IMO, this discussion goes very well here. I think your analysis hits the nail in the head.
Unfortunately people get easily distracted and are easily manipulated by the media. Everybody is pointing fingers and people's mood is rather dark.
The majority of people are missing the big geopolitical context. It reminds me how I never read an analysis about a possible Mossad involvement in the Madrid terrorist attacks anywhere else, except for SOTT.
The best explanation about the Spanish Civil War that I was able to come across came from a foreigner. And what loreta wrote above seems to be shining by its absence for the majority of people. I think it is very sad how the elderly and not so elderly remember clearly how they had to fight against their brothers during the Spanish Civil War and how they were jailed for treason. Yet, one or two generations afterwards, nobody seems to remember that the same "divide and conquer" rules this land. For me it is shocking to see how the elderly remember the Spanish Civil War so clearly and how the current generation acts as if never happened, or if it happened, it was in another alternative reality. It strikes me that they don't have a clue about their current reality even when all the signs are in front of their faces.
The jokes after the election have been described as "
acid humor" by RT. Yet, one might understandably want to cry before finally laughing out loud. It has come to the point that only humor can make the current climate bearable.
Coming back to the issue at hand, I think it is important to remind people of "who benefits". At least if we can keep that signal high among ourselves, it would be progress. People are going hysterical and it only promises to get worse in the next few years.
Reading people's reactions on fb has been heartbreaking. Here is a google translation of one that was very striking to me:
After 6000 isolated cases of corruption, having promoted the desolation and poverty of the crisis, after years of the most mediocre government that has ever ruled a country which is uneducated, stupid, who allows problems to solve themselves alone; after the obscenity of a minister who illegally conspires against the opposition (as they say in Venezuela, tearing their clothes) ... their vote [PP - Rajoy] increases considerably.
It's official: this is a shitty country, full of imbeciles helping the executioners of their children.
I go further: we have no future as a species. Psychopaths do it better every time. They know very well how to exploit the stupidity and sordidness of his subjects.
Congratulations to El Pais and El Mundo (and their brothers and La Razón and ABC): corporations will crush our heads. Thank you.
I come down here
:( The above status belongs to someone who knows about psychopaths in power.
Orange Scorpion said:
I have the impression that someone from "outside" has come to Spain to do "something" and now PP, PSOE, the media, and even PODEMOS are cleaning up the debris left by the operation and doing damage control.
Sorry for my extension but I don't know how we must approach this issue in Spanish Sott. I don't want to follow the game of the elite, and I don't know how to talk about "something" I do not know what it is nor I have no evidence of any kind to prove it.
Whether we ignore the issue as if we echo the different information about the alleged rigging of the Spanish elections, I feel that we are following the game of the psychopaths.
Perhaps we can write an editorial of "Who Benefits" as an exercise of thinking with the hammer. An editorial comment could be written to clarify that it is about that, a thinking exercise of seeing the larger geopolitical context and not necessarily hard core evidence of direct involvement of the PTB in Spain's election. I think that in the end, readers would appreciate that. In retrospect, this is something that constantly comes up in our chat discussions at Spanish SOTT radio network.
It is like putting the whole Spanish election context under the microscope. This reminds me of Lobaczewski's example of a biologist examining a microbe under the microscope.
I think it will be interesting if data is gathered which suggests that Podemos had a higher probability of more votes. Essentially, how that alternative reality didn't materialized.
I think that highlighting one way or another what
loreta explained 4 years ago is important. I had the privilege to experience this realization within the last 4 years and it is truly saddening to realize how few really understand.
My 0.2 cents!