In 2020, mortality in Ukraine is lower than in 2019 - State Statistics Service

The department said that 426 687 people have died in Ukraine since the beginning of the year. Compared to last year, the death rate has decreased by 9846 people. 436 533 people died in January - September 2019

A good friend of mine and acupuncturist mentioned a petition for acupuncturist to continue working during UK lockdowns. She said she'd said me a link and hasn't yet. I decided to do some searching to see if I could find it. The search resulted in finding a list of Open Petitions on the Parliments.UK site:

If this has been posted on this thread already, apologies. The forum search function didn't bring up a result for a list of all open petitions. This might be useful for UK locals and residents.

I'm not sure if the petition she was talking about is on there. I'll check with her and find out more information about that.
Celeste Solum warns of final depopulation attack to be unleashed against humanity THIS YEAR

Very informative video - Mike Adams interviews Celeste Solum a 20 year veteran of FEMA.
She was one of the sources of Steve Quayle feeding him information while she worked at FEMA.

Celeste talks about the plan of "disabling 90% of the population" and the lab manufactured 'plant destroyers gene' to kill off the fruit trees and plants, therefore destroying the food supply.

Celeste Solum, warns that FEMA has long been planning to enslave and then exterminate tens of millions of Americans.

This genocidal attack is likely being unleashed this year, warns Celeste. And guillotines are already distributed across America, stored in FEMA camps, ready to deploy as mass murder machines. Why guillotines? They’re low-tech and have just one moving part. They don’t break down and require no ammunition, no electricity and no fuel to operate. Unlike all other death machines, guillotines can be effectively used even when societal infrastructure is crippled.

One of my friends send me that video below. Although the interviewer is not the best source, the interview with an ex-member of Fema, Celeste Solum was quite interesting. She talked about human barcode, nanoparticules in the vaccine and coming soon in our food, that we are at the end of a cycle, that the game is more or less over, and many other subjects. She also gave links to some of her research.

Just an indicator that might show a trend in Europe:
Copenhagen Airport closes 24 gates to reduce costs with travel hard hit by restrictions
Your Danish Life Team — 17. november 2020

Copenhagen Airport announced today that they are closing down large parts of the airport, in total 40 percent of capacity will be taken out, affecting 24 gates, in an effort to reduce running costs such as maintenance, electricity and cleaning of large unused parts of the airport.

On an average day, pre COVID-19, the airport handled 83,000 travellers, in recent weeks this number has been reduced to 5,600.
The changes will affect the access to the main security area as it will no longer be possible to access it from Terminal 2, passengers checking in in Terminal 2 will need to go to Terminal 3 to get through security.

The Finger A og Finger West with the gates A2-A34 are the ones being closed.
From 83,000 to less than 6,000; imagine what that mean for business and tourism?
I've had breathing issues for years, off and on, and I noticed cold air really makes a difference when I'm having shortness of breath. And since it is wintertime, you could try it out yourself and feel the effect; especially if you have a flu or covid symptoms, and live in cold climates.
My theory is cold air - upon entering the body warms and expands, aiding in the breathing, helping the lungs work. I really feel the difference.
So, maybe hospitals could cool the air they give people and let that be the pressure needed to expand the lungs. It seems like a natural way to force air into the lungs and relieves right away to some extent.
I first noticed the effect when I went outside in around 10°F weather, and it felt so good, I just sat down until my feet got too cold.
Those breathers that you inhale, they are pressurized and when you take a dose, it is cool, because it is aerosolized. So, I bet this cool effect provides needed relief aside from the medicine in the aerosol.
Growing up on a farm in Manitoba, when the weather turned cold all of the snotty noses of the cattle herd disappeared. That is below 0°F. People would also not be as sick if they spent time outdoors.
I am certain I had asthma in my younger days. When a kid, after strenuous activity, I'd start to cough and wheeze. My mother would dismiss my symptoms and tell me to just go lay down for a bit!!! She did this, knowing my dad had severe asthma and an inhaler that he used quite frequently. But I never got an inhaler or a diagnosis of asthma. One thing I do know, that whenever I got a cold or (my twice yearly) bronchitis, the only time I could take in a deep breath is when I opened the freezer door of the fridge and stuck my head inside to breathe. The cold air certainly opened my lungs for as long as I could stand there.

Bronchitis and a once diagnosis of pleurisy ended when I was 31 years old. I was pregnant with my daughter and since that time - 41 years ago - no bronchitis or wheezing......ever. Fingers are crossed!!!

I also remember neighbors of ours in the middle of winter, wrapping the babies and putting them outside, in their strollers, on the porch for a nap. I have always thought that was a smart idea for their well being.

Don’t believe the COVID case numbers; it’s a scam


Eyeball diagnosis can mean a doctor observes the patient has a cough, or chills and fever. That’s all. That’s all a doctor needs to make a diagnosis of COVID. That’s a case number. Ridiculous? Of course it’s ridiculous. It’s a con. Brought to you by the CDC.

The PCR test, as I’ve explained dozens of times, spits out false-positives like waterfalls. It’s set up to do exactly that. Increase testing and you automatically get rising case numbers. That’s the real reason for pushing expanded testing. And there you have the scam in a nutshell.
There’s another wrinkle you should be aware of. You’re seeing reports of “rising numbers of hospitalizations.” Wherever this is true (and not an outright lie), people could be coming to the hospital for any reason under the sun—including fear that they might “have the virus.” In the US, state hospitals receive federal money for every diagnosed COVID case. These hospitals need money. Simply and arbitrarily writing “COVID-19” on patient files becomes a way to get that money.
July 16, 2020, podcast, “This Week in Virology”: Tony Fauci makes a point of saying the PCR COVID test is useless and misleading when the test is run at “35 cycles or higher.” A positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed.
Each “cycle” of the test is a quantum leap in amplification and magnification of the test specimen taken from the patient. Too many cycles, and the test will turn up all sorts of irrelevant material that will be wrongly interpreted as relevant. That’s called a false positive.

What Fauci failed to say on the video is: the FDA, which authorizes the test for public use, recommends the test should be run up to 40 cycles. Not 35.
This is just the surface of the scam. As many here may have read, the PCR test itself is invalid for identifying SARS-CoV-2. The inventor himself said so. AFAIK SARS-CoV-2 itself has never been isolated. Allegedly only 34 base pairs out of over 30,000 have been sequenced. But that's another story….


This is a heaven-sent opportunity for Germany's alternative political community.

During a livestream seminar Dr. Andreas Noack, a chemist and proponent of alternative medicine, supplements and vitamines was subjected to the events shown in the video. He has been known to be critical of his country's corona policies.

Right on the day the new CoVid laws were enacted in parliament, Bavarian 'USK' special police forces broke into his home and apparently detained him and another person.


Police have acknowledged their operation and are not giving any reasons for it.

The German alternative media have still to latch on to this story.

I think it was Shore Network News that broke the news yesterday.
Don’t believe the COVID case numbers; it’s a scam

Eyeball diagnosis can mean a doctor observes the patient has a cough, or chills and fever. That’s all. That’s all a doctor needs to make a diagnosis of COVID. That’s a case number. Ridiculous? Of course it’s ridiculous. It’s a con. Brought to you by the CDC.
From my previous post regarding Franklin Co.'s purple status:
Franklin County previously triggered six of seven indicators used to rate counties for virus spread – new cases per capita, increasing cases and hospitalizations, community spread outside of group settings and increasing outpatient and emergency-room visits for COVID-19-like symptoms.

The only warning indicator Franklin County had not set off was regional intensive-care beds filling up to more than 80% capacity while more than 20% of ICU beds also are occupied by virus patients.
Symptoms that can be confirmed to be Covid via PCR and rapid antigen tests rife with false positives!
Statewide, even with incomplete numbers due to double checking 12,000 less-reliable rapid antigen tests as their use escalates

You’re seeing reports of “rising numbers of hospitalizations.” Wherever this is true (and not an outright lie), people could be coming to the hospital for any reason under the sun—including fear that they might “have the virus.” In the US, state hospitals receive federal money for every diagnosed COVID case. These hospitals need money. Simply and arbitrarily writing “COVID-19” on patient files becomes a way to get that money.
This would appear to be the real explanation for the increasing hospitalizations along with flu shots or actual flu causing "Covid-19-like symptoms". Real, honest journalism/news would reveal this fraud, but just like the election, lies and deception are what's winning the day!


Waiting for the farmer to bring the vaccine. It's all good.
This is a heaven-sent opportunity for Germany's alternative political community.

During a livestream seminar Dr. Andreas Noack, a chemist and proponent of alternative medicine, supplements and vitamines was subjected to the events shown in the video. He has been known to be critical of his country's corona policies.

Right on the day the new CoVid laws were enacted in parliament, Bavarian 'USK' special police forces broke into his home and apparently detained him and another person.


Police have acknowledged their operation and are not giving any reasons for it.

The German alternative media have still to latch on to this story.

I think it was Shore Network News that broke the news yesterday.
When reading the comments on the yt page, my laptop broke down. The comments were asking if this was a provocation or a roleplay, as clumsy as it was executed. They banged 37 times on the door, the first cop was screaming like a pig, and they looked smallish for German cops. The USK was written on a badge on the shoulders.
Now my impression is that the cyber crew is running its own show, like in my country, pushing the fake news meme, the Russian interference, the botnet attacks, and somehow taking a free hand. No smart German prosecutor would act that obviously illegally when there was no clear necessity for it.
There is that news that the militairy cyber club is ordered to go after anti-vaxxers, attacking (bricking?) their computers and breaking up their conversations.
And, Trump tried to fire the boss of the cyber brigade and that boss did not listen.
Claus Schwab, the Darth Vader himself, is warning for a global cyber attack.
This story will grow a lot in the future, osit.
When reading the comments on the yt page, my laptop broke down. The comments were asking if this was a provocation or a roleplay, as clumsy as it was executed. They banged 37 times on the door, the first cop was screaming like a pig, and they looked smallish for German cops. The USK was written on a badge on the shoulders.
Now my impression is that the cyber crew is running its own show, like in my country, pushing the fake news meme, the Russian interference, the botnet attacks, and somehow taking a free hand. No smart German prosecutor would act that obviously illegally when there was no clear necessity for it.
There is that news that the militairy cyber club is ordered to go after anti-vaxxers, attacking (bricking?) their computers and breaking up their conversations.
And, Trump tried to fire the boss of the cyber brigade and that boss did not listen.
Claus Schwab, the Darth Vader himself, is warning for a global cyber attack.
This story will grow a lot in the future, osit.

There is something about this 'Unterstützungskommando' (USK) that makes you think. The gunman is not holding the rifle stock against his shoulder, all of them seem to be anxious and clumsy. They could have been the reserve of the reserves. There is a long version video that shows 39 minutes of the webinar, the attack and almost an hour of other members discussing the event via livestream. They were clearly shocked and it definitely was not roleplay.

Somebody asked the Nuremberg police on Twitter:

"Yes there was a police operation. It was not directed against the owner of the stream. We can not elaborate on the background."

My impression is that the police got the street address wrong and were looking for some dangerous types.
There is something about this 'Unterstützungskommando' (USK) that makes you think. The gunman is not holding the rifle stock against his shoulder, all of them seem to be anxious and clumsy. They could have been the reserve of the reserves. They were clearly shocked and it definitely was not roleplay.
My impression is that the police got the street address wrong and were looking for some dangerous types.
I mean roleplay as in other forces playing real cops.
Authorities would not admit is was done without permission.
But hope you are right :)
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