Covid Tyranny: New Zealand Government Strikes Again

Lockdown restrictions now expanded to a wider area. Jacinda Ardern has issued threats to the country, get vaccinated or we will lock you down.
She also said, “I can assure you the vaccine is safe...”
She is so difficult to listen to, so incredibly patronising.
New regulations using vaccine certificates allow each region to open up once the population is 90 % vaccinated. This is with the second dose of the only available vaccine—Pfizer.
So this is going to work in favour of the unvaccinated as we will be kept separate from the vaccinated population and in effect when things go pear shaped—as it is reasonable to expect judging on what’s happening in Israel—they (the vaccinated) can’t blame us (the unvaccinated).

I’m an introvert so I’m good with no parties and bars this summer👍🏻.
The 'dear leader' here announced new vaccination mandates on Friday 22nd October. The new mandates which comes into force on Labour Day (Monday 25th October) threatens the livelihoods of three additional groups: educators, health care professionals and prison workers! However the amending order had an unannounced exemption clause in it! :-) The note below is from Voices for Freedom, New Zealand;

Disclaimer: The following analysis of the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Amendment Order (No 3) 2021 has been undertaken under urgency and is provided for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or medical advice. To view the legislation in full you can see the Order here and the amending Order here.


Who can obtain the new exemptions?

Affected persons who belong to a group specified in Part 6, 7, 8, or 9 of the Table in Schedule 2 - ie this includes the educators, health care workers and prison workers (new parts 7,8,9) and the extended front line workers that were already mandated (part 6).

How to obtain your exemption?

A “suitably qualified health practitioner” examines you and makes a determination that it would be inappropriate for you to be vaccinated.

What steps will be involved?

Meet with a suitably qualified health practitioner in person, by phone or online.

Receive confirmation from them that it is inappropriate for you to receive the vaccine due to “physical or other needs”.

Two points to note here:
  1. inappropriate” is not defined so the ordinary dictionary meaning applies: “not suitable or proper in the circumstances” (as per rules of statutory interpretation);
  2. physical or other needs” clearly extends beyond physical conditions to include mental conditions and is likely to include religious beliefs.
While confirmation of the exemption is not required to be in writing, you should request it in writing so you have that supporting information for your employer to complete its vaccine register. The written exemption need not specify why it is inappropriate for you to receive the jab, just that it is “inappropriate for you to do so”.

Who may be a “suitably qualified health practitioner”?

According to the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003:

A “health practitioner” is “a person registered with an authority as a practitioner of a particular health profession”. (s5(1) of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003).

A “person registered with an authority” means a health practitioner who practises in a regulated profession in New Zealand, is registered with the relevant responsible authority, and holds an Annual Practising Certificate (APC) issued by that authority. A of health practitioners that are regulated by a relevant authority is available at Responsible authorities under the Act | Ministry of Health NZ

Therefore a suitably qualified registered health practitioner is one that can determine that it is inappropriate for an affected person to receive the vaccine. Depending on the affected person’s physical or other needs a suitable health practitioner could include a nurse, midwife, paramedic, doctor, psychologist, or psychotherapist and may include dietician, chiropractor, pharmacist, osteotherapist, occupational therapist.
New regulations using vaccine certificates allow each region to open up once the population is 90 % vaccinated. This is with the second dose of the only available vaccine—Pfizer.
So this is going to work in favour of the unvaccinated as we will be kept separate from the vaccinated population and in effect when things go pear shaped—as it is reasonable to expect judging on what’s happening in Israel—they (the vaccinated) can’t blame us (the unvaccinated).

I’m an introvert so I’m good with no parties and bars this summer👍🏻.

The really interesting here is that she has sent an unreachable target. Not only is there required to be 90% vaccination rate for the country, but it also has to be 90% in each of the myriad District Health Boards. As far as I can tell, nobody worldwide has managed these levels of targets.

Under the new system, vaccine passports are required for basically everything except grocery stores and pharmacies. What this means is that the current system at Level 2 allows the unjabbed a lot more freedom of movement that the new system at the Red setting. And all of the country bar Auckland and the Waikato are currently at Level 2. Inadvertently, she has provided a massive reason for the unjabbed not to get jabbed as until the threshold % numbers are reached, the new traffic light system does not come into force and with it the use of vaccine certificates.

In addition, six months has passed since people started getting jabbed so for many of those, they are going to need a booster shot, and booster shots haven't been approved yet.

It is going to be an interesting next couple of months in New Zealand
The really interesting here is that she has sent an unreachable target. Not only is there required to be 90% vaccination rate for the country, but it also has to be 90% in each of the myriad District Health Boards. As far as I can tell, nobody worldwide has managed these levels of targets
Yes it is a weird strategy, to me it seems to be designed to pit citizens against citizens, so that enforcement comes through peer group pressure. Thus yet again the government can blame the people.
In addition, six months has passed since people started getting jabbed so for many of those, they are going to need a booster shot, and booster shots haven't been approved yet.
A friend of mine visited her elderly fathers GP with him last week, she reported that her fathers doctor said he would be needing a booster shot soon. So it’s in the pipeline for sure.
Also the 90% target is for double jabbed. How many of those yet to receive second shot will decline due to adverse experiences with the first one? Further making 90% an impossible target.


So many people say they absolutely hate her
And it’s all sorts of people just can’t stand watching her speak, not even Robert Muldoon incited this much disgust.
It is really strange, her behaviour and communication style is really odd.
So many people say they absolutely hate her
And it’s all sorts of people just can’t stand watching her speak, not even Robert Muldoon incited this much disgust.
It is really strange, her behaviour and communication style is really odd.

I'm noticing on social media that a lot of people are remarking on how she smiles and laughs at the most inappropriate times when she is speaking at the Podium of Truth. Almost like she doesn't understand emotions and how and when to use them
I'm noticing on social media that a lot of people are remarking on how she smiles and laughs at the most inappropriate times when she is speaking at the Podium of Truth. Almost like she doesn't understand emotions and how and when to use them
Yes exactly, I’ve heard people talking about it also. I call it her “smiley face” it’s actually somewhat disturbing because she appears to be enjoying the power she wields. It’s makes me quite uncomfortable to observe it. It’s like she is revealing herself, and in the bitchute post above look at how she hides behind her hands, like she can’t stop herself from smiling and she knows it’s probably not good for her image to be smiling about that. She just can’t help herself though.
Interviewer: “two different classes of people...the vaccinated and the unvaccinated...?”

Ardern: “that is what it is (nodding) yes, yep”

Whatever happened to her favourite tag lines:
“They are us” and “Be kind”?

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