Some news from Russia:
The Republic of Buryatia became the first region of Russia, the authorities of which resumed the lockdown. In particular, from November 16 to November 30, the work of cafes, restaurants and other catering places has been suspended here (takeaway is possible). Shopping centers, saunas, beauty salons, cinemas, fitness clubs are closed. Restrictions do not apply to grocery stores, pharmacies, communication salons, as well as those involved in the delivery of goods.
PS With these "tests" PCR (for covid), we also have a complete mess. I recently posted a video of the queue at the hospital to see a doctor. And here is today's photo (from a local social network), where people in our city stand in line (for an hour and a half on the street!) To take a PCR test for "covid" (they are required at work):
I read a STORM of negative comments under this photo (on the city network)! Perhaps many people are ready to "wake up" (this is encouraging), all this "covidization" has gone too far!
In addition, due to many "positive" tests for covid, our city was transferred from the "green" to the "yellow" zone (deterioration). I am already confused by all these "zones".
The Republic of Buryatia became the first region of Russia, the authorities of which resumed the lockdown. In particular, from November 16 to November 30, the work of cafes, restaurants and other catering places has been suspended here (takeaway is possible). Shopping centers, saunas, beauty salons, cinemas, fitness clubs are closed. Restrictions do not apply to grocery stores, pharmacies, communication salons, as well as those involved in the delivery of goods.

В Бурятии закрыли ТЦ, кафе, сауны и фитнес-клубы из-за коронавируса
Ограничения будут действовать в течение двух недель. Это первый российский регион, решивший ввести повторный локдаун. Исключение сделали для нескольких видов коммерческих объектов, включая аптеки

Какие шесть главных ограничений ввели в российских регионах. Главное
Заболеваемость и число смертей от коронавируса в России продолжает бить рекорды. Какие ограничения вводят в регионах — в материале РБК

PS With these "tests" PCR (for covid), we also have a complete mess. I recently posted a video of the queue at the hospital to see a doctor. And here is today's photo (from a local social network), where people in our city stand in line (for an hour and a half on the street!) To take a PCR test for "covid" (they are required at work):

I read a STORM of negative comments under this photo (on the city network)! Perhaps many people are ready to "wake up" (this is encouraging), all this "covidization" has gone too far!
In addition, due to many "positive" tests for covid, our city was transferred from the "green" to the "yellow" zone (deterioration). I am already confused by all these "zones".