Maybe there should be a dedicated page of potential Covid treatments with good results that can be referenced as necessary. I did find this additional one:

Gastroenterologist Professor Thomas Borody says Ivermectin used in conjunction with two other drugs is making it look like “corona is very simple to kill”. The drug is Federal Drug Agency and World Health Organisation approved; it is widely used for parasitic infections and is being cited and prescribed as treatment against the deadly coronavirus. “It has very few side effects, and is a real killer of coronavirus,” Professor Borody told Sky News host Chris Kenny.


Ebola-like virus which causes massive bleeding found to jump from human to human after Bolivia outbreak

Scientists have sounded the alarm over an Ebola-like virus from Bolivia which has been found to spread from person to person, killing three out of every five confirmed patients.

The rodent-borne Chapare virus first emerged in 2004 in the Bolivian province from which it gets its name, about 370 miles east of the country's capital city, La Paz.

New research has shed light on the deadliness of the disease and how it spread from patient zero.

Following a 2019 outbreak in the country, researchers have found that, though it comes from a different viral family than Ebola, it also causes hemorrhagic fever, which can, in turn, cause life-threatening organ failure and bleeding.

At present, there is no treatment for Chapare outside of intravenous hydration and supportive care. The virus causes fever, headache, abdominal pain, rash and bleeding of the gums, and is believed to result from contact with rat urine or droppings.

Dr. Caitlin Cossaboom, an epidemiologist with the US Centers for Disease Control, presented findings from her research into a 2019 outbreak to the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene's annual meeting on Monday.

A 65-year-old rice farmer was patient zero in the outbreak who then spread the disease to a 25-year-old doctor who treated him.

“The night before he died, she suctioned saliva from his mouth, and then she fell ill nine days later,” Cossaboom explained.

The 48-year-old paramedic who transported the doctor to hospital was the next to be infected after performing CPR on her.

A gastroenterologist conducted an endoscopy on the doctor and developed symptoms 14 days later. All of the cases resulted in exposure to bodily fluids from an infected person.

Patient zero, the doctor and the gastroenterologist all died from the Chapare virus, while the ambulance worker and another infected person survived.

The pygmy rice rat and the small-eared pygmy rice rat were found to be the primary carriers of the pathogen. They inhabit Bolivia and several neighbouring countries.

Scientists now worry the virus may have been circulating in the country for years with patients having been misdiagnosed with dengue fever, a mosquito-borne virus which cannot be transmitted from human-to-human, unlike Chapare.

"The good news is that arenaviruses, such as Chapare, are vulnerable to both heat and disinfectants, which means that global spread is extremely unlikely."

OK - so maybe not the 'big' one. :-/
There's a finger tip device, called a pulse oximeter, and it is affordable like other self check devices. And you can check your oxygen levels first if you are considering going to the hospital for breathing symptoms. There was a link on the page to a Amazon oximeter that only charged 18$. so even a nice one should be affordable. This gives a list of nicer ones with 2% accuracy.

I stumbled upon what appears to be a private meeting of doctors in which Canadian doctor Rodger Hodkinson, CEO of Western Medical Assessments, tells his opinion on covid - that it's a 'bad flu' and the reaction has been totally ridiculous and hysterical and we should just all get over it.
Came across him today in an article also and think it worth posting here - reference also to the YouTube you cited (Canadians might perhaps share it):

Dr. Roger Hodkinson on COVID: “This is the Biggest Hoax ever perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public”​


November 18, 2020

Dr. Roger Hodkinson is the former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, he was once CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta, and for the past 20 years has held the position as Chairman of a Medical Biotechnology company based in North Carolina currently tasked with selling a COVID-19 test. He is a medical specialist in pathology, which includes virology, who trained at Cambridge University in the UK — he is perfectly positioned to speak on this topic.

In a recent Edmonton City Council Community and Public Services Committee meeting (the audio from which is currently gaining traction on YouTube), Dr. Hodkinson says: “The bottom line is there is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It’s outrageous. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.
“[COVID-19] is nothing more than a bad flu season. This is not Ebola. It’s not SARS. It’s politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game.”

Hodkinson goes on to stress that no action of any kind is needed, other than what happened during last year’s flu season: “If we felt ill, we stayed home, we took chicken noodle soup, we didn’t visit granny, we decided when we would return to work; we didn’t need anyone to tell us.”

“There is no evidence base for their effectiveness whatsoever.

“[Masks] are simply virtue signalling.

“Seeing these people walking around like lemmings obeying, without any knowledge base, to put the mask on their face.”

“Social Distancing is also Useless”

“COVID is spread by aerosols, which travel 30 meters-or-so before landing.”

“Closures of Schools and Businesses have had such Terrible consequences”

“Everywhere should be open tomorrow, as was stated in the Great Barrington Declaration (linked below).

“Mask are utterly useless”​

“There is no evidence base for their effectiveness whatsoever.

“[Masks] are simply virtue signalling.

“Seeing these people walking around like lemmings obeying, without any knowledge base, to put the mask on their face.”

“Social Distancing is also Useless”

“COVID is spread by aerosols, which travel 30 meters-or-so before landing.”

Closures of Schools and Businesses have had such Terrible consequences”

“Everywhere should be open tomorrow, as was stated in the Great Barrington Declaration (linked below).

“Positive Test Results DO NOT mean a clinical Infection”​

“All testing should stop, unless you’re presenting to hospital with some respiratory problem … it’s driving public hysteria, and all testing should stop.

“All that should be done is to protect the vulnerable.

“And I would remind you all that using the provinces [Alberta’s] own statistics, the risk of death under 65 is 1 in 300,000. You’ve got to get a grip on this. The scale of the response … with no evidence for it, is utterly ridiculous.

“Suicides, business closures, [cancelled] funerals, weddings, etc., etc. — it’s simply outrageous, it’s just another bad flu, and [people] have got to get their minds around that.”

Hodkison concludes with some advice for policy makers in Alberta: “Let people make their own decisions. You should be totally out of the business of medicine. You’re being led down the garden path by the chief medical officer of health in this province. I’m absolutely outraged that this has reached this level. It should all stop tomorrow. Thank you very much.”
More signs of approaching food shortages here. At the food bank where I have been doing some work, we usually put together around 2 trolley loads of groceries for each family who need assistance, but food is getting harder to come by for them and we started doing one trolley load per family this week. We usually get donations from some of the larger supermarket chains of food that is approaching or just past it's best before date, packaging is looking a bit worn from handling or has been damaged in transit. These sources have started to dwindle and word from one of the delivery drivers is that some of the supermarkets are deciding to keep this food on their shelves and mark it down to try recoup some of their own costs.

Also when our driver does pick-ups from the central food bank, they just load up the truck and he doesn't always get a choice about what is loaded. A week ago two pallets were loaded and when they were delivered and we opened the boxes it was house paint! Can't feed people with that! We were in a state of disbelief and the boss turned grey when he saw it. So I have put feelers out amongst tradesmen to try to sell the paint so money can be recouped for buying food - which is becoming more usual than donations. We had a tradesman enquire today who will hopefully buy it all.

The boss has come up with a plan to find families to sponsor other families who are doing it harder for a food package once a month so that we can afford to buy more as we get more and more families registering with us for assistance. Sometimes up to 10 new families a day.

We also supply cheap bathroom, personal hygiene and laundry products - at a fraction of shop prices. That has attracted some people of better means who attempt to buy from us in bulk in order to put a margin on the stock and on sell it for their own profit. Kind of understandable in a way, everyone is just trying to adapt in their own way, but frustrating when the aim is to help out those who seriously need the help and it's becoming more and more uncertain that we will be able to get this kind of stock for those who really need it.

We are also now supplying food for some government run assisted accommodation for adults with intellectual disabilities and impairments and we get no assistance from the government to do this. It seems that disability funding is drying up. Have decided to look into adding on a second hand furniture and household items section and hope to attract donations for that so that we can raise more money for food.
Another relevant question would be: How can David Icke be so sure that the virus does not exist? He can't, and he is free to suspect there isn't any virus, just as I am free to suspect the virus is real (just nowhere near as deadly as they claim). The problem is that when Icke and others come out and assure their audience that there is no virus, then they become the 'straw man' of the alternative community, and the whole set of challenges to the mainstream narrative is swept away with one blow. 'Oh, never mind those crazy conspiracy theorists - they don't even think there is a virus when there are clearly thousands of people sick!'. That's one reason I've never been a fan of Icke.

It's a little like the 'crisis actors' theory. There have been a number of terror attacks with questionable narratives. But then some people claim even the wounded and/or dead were actors (when it was much easier to the conspirators to have real casualties) and all the questions are easily dismissed by the mainstream.
Yeah, despite that Icke does see through quite a bit of the mainstream narrative, his stuff seems to be permeated by a solipsistic line of thinking. It's like he's just self-calming rather than considering the nuances of the bigger picture.

With all the documented public information about US government bioweapons programs, where are all the people inclined to consider 'fantastical' explanations about Sars-CoV-2 who are looking into that link? 🤔

The Vaccines Are Worse Than Dr. Mikovits Thought​

Dr Judy Mikovits said that this coronavirus vaccine could kill 50 million Americans over the next 40 years. The versions being released by Pfizer and Moderna ... might be far more deadly than even she originally estimated.
Typically I try to add salient quotes. In this case, it would be pretty much the whole article. What is being done seems outrageous in a number of ways.

U.S. Right to Know scientist Dr. Sainath Suryanarayan talking about the lawsuit they filed to try and uncover the origins of COVID-19, the risks of biosafety labs and gain-of-function research in a live interview on Organic Consumers Association Facebook page:


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