More about this on the CDC website: Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic Graphic Novel | CDC

Then again, Facebook urges users to report any who is "too prepared." Facebook labels canning and gardening groups as too prepared

And on top of that, in the USA, September was "National Preparedness Month."
I think our governments are also thinking the same. I have a couple of colleagues who work in another branch of my company (the 3 of us are unvaccinated) and the other day our line was cut several times when we were discussing making supplies in between work subjects. We thought that strange because we weren't planning a revolt or being critical of the government but it happened several times, so I guess unvaccinated are being watched.🥺
There are two things I’ve been mulling over lately:


2) Why was Israel chosen as one of the prominent test labs with very speedy and aggressive vaccine administering? I mean, haven’t the Israelis for long been the ‘chosen ones’ and their leaders ‘in the innermost club’? Hasn’t the plan always been to drive out the Palestinians and let the Israelis ‘take over’? (I hope Israeli members don’t get offended, I hope you know what I mean...talking about the Zionist’s agenda here).


As to question number 2) I don’t really have any answers, do you guys?

I can't recall in which session exactly I've read it, I've used the search function but it did not helped. However, I'm pretty sure that C's once said that Israel as a country, could/would be sacrificed in order to make the Elites' plans to work; This would/could be related to the One government that would lead the Jewish messianism to take over the world, something along those lines.

Maybe someone else could help find the exact extract?

Edit: Quote issue
Schizophrenia is a documented effect of defective syncytin and there’s a growing body of scientific literature[30] [31] [32], seriously wondering if schizophrenia is not, at least in some cases, demonic possession:
I´ve been doing some on-line searches, prompted by the article I´m translating, and wanted to see what happened in last year in topic of exorcism.
Here are the headlines what I´ve found so far:
Also, a week ago, started a gathering of exorcists from all over the world in Rome.

Bored and locked people, now fueled by DNA-changing poison, what can possibly go wrong..... :-(
2) Why was Israel chosen as one of the prominent test labs with very speedy and aggressive vaccine administering? I mean, haven’t the Israelis for long been the ‘chosen ones’ and their leaders ‘in the innermost club’? Hasn’t the plan always been to drive out the Palestinians and let the Israelis ‘take over’? (I hope Israeli members don’t get offended, I hope you know what I mean...talking about the Zionist’s agenda here).

As @SOTTREADER said, because they want to control them. Let's not forget that Judaism requires male genital mutilation, which isn't exactly doing them any favors.

As to why not just use saline and declare the pandemic over, obviously there's something in the Fauci Ouchie they really, really want inside people's bodies. Ending the fake pandemic clearly isn't the purpose, either through a vaccination that actually works or a fake shot that gives them an out. The adverse events are probably genuinely side effects; they're perfectly happy to sacrifice the health of the populace, in order to reach whatever their goal is.
I think our governments are also thinking the same. I have a couple of colleagues who work in another branch of my company (the 3 of us are unvaccinated) and the other day our line was cut several times when we were discussing making supplies in between work subjects. We thought that strange because we weren't planning a revolt or being critical of the government but it happened several times, so I guess unvaccinated are being watched.🥺

Hi Ryu,

How do you think they know your vaccination status? Is there a record or did your employer actually asked you? I am trying to understand how it all works even though we are in different countries.

In my workplace at some point in summer managers walked around asking people ib a matter of fact. My friend who works in the same building but for different company was asked the same thing via WhatsApp group. At least at that time I don't think they knew or could find out about this. I wander if something is changing now.
As @SOTTREADER said, because they want to control them. Let's not forget that Judaism requires male genital mutilation, which isn't exactly doing them any favors.

As to why not just use saline and declare the pandemic over, obviously there's something in the Fauci Ouchie they really, really want inside people's bodies. Ending the fake pandemic clearly isn't the purpose, either through a vaccination that actually works or a fake shot that gives them an out. The adverse events are probably genuinely side effects; they're perfectly happy to sacrifice the health of the populace, in order to reach whatever their goal is.

I was also thinking that they may be looking at this as equal to the sacrifices that had to be made at the outset of capitalism and the growing pains therein - shoddy and unsafe work environments which resulted in untold suffering and dying. Also sacrifices needed to be made in certain industries e.g. mining which back in the day involved children too - all those people working in mines didn't have good outcomes to their health in the early days.

So they may think that these adverse effects are just growing pains and those who die, die but those who are left will then fall more in line with whatever their goal is and you know, they can reproduce the fallen / injured plebs. I don't think PTB care much for a shortfall of labour if they consider it temporary if ultimately it all means there's a willing slave citizenry at their disposal to use and abuse as they wish. Hell on earth?
Well blow me down, matti !!!! If someone says there is no signal in this trend line, well I'm willing to sell the San Fran Bridge for a penney.

Parents NOT GOING TO THE DOCTOR FOR XXXX results in fewer kids dying !!!! Huuummmm

I never knew that in the US they practices something as paranoid as "wellness visit". If I was sick my parents would take me. This almost seems like a marketing ploy to generate constant stream of revenue.
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Hi Ryu,

How do you think they know your vaccination status? Is there a record or did your employer actually asked you? I am trying to understand how it all works even though we are in different countries.

In my workplace at some point in summer managers walked around asking people ib a matter of fact. My friend who works in the same building but for different company was asked the same thing via WhatsApp group. At least at that time I don't think they knew or could find out about this. I wander if something is changing now.


Sorry I confused "preparedness" with "vaccination status". Trying what I can to do the same.
I noticed that it became harder to get certain gear and tools. And replenishment is taking time. Good luck for PTB to track it all:)
Here's some hints of how the game is rigged in Israel.

1. Lack of a Public and Transparent Adverse Events Reporting System: The first prerequisite for granting a permit for use of any new medicinal preparation is the setup of adverse events (AEs) collection systems that would allow appropriate management of risks and generation of alarm signals. All the more so when it concerns a mass vaccination campaign of a first-in-human use of an experimental preparation to the citizens of an entire country, which serves as a global model. Despite the advanced technological systems available to the Israeli HMOs, and contrary to common standards in Western countries, there exists no proper and transparent AEs reporting system in Israel, such as the US VAERS system, that is accessible to the public, and thus no appropriate tracking of AEs occurring after the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Healthcare professionals or citizens in Israel, who wish to submit reports of AEs following vaccination, are unable to do so. As such, there is no possibility for either of these populations to also search through the data, rendering impossible the examination of the reported AEs by other citizens, physicians and independent researchers. Instead, there is only an online AEs reporting form available on the MOH’s website. This form, however, was for many months not useful, since it did not allow the inclusion of personal contact information. The free text field intended to describe the AEs comprised a limited number of characters and the symptoms list available to choose from was limited as well and included only mild AEs terms.

'Novax' Djokovic standing up to the vax bullies

Good on him to use his tennis 'platform' to make a statement; well he could probably afford to be out of work for a while anyways. Best of luck to him (now that he's made himself a target to the vax bullies).
Just saw an update about letting in unvaxxed players into the Australian Open.

"Novax" Djokovic: 15
Australian petty tyrants: love
What are Vaxxed shedding and what are its effects?


Neuroscientist Kevin W. McCairn Ph.D
Video title:
Kevin W. McCairn Ph.D. SARS-CoV-2 An Aerosolized Prion Disease
(videotime 41:45)

Kevin's main points:
Black color means I'm quoting him word for word. Blue is either a link or my comments. Red color is my emphasis on what he is stating.


1. SARS-CoV-2 is an excitotoxin (Excitotoxins: The FDA-Approved Way To Damage Your Brain).

2. Its highly tuned to attack your central nervous system.

3. In case of (live-butchering) monkeys: We are able to go in with that sort of precision targeting .. and then we are able to modulate specific circuitry within the central nervous system to induce these gross behaviors (obsessive monkey as a result of neurosurgical manipulation) that you see here, [we can do this] in a very predictible manner.

"I'm the king of the Tourette Monkey Model.. no one else took it as far as I did.."

4. As a reason for what I call the
Is the SARS-CoV-2 - via going through the olfactory bulb - targets limbic networks:
(The olfactory bulb:
Olfactory relay station that receives axons from cranial nerve I and transmits this information via the olfactory tract to higher centers.

olfactory bulb.jpg)

"This is what made me famous really is the induction of vocal ticks by activation of limbic networks."

Really? Didn't we have a recent upsurge of ticks in teenagers using their mobile phones?
Teen Girls Are Developing Tics. Doctors Say TikTok Could Be a Factor.
COVID-19 related increase in childhood tics and tic-like attacks

Kevin continues:
5. Autonomic disregulation. A dis-inhibition of autonomic systems.
Your emotions are bound intimately with the viscera. That's what we talk about when we say, "It feels visceral." Feels alive.. and if you have this activity going on in your brain ("ticks" = which more and more looks like Externally Induced Behavior), then you can have this activation of large scale networks. To prove this, he shows a [live-butchered / skull opened / electrodes inserted] monkey having an irresistible erection induced (zoomed in camera shows big erect monkey penis) about which (induced visceral feeling/sensation) the monkey can do nothing.. for hours!

(((My speculation: Expect this behavior in Covid Zombies: either spontaneous [brain malfunction] as we see here in case of the Vaxxed RT Editor in Chief or - I think - the vaxxed will perform a drastic behavior change via remote activation. This is why I posted that if the vaxxed will be the majority, than their new-normal mode of Satanic Thinking will be the new trend / new fashion to be followed.)))

Kevin continues:
6. Anything you name it, we probably have done it. We can get all sorts of ticks - depending on where we make these interventions. (Kevin also showed a live monkey with an open live "brain-tower" a large machinery built on top of an opened live monkey brain with the monkey awake and is examined for reactions.)
You need to understand, - when you see these effects on people (zombies): that we are dealing with an aerosolized prion disease!


* .. *

Remember here that Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and her group frequently mentions the strange shedding done by the Vaxxed - something is coming off of them and it is causing bleeding in babies and older children and people and they don't know what causes it.

Now you know more!
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Can native Spanish speakers here confirm or refute the below? Lady who translated me this video said that there was no actual reason given for power cut. Since video is referring to Austrian TV, maybe Austrian members of this forum heard something lately on local TV about preparedness to possible power cuts?

Reflexiones de la vida en TikTok
Schizophrenia is a documented effect of defective syncytin and there’s a growing body of scientific literature[30] [31] [32], seriously wondering if schizophrenia is not, at least in some cases, demonic possession:
Possession can be partial demonic-parasite possession: an infection caused by etheric parasites. When the C's warned that kids shouldn't be around when channeling. I think that might have been because spirit/demonic parasites are naturally attracted to energy as bugs are to the light. Energetically / etherically humans are a light source as well.
In his book, DMT The Spirit Molecule (2001), Rick Strassman recounts worm-like spirit parasites attacking "astral-traveling" humans en masse and "making love" to them.

Partial demonic parasite infection I think is directly connected to The Predator phenomenon. The spirit-parasite modifies human behavior and the parasite can move limbs / fingers, while the infected is sleeping. For example: lifting a finger on a sleeping passengers hand on the train.
I think the majority (high %) of the population is parasitically infected. Causing all kinds of neurological disorders, like enhancing people's schizophrenia. Then there is I think a widely known phenomenon of removal of inhibitions, which - as we know from Malachi Martin could very well be by spirit-parasites. Martin talked about a specific - very natural - type of parasite: MULTUS. The parasites gave this name, when Malachi asked the "demon": - "What is your name?"
As in "tumultus" (Hungarian) or tumult in English: picture a large number of flying spirit worms flocking to their target human and trying to penetrate the human's "mind-shield" as sperm surround and penetrate the ovum.

When the parasitic / demonic infection nears its completion, to become 'full control', then we already know what happens.
Books we read dealt with this:
1. Unholy Hungers
2. Inside the Criminal Mind by Stanton Samenow and his excellent
3. The Myth of the Out of Character Crime.

It appears the Vaxxed will have their inhibitions removed - as in case of criminals we read about in the books.
RT already reporting lots of weird violent crimes multiplying all around the world.
If the Deep State planned for this, then its perfect to increase chaos: just remove inhibitions in Vaxxed via radio-remote 5G.
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Here's some hints of how the game is rigged in Israel.

The Government of Israel

also has actively told hospitals, institution and media not to criticize the jabs ! Therefore it is in essence officially silent in Israel regarding the negative side of the injections. The Israeli Gov also said, being unvaccinated is like being a terrorist running around with a machine gun in the streets.** :nuts:

This came to the fore in the latest Investigative Corona committee session in Berlin, No 75, on 23 Oct 2021 (🇩🇪 german dubbed, while the unaltered version is here 🇺🇸 starting at 00:10:38) when Avital Livny reports about the situation in Israel. (Avital Livny took the Initiative of "The Testimonies Project" in which Israelis tell their story after vaccination injuries).

**(I noticed that this evil plan, the Plandemic narrative "sold to the public", always has a locally colored attachment added: It is aligned with the local "thinking habits, patterns, and history" of a country. So, the Israeli Gov uses terrorist and machine guns as "their" metaphor and mantra to discredit unvaccinated / to sell the genetic injection project to the people.
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