The other one, that you posted on 2020 thread, fits better here i think, and seems to have been overlooked so far:

Really well written, and it cleared up something i wondered about: in my country in the partial lockdown a rule was added that you could go drive somewhere, but not aimlessly. This seemed illogical from a sanitation standpoint. Dave said in the new normal we cannot keep our cars and cannot drive around the countryside because of carbon/climate reasons.
The lockdown is there to make us get used to the limited traveling allowed for normal people in the new normal.
As i live close to a formerly buzzy airport, i have never seen so many private jets.. Sailing is still allowed.
Oh, I might've mixed up those two videos. I think you are correct. Anyway, I am watching Daves videos for a while and he seems to have a good insight into globalists agenda. Correct me if I am wrong, but this looks like a future for all those who will fail to 'upgrade' to 4d.
I wanted to share an event that happened at work today. A customer came in and we (himself, my colleague and I) started talking about the state of the world as it really is.

He started the conversation on the subjects of masks, then we moved on to COVID deaths and how the numbers are being manipulated, then we discussed Biden and how the votes are being fudged and the media calling it, and so in.

He was of the opinion that the truth will come out in the open soon. I asked him to tell me more about that. When he was explaining how people will no longer be able to ignore it when it's clear their beloved governments and leader do not give 2 hoots about them, he said the following:

You can't tell people. They have to see it.

It was a very refreshing conversation to have. Especially after the woman 3 days ago who came into the shop complaining that no one was wearing a mask inside.

He shared a website with me:

They said Dr. Charlie Ward discussed these topics and more. I'll check out the website in detail soon. If anyone is interested and does check it out, can you comment on how it is?

I shared SOTT.Net with them. We made plans to stay in touch and give each other feedback on the sites exchanged. It made my day and the conversations seem to be taking place more and more by different people FWIW.
I stumbled upon what appears to be a private meeting of doctors in which Canadian doctor Rodger Hodkinson, CEO of Western Medical Assessments, tells his opinion on covid - that it's a 'bad flu' and the reaction has been totally ridiculous and hysterical and we should just all get over it.

His background, which can be found online, includes the following:

  • General practitioner in the UK and Canada
  • Staff pathologist at the Misericordia Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta
  • Pathologist with the Medical Examiner’s Office in Edmonton determining the cause of death
  • Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Alberta
  • President of the Alberta Society of Laboratory Physicians
  • Chairman of a Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa
  • CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta

You can listen to his remarks here (soon to be taken off YT):

Backup on Bitchute here.

And a convenient tweet to be retweeted:

I wanted to see if I could verify that it was actually him speaking, so I compared with a different video of his on YT, and the voice does indeed sound the same to me. Plus, the leaked conversation does sound genuine.

The meeting itself might be this one reported by the CBC. If it's the same, perhaps it wasn't even private to begin with. Either way, great words by Dr Hodkinson.
Well they just can't help but brag and bray about what's up next! Yes it does seem as if we can expect some kind of Russia/China based false narrative about why the internet, all our power services and a whole range of other tech 'calamities' all materialize in one 'new-next-9-11' moment some point in the early new year.

Or maybe there are some earth changes coming and cosmic radiation doing it s part so cyber attacks would be a good justification for things getting shut down.
Well they just can't help but brag and bray about what's up next! Yes it does seem as if we can expect some kind of Russia/China based false narrative about why the internet, all our power services and a whole range of other tech 'calamities' all materialize in one 'new-next-9-11' moment some point in the early new year.

Or maybe Christmas day? To really ram home the point! Schwab as the Grinch makes perfect casting sense!

Edit: can we assume this is what Sweden has been told they will be first to 'preview' if they don't know come join the COVID camp!?

View attachment 40270t
My God, I've never seen Schwab before! Watching him is like watching a parody, almost. Yeah, the Grinch is a pretty good likeness, although maybe a bit "cuter," though. Schwab is like the first version of the Grinch, which the makers decided to throw out given it lacked any entertainment value (!) Or, he could be a second-rate actor auditioning for Dr. Strangelove. In fact, his wooden performance when auditioning could be the reason Kubrick realized that what he was actually making was a black comedy (as opposed to a drama), and the only actor who could pull if off would be Peter Sellers. (This was the one good thing Schwab did in his life -- and it was by accident!)

Okay, I've had my fun. That guy's SCARY.
Four days ago, CBC aired a 2-part episode on tv from Marketplace, "Canada's consumer watchdog". (IMO, Marketplace has fallen pretty far since the 80's when I used to watch it.) It's a short 8-9 minute video about masks and their effectiveness in filtering viruses, specifically Covid-19. Part 1 is called "Testing Face Masks".

@1:10- "Do some masks work better then others?... 9 months into the pandemic we still have no standards for consumer face masks. That's why we're buying more then 20 different types."

Apparently they used "a standard NIOSH aerosol test" to test these masks. "The test pulls a constant breath of air containing tiny salt particles through the mask material. The salt particles are similar in size to particles able to contain the coronavirus that might originate from droplets expelled by an infected person's breath, cough or sneeze."

@1:51- "We know the coronavirus can be as small as 100 nm."

100 nm is 0.1 micron. By saying "can be" they insinuate that coronavirus (not necessarily Covid-19?) can't be smaller then 0.1 micron. But in the mask pdf it states:

- Zhu, Na, et al. (2020). “A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019” N Engl J Med 2020; 382:727-733. "Scientists were at a consensus that the diameter of the 2019-nCoV particles were 0.06 to 0.14 microns in size. Most N95 and N99 face masks can filter out 0.30 microns. Airborne coronavirus particle (<0.125 micron) will pass directly through a N95 face mask."

@2:36- Monica Ghandi: "Do you by wearing a mask, get enough of the virus in? You may have a mild infection but you get some short term immunity."

Might as well get the definitions of "immunity" straight from the CDC. Monica Ghandi (wikipedia) is a physician and infectious diseases specialist from the University of California, San Francisco, btw. And I thought one needed only a single particle to become infected? I think I understand about viral load which I liken to the American military: the more bullets you have in the air, the more likely you are to hit something. But one bullet can hit, yes? (And if it hits and your body deals with it you need a vaccine why?)

@2:56- Monica Ghandi: "Masks block a lot of the virus from getting in. So, if by wearing a mask you're more likely to get a less severe case, have a mild illness, not even have symptoms at all."

I think "block" is the wrong word to use because visions of brick walls are favourably imagined. Besides the fact that I inevitably have to ask why I need to wear a mask at all since Monica, an infectious disease specialist, has clearly stated that there is no point in doing so?

I hear Jackboots....​

This area of Victoria is consider "well to do".
Big homes, retired wealthy residents.
Fraidy Cat neighbors called the cops...

Saanich homeowner fined $2,300 for poker game with 10 guests
Police issued fine for violation of B.C. COVID-19 Related Measures Act
  • Nov. 17, 2020 10:15 a.m.
A Saanich homeowner is $2,300 in the hole after hosting a weekend poker game with more than six guests amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Just after 10 p.m. on Saturday (Nov. 14), Saanich police responded to reports of a large gathering at a residence in the Broadmead neighbourhood. When officers arrived, they found seven guests sitting around a poker table in the garage and three other guests inside the home.

Upon speaking with the homeowner, police discovered the 10 people did not live at the residence, said Const. Markus Anastasiades, public information officer for the department.

Officers disbanded the gathering and issued a COVID-19 Related Measures Act violation ticket for $2,300 to the homeowner for “contravention of the Gathering and Events Order” which doesn’t allow more than six guests to gather in a private residence during the pandemic.

Anastasiades said the Saturday night incident was not the first time Saanich police had been called to that home to investigate violations of the provincial health orders. Near the end of October, officers responded to a similar report and, at the time, provided the homeowner with a warning and education about the orders that are in place for gatherings amid the pandemic.
So I heard via local radio news this morning that in addition to the new compliance threats, the guvnor has decreed that everyone including children ten and older must wear a mask at all Metro Parks
It looks like there is a general Covid game plan rolling out globally - some places most oppressed (and downright terrorized) than others - but basically, the same established constraints are being employed everywhere. And now Governor DeWine has pulled curfew out of that dirty bag of Covid health orders.
Gov. Mike DeWine on Tuesday announced a three-week, overnight stay-at-home order for Ohioans from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. starting Thursday in a quest to help turn around COVID-19 infections as daily cases tripled in the last three weeks.

DeWine also said most retail businesses are expected to be closed by 10 p.m. under the curfew, with the exception of necessities such as grocery stores, pharmacies and restaurants for carry-out and deliveries.
A DeWine spokesman said the order applies to individuals — not businesses. Some businesses will choose to close because people cannot travel to a casino, for example, past 10 p.m., he said.

The governor said those violating the curfew could be charged with a second-degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $750 fine, for violating a public health order, but he did not expect police officers to generally enforce the curfew. "We're not looking for a heavy hand here," he said. DeWine knew of no one who had been charged with the offense this year.

The broad spread of the virus is evidenced in the rate of COVID-19 tests returning with positive results.
The Ohio Chamber of Commerce and Ohio Manufacturers’ Association said the curfew was the best of unpleasant options.

“Shutting down our economy again, or even closing certain businesses altogether, is definitely not the solution,” Ohio Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Andrew E. Doehrel and Ohio Manufacturers’ Association President Eric Burkland said in a statement.

“A temporary curfew may be the least disruptive option to our recovering economy that can be taken right now to give our health care providers necessary breathing room.”
This subject and these restrictions have been fully explicated in this thread and, yes, Twilight Zone reality. Clearly, these measures are being presented as a necessary evil - the lesser evil, if you will. The three-week curfew will extend over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend - how debilitating will this be to the younger people, those of high school/college age and under 30? We all know that for them, 10 pm is when they go out for the evening! I can only guess that people running out to get flu shots is why the "cases" and hospitalizations have gone up. Deaths, on the other hand, have not seen the same rise. However, it's already been shown that the younger people are succumbing to suicide at rates never seen before. Domestic abuse, child abuse, death by isolation and loss of contact imposed on our elderly population - how can these statistics not merit the same concern? Not to worry - all will be well soon enough:
The governor's office announced "pre-positioned vaccine," after a COVID-19 vaccine is given emergency-use authorization, will be sent to Wexner Medical Center at Ohio State University and OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital in the central Ohio region.

"Ohio will first vaccinate those who are most at risk, including those who work in long-term care facilities, nursing homes, and other congregate-care facilities, high-risk health care workers, and first responders," DeWine's office said in a statement.
That certainly sounds like it won't be a voluntary choice for those workers. And if they already had the flu shot . . . how massive might the ADRs be? I wonder if there's a stockpile of those FEMA coffins somewhere.

I guess it will remain to be seen how much of the population will continue to go along with these 'health safety' measures, especially if after the three weeks, our liberties are still MIA. Surprisingly, a former Columbus City Council president, who worked for Vice President Joe Biden, and is now a Columbus City Attorney (after running for three political offices in three years), has tweeted:
Some more choice tweets can be found here:

So, this latest restriction is being met with some derision and questioning of its effectiveness. Wendy's hamburger chain used to have an ad campaign of "Where's the Beef?" Looks like more and more people want to know "Where's the science?"

With Dark Winter waiting in the wings along with continuing Prez election turmoil, the roller coaster ride has hardly even begun. "Just stay calm and patient" is going to be a bit of a challenge, but who knows what "twists and turns" are in store maybe sooner than later. Meanwhile, let's give thanks for all the blessings associated with this forum and enjoy that turkey next week! 🦃

The £18BILLION coronavirus PPE scandal: Devastating report exposes chronic bungling and 'jobs for pals' in ministers' desperate rush to buy safety gear during pandemic​

Seemingly unrelated. I started with a follow up article (Lord Malloch Brown Revealed: The British Hand Behind The Coup Shows Its Scales Again) about the role of british intelligence elements in world political events. Spoiler alert, lots of info about voting and voting devices. Midway, I also learned that during July this year there was a World Government Summit! Not the first one either, it seems. Still trying to digest the info on the webpage World Government Summit.
Continuation, in relevance with the thread, the CoVID-19 perspective: Does COVID-19 Mean a New Global Order?
It appears that here in Taiwan there has been an extensive flu vaccination program.

At the end of the article is this concerning paragraph:
Officials have dismissed allegations that some flu vaccinations played a part in the death of a small number of recipients.

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan’s health authorities on Tuesday (Oct. 27) ruled out influenza vaccination as the cause of death for four seniors who died after receiving a flu jab.

Seeking to allay public fears about the safety of the shots, Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) head Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) stated at a press conference that the four cases had died of chronic conditions, including cardiovascular disease, and that their deaths are not believed to be related to the vaccine.

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A resident of Keelung was hospitalized this week after it was suspected she suffered from the side effects of the government-funded influenza vaccine she had received nine days earlier.

According to CNA, the 50-year-old Taiwanese woman surnamed Li (李) is currently intubated in an intensive care unit at the Keelung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital after experiencing numbness in her body since Oct. 24, nine days after being vaccinated against the flu. Although doctors had associated her symptoms with the rare Guillain-Barre syndrome, they said her loss of taste is uncommon in patients with the disease.
Chuang also made a reference to a similar case that was reported in Taichung last week and said both patients had received Vaxigrip Tetra vaccine produced by the French company Sanofi.

In Taiwan we still have only had 7 covid deaths so I’m not sure why so many people are rushing to get the flu vaccine. Maybe it’s normal which concerns me for when they roll out the covid vaccine, though I can’t see it being mandatory.

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