Creativity in an STS World


Your words bring tears to my eyes as well.

Learning to separate the natural acceptance of one's talent and the joy it brings when it touches another from the false pride of ego may then be the task at hand.
durabone said:
Nelson Mandela once said that,

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
“Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
“It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.

“We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

“Actually, who are you not to be?
“You are a child of God.

“Your playing small does not serve the world.
“There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

“We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
“It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone.

“And as we let our light shine,
“we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

“As we are liberated from our own fears,
“our presence automatically liberates others.”

Nelson Mandela quoted Marianne Williamson in saying such a thing.

You can find that text in the book "A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles" by Marianne Williamson (Harper Collins, 1992. From Chapter 7, Section 3 (Pg. 190-191)).


Note About Nelson Mandela
This quote is often found on the Internet incorrectly credited to Nelson Mandela from his Inauguration Speech, 1994, especially the last sentence of that quote, “As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
PepperFritz & FireShadow:

I had a similar reaction when I read these words. Interesting the way it happened,
and somewhat on-topic for this thread. In short, I am a big fan of applying engineering
& technology in a beneficient, STO-leaning way. There is much to be said around that idea,
and its affiliated hypocrisies, but I cite an interesting phenomenon from the 1990's, the
amazing aquariums of Takashi Amano:


There is great discussion to be had about the idea of whether small fish, normally confined
to creeks or ponds can have an happy existence in such an aquarium, and whether hosting
nature in artificially-created environments can ever leave behind the obvious STS aspect and
become something more like STO.

Leaving that discussion aside to make a point, I loaned the book to my neighbor, and when
he gave it back, he was silent about the fact that he had inserted a printout of this quotation
from Mandela's Inauguration Address. It fell out on the floor, I cried. 2004.

But the result was that I then overcame the blocks in front of me, and wrote an 800-page
novel, and seven short stories. I placed 65 pieces of digital art on the web in 14 months,
and I cleaned up my 80 gallon aquarium with a host of live plants and placed it in a window
where the fish get morning sun and express joy like nothing I've ever known from a pet.
(Except for my cat, Woody)

[quote author=FireShadow]Learning to separate the natural acceptance of one's talent and the joy it brings when it touches another from the false pride of ego may then be the task at hand.[/quote]

Said another way, there is some kind of light that I feel when I am creative or true or selfless.
I like it. But at this point I am such an STS buffoon that any attempt to left-brain analytical overlay
it is ever STS. So all I can do is well-summarized by a line from a cool song: "Just drive, she said."
Found this quote from the C's when reading thread "Band" in this post

Quote from: session 22 Oct 2008

A: You should sing more. Clear melodies can change the vibration of your physical structure.

Q: (A****) That's why I sing in the bathroom.

A: Art and music are your gifts. Do not waste them.

Q: (A****) So that's why I sing because I know subconsciously...

A: You should study voice. It could be your ticket to dreamland.

Q: (A*****) So if I follow this candida thing and stop being so weird then it could help me accomplish my goals? (Discussion)

A: Yes. Always. When the voice within is in harmony with the voice without, the angels will sing with you.

Q: (A***) Okay. Sounds good. So when I do all this stuff, and I bloom, will I know instinctively where I ought to be?

A: Yes.

I especially liked this part - "Art and music are your gifts. Do not waste them."

This made me feel heartened. Reminded me of the story of talents in the New Testament. That to bury and waste one's talent was bad. That one should "harvest" the talent and grow it. I feel reassured in pursuing artistic activities.

And, "You should sing more. Clear melodies can change the vibration of your physical structure."

I am glad to hear this, because I love to sing. As I mentioned before, I am an awful singer - my voice is rather flat. So, I do not sing in front of other humans (except for my loving and patient partner), but I do sing to my cats and myself because I just love to sing. I really hope that one does not need a good singing voice to change the vibration of one's physical structure. Even so, I will continue to sing.
I just want to tack my 2¢ on this thread. Being new here I barely know what STS means. I know what the letters stand for and can have my own associations with the words but I don't yet know anything about it from a Cassiopaean perspective. Nevertheless, being a creative artist -- a fine arts painter -- and being the type of fool who jumps right in where angels fear to tread -- I've found it increasingly difficult to "create" since 9/11. Not saying I haven't been creative at all, I have, but so much of my time and attention has been taken up with learning about it, spreading the "truth" about it (placed in quotation marks only because "truth" here may be relative as the full truth remains unknown -- certainly closer to the truth than the lies the media tell us) that "art" and "creativity" just haven't been my focus. It isn't where I "live," so to speak, where, prior to 9/11 much more of myself was wrapped up in aesthetic interests and concerns and questions regarding the flow of creative energy, its source and its ultimate aims. To me, 9/11 is (maybe now I should say "was"?) like an EMERGENCY -- something that demanded I "DO" something "RIGHT NOW". No time for much of anything else.

SO, anyway, just wanting to say that I, too, have experienced this difficulty in the face of the "terror of the situation". Just on the most superficial level I've been pointing out to people for years, as "terrifying" as the prospect of external terrorists capable of pulling off a caper like 9/11 might be, how much MORE terrifying is it to realize that it was orchestrated from within? In a sense we're all suffering from PTSD, all victims of a psyop which, as this site apparently is exploring, has levels and dimensions heretofore unrealized.

Given all that, I suspect, however, that what is not being seen is that genuine creativity -- the inner work -- has a greater force for counterbalancing the external "situation" than our day-to-day experience credits. Outer creativity is meant to be (or perhaps I should say, has the potential to be?) a support for that inner work.

I hope all here will forgive me -- sometimes I can sense a truth before words have found a way to express it. Worse, words are far easier than actualizations -- the inner monologue a) never ceases and b) doesn't actually exist. So -- what am I doing here? Why am I sitting here typing this to people I've never met and in all likely hood shall never meet? Is this a creative act that can support my own inner work or is it a kind of psychic masturbation, a waste of time and energy, a pouring from the void into the void?

Well, at least it gives me something to do while I drink my morning coffee besides read the stupid news paper or absorb some other source of idiot propaganda.

Oh, sigh, I've just discovered you don't have the smiley with the light-bulb over his head. :/
If people cannot DO that there is no creativity at all,I want to understand in deeper meaning what is creativity,but I dont know,if there is definition of creativity I cant bealive in that,only realized man can know what is real creativity.I think that creativity comes when man crystalize in himself real I.

Gurdjieff compares us to a Hackney carriage. Our thinking is like the driver, feelings like the horse and body like the carriage. Instead of just one passanger, who is the owner and master and without this owner-master my opinion is that we cannot be creative.
When I see "creative" people in the past and today I dont see nothing in theirs works,all of famous paintings, and classical music to this day is in my opinion not real creativity,I think that becouse non of this "creative" people have develop master (real I) in themselves.
I think that creativity comes like G said when we have crystalize master (real I) in ourself,without that I dont think that there is real creativity.
They said that creativity is on the right-side of the brain,with this they say that creativity is only in the mind,but when we die there is no left side of the brain,I think that this is wrong,if creativity is part consciousness than real creativity cannot be in the left side of the brain becouse the brain dies but consciousness not,right side of the brain is only a receiver.
If creativity is part of consciousness than real creativity is in something that is so to say not material substance.
I,m despered becouse I cannot understand what is real creativity I can only think what is it but without understanding and without master (real I) in myself I cant understand it on high level.
And that is problem with all of us.
daco said:
I,m despered becouse I cannot understand what is real creativity I can only think what is it but without understanding and without master (real I) in myself I cant understand it on high level.
And that is problem with all of us.

Hi daco,
Maybe the next Cs session can help you understand a little more:

020713 said:
Q: Does the recharging of the souled being come from a similar pool, only maybe the "human" pool?
A: No - it recharges from the so-called sexual center which is a higher center of creative energy. During sleep, the emotional center, not being blocked by the
lower intellectual cener and the moving center, transduces the energy from the sexual center. It is also the time during which the higher emotional and intellectual centers can rest from the "drain" of the lower centers' interaction with those pesky organic portals so much loved by the lower centers. This respite alone is sufficient to make a difference. But, more than that, the energy of the sexual center is also more available to the other higher centers.

Q: (L) Well, the next logical question was: where does
the so-called "sexual center" get ITS energy?
A: The sexual center is in direct contact with 7th density in its "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I Love." The "outbreath" of "God" in the relief of constriction. Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves.

So creativity seems to be the God force, the living force, the manifestation trough creation.

Now the question seems to be, what I am doing with this force?
Thx Ana for answer,I read all Cs transcripts but some of answers are difficult to understand,I mean real deeper understanding of the subject like creativity.

The question is what one man must DO to receive creative energy from 7 D,this alone have more questions like how we can save our sexual energy from waste ,all people have sexual life,but how can we save sexual energy,one man or women cannot live without sex or masturbation it is in our instinct,my question is,is there any way to stop waste our sexual energy and save it for crystallization a higher intellectual center in us.
Abstinence or not?
I dont see nothing in theirs works,all of famous paintings, and classical music to this day is in my opinion not real creativity,I think that becouse non of this "creative" people have develop master (real I) in themselves.

Interesting discussion daco, I'm not entirely clear on it either. But I do know that a lot of people have done some amazing works, some of it truly setting a footstep of hope in our doorways. For this I am grateful, fully mastering self aside. I certainly have not achieved full mastery, yet this morning I am celebrating the completion of my 3rd novel! (Started 4/7, it is the fastest book I have ever written, 130 pages, all flew from my fingers when I had now real idea where it was going!) So I am not sure whether it is creativity or not, but it is a done deal. Do you do any creative stuff?
daco said:
Thx Ana for answer,I read all Cs transcripts but some of answers are difficult to understand,I mean real deeper understanding of the subject like creativity.

The question is what one man must DO to receive creative energy from 7 D,this alone have more questions like how we can save our sexual energy from waste ,all people have sexual life,but how can we save sexual energy,one man or women cannot live without sex or masturbation it is in our instinct,my question is,is there any way to stop waste our sexual energy and save it for crystallization a higher intellectual center in us.
Abstinence or not?

Hello Daco,

From what I understood so far, it might not be beneficial to practice sexual abstinence if that's not the right time for you (or anyone), I think it is better to concentrate on seeing all your programs related to sex and the opposite gender for example.
I think it can actually distort your being because all that energy will fuel the intellectual center and produce wrong results.
I think the more you shed lights on your program the more energy will be regained and maybe you'd be able to use it for creative purposes whatever they might be.

There might be more interesting things for you to read over Sex/Romantic love and the work
daco said:
Thx Ana for answer,I read all Cs transcripts but some of answers are difficult to understand,I mean real deeper understanding of the subject like creativity

Yes, it is because our understanding depends on our level of being, so when something is not understand at first we need not to worry, remaining open continuing working on self without becoming obsessed and blinded is the best approach, even sometimes we think we have understood something in all its depth and we are surprised when later we find that there is even more.

daco said:
The question is what one man must DO to receive creative energy from 7 D
Right now you are receiving, you are always receiving.

daco said:
this alone have more questions like how we can save our sexual energy from waste
Maybe there is no waste per se, we can use it for serve self or serve others.

daco said:
all people have sexual life,but how can we save sexual energy,one man or women cannot live without sex or masturbation it is in our instinct
That is not true, it is just another form of serving the self not necessary per se.

daco said:
my question is,is there any way to stop waste our sexual energy and save it for crystallization a higher intellectual center in us. Abstinence or not?

Trying to extend what Tigersoap said above, here you are what ISOTM says in this regard:

ISOTM said:
"Is complete sexual abstinence necessary for transmutation and is sexual abstinence, in general, useful for work on oneself?" we asked him.
"Here there is not one but a number of questions," said G. "In the first place sexual abstinence is necessary for transmutation only in certain cases, that is, for certain types of people. For others it is not at all necessary. And with yet others it comes by itself when transmutation begins. I will explain this more clearly. For certain types a long and complete sexual abstinence is necessary for transmutation to begin; this means in other words that without a long and complete sexual abstinence transmutation
will not begin. But once it has begun abstinence is no longer necessary. In other cases, that is, with other types, transmutation can begin in a normal sexual life—and on the contrary, can begin sooner and proceed better with a very great outward expenditure of sex energy. In the third case the beginning of transmutation does not require abstinence, but, having begun, transmutation takes the whole of sexual energy and puts an end to normal sexual life or the outward expenditure of sex energy

ISOTM said:
"Then the other question—'Is sexual abstinence useful for the work or not?'
"It is useful if there is abstinence in all centers. If there is abstinence in one center and full liberty of imagination in the others, then there could be nothing worse. And still more, abstinence can be useful if a man knows what to do with the energy which he saves in this way. If he does not know what to do with it, nothing whatever can be gained by abstinence."

Now maybe some also find that there is less and less necessity of sex naturally while growing and learning.
daco said:
If people cannot DO that there is no creativity at all,I want to understand in deeper meaning what is creativity,but I dont know,if there is definition of creativity I cant bealive in that,only realized man can know what is real creativity.
When I see "creative" people in the past and today I dont see nothing in theirs works,all of famous paintings, and classical music to this day is in my opinion not real creativity,I think that becouse non of this "creative" people have develop master (real I) in themselves.

That's a tough one because, for me, creativity is not a thing to have, but a process of becoming (something objectively meaningful), whether internal or external.

All I know for sure is that when I experience something, whether emotions, paintings, music, etc that is elegantly simple, yet reveals something of a deep down existence of life and beauty that I can recognize, waves of chills run up and down my spine and arms, my eyes tear up and I feel a surge of something that motivates me to want to jump up and shout "Yes!", "Yes!", "Yes!".

Perhaps a mere intellectual understanding of creativity is not enough to truly grasp it. One must do and experience some feedback, osit. :)
Re: Beadwork

psychegram said:
I've had a very similar problem. My thing is writing - science fiction, for the most part - but I've had a really tough time waking up the muse ever since I start really looking at the world. Most of my old preoccupations just seem like trivial, juvenile fantasies, now; all the underpinnings of the world view I took for granted for much of my life have been ripped away, leaving me with ... well, a lot to think about.

And yet ... if I let myself be paralyzed in that fashion, perhaps I'm conceding a victory to the Lords of Entropy? Letting them scare me into shutting down my creativity. Letting them win.

In the end I'm not sure what to tell you. Well, except for this: your jewelry is beautiful.
I write a lot, and seriously a lot of of sci-fi based ont some theories of the cassiopaean material. It brings me inspiration, to know that there is a big world youn can use to write stories.
daco said:
Thx Ana for answer,I read all Cs transcripts but some of answers are difficult to understand,I mean real deeper understanding of the subject like creativity.

The question is what one man must DO to receive creative energy from 7 D,this alone have more questions like how we can save our sexual energy from waste ,all people have sexual life,but how can we save sexual energy,one man or women cannot live without sex or masturbation it is in our instinct,my question is,is there any way to stop waste our sexual energy and save it for crystallization a higher intellectual center in us.
Abstinence or not?

Recently I was thinking about these issues. Cassiopaea commented that the obsession, is stagnant and not allow to the development of the soul.

Any type of sexual act, is food for STS. The sex through all handling, to keep the human obsession into believing that is completely normal and necessary for the life. The masturbation if the person do not get to have self-control, you can get a terrible obsession. The imagination controls the mind and begin the desire of possession.

In one part of the wave, with respect to the energy taken by STS, something about the state of the body after death and after orgasm, showed the same signal. This topic caught my attention in a forum of sexuality health:

"Q: Excuse me, i don't know because after you finish masturbating, I feel guilty and regret what I did, what is that?, Spinning me around in his head and say I never do it, but ended up doing. Thanks for your attention

RE: .... is a personal and enjoyable game and you come down for not being strong.
Why should we resist, which is wrong? The fact that masturbation is a taboo and no longer only that, but frowned upon, is like saying you do not have relationships with other people, simply enjoy. We each have to be aware that our body is for what we want in each moment, because for that we decided and we can think. The cause of that feeling we traveled, because of media publicity because of the established moral laws at all times, and although it is much more stained in women. The society is governed against those rules, the rules for example of the doctrines of the church, which says that the act of sex is only for reproduction of the human species and all the rest is discarded, even punished, insults of lust or sin.

This is an example. You like to enjoy your body, not only enjoy, but you have to know yourself, do you hurt someone? not true ... So why be wrong? many thought that as we move forward, we will contrasting so we have educated, compared to the new contradictions that appear to us, masturbation with sex, has to break the barrier of taboo, because it is something completely natural, whole and necessary pleasure".

He feels guilty, and accumulated repressed sexual desire. Abstaining is not exactly the solution. My creativity was cut short but incredibly. I read more information about the creative energy/sexual, and i take the decision of change. A meditate, have restraint, the choice, action, change.

The society, affect you self-importance, with taboos and bla bla but studying the sexual psychology of the people, fun things you stumble across. Reading Cass, the internal and external study. There is much material. Read the transcriptions, including the chapter between 24 and 27 of the Wave, there are some important issues, which are excellent guide a against the why "can not live withou the...", you'll notice that if you can live and have control of the sex subjective, of this reality.

Imagination also plays an important role in the control of the mind. You can read, P.D Ouspensky, The Fourth Way. Excellent information in this book, not only from the imagination. The study of oneself is very important in this, an excellent complement. :D

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