Could someone please help me out? A while back in this thread, there was talk of 1930's Germany and people who cooperated with gestapo by snitching on neighbors, etc.. Someone posted an article by Laura and there was talk of a book that had researched this topic. I finally have time to explore this but I failed to bookmark any of the pages. Does anyone have links to both? I believe the takeaway was that the Gestapo was only successful not for their great numbers but because they received many reports from citizens who effectively policed each other. This seems to be happening more and more these days. I remember years ago in school not understanding how Nazi Germany could have evolved - now I am starting to understand.
I'm not sure if this was the one?

Could someone please help me out? A while back in this thread, there was talk of 1930's Germany and people who cooperated with gestapo by snitching on neighbors, etc.. Someone posted an article by Laura and there was talk of a book that had researched this topic. I finally have time to explore this but I failed to bookmark any of the pages. Does anyone have links to both? I believe the takeaway was that the Gestapo was only successful not for their great numbers but because they received many reports from citizens who effectively policed each other. This seems to be happening more and more these days. I remember years ago in school not understanding how Nazi Germany could have evolved - now I am starting to understand.

As well as the book Defying Hitler that Ruth mentioned above, there is this article from The Irish Times, posted on SOTT, which is highly relevant in these times when snitching on folk is being increasingly encouraged by authorities. :-(

Careless whispers: How the German public used and abused the Gestapo

The Gestapo was a very small organisation reliant on informers to denounce enemies of the regime, but jealous spouses and neighbours often used it to settle scores

The Gestapo was a key element in the Nazi terror system. The very word conjures up a nightmare image of an all-powerful Orwellian 'Big Brother' style secret police force keeping the German public under constant surveillance. Films, novels and TV documentaries have embedded this image in the popular mind. But is it true? In reality, the Gestapo was a very small organisation. In 1933, it had 1,000 employees and even at its peak in 1944, its active officers within Germany numbered 16,000, policing a population of 66 million. In Düsselfdorf, with a population of 500,000, there were 126 Gestapo officers in 1937. Essen had 650,000 inhabitants and just 43. The same pattern was repeated in all the other major German cities. Most rural towns had no Gestapo presence at all. The Gestapo was underfunded, under-resourced and over stretched.

Yet this did not mean the Gestapo was a weak or inefficient instrument of Nazi terror. To make up for a lack of staff, the Gestapo decided the vast majority of the population were loyal to the regime
. It ruthlessly targeted its resources against groups within German society defined as political opponents, most notably, communists and socialists, religious dissidents, Jews, and a much broader group of 'racial' enemies, including long-term criminals, prostitutes, homosexuals, Gypsies, juvenile gangs and the long-term unemployed. If you did not belong to any of these groups then you had no reason to fear a knock on the door late at night by a Gestapo officer.

The Gestapo was extremely pro-active in hunting down communists, who were rarely treated leniently. Over 70 per cent of the surviving Gestapo files relate to communists. In 1933, 600,000 communists were arrested and 2,000 killed in concentration camps. The killers were SS, not the Gestapo. By October 1935, of the 422 key Communist Party (KPD) officials in post in 1933, 219 were in custody, 125 in exile, 24 had been killed, 42 had left the party and only 12 were still at large. The fate of communist activist Eva Buch is typical. Eva was studying foreign languages at Humboldt University when she became involved with a socialist resistance group called the Red Orchestra. They had associates in academia and within the Air Ministry. They were accused of passing on secrets to the Soviet Union. On October 10th, 1942, Eva was arrested by the Gestapo after her flat was raided and an anti-Nazi leaflet she had translated into French was discovered. When a Gestapo officer told her during her interrogation she'd be treated more leniently if she named other collaborators within the group, she replied: 'That would make me as low as you want me to appear.' She was sentenced to death.

Brave individuals such as this appear frequently in Gestapo files related to religious opponents too. The story of Paul Schneider is particularly heroic. He was a Protestant Evangelical preacher who opposed the attempt to Nazify the Lutheran churches. During the winter of 1935-36, Schneider was reported to the Gestapo on no fewer than 12 occasions for making anti-Nazi comments. He was banned from preaching. He was sent by the Gestapo to the notorious Buchenwald concentration camp and placed in solitary confinement. He would loudly recite passages from the Bible from the window of his cell to comfort other inmates every evening. For this, he was subjected to brutal beatings by SS guards. Karl-Otto Koch, the camp commandant, realised he could not break Schneider. He offered him the chance of release if he signed a declaration promising never to preach again. Schneider refused to sign it. On July 18th, 1939, he was killed by lethal injection. He was 27.

It's been estimated that only 15 per cent of Gestapo cases started because of surveillance operations. A far greater number began following a tip-off from a member of the public. Every allegation, no matter how trivial, was investigated with meticulous and time-consuming thoroughness. It's been estimated that about 40 per cent of these denunciations were personally motivated. A Berlin stoker reported a prostitute who gave him venereal disease. She was placed in a concentration camp. Gestapo officers were extremely wary of husbands and wives who informed on each other. A housewife in Mannheim told the Gestapo her husband was making derogatory comments about Hitler's regime. After a lengthy investigation, it emerged that the wife wanted her husband out of the way to continue a love affair with an off-duty soldier. In another case, two married doctors were involved. The wife accused the husband of carrying out illegal abortions. This led to his arrest and imprisonment. The husband claimed his wife had a vengeful motive. The husband had passed on a sexually transmitted disease to his wife, while carrying on a love affair. Her motive was revenge, but he served eight months in prison before this was finally established.

During the second World War, denunciations increased as a raft of new regulations were brought in. This was a golden age for snitchers. One offence in particular relied heavily on tip-offs from the public: listening to foreign radio broadcasts, particularly those of the BBC. Peter Holdenberg, a 64-year-old disabled bookseller, who lived in Essen, was accused by his neighbour Helen Stuffel of this offence, which carried a prison sentence of up to 18 months. She had listened at the wall of Peter's next-door apartment. She said she could clearly hear him listening to BBC programmes during the evening. Another neighbour, Irmgard Pierce, corroborated her allegations. Holdenberg was brought in for questioning by the Gestapo on December 10th, 1942. 'This is all a conspiracy,' he complained. 'I've had trouble with Stuffel in the past and Pierce always backed her up.' He depicted the allegations as foolish gossip. He was not anti-Nazi at all. The ordeal of his arrest and confinement in a Gestapo cell was obviously deeply traumatic. On the evening of his arrest, Holdenberg was found hanging in his cell. He died in hospital on the following day, without ever regaining consciousness. His denouncer had caused his death.

The German public progressively realised uttering critical comments against the regime in public had to be avoided. A study of denunciations from the court files of the Bavarian city of Augsburg shows that in 1933, 75 per cent of cases began with a denouncement after overhearing anti-Nazi comments in pubs, but in 1939, this figure had fallen to 10 per cent.

If the success of a police force is measured by the numbers of cases that end in a court conviction, the Gestapo can be regarded as deeply inefficient. A study of a sample of cases that began with public tips-offs from the Würzburg area reveals that only 20 per cent ever went to court and a whopping 75 per cent failed to end up with a conviction.

The Gestapo came to realise investigating false allegations was wasting a great deal of its time. As a letter, dated August 1st, 1943, from the Ministry of Justice in Berlin put it: 'The denouncer is the biggest scoundrel in the whole country.'

The Gestapo: The Myth and Reality of Hitler's Secret Police by Frank McDonough is published by Coronet, £20. McDonough is professor of international history at Liverpool John Moores University and specialises in the history of the Third Reich.
I can't find the exact clip, but in one of the recent debates in the UK parliament, an MP brought up the point of managing the situation during the "transition" period.

The situation was covid and the period I think is this 'new normal' but it's the use of that word 'transition' that got my attention.

I wonder if part of this whole covid plan, at least at some level is to indeed manage the transition period brought on by the wave. The fact that this wave will change what we've considered as 'normal' I wonder if the idea is to also get people used to the idea that 'normal' isn't indeed fixed - that it can change.

I also wonder if part of this is to manage the human stock so as to keep us locked into the fear based frequency as we go into this period.

All these thoughts crossed my mind when I heard this MP say this word.

Who knows what understanding the PTB have of the 'wave'. There understanding of what it is could be entirely different from ours. Who also knows how psychopaths are getting influenced by it.
Wondering what people's thoughts are about dealing with the vaccines we're hearing will be available soon?

There's the "health pass" app in Ireland and I know people working on a similar project in Australia - due in March 2021. I'm led to believe the plan is the vaccine won't be mandatory, but to act in commerce, work, travel, socialise - we may need to show proof (i.e on an app) we are vaccinated, otherwise participation is to be limited.

My wife is going to study post graduate nursing next year. Generally there's a cocktail of immunizations required to work in hospitals to take each year, or so I'm told. She is less concerned about the standard shots medical staff get. She is worried about the ones being developed for COVID-19. She looked into it and says doctors and nurses (and nursing students) will be some of the earliest to have to take this.

Considering what the C's cover about the ulterior purpose with such vaccines, what plans do you have when these vaccines are available? If you work in healthcare for example and may need to take a COVID19 shot to keep.working - I'm curious what you foresee you would do then?

Thank you.
Another article from ZeroHedge: Trump Exhibiting "Mild" COVID-19 Symptoms As Aides Search For Way To Show He's Still In Charge

And a few comments :-) :

- Will be entertaining to see what people think when he gets better having suffered little or no symptoms.


- So what happens if in 5 days Trump & Melania step out onto the White House lawn with a slew of doctors and announce that they were cured by HCQ/Zinc/Zpac treatment protocol? Think that might get some attention? Think that may change the dynamics of the race, especially considering how hard that information has been suppressed by the MSM? Anything can happen folks, this is getting interesting
Another article from ZeroHedge: Trump Exhibiting "Mild" COVID-19 Symptoms As Aides Search For Way To Show He's Still In Charge

And a few comments :-) :
I think this is all part of the game so he won't be able to go among people and have the election debates around the country. Now he will be in "isolation" for 2 weeks. They will do anything to stop him to be reelected, but I doubt that they will succeed in that.

They will probably go to unrecognize him as a president after the elections or will do something to delay the elections. Anything is possible from those psychos. We will see soon.
I can't find the exact clip, but in one of the recent debates in the UK parliament, an MP brought up the point of managing the situation during the "transition" period.

The situation was covid and the period I think is this 'new normal' but it's the use of that word 'transition' that got my attention.

I wonder if part of this whole covid plan, at least at some level is to indeed manage the transition period brought on by the wave. The fact that this wave will change what we've considered as 'normal' I wonder if the idea is to also get people used to the idea that 'normal' isn't indeed fixed - that it can change.

I also wonder if part of this is to manage the human stock so as to keep us locked into the fear based frequency as we go into this period.

All these thoughts crossed my mind when I heard this MP say this word.

Who knows what understanding the PTB have of the 'wave'. There understanding of what it is could be entirely different from ours. Who also knows how psychopaths are getting influenced by it.
I think the clip you're thinking of, SOTTREADER, is this one, with Tobias Elwood speaking in the House of Commons from a script that may have been written for him by the PTB:

He mentions a "transition period" at 2:52
I think the clip you're thinking of, SOTTREADER, is this one, with Tobias Elwood speaking in the House of Commons from a script that may have been written for him by the PTB:

He mentions a "transition period" at 2:52

That was it! Thanks

Btw, for anyone in the UK, I found this news reporting channel on YouTube to be quite informative and in sync with SOTT.

Anyone heard of the UK column? Any good!
I just pulled some interesting Tarot cards on Trump's testing positive for Covid-19 -- and, especially given he's exhibiting symptoms, albeit mild ones so far, this reading could be something to consider on the conspiratorial side of things.

Actually, my first reaction (since the reporter I was listening to made no mention of symptoms) had to do with the validity of these tests -- what they actually tell us, especially in asymptomatic cases. Also: how carefully monitored is the testing process itself for the president? There are false positives, and so there could be the possibility of foul play even in the testing arena. But since the president is exhibiting symptoms there may be other nefarious possibilities to consider here.

The deck I have is The Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, which is rather sweet and fairytale-like in design. I usually do a four card reading with three cards in a row above, and an underlying card below. One develops one's own way of reading one's own cards, and I believe that the best readings -- meaning the most clear readings -- may have to do with one's focus and clarity of mind. The question I had in mind when pulling the cards had to do with the severity of Trump's case of Covid-19.

My reading (and I'll see if I can find pics of the cards so I can paste them in below):

The first card on the top left was Four of Cups reversed. If it were not reversed I would usually read that as someone not seeing what is being offered (as per the hand offering the cup to a figure whose head is lowered, and not seeing it). But when reversed, I see it as something offered -- in this case, to the president.

The next (top middle) card, Three of Cups, one might typically read as celebration. As you can see in the picture below, it has three maidens happily putting their cups together as if making a toast. But in this reading, I see it as the president, Melania, and possibly Hope Hicks (Trump's P.R. advisor who also tested positive) drinking and/or consuming something that was offered.

The next card (top right) is Five of Pentacles. Here we see a very downtrodden, even impoverished looking couple, the man having a bandage around his head, and both of them looking miserable. There is snow in the air, and patches on their clothing. In this particular reading, it's easy to see this as the devastating outcome of the two cards prior, with Trump and the first lady both testing positive for the virus -- and with Trump (I've heard nothing of Melania so far) exhibiting symptoms.

The last card -- the underlying card -- turned out to be the Devil card, which is always disconcerting to see. If there truly was foul play, this is the card one might expect to see -- and with its being the underlying card, it's the point of reference for the other cards. Just looking at this card arouses a sense of the odiousness of the dark forces at work in the run up to the election. That the first lady and the president would potentially feel entrapped at this especially dire moment in time would seem to ring true as well.

I'm only sharing this particular reading since it spoke so clearly to me, and so in that sense it might be a possibility to consider. By many accounts, Trump has been extremely careful to take measures not to contract this illness -- the media uses that fact to indicate "just how contagious" this virus is. However, as this reading suggests, it could also indicate foul play.

On the positive side, the church in the background of the Five of Pentacles card would seem to offer a glimmer of hope, and a place of sanctuary (perhaps afforded by the quarantine), although neither figure is seeing this just now.

What you are looking for is in this article. But only at the end.

Here is a short extract:

Academic research shows that [the average German] is not unusual in his/her rosy view of the regime during this period. Over 40 per cent of Germans questioned in a research project after the war said they remembered the 1930s as ‘good times’. As this survey was conducted in 1951, when the Germans knew the full reality of the wartime extermination camps, it is a telling statistic.

Unexpected as it may be to discover that many Germans were content during the 1930s, this news is as nothing compared to recent revelations about the infamous Nazi secret police – the Gestapo.

In popular myth the Gestapo have a secure and terrifying role as the all-powerful, all-seeing instrument of terror that oppressed an unwilling population. But this is far from the truth.

To uncover the real story you have to travel to the town of Würzburg in southwest Germany. Würzburg is a German town much like any other, except for one special attribute: it is one of only three towns in Europe where Gestapo records were not destroyed by the Nazis at the end of the war. Resting in the Würzburg archive are around 18,000 Gestapo files, which exist more by luck than design; the Gestapo were in the process of burning them as the American troops arrived. They had begun to burn them alphabetically, so there are relatively few A-D files left; otherwise the files are complete.

Professor Robert Gellately of Ontario was the first person to uncover the secrets of the files. As he started work on them, an old German man saw what he was studying and said to him, ‘Perhaps you’d like to interview me, because I lived here during that time and I know a lot about it.’ Professor Gellately talked to him over a cup of coffee and asked him how many Gestapo officials there had been in this part of Germany. ‘They were everywhere,’ the old man replied, confirming the conventional view of the Gestapo.’

Yet after studying the files, Professor Gellately discovered that the Gestapo simply couldn’t have been ‘everywhere’.

Würzburg lies in the administrative area of Lower Franconia, a district covering around a million people. For that whole area there were precisely twenty-eight Gestapo officials. Twenty-two were allocated to Würzburg, and almost half of those were involved only in administrative work.

The idea that the Gestapo itself was constantly spying on the population is demonstrably a myth.

So how was it possible that so few people exercised such control?

I hope this is what you were looking for.
Yes, thank you! That was the exact passage that was posted before. And thanks to the others for posting their material. I will look over all of it and make notes so I don't lose it a second time.
That was it! Thanks

Btw, for anyone in the UK, I found this news reporting channel on YouTube to be quite informative and in sync with SOTT.

Anyone heard of the UK column? Any good!
It seems to be the only news outlet that is reporting news as it should be. I think it's excellent. They dont mince their words. Wel worth watching. They supply news updates every few days
I just pulled some interesting Tarot cards on Trump's testing positive for Covid-19 -- and, especially given he's exhibiting symptoms, albeit mild ones so far, this reading could be something to consider on the conspiratorial side of things.

Actually, my first reaction (since the reporter I was listening to made no mention of symptoms) had to do with the validity of these tests -- what they actually tell us, especially in asymptomatic cases. Also: how carefully monitored is the testing process itself for the president? There are false positives, and so there could be the possibility of foul play even in the testing arena. But since the president is exhibiting symptoms there may be other nefarious possibilities to consider here.

The deck I have is The Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck, which is rather sweet and fairytale-like in design. I usually do a four card reading with three cards in a row above, and an underlying card below. One develops one's own way of reading one's own cards, and I believe that the best readings -- meaning the most clear readings -- may have to do with one's focus and clarity of mind. The question I had in mind when pulling the cards had to do with the severity of Trump's case of Covid-19.

My reading (and I'll see if I can find pics of the cards so I can paste them in below):

The first card on the top left was Four of Cups reversed. If it were not reversed I would usually read that as someone not seeing what is being offered (as per the hand offering the cup to a figure whose head is lowered, and not seeing it). But when reversed, I see it as something offered -- in this case, to the president.

The next (top middle) card, Three of Cups, one might typically read as celebration. As you can see in the picture below, it has three maidens happily putting their cups together as if making a toast. But in this reading, I see it as the president, Melania, and possibly Hope Hicks (Trump's P.R. advisor who also tested positive) drinking and/or consuming something that was offered.

The next card (top right) is Five of Pentacles. Here we see a very downtrodden, even impoverished looking couple, the man having a bandage around his head, and both of them looking miserable. There is snow in the air, and patches on their clothing. In this particular reading, it's easy to see this as the devastating outcome of the two cards prior, with Trump and the first lady both testing positive for the virus -- and with Trump (I've heard nothing of Melania so far) exhibiting symptoms.

The last card -- the underlying card -- turned out to be the Devil card, which is always disconcerting to see. If there truly was foul play, this is the card one might expect to see -- and with its being the underlying card, it's the point of reference for the other cards. Just looking at this card arouses a sense of the odiousness of the dark forces at work in the run up to the election. That the first lady and the president would potentially feel entrapped at this especially dire moment in time would seem to ring true as well.

I'm only sharing this particular reading since it spoke so clearly to me, and so in that sense it might be a possibility to consider. By many accounts, Trump has been extremely careful to take measures not to contract this illness -- the media uses that fact to indicate "just how contagious" this virus is. However, as this reading suggests, it could also indicate foul play.

On the positive side, the church in the background of the Five of Pentacles card would seem to offer a glimmer of hope, and a place of sanctuary (perhaps afforded by the quarantine), although neither figure is seeing this just now.

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I'm no expert, but I did a little study on cards today. Maybe I am seeing what I want to see, but here goes another possibility:
Reversed 4 of Cups: Period of withdrawal/isolation being taken by choice. Strategic?
3 of Cups: Fruitful collaboration, worthy of celebration.
5 of Pentacles: Things only look bad. Help (of spiritual nature) is all around and never far away.
The Devil: To loosen the grip of that thing holding you in chains, shine a light on it. Now is time to do this. Be brave!
I'm no expert, but I did a little study on cards today. Maybe I am seeing what I want to see, but here goes another possibility:
Reversed 4 of Cups: Period of withdrawal/isolation being taken by choice. Strategic?
3 of Cups: Fruitful collaboration, worthy of celebration.
5 of Pentacles: Things only look bad. Help (of spiritual nature) is all around and never far away.
The Devil: To loosen the grip on the thing holding you in chains, shine a light on it. Now is time to do this.
Yes, of course, you can come up with any number of other interpretations. However, what I feel to be important is that the reading be intimately tied to the reader because, in this case, I, myself, am using my own psyche, and am reacting in the moment of reading the cards, using immediate associations and impressions.

Another way to make this point: as a reader you might see a card that "should" mean one thing, but you have an altogether different reaction to it. It's important, as a reader, to keep focused on how your psyche is reacting, and not just what the cards are "supposed" to be saying.

Do you know what I mean?

That's what makes a reading specific. It is specific to the psyche of the hopefully adept reader. Others can come along, as you have, and offer other interpretations, which is fine. But to me that's losing the value of the reader's in the moment impressions. Also, over time, readers develop a short hand, which, again, is intimately tied to themselves.

I don't at all claim to be an expert when it comes the tarot, per se. However, I do claim some expertise related to my own psyche. For me, the cards are just a means of communicating with myself in a highly focused way.

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