Cs' sessions key sentences

November 24, 1994


- There are no lies only interpretations. It is important for all on planet to learn at their own pace. You are all learning. Share information to learn more faster.
- If we were to ask specific questions, technically speaking, would you be able to tell us how to build a time machine or transdimensional transporter of some sort? Yes. But where are you going to get all the hardware?
- Network but be careful with whom.

Accuracy notion
- I would like to address the issue of accuracy. How can we increase or determine or work on accuracy? Accuracy is 3rd level concept. Well, you do understand that at this level we determine whether information is correct or good by whether it happens or comes true, particularly in terms of prognostications. And if a source misses on a prognostication, very often people lose faith in that source. That's an unrealistic expectation. Is that because accuracy is an impossible task because of variability of reality? If it were possible there would be no existence. The universe is nothing more than a learning laboratory.

Oncoming Wave
- Can you tell us about this recent volcanic eruption? What was the cause? "Heating up" of earth. What is causing it to heat up?Vibrational frequency changes. What is the source of these vibrational frequency changes? Oncoming wave as we have told you before. This oncoming wave, is this a wave which is so large or so vast that its effects are felt many years in advance of its absolute arrival point?
All waves in nature have a "contract" phase. That means like just before a wave comes up on shore it kind of sucks everything out.

Protection from lizard movements
- Back in 1981 and 1982, my daughter A__ frequently saw something outside her window that she described as an alligator, and she would wake up screaming and we would get up and, on one occasion we saw what seemed to be a figure standing in a corner by the closet. The whole series of events ended up with my having a dream in which I confronted a dragon... Lizard. What were they doing at that time? Scoping. What did they discover from their scoping? Potential abductees. And they didn't abduct anyone at that time. You stopped it. How did I stop it? Knowledge is rooted in awareness. So, my awareness is what stopped it? Close. When I had the dream about doing battle with the dragon, was that just a dream, an astral event, or an actual interaction with the Lizzies? All three. And what was their reaction to encountering my resistance to them? Disappointment.

- My husband wants to know why his ears have been ringing constantly? Lizard move. Why is this Lizard move causing his ears to ring? They concentrate on those who are not protected or less protected by knowledge. What can he do to stop this? Open mind then learn.

Creative aspect of the human being and all is lesson

- So we just have to stay on our toes at all times? Absolutely don't let others distract you. You have suffered many attempts at distraction away from truth. Now follow some proclamations: Pause. All there is is lessons. This is one infinite school. There is no other reason for anything to exist. Even inanimate matter learns it is all an "Illusion." Each individual possesses all of creation within their minds. Now, contemplate for a moment. Each soul is all powerful and can create or destroy all existence if know how. You and us and all others are interconnected by our mutual possession of all there is. You may create alternative universes if you wish and dwell within. You are all a duplicate of the universe within which you dwell. Your mind represents all that exists. It is "fun" to see how much you can access. All. Challenges are fun. Where do you think the limit of your mind is? Well, I guess there is no limit. If there is no limit, then what is the difference between your own mind and everything else? Well, I guess there is no difference if all is ultimately one. Right. And when two things each have absolutely no limits, they are precisely the same thing.

- You said that each soul is all powerful and could create or destroy all existence... does this mean that an individual could create or destroy all of existence for all others? Yes. But more complex than that will explain further another session.

French version is here Séance du 24 novembre 1994 :-)

November 24, 1994

Creative aspect of the human being and all is lesson

- So we just have to stay on our toes at all times? Absolutely don't let others distract you. You have suffered many attempts at distraction away from truth. Now follow some proclamations: Pause. All there is is lessons. This is one infinite school. There is no other reason for anything to exist. Even inanimate matter learns it is all an "Illusion." Each individual possesses all of creation within their minds. Now, contemplate for a moment. Each soul is all powerful and can create or destroy all existence if know how. You and us and all others are interconnected by our mutual possession of all there is. You may create alternative universes if you wish and dwell within. You are all a duplicate of the universe within which you dwell. Your mind represents all that exists. It is "fun" to see how much you can access. All. Challenges are fun. Where do you think the limit of your mind is? Well, I guess there is no limit. If there is no limit, then what is the difference between your own mind and everything else? Well, I guess there is no difference if all is ultimately one. Right. And when two things each have absolutely no limits, they are precisely the same thing.

- You said that each soul is all powerful and could create or destroy all existence... does this mean that an individual could create or destroy all of existence for all others? Yes. But more complex than that will explain further another session.

French version is here Séance du 24 novembre 1994 :-)

These early sessions are absolutely fascinating... like taking baby steps into a new universe that unspools around Laura.

The soul's creative capacity is something I haven't yet wrapped my head around. They can't really be talking about in 3D, when they evoke the 'limits of your mind', as 3D seems to be very limited by its very nature, certainly compared to 4D, can they? I'll have to look at other sessions to research this more.

Great work, EricLux!
Jesus Christ

- Jesus spent 96 hours in a comatose state in a cave near Jerusalem. When he awoke, he prophesied to his disciples and then exited the cave. 27,000 people had assembled because of mother ship appearance and he was taken up in a beam of light.
- Christ gave into temptation : three women represented sexual temptation. He felt bad after each. He washed himself and asked for strength and forgiveness.

- Tonatha was the biological father of Jesus. He was an acquaintance of Mary's and was a member of the White Sect, AKA Aryans. Andarans. Mary was a member of the Essene group, not Tonatha.
- Mary and Joseph, once together, subsequently, had no other children. Jesus had 3 children with 3 romans women : Alicia, Rafea, Vella. It's the true meaning of the search for the Holy Grail, that it's not a cup but the "Sang Real" or holy blood line.
- Was Jesus Christed in the sense of having some special mantle of power falling over him at the time of his baptism? Nearly correct.
- The magi/prophets brang some gifts to Jesus as a baby : gold, spices and clothing.
- The mother ship, that was sighted by the magi, came from 5th density. It was here to lead the prophets. The main purpose was observation of event and encoding of infant, physically and telepathically. Before he was born into the earth in the body of Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus came from 5th density. He was a 5th density soul. He had other incarnations in other human bodies on planet earth. He had 1009 incarnations before he achieved 5th density. Melchizidek wasn't an incarnation of Jesus. Joshua, the right hand man of Moses, was an incarnation of Jesus. One other incarnation of Jesus is Socrates.
- The spiritual relationship of Jesus to John the Baptist was a pact. The spiritual relationship of Jesus to Mary, his mother, was a pact too.
There was no other spiritual relationship in the sense of being combined souls. Mary and John the Baptist were 5th density souls. Arafat, Sadat and Pope John V are 5th density souls on the earth today or in recent times .

Sorry that I need to ask but this is something that has been bugging me for quite a while now.

Which 'Jesus' are they referring to? Is it Judas or Caesar? Or a combination of both?
Because it seems to me that in some of these cases it is hard to apply them to either person.

Was there perhaps interference from 'Frank' in some of these transmissions?

eg Caesar did not have any direct descendents, supposedly, yet I doubt Judas would have married 3 Roman women, as he was a Jew fighting against the Roman control of the Jewish people, if I understood Laura's book correctly.

Edit: Duplication of quotes
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