Crystal Requests!

Hi, I’ve just registered and would love to purchase some crystals primarily for protection as I’m feeling very vulnerable right now. Would someone kindly let me know how I purchase them please?
If you wish to request crystals, please use this online form:

FOTCM Crystal Request

My original post below was made before Scottie created that form for us, but I leave it here for reference:

Regarding the suggested donations:
Here You go ;)
Hello, I have a question, if someone has the opportunity to help me clarify: Is it possible to talk to the crystals that is to say "send them some thought so if possible they can help us in doubts that we have? Without intending to interfere with the original main intentions contained within the crystals.
I am commenting this because a week ago I lost my little daughter's crystal, I spent almost a week without finding it, because she almost always carries it in the pockets of her clothes mainly when we go out of the house. I was worried about not finding it and then I put all the crystals together in the palm of my hand (I regularly do the prayers and also chant them) and sent a thought if they could help me find my daughter's crystal and that same day I found the crystal.
So, my question is if it is ok to talk to the crystals, for example maybe talk to the dream crystal, if it is in our possibilities to find some clues to clarify doubts about specific things in our current life or lessons we are going through, or is it better not to do it?

Personnellement, je leurs parle tous les jours, surtout le matin pendant mes prières, je les mets sur me genoux, je les embrasse aussi et les remercie pour tous les bienfaits qu'ils m'apportent chaque jour davantage, je les aime pour moi ce sont de vrais amis réconfortants...
Quan il m'est arrivé de perdre mon Cristal des Rêves qui est toujours sous mon oreiller, je me suis souvenue d'un conseil de Loreta qui lors de la disparition de quoi que ce soit disait au diable qu'elle lui offrait, comme le diable est censé ne pas aimé les cadeaux, l'objet réapparaissait...
C'est ce que j'ai fait et il a réapparu dans un cube de petites balles de mes chiens/chats sur mon lit... Love...

Personally, I talk to them every day, especially in the morning during my prayers, I put them on my knees, I also kiss them and thank them for all the benefits they bring me every day more and more, I love them for me, they are real comforting friends...
When it happened to me to lose my Crystal of the Dreams which is always under my pillow, I remembered an advice of Loreta which at the time of the disappearance of anything said to the devil that she offered to him, as the devil is supposed not to like the gifts, the object reappeared...
That's what I did and it reappeared in a cube of small balls of my dogs/cats on my bed... Love...

Translated with (free version)
Is it possible to talk to the crystals that is to say "send them some thought so if possible they can help us in doubts that we have? Without intending to interfere with the original main intentions contained within the crystals.

Sure! Just don't take it as a sure thing that they'll "respond", but maybe they'll help you connect to that part of you that is seeking answers, like in the instance you described.:-)

For those of you who received a crystal for their babies or young children, maybe we should have clarified that it's ok if the child doesn't carry his/her crystal all the time. In fact, that's what Laura and the girls have in mind when selecting them, since we cannot expect that little children will be able to carry them on themselves. It might be safer and easier to have it by their bed, or wherever they spend the longest time during the day.
Sure! Just don't take it as a sure thing that they'll "respond", but maybe they'll help you connect to that part of you that is seeking answers, like in the instance you described.:-)

For those of you who received a crystal for their babies or young children, maybe we should have clarified that it's ok if the child doesn't carry his/her crystal all the time. In fact, that's what Laura and the girls have in mind when selecting them, since we cannot expect that little children will be able to carry them on themselves. It might be safer and easier to have it by their bed, or wherever they spend the longest time during the day.
Thanks Chu for reply, I really appreciate it.
Recently many people told me that they use shungite to protect themselves from negative influences.
I have red some resources (mostly soviet doctors who made a shungite room to enhance mental and physical recovery) online explaining how this mineral works, but I am not entirely convinced.
Some people grind this mineral into dust and add it in paint and paint their houses/rooms with it, some wear it, some put it in water, some break a shungite rock in half and place 1 piece into a natural fresh water source and another half in the object that needs cleansing, etc.

Based on this, I wonder what is the mechanism of work of this mineral. It is called noble(elite) shungite.
If it works the way some people say, maybe it operates not like quartz cristals, which according to my understanding can be charged with energy and can direct energy. Perhaps shungite can cancel any programming.
If my guess is correct, maybe we should not keep our C's crystals next to shungite?
Or can shungite be useful?
Should we ask Cs about it?
Recently many people told me that they use shungite to protect themselves from negative influences.
I have red some resources (mostly soviet doctors who made a shungite room to enhance mental and physical recovery) online explaining how this mineral works, but I am not entirely convinced.
Some people grind this mineral into dust and add it in paint and paint their houses/rooms with it, some wear it, some put it in water, some break a shungite rock in half and place 1 piece into a natural fresh water source and another half in the object that needs cleansing, etc.

Based on this, I wonder what is the mechanism of work of this mineral. It is called noble(elite) shungite.
If it works the way some people say, maybe it operates not like quartz cristals, which according to my understanding can be charged with energy and can direct energy. Perhaps shungite can cancel any programming.
If my guess is correct, maybe we should not keep our C's crystals next to shungite?
Or can shungite be useful?
Should we ask Cs about it?
The term "shungite" was originally used in 1879 to describe a mineraloid with more than 98 percent carbon. More recently the term has also been used to describe shungite-bearing rocks, leading to some confusion.[3] Shungite-bearing rocks have also been classified purely on their carbon content, with shungite-1 having a carbon content in the range 98-100 weight percent and shungite-2, -3, -4 and -5 having contents in the ranges 35-80 percent, 20-35 percent, 10-20 percent and less than 10 percent, respectively.[3] In a further classification, shungite is subdivided into bright, semi-bright, semi-dull and dull on the basis of their luster (the terms lustrous and matte are also used for bright and dull).[4]

Shungite has two main modes of occurrence, disseminated within the host rock and as apparently mobilised material. Migrated shungite, which is bright (lustrous) shungite, has been interpreted to represent migrated hydrocarbons and is found as either layer shungite, layers or lenses near conformable with the host rock layering, or vein shungite, which is found as cross-cutting veins. Shungite may also occur as clasts within younger sedimentary rocks.[3]

Shungite has to date mainly been found in Russia. The main deposit is in the Lake Onega area of Karelia, at Zazhoginskoye, near Shunga, with another occurrence at Vozhmozero.[1] Two other much smaller occurrences have been reported in Russia, one in Kamchatka in volcanic rocks and the other formed by the burning of spoil from a coal mine at high temperature in Chelyabinsk.[5] Other occurrences have been described from Austria, India, Democratic Republic of Congo[1] and Kazakhstan.[6]

More información:
Hello! I recieved my crystals a few days ago.. I love them. My dog is fascinated, she keeps nosing the home crystal :) Thankyou very much Chateau crew and Cassiopaeans!

This is my first post here in 11 years.. though I've kept regularly (though often not that intensely) reading the forum.. I'll post a new/old member intro soon..
A big thank you to the crew at the chateau. My crystals arrived today and I feel honoured to assist in holding the fort down here in NZ. My parents gratefully accepted their crystals and I simply told them they were good luck charms. It really felt special opening and unwrapping them!
I received my replacement personal protection Crystal yesterday - thank you!!

The package had arrived at my previous residence already over a week ago although all my mail was supposed to be automatically forwarded to my new address. My set feels complete now.

Thank you also for including crystals for my son! I am delighted to give them to him as a gift 😊
Thank you, I received my crystals last week. Just one question, I don't know how to sing nor read the music in the booklet provided. Is it possible to play music to them? If so, what would they like to "listen" to ? Or should I just talk to them ? Any helpful suggestions would be most welcome. Thanking Chu and the team for their super effort.
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