These people are mocking us. Let me explain. Now we are back in L4 lockdown, each day, usually at 1PM there is a televised session from the Podium of Truth featuring the Prime Minister. Or sometimes, the Health Minister. The format is like this.
1. Announce some "good news". E.G. Our vaccinations were the highest level eve today.
2. A "shout out" to some group - essential workers, vaccinators, testing station staff, even to those being tested or vaccinated. Jolly good work people, we are proud of you and you are keeping us safe.
3. Director of Health Department then shares the news regarding case numbers, locations of interest etc.
4. PM then gives a little motivational speech and then takes questions.
All of this is delivered as if they were talking to 8 year old children. It is condescending an patronising and absolutely full of mantras - keeping us safe, team of 5 million, lockdown works, we are beating the virus etc ad nauseum.
However the episode yesterday, Friday, when the PM announced most of NZ would move to L3 next Tuesday was really out there.
First, an announcement was made that a new case had been found in a rural Auckland area. The person works in a dementia unit in an aged care facility. The worker had in fact been fully vaccinated.
Then we got this. OK, now folks, it is really important you all get vaccinated to protect us all especially the most vulnerable in the community. I mean seriously? Why weren't there reporters all over this pointing out the complete lack of logic in what was just said? Come on, such a logical disconnect, but nobody is pointing this out, nobody is protesting the nonsense of this message.
The PM is also aware that support for indefinite lockdowns has started to evaporate, people are murmuring about the need for another strategy. So, all of a sudden, we have a new strategy. We will just let this lockdown play out until we crush delta. THEN, we will get the whole country vaccinated at which point we will be able to open our borders again and let people live a more normal life. As if that has worked anywhere in the world.
And this plan is posited from the same PM who on at least 3 different occasions has publicly announced that vaccines don't stop you catching the virus, or spreading it only stop you getting really sick or dying.
And again NOBODY is querying what is clearly completely illogical, instead they just repeat it as if it is a religious doctrine, not to be questioned.
It is abundantly clear that the real virus has been the mind virus and this virus has completely trashed peoples capacity to think to reason and to make rational decisions. Instead they blindly accept anything and everything that emanates from the Ministry of Truth and are quick to attack any who dare question the official narrative.
All one can do is sit on the sidelines and wath