Just a couple of inputs. Regarding the We're Living in 12 Monkeys vid, one of the comments:

Covert Operation Via Infectious Disease - 2019

Also, in reiterating the UK Imperial College's assertion of an 18 month lockdown or until a vaccine:

WHO declared pandemic March 11, 2020 - 18 months is September 11, 2021.

Purely coincidental.
Over on SoTT.net the folks there did an excellent interview with Dr. Graeme MacQueen related to his book 'The 2001 Anthrax Deception' - see below:

I read this book when published and it was indeed an eye opener, to say the least.

And furthermore, as Whitney Webb recently revealed:

The leaders of two controversial pandemic simulations that took place just months before the Coronavirus crisis – Event 201 and Crimson Contagion – share a common history, the 2001 biowarfare simulation Dark Winter
Someone from this forum posted this video today on facebook:
And remember what was said earlier by nicklebleu in this thread:
He's probably correct. Intubating people is very risky and in many cases harms more than helping.

I don't really understand the medical background to be honest, but the thought crossed my mind: what if they are trying to kill off those in whom the virus has a positive effect!? I hope I'm just being paranoid here :shock:
5G is certainly a big problem, but at the moment, I think the claims about 5G being the cause of shortness of breath due to Oxygen atoms absorbing energy from the EM spectrum are not just unsubstantiated, but irresponsible. We need more and far better information.
I think its WAY more irresponsible (and extremely dangerous) that 5G is slowly being implemented without ANY large and serious testing that would show it is of benefit to humanity. But we do have proof it is actally military technology and the public is AGAIN being lied to to accapt it.
And I think there is enough proof that EMF exposure of the planet is leading to pandemic outbreaks of flu like viruses. Im certainly not making this stuff up.
This post has enough proof that 5G atleast should be halted until further notice. But thats not the case! Nevermind that the only huge outbreaks of cv that we have seen are in areas that had already implemented 5G!!!

Good article explaining why 5G should not be rolled out until some true research has been done(not the industry bollocks we have to take for granted):
“Peer-reviewed research has documented industry influence on studies of the health impacts of wireless radiation. We are insisting on a moratorium on 5G until non-industry research can be conducted to ensure the safety of the public.”- Dr. Joel Moskowitz, professor of public health, University of California, Berkeley,
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Driving on the Interstate, I also noticed two 'stay home, save lives' highway signs this past week. I think this same message or something similar is being broadcasted on other state highway signs. Surreal..

The phrase is used everywhere and in every country. Can this phrase be some kind of a trigger for the program to kick in?
It is almost everywhere. On TV, on every channel, the phrase is on-screen at the corner of the screen, on the streets, A tons od ads on social media with the same phrase. All mainstream media are using it almost al the time
And some good news in all of this. There was a Jupiter & Pluto conjuction at 04:45 (my local time) on the 5th of April. And that was the moment when a huge number of people in the know had worked on a global/universal healing of everything and for all, me included. And whats incredible Schumann resonance has shown that it was a huge success. Im happy 😁!!!!! And anyone who loves our Mom Earth should be too!!
A very interesting interview with Dr. Shiva. Many of the points he makes can be read in this article 'This is payday for big-pharma' - Shiva Ayyadurai calls for firing of U.S. pandemic-control czar Dr. Anthony Fauci -- Sott.net

This was a very good interview (well, more like a monologue by Dr. Shiva), and should be viewed by as many as possible. There are many important points he makes, for instance:

- the immune system has many 'layers' of protective measures, if your IS is not compromised a virus is absolutely no threat (for that diet and supplementation is crucial). Which means that every expert should now be focusing on improving people's immune systems (of course it's not gonna happen 'cause Big Pharma wants to push their vaccines)

- the 'malaria cocktail' that is now promoted by Trump and others is only a short time solution, since the way it works appears to be that it kills bad bacteria and parasites and thus lessens the load of the immune system so that it can more effectively fight the virus

- the awareness and popularity of holistic and alternative ways of promoting people's health and sickness was growing steadily, but now this movement is halted and wiped away – which was one of the many purposes of this scheme

- the main instigator and director of how countries now conduct their lockdown, methods of treatment and other policies is the WHO.

My note: as we know with a high amount of certainty, the WHO of course gets its directives from higher above, but the WHO is the central hub from where medical experts who are not 'in the know' get their instructions, numbers, and categories on which they base their action. Right now I'm thinking that the WHO could be 'their' weakest link, and if the WHO:s shady business and fake science could be exposed, that could bring the whole house of cards down.

ADDED: one thing that I'm not so sure about is Shiva's conviction that China was and is one of the bad guys, and that it's going to 'take over' the US. Sounds a bit off, but who knows...
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Well, Dutch police has just asked the population to report people who gather to the council that has set up a special phone number for ratting out one's fellow citizens. Just like the Gestapo, have those plebs work for you, so that the authorities can sit back and watch more divide and conquer shows.

Of course the authorities have a reputation to live up to, since The Netherlands beat all other Western European countries when it came to the deportation of Jews and other groups, in relative numbers that is. :evil:
I don't know what about the rest of the UK but here where I live kids were asked to paint a rainbow to keep people smiling and their parents to put it on display. The effect: nearly all houses are decorated with hand-painted rainbows with slogans like "Keep smiling", "Stay Safe" and so forth. There's no point discussing the validity of such happening as we could all agree that kids should be in their schools being engaged in more important activities. An interesting bit is this rainbow.

This symbol was claimed and stole by communities hiding behind so fluid acronym that I won't waste my time writing it here to avoid being accused of excluding some. I think that now they must feel devastated that nobody, especially kids are not directing their feelings towards them when painting a rainbow.

Stay straight safe people.
Nutzoid strikes back; here is some Bill (everybody)Hates news from croatian MSM:

Gates is convinced: If we want to get back to normal, we need to find a coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible

Gates is confident we could have a coronavirus vaccine by the end of the year, but it will also cost millions of dollars throughout the process.

Life can only go back to normal once coronavirus vaccine is globally available , Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates said on Monday .

It is expected that a vaccine for the virus that causes Covid-19 could be developed by the end of the year.

Talking to Fox News, Gates said work must be done quickly to develop a new "billion-dose" vaccine.

Developed countries like the US, he continued, will sooner or later be able to fight the virus, but it must be defeated worldwide.

Things won't really return to normal until the vaccine is available virtually worldwide , said Gates, who last week called on the US government to start building factories to develop the most promising vaccines to fight coronaviruses.

This could be a waste of millions of dollars as some vaccines are likely to never be needed and private companies cannot take that risk, Gates said.

Private companies cannot take that risk, but the federal government can , Gates said, adding that it is the only way to ensure mass production of the vaccine.

The Gates Foundation, which mainly funds health programs, has set aside $ 105 million to combat the current pandemic.
Despicable guy.
Well he does look kinda like this Vector mad-scientist dude from "Despicable Me"

....sorry for the noise.... :-[

Wow, thank you very much for posting this article Deckard. After reading that article last night, it really hit home, the world as we have known it is dead.....The military-medical dictatorship is more or less being established only to be taken over completely by AI.... and a way out would be what Laura said in the session of 22nd Feb:

In other words, a group of people that have that kind of faith that in the face of everything being literally awful as it is in our world today, that they still have faith in the other reality, they still have faith in doing good, doing right, being loving, that they do not buy into the whole Darwinian materialistic thing, and basically they don’t believe those lies and by those means they are able to, at a certain point in time that Paul called the culmination of the ages, be restored to this Edenic state... in other words a 4D STO reality. Am I interpreting that correctly?

A: Oh that was beautiful!! We are impressed!

Q: (L) Well la-dee-da! So that's basically what the anchoring of the frequency is about. And that's part of the interior state that people have to be in in order to anchor that frequency - to have that kind of faith. It’s not where you are, but who you are and what you see? Even in the face of everything being against your ideas, against what you think, against what you've figured out...

(Joe) Even things inside you being against you. The internal fight. You have faith that doing what it doesn't like that you will kind of achieve something worth having.

(Andromeda) Right.

(Joe) It's internally and externally at the same time.

(L) So it's not faith IN Jesus as Ashworth points out. It's faith OF Jesus that sets the example. And the example was put in a metaphor of the story of this crucifixion or death, but the metaphor represents basically the crucifixion of every person. They're crucified inside and outside because they are faced with this reality that rejects their consciousness, their more or less divine connection, their spiritual connection. They say that everything is just random mutations and random evolution, and that's wrong. That's the Big Lie.

A: Yes. We can retire now!

One step towards dictatorship is complete censoring of information, as the Danish Parliament has just passed into law

They really waste no time!

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