stars dimming or getting brighter...

(Chu) A lot more comets.

(L) More comets than ever before.

(Niall) Auroras on Mars.

(L) It's just...

(Niall) Jupiter has this hexagon-shaped thing on it...

A: The wave has many manifestations!!!

Q: (L) So we're basically... Yeah, we need some rejuvenation. We need some real healing so we can last long enough to finish this thing out!

A: Yes exactly, and there is more work to do!

Q: (L) So is Ark gonna come out the other side of this treatment plan with all the ideas to finish off what he's been working on all these years?

A: Very likely!!

Q: (L) Well that's all very positive. I just hope you guys aren't playing us along.

(Pierre) When Venus was a comet in the solar system thousands of years ago, was the orbital period of Venus constant?

A: Became so gradually.

Q: (Pierre) Okay, that's what I suspected. So my next question is: Remember there were five passes of the cometary Venus near Earth. How many years ago each of these five passes occurred?

A: You can work that out! No shortcuts! Ask Laura!

Q: [laughter]

A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.


(Joe) Amen. This is the Word of the Lord.

(L) I reckon! This time they're saying "soon".

(Joe) They've said that many times. But maybe this time means soon.

(Scottie) Well, when there's all this crazy stuff going down on other planets and in the universe, maybe you're slightly more inclined to go, "Maybe 'soon' IS actually soon now!"

(L) I think they've already said that the Wave is already here. We're already in the middle of it. That's why everything is so crazy.

(Artemis) There's probably gonna be more weird stuff like crafts and bleedthrough and stuff. People are gonna freak out.

(Joe) And they'll be on Twitter saying, "I just saw this thing running past my window!" That's when we have to say something amongst all the other 15 million answers.

(L) I guess we'll see. It NEVER is the way we expect it to be! I mean...

(Chu) It could be politically weird.

(L) Everything went to hell starting with that business in Ukraine when the Deep State came out in the open. What's-her-name was giving cookies out. Snipers were shooting people to create a revolution there. That was like... The whole LGBTQ-blah-blah every letter of the alphabet started coming out... I mean, have you SEEN some of the shit going on?

(Joe) I know, but how many people on this planet find that those kinds of events are strange or give them chills? It has to be something that enters people's reality that they can't ignore or deny.

(L) Remember way back when, when we were talking about the disappearing frogs? They said it was an effect of the Wave. Then we see all this craziness. Now they're saying environmentally things are gonna be crazy.

(Joe) That's the only thing that will get people's attention.

(L) Well, they did once say that people need a lot more suffering before the masses wake up, didn't they?

(Joe) The main thing in their thesis is fireballs or space rocks.

(Chu) It could be something like what Niall was saying the other day about Trump getting sick or whatever. Something at a national level.

(Joe) That's chaotic, but not strange.

(L) Well, it is really bizarre that they're having so many reports of strange universal changes and stars acting up and that kind of thing.

(Andromeda) Stars disappearing, others appearing where they weren't before.

(L) It's weird...

(Artemis) Maybe people will be traveling to other realities or something.

(Chu) Things also may backfire, and this year was the stupidities with Greta and that kind of stuff...

(L) I would say that maybe part of the chaos would be the snapback from the masses of ordinary people against the whole postmodernist, deconstructionist, liberalist, Marxist stuff... Like the French Revolution or something. And then we've got climate chaos for sure.
Thank you for the session! It was fascinating.

(L) I would say that maybe part of the chaos would be the snapback from the masses of ordinary people against the whole postmodernist, deconstructionist, liberalist, Marxist stuff... Like the French Revolution or something. And then we've got climate chaos for sure.

Yes, that would make sense, especially if the economy worsen. However, I do wonder how it will play out and what life will become like, if we're faced with such a scenario.
Thank you for sharing this session. And what a beautiful ending of 2019:
A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.
Thank you for the best holiday gift - the new session.

Couple a days ago I enjoyed the family reunion and we were discussing this Greta lunacy, climate change, crazy politicians and LGBT thing, like you can not hide from these things. I'm living in a small village, where once upon the time people were focused on coexistence with nature and life from the nature, but now even in such a small communities people are acting like freaking nuts with all this propaganda and it's more and more like Sodom and Gomorrah. I'm not some kind of conservative "taliban" but it's scary how majority of people are changing for the worst. Especially in the time of Advent and Christmas you can see how people react only to the material "gifts", and family gathering is "just for the love of obligation" no love and spirit of togetherness. Sad, but I guess better to be sad than part of that bunch.

Thank you once more for the great session, lot to ponder about.

I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year, hope your plans will be fulfilled. :hug2::hug2::hug2:
Thank you for sharing this session. And what a beautiful ending of 2019:
Laura said:
A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.

Indeed and hopeful! Just like that time when the Cs told us to not lose heart. Such reminders are always very helpful. :flowers:
(Pierre) When Venus was a comet in the solar system thousands of years ago, was the orbital period of Venus constant?
A: Became so gradually.
Q: (Pierre) Okay, that's what I suspected. So my next question is: Remember there were five passes of the cometary Venus near Earth. How many years ago each of these five passes occurred?
A: You can work that out! No shortcuts! Ask Laura!

I don't understand, how can something as big as a planet be a comet?

I get how, in one theory, our moon came in existence. One of the ideas was that a planet the size of Mars collided with Earth in our planet's early history. This was because, the theory states, there were twice as many planets in the solar system, then, compared to now. They were bound to accidentally collide.

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