Crystal Requests!

@Chu, I have the same issue with my personal crystal which I dropped, but I already sent my form in for a replacement. Can I let Laura, the girls & the Cs decide if I need it replaced? I sent another donation, and will send more as I can. Thank you guys for this labour of love, it’s deeply appreciated 💗

Sure! Just reply to the confirmation email you got for your form, with the added note.
I still have my crystals minus the water crystal which got lost 2 years ago. We were moving and stored some of our stuff with our friend and the glass jug that contained my crystal got lost in this friend's house during the transition.

I feel like I want a new set all together now though. The crystals I do have are:

2x Personal Crystals
1x Home Crystal
1x Dream Stone

Is it possible or worthwhile to get new ones of these? I did place them on a windowsill in the sun in the early days before I read about them not needing charging. I never felt as though they lost their connection though - at least not fully. My intention in placing them on the windowsill was that they'd get the sun, moon and natural light for visibility and that I considered that place at the time the best spot for them, sun, moon or not.

I wanted to place my crystal request tonight and add some protection crystals for loved ones to the request also. I want to donate to support any other crystal requests, so I'd like to work out how much and such.

Should I request a new crystal set altogether? Or if I feel a connection still, it's okay? I'll wait to hear something on this first, even if it means waiting to order them tomorrow or another day. Thank you all! :-D :flowers:
Should I request a new crystal set altogether? Or if I feel a connection still, it's okay? I'll wait to hear something on this first, even if it means waiting to order them tomorrow or another day. Thank you all! :-D :flowers:

Hey SMM, as Chu mentioned before, you can request the crystals that you think may have been damaged and Laura and the girls will decide if they do need replacing. Here are examples of Chu providing this feedback in response to similar requests to yours:

I suggest that you explain all this (briefly) for Laura on your notes, when you fill in the form, and let the Cs and the girls decide whether you need replacements or not, okay? :-)

It depends on you, but you could add it to your notes and let the girls and the Cs decide. :-)

When making a decision about the crystals to request, please bear in mind that they are limited in number so if you don't really need them it would be considerate to not request them at this stage. Once everyone gets a set and there are still crystals left I guess we will be notified and we will be able to request more.

I hope this helps :-)
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2x Personal Crystals
1x Home Crystal
1x Dream Stone

Is it possible or worthwhile to get new ones of these? I did place them on a windowsill in the sun in the early days before I read about them not needing charging. I never felt as though they lost their connection though - at least not fully. My intention in placing them on the windowsill was that they'd get the sun, moon and natural light for visibility and that I considered that place at the time the best spot for them, sun, moon or not.

What Ant22 said.:-) I don't see any reason for you to request those, though. The water one for sure, and the rest, you answered yourself in the negative already, I think. But if you're still in doubt, please leave a note, yes.
When making a decision about the crystals to request, please bear in mind that they are limited in number so if you don't really need them it would be considerate to not request them at this stage. Once everyone got a set and there are still crystals left I guess we will be notified and we will be able to request more.

I hope this helps :-)

This is what I was thinking exactly :-)

Thank you both for clarifying.
You can read more about the Fellowship here: Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind
Our Statement of Principles: Statement of Principles
And to sign up: How to Join
Some how I had missed this part of joining and have been thinking that I was a member of FOCM. I am filling out the form but I do not know how to answer question# 8. How you can help the Fellowship. I would love to help but can you give me some examples.

The map of the CCC network is impressive but the work is slowed by limited supply. Are donations the best way to solve this or are the other ways as well?
Primeaddict, I don't mean to answer for Chu, but because she is so very busy, I thought I'd give you a couple of things that you can do, which you may already be doing. Well, I know for sure that you are doing one of them. That is to participate here on the Forum by posting and helping others. Also, by reading SOTT and posting article to Facebook or an alternative media site, or just sharing articles posted by others. Also, you could become a SOTT Editor.

Those are just a few things off of the top of my head. :-)
Some how I had missed this part of joining and have been thinking that I was a member of FOCM. I am filling out the form but I do not know how to answer question# 8. How you can help the Fellowship. I would love to help but can you give me some examples.

The map of the CCC network is impressive but the work is slowed by limited supply. Are donations the best way to solve this or are the other ways as well?
Maybe I would help you find the solutions, and @Chu , if need be, or others will correct me if they admit that there is a reason.

I think that FOTCM Community does not expect from you any lofty and binding you, declarations. Many things will coming up through Networking. If, at the current moment, nothing specific coming to your mind, you can type (in Membership Application) something like: "I am open for the suggestions and asks of the Fellowship that can lead me to the new way of service to the Community".

The second way is to follow the suggestions that @Nienna gave you. You can type it in the application and also continue or start doing one of the activities that Nienna suggested to you.

When it comes to donations. The more the FOTCM will have resources in the money, the more and more for the people (and it is correct regard the Crystals and other things). My experience with FOTCM shows me that they know what to do, and @Laura does not allow something to be wasted. So, additional donations are always good and expand the FOTCM. (Of course, if it is not by price of your basic needs and your family. They are also important!)
Overall, by the time we are ready to ship them, we've noticed that the packages are heavier and with more crystals than expected (not all, but many of them!), which increases by quite a bit the amount of time & energy spent, and the cost of shipping (which, coindicentally, the Post Office has recently increased as well). As it is, we are barely breaking even, because many people aren't able to afford the full donation. SO, if any of you can comfortably donate a little extra, we would be very grateful! Note that I said "comfortably". Only do it if you can (we know that many people don't have a lot to spare these days), and if to you the crystals are valuable. It would help us tremendously!
Have you consider buying stamps outside of the Post Office ?
I recently found a seller that provide self adhesive stamp at 45% of the Post Office price.
I don't like the idea of creating some sort of a metal wrapping 'cage' for the crystal to make it a pendant becuase then the crystal isn't in its protective silk anymore. Also, whatever metal you wrap around the crystal will rub against it and may chip it. I may be overly protective of my crystals but I prefer to keep them as safe and unharmed as possible.
Wrapping the crystal in a gold or silver wire pattern will add beautiful resonance to the crystal frequency. On the hardness scale, gold and silver is 2.5 to 4 were quartz is 7. Only sapphires and diamonds can damage quartz.

If wire wrapping is done with love and beauty I believe it will add to the joy of the crystal, like jewels on a women. 😍
Wrapping the crystal in a gold or silver wire pattern will add beautiful resonance to the crystal frequency. On the hardness scale, gold and silver is 2.5 to 4 were quartz is 7. Only sapphires and diamonds can damage quartz.

If wire wrapping is done with love and beauty I believe it will add to the joy of the crystal, like jewels on a women. 😍

Well, Cs warning about the Mexican silver. But how can we possibly tell or know which is the Mexican silver, or not. So I threw away one of my silver necklace.

January 31, 1998

A: Beware of negative health effects deriving from Mexican silver.

Q: Such as?

A: Blood abnormalities.

Q: Is that just me, Ark, A***, A** - we all have Mexican silver?

A: All.

Q: What are we supposed to do? Not wear it?

A: Good idea!
Well, Cs warning about the Mexican silver. But how can we possibly tell or know which is the Mexican silver, or not. So I threw away one of my silver necklace.
maybe some natural metal contamination?
Usually silver or gold you can identify its origin by marks printed on the jewelry or objects, or take a look at this link can be useful
Mexican sterling silver marks: marks and hallmarks of Mexico makers: R-Z
I know one of the states in Mexico where silver is extracted and that place has many incidences of congenital malformation in the local population. :-(
Some how I had missed this part of joining and have been thinking that I was a member of FOCM. I am filling out the form but I do not know how to answer question# 8. How you can help the Fellowship. I would love to help but can you give me some examples.

I think that @Nienna and @Luks answered beautifully. You can also write there what you would like to do in the future, perhaps how you see yourself. In the end, we help the Fellowship by a) the things that were listed by Luks and Nienna, and b) becoming better people and bettering our lives too, if we then can help others with understanding, feedback, etc.

The map of the CCC network is impressive but the work is slowed by limited supply. Are donations the best way to solve this or are the other ways as well?

Donations sure help getting it done to the end, but the main limitation is energy and time. There is also a limited amount of crystals on any batch (and the cleansing + charging takes about three weeks), so that all of them get attention, and do that they are all within reach on the table with the planchette. :love:

Have you consider buying stamps outside of the Post Office ?
I recently found a seller that provide self adhesive stamp at 45% of the Post Office price.

Would you mind providing the link? Thanks! Unfortunately, given the content of the packages quite often we have to send them via Colissimo, so it won't save much. But we could certainly have a look and see if it helps for other shipments too.
Primeaddict, I don't mean to answer for Chu, but because she is so very busy, I thought I'd give you a couple of things that you can do, which you may already be doing. Well, I know for sure that you are doing one of them. That is to participate here on the Forum by posting and helping others. Also, by reading SOTT and posting article to Facebook or an alternative media site, or just sharing articles posted by others. Also, you could become a SOTT Editor.

Those are just a few things off of the top of my head. :-)
Thanks Nienna for the suggestions. I am currently Forum member and SOTT reader but unfortunately I'm not on social media so a dry well there. As for being an editor, that is an option but grammar is not my strong suite. I am willing to help and I just did not know what my options were so thanks for your help.

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