Crystal Requests!

We got it, @Mikamilan43 ! No problem!

May I ask the length of time before Crystals get sent? Thank you for your assistance.

It depends on where you are located, and when the selection process takes place. Right now is a good time to request crystals, because we still have a nice batch of charged ones, and we just finished catching up with older requests. So, I would say, count about 1 month maximum.

Just to be clear, I don't see any request from you so far. So, I'm not sure whether your question was about a future request, or if it's because you've been waiting already, but we never received your request.
We got it, @Mikamilan43 ! No problem!

It depends on where you are located, and when the selection process takes place. Right now is a good time to request crystals, because we still have a nice batch of charged ones, and we just finished catching up with older requests. So, I would say, count about 1 month maximum.

Just to be clear, I don't see any request from you so far. So, I'm not sure whether your question was about a future request, or if it's because you've been waiting already, but we never received your request.
Thank you for replying. I actually paid and received email confirmation of receipt on January 23, 2022. Should I forward that email to you?
Thank you for replying. I actually paid and received email confirmation of receipt on January 23, 2022. Should I forward that email to you?

Yes please. If you changed your forum name or you used a different email address for your request, that may explain why I'm not seeing you.
We got it, @Mikamilan43 ! No problem!

It depends on where you are located, and when the selection process takes place. Right now is a good time to request crystals, because we still have a nice batch of charged ones, and we just finished catching up with older requests. So, I would say, count about 1 month maximum.

Just to be clear, I don't see any request from you so far. So, I'm not sure whether your question was about a future request, or if it's because you've been waiting already, but we never received your request.
Yes please. If you changed your forum name or you used a different email address for your request, that may explain why I'm not seeing you.
I am sure it was because of different email account. I will reach out.
Bonjour CHU,
Ce matin, grande joie, je viens de réceptionner mes cristaux dans une très jolie enveloppe ROSE, ma couleur préférée, celle de l'AMOUR...
Un immense MERCI à Vous et ceux qui les ont sélectionnés pour moi ainsi qu'aux Cassiopéens...
Je viens de leurs réciter leurs prières et chanter "In the Garden", ils ont tout de suite vibrer, je les adore...
Merci pour le cristal personnel supplémentaire, il a déjà trouvé sa place avec ses frères précédents...
Le petit pendentif de protection je le porte à mon coup avec le petit ruban qui l'accompagnait...
Je sais avec combien d'amour vous les avez choisis, enveloppés et envoyés...
Merci mille fois encore...
Mille Mercis pour tout ce que vous faites...
Je suis très heureuse de participer à vos actions...
Je vous assure de ma grande affection à Vous, Laura, Anna, Artémis, Arkie...
Prenez grand soin de Vous, vous nous êtes si précieux...

Hello CHU,
This morning, great joy, I have just received my crystals in a very pretty PINK envelope, my favorite color, that of the LOVE...
A huge THANK YOU to You and those who selected them for me as well as to the Cassiopaeans...
I just recited their prayers and sang "In the Garden", they immediately vibrated, I love them...
Thanks for the extra personal crystal, it has already found its place with its previous brothers...
The small pendant of protection I wear it to my neck with the small ribbon that accompanied it...
I know with how much love you have chosen, wrapped and sent them...
Thank you a thousand times over...
A thousand thanks for all you do...
I am very happy to participate in your actions...
I assure you of my great affection to you, Laura, Anna, Artemis, Arkie...
Take good care of yourselves, you are so precious to us...

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