Covid Tyranny: New Zealand Government Strikes Again


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Right on cur, the NZ government has introduced two pieces of legislation seeking to trash even further peoples freedoms.

The first concerns hate speech.

New Hate Speech Laws proposed

The reforms seek to change this by making more types of discrimination subject to the law, including hatred against religious belief, political belief and disability.

Draconian new penalties and the possibility of prison for political dissent. Welcome to tine Brave New World which is ruled by kindness, New Zealand style.

The possibilities for trouble here are huge. I have my fingers crossed that this will upset a lot of people, but there are so many PM worshipping sheep that this might very well just get approved.

The second attack is around the drive for a "Smoke Free New Zealand by 2025. Proposals include reducing nicotine strength of all cigarettes, removing filters to make cigarettes unpalatable and registering just a few stores so they can restrict sales. And this all for a product which is completely legal.

Consultation documents

Naturally the consultations are NOT around whether they should do this. they are focused on how to achieve their aim more quickly. Again, democracy in action, New Zealand style.

And of course, they have raised the price of tobacco yet again, making the price for a kilo of tobacco $1305, probably the most expensive anywhere in the world.

I despair of this place. The government is in full Marxist mode and there are so many blind sheep cheering it on.
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When I visited NZ, I had the impression that the local ruling class were the inheritors of a particularly strong strain of political utopianism originating in British liberalism. Their entire goal being to build the caring, sharing paradise of tomorrow on an unspoiled archipelago at a safe distance from the bad old kingdoms of yore. Given that, it isn't surprising they'd be especially attracted to the mania for social engineering that has seized the global managerial class.

OTOH, the working class in NZ came off as practically feral. I don't think I ever saw so many barfights in an Anglo country. Then there's the Maori, who aren't exactly pushovers. Perhaps hope lies in the proletarian and indigenous peoples, if they can rediscover their independent roots and form a unified front to push back against the social planners.
OTOH, the working class in NZ came off as practically feral. I don't think I ever saw so many barfights in an Anglo country. Then there's the Maori, who aren't exactly pushovers. Perhaps hope lies in the proletarian and indigenous peoples, if they can rediscover their independent roots and form a unified front to push back against the social planners.

It would be nice to think so but unfortunately the majority of Maori in NZ are fully tuned in to the "we are victims and you must funnel huge amounts of money to us as well as give preferential treatment to our culture" mode. As long as the government is providing the gravy train, they will not be rocking the boat.
It would be nice to think so but unfortunately the majority of Maori in NZ are fully tuned in to the "we are victims and you must funnel huge amounts of money to us as well as give preferential treatment to our culture" mode. As long as the government is providing the gravy train, they will not be rocking the boat.

Which raises a question: how enthusiastically is the government enforcing lockdown BS on the Maori? Or is it like everywhere else in the Western world: lockdowns are mainly for white people, and a blind eye gets turned to rest as they ignore the restrictions?
Which raises a question: how enthusiastically is the government enforcing lockdown BS on the Maori? Or is it like everywhere else in the Western world: lockdowns are mainly for white people, and a blind eye gets turned to rest as they ignore the restrictions?
Don't forget that in NZ lockdown other than in Auckland is a distant memory. Auckland has had 2 level 3 lockdowns in the last 6 months It is fair to say though, that whenever a lockdown is declared - and this was particularly when we were first locked down for 6 weeks - local Maori illegally set up roadblocks in country areas and turned away people who were legally out and about. And they were assisted by police to do so, despite a huge outcry by the general population. It was all justified on the basis that Maori were more susceptible to the virus, despite the fact that as far as I can recall none of the 26 people who died were in fact Maori and that the case rate for Maori was also very low.
It’s a mixed bag and Maori are definitely not pushovers. There is Billy Te Kahika has been putting up a brave front but I think he’s running out of steam and I hope he cares for himself and his family now.
I think the majority of NZ is a go along kind of nation, although the gun buy back a couple of years ago didn’t go well. Apparently all over NZ guns and rifles have been buried in polythene pipes as well as iron bars (to confuse metal detection). Most of the things this government has tried to do is not working or never actually got up and running properly. We are seeing and hearing about this ourselves. At the echelon of business in the country people are fed up with all the lying the priminister and government has been doing. Anyway the fairy dust may be wearing off the priminister...
Let’s see what happens when they roll out the Pfizer shots across the entire population.
The second attack is around the drive for a "Smoke Free New Zealand by 2025. Proposals include reducing nicotine strength of all cigarettes, removing filters to make cigarettes unpalatable and registering just a few stores so they can restrict sales. And this all for a product which is completely legal.
I read this the other day and thought to myself that that is just terrible...

dun dun DUN...

Looks like they are going to try to bring this to the USSA as well… Not surprising and I think it highlights just how beneficial cigarettes can be for some people. Maybe a lot more people than we even realize.

Biden Considering Rule To Cut Nicotine In Cigs; Tobacco Stocks Tumble


According to the WSJ, the Biden administration is considering requiring tobacco companies "to reduce the nicotine levels in all cigarettes sold in the U.S. to levels at which they are no longer addictive."

The nicotine-reduction policy under consideration would lower the chemical in cigarettes to nonaddictive or minimally addictive levels, aiming to push millions of smokers to either quit or switch to less harmful alternatives such as nicotine gums, lozenges or e-cigarettes.

Administration officials are considering the policy - which was first floated in 2017 - as they approach a deadline for declaring the administration’s intentions on another tobacco question: whether or not to ban menthol cigarettes


If enacted, the plan would be a replica of a proposal from New Zealand last week seeking to sharply reducing nicotine levels in cigarettes and raising the legal smoking age as part of a broader policy aimed at ending smoking.
A high court decision today revealed that the roll out of the Pfizer prophylactic may have not really been legal. The medicine should have completed all clinical trials before being approved fir use on the population.
So tomorrow the NZ Government is urgently changing the law.
Here we go again,
From midnight tonight
New Zealand going into full strict lockdown for at least three days. Auckland for at least seven days.
Then it usually gets reassessed and extended and then usually we step down slowly to less restrictions.
One community case (ie not at the border in isolation hotels) has been identified.
The bizarre thing is that the priminister had to justify the lockdowns by stating it is necessary because the Pfizer vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission only hospitalisation and deaths. And people are still happily going along with it all...
The bull shit meters we ordered must be stuck with sea freight somewhere....
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