Cs' sessions key sentences

Thanks, it's nice to have this kind of "list/paragraphs". A way to synthesize the information as long as some of the important information is not lost or the real meaning of the shared teaching changes.​
That's exactly why I'm doing it : I have no desire to lose the coherence of the exchange and the level of response. For me, it's immediate that the content of the Cs' response mirrors the expansion of Laura's consciousness and that of the people present at the session, hence the need for a stable anchoring on Laura's part. In other words, I perceive the Cs' response as echoing the work the channel has done to modify/expand her consciousness. It's a kind of healthy balance: work on yourself and you get some answers... to go further in your work on yourself and get new answers to complement the first ones from another level of consciousness. It's a bit like the channel coming to meet "its future version", which holds the keys and answers to some of the channel's current questions. A way to play with linear time! A kind of psychic encounter with one's future double.

So, nothing is disguised in these sentences. I'm sticking to the literal expressions given by the Cs. Of course, when reading, the reader's consciousness perceives certain elements differently, because his or her awareness has changed since the first reading, so the grouping may reveal this change in consciousness. As it stands, this allows grouping by session and, who knows, perhaps later, by month, to obtain an even more solid basis...
C'est tout à fait dans cette optique là que je le fais : je ne souhaite nullement perdre la cohérence de l'échange et le niveau de réponse. Pour moi, il est immédiat que la teneur de la réponse des Cs est le miroir de l'expansion de conscience de Laura et des personnes présentes lors de la session d'où la nécessité d'un ancrage stable de la part de Laura. Autrement dit, je perçois la réponse des Cs comme en écho du travail qu'a fait le canal pour modifier/expanser sa conscience. C'est une sorte d'équilibre sain : travaille sur toi-même et tu obtiens certaines réponses... pour aller plus loin dans ton travail sur toi-même et obtenir de nouvelles réponses venant compléter les premières issues d'un autre niveau de conscience. C'est un peu comme si le canal venait à la rencontre de "sa version future" qui détient les clés, les réponses à certaines questions actuelles du canal. Une façon de se jouer du temps linéaire ! Une sorte de rencontre psychique avec son double du futur.

Ainsi, rien n'est travesti dans les phrases regroupées. Je m'en tiens aux expressions littérales données par les Cs. Bien sur, à la lecture, la conscience du lecteur perçoit certains éléments différemment car sa conscience s'est modifiée, depuis la première lecture, donc le regroupement peut révéler ce changement de conscience. En l'état, cela permet le regroupement par session et, qui sait, peut-être, plus tard, par mois afin d'obtenir une base encore plus solide...
As a suggestion, you could sort them by "category" to improve the order according to the topic.​
I'm going to classify them by theme. In previous posts, I respected the order of appearance of the session. The thematic classification should allow the reader to choose what interests him/her. It's important to be aware, however, that this approach is linear, whereas the exchanges with the Cs are a clear demonstration of their non-linearity.

Let me explain: ever since I was a little kid, I've been a maths and physics fanatic, always wanting to understand the reality behind the phenomena I observed. I pondered, meditated and observed for many years, and when I went to university, I realized that what I was trying to do was answer questions like "who am I?" and "how am I constituted? "How do the different bodies I'm supposed to be made up of fit together?", "Am I this physical body, or am I a reality that uses it as a container, a vehicle to enable me to evolve in 3D? All these questions led me to investigate the dynamics behind the structure of space, which I consider central to answering all the questions that drive me. I've come to certain realizations and iconoclastic ideas. Some ideas were so disturbing that I began to doubt "who are you to think that?" "you're not worthy, you don't have the competence to think that"... and then I came across the exchanges with the Cs that corroborated many of my intuitions.

And that's when I really came face to face with non-linearity : while I was thinking "why wasn't such a question asked? The person had asked his question and, by modifying it slightly, he could have obtained so much more! I realized that everyone evolves with their own consciousness and evolutionary path, which leads them to ask this or that question when someone else would have asked the same question in a slightly different way, which would have led to a new answer that the first person couldn't even imagine. Hence the importance of networking! And, above all, in an answer to a question whose theme doesn't necessarily appeal to this or that person, Cs often throw in a detail that answers another question. This is the very archetype of non-linearity. It's also with this in mind that I started this thread : to get answers to questions I might ask the Cs, because the answer already lies, somewhere, in a theme other than maths and physics. I hope I've made myself clear. :-)
Je vais les classer par thème. Dans les précédents messages, je respectais l'ordre d'apparition de la session. Le classement thématique devrait permettre de laisser au lecteur le choix de lire ce qui l'intéresse. Il faut, tout de même, être conscient que cette approche est linéaire alors que les échanges avec les Cs sont un claire démonstration de leur non-linéarité.

Je m'explique : depuis tout petit, je suis un féru de maths et de physique, j'ai toujours voulu comprendre la réalité derrière les phénomènes que j'observais. J'ai réfléchi, médité et observé pendant pas mal d'années puis à l'université, cela s'est aiguisé en réalisant que ce que je cherchais à faire à travers cela était répondre à des questions du style "qui suis-je?", "comment suis-je constitué?" " comment s'organisent, s'agencent les différents corps dont je suis censé être constitué?", "suis-je ce corps physique ou suis-je une réalité qui l'utilise en tant que conteneur, en tant que véhicule pour pouvoir évoluer en 3D?"... Ce sont toutes ces questions qui m'ont conduit à rechercher la dynamique derrière la structure de l'espace que je considère centrale pour répondre à toutes les questions qui m'animent. Je suis parvenu à certaines prises de conscience et idées iconoclastes. Certaines idées étaient tellement dérangeantes que je me suis mis à douter "qui es-tu pour penser cela?" "tu n'es pas digne, tu n'as pas la compétence pour penser cela"... et là, je tombe sur les échanges avec les Cs qui viennent corroborer nombre de mes intuitions.

Et c'est là que j'ai fait réellement face à la non-linéarité : alors que je me disais "pourquoi telle question n'a-t-elle pas été posée? La personne avait posée sa question et, en la modifiant, légèrement, elle pouvait obtenir beaucoup plus ! J'ai pris conscience que chacun évolue avec sa propre conscience et son propre chemin d'évolution qui l'amène à poser telle ou telle question alors qu'un autre aurait poser la même question de façon légèrement différemment, ce qui l'aurait conduit à une nouvelle réponse que ne pouvait même pas envisager la première personne. D'où l'importance de la mise en réseau ! Et, surtout, dans une réponse à une question dont la thématique n'attire pas forcément telle ou telle personne, les Cs égrènent souvent un détail qui répond à une autre question. C'est l'archétype même de la non-linéarité. C'est aussi, dans cette optique, que j'ai commencé ce fil : obtenir des réponses aux questions que je pourrais poser aux Cs car la réponse se trouve déjà, quelque part, dans un autre thème que les maths et la physique. J'espère avoir été clair. :-)
For me it is great this way of synthesizing it and making reading a little easier to understand for certain topics, because there is knowledge about certain areas that really does not enter my head at all as there are other topics that do not interest me at all because I consider it of little importance for this density such as trying to understand something that I will only be able to understand when I am where I should be to understand it, such as the "laws" that govern another density, one can get an idea to a certain extent, but not to understand it in its fullness because it is not part of a reality with which to interact to better understand its function and involvement in a broad aspect that simply does not apply here. The "Wait and see", but if someone understands it and can explain it from several different points of view, for different ways of understanding, great.​

When I read your words, it resonates with me, saying : we're always trying to understand something we perceive as separate from us. When you experience it, you stop trying to understand it, because you've integrated it somewhere, in part. When you experience something, a state of being for example, you don't try to prove its existence, because it's part of you. What's more, it's always interesting to have elements about other densities, because even if we're in 3D, in the process of integrating 3D, there's still a whole set of interactions with other densities, because the Reality of Consciousness is non-linear, and everything holds together by universal equilibrium. The fact is, we're not aware of this in 3D, because our 3D reality is based on a purely external perception of Reality. Consider, even for a moment, that two things, perceived separately in 3D, could have a common denominator, and you open the door to 4D.
Lorsque je lis tes propos, cela résonne en moi, en disant : on cherche toujours à comprendre quelque chose que nous percevons séparé de nous. Lorsque tu vis la chose, tu ne cherches plus à la comprendre car tu l'as quelque part, en partie, intégrée. Lorsque tu vis quelque chose, un état d'être par exemple, tu ne cherches pas à prouver son existence car il fait partie de toi. De plus, il est toujours intéressant d'avoir des éléments sur les autres densités car, même si nous sommes dans la 3D, en cours d'intégration de la 3D, il y a quand même tout un ensemble d'interactions avec les autres densités car la Réalité de la Conscience est non-linéaire et que tout se maintient l'un l'autre par équilibre universel. Le fait est que nous n'en sommes pas conscient en 3D car notre réalité 3D repose sur une perception purement externe de la Réalité. Envisager, ne serait-ce qu'un instant, que deux choses, perçues séparées en 3D, puissent avoir un dénominateur commun et tu ouvres la porte à la 4D.
I don't know but it seems that there are people who have more inclination towards a specific topic and not necessarily know everything. The Cass have said "pay attention to everything" and in a certain way, even if there is a topic that is not of my understanding, there is always something, always, that if you pay attention to it, at least you can see the correlation with some specific event and that is faboluso how it works.​
I realize I've just answered in the 2nd point!:-)

Thank you for allowing me, thanks to your answer, to go one step further.

Je réalise que je viens d'y répondre en répondant au 2ème point !:-)

Merci de m'avoir permis, grâce à ta réponse, d'aller encore un peu plus loin.​
@EricLux so you are basically putting these in your own words?
@Nienna : are you talking about the key sentences from the session? In this case, no, as I tried to explain, I take the key sentences as they are spelled out by the Cs and group them together in a paragraph if they speak of the same idea.

My compass in this work is to respect, to the letter, the spirit and coherence given by the Cs to conform to their teaching.

Don't hesitate to let me know if I haven't understood your question. Thank you :-)
Here's what I mean"

in this sentence you wrote, "Orions look like grays. Both kinds of grays. They aren't insectoid, they don't have hive souls, they don't have emotions. Their planet is similar to earth."

I tried to find Orions look like grays in the session and that phrase didn't come up. What I found what:

Q: (L) What do the 4th density STS Orions look like? I know what the answer is… are they Lizzies?

A: Some.
And that's it.
Here's what I mean"

in this sentence you wrote, "Orions look like grays. Both kinds of grays. They aren't insectoid, they don't have hive souls, they don't have emotions. Their planet is similar to earth."

I tried to find Orions look like grays in the session and that phrase didn't come up. What I found what:

And that's it.
Dear @Nienna, here's the passage in question from the session of July 30, 1994. :-)

"Q: (L) What do the Orions look like?
A: Grays.
Q: (L) Are they big nosed grays like I have read about in some sources?[4]
A: Both kinds of grays.
Q: (L) Are they insectoid?
A: No.
Q: (L) Do they have hive souls?
A: No.
Q: (L) Do they have emotions?
A: No.
Q: (L) Do they want human bodies as hosts?
A: Some.
Q: (L) What is their planet like?
A: Similar to earth "

And I regroup all these informations in one sentence. Is it ok for you? Thanks, Eric.
That's a bit weird because when I looked it up previously, it didn't come up. So I apologize. And thank you for finding that.

Oh, it did come up just now when I tired.

BTW, the reason I ask things like this is I have seen too many people saying that the Cs said this and the Cs said that and they are wrong, so I do look these things up.
That's a bit weird because when I looked it up previously, it didn't come up. So I apologize. And thank you for finding that.

Oh, it did come up just now when I tired.

BTW, the reason I ask things like this is I have seen too many people saying that the Cs said this and the Cs said that and they are wrong, so I do look these things up.
And if the task of all the sessions is not completed, a casual reader will think that in Orion there are only gray type people (the one we know from ophology), when according to the C's, Orion is our destiny and our ancestral home.

It's a delicate matter.
That's a bit weird because when I looked it up previously, it didn't come up. So I apologize. And thank you for finding that.

Oh, it did come up just now when I tired.

BTW, the reason I ask things like this is I have seen too many people saying that the Cs said this and the Cs said that and they are wrong, so I do look these things up.
You're so welcome @Nienna ! :-)

It's the first time I've found you such a powerful and fine piece of information, and I have no intention of adding to it. There's so much information already. I've noticed this human side, through the various readings I've done relating to the Cs, of wanting to distort their words or even appropriate them. On the contrary, for once we have such pure access to our 6th density consciousness in the future, we must consider this as a gift to ourselves and to humanity, like a beacon of Light to guide us through these troubled times.

@Laura's work on herself is therefore invaluable.

This teaching must be our anchor! Rather than deviating from it, we can certainly question the information because that's how we progress and awaken. Confidence is there, but it doesn't prevent us from questioning it, because to have confidence in the Cs is to have confidence in ourselves. They are us in the future!

Keep looking these things up and don't hesitate to tell me if something seems odd. Errare humanum est. Merci​
I want to emphasize what @Wandering Star posted above:
And if the task of all the sessions is not completed, a casual reader will think that in Orion there are only gray type people (the one we know from ophology), when according to the C's, Orion is our destiny and our ancestral home.

It's a delicate matter.
Please keep in mind that not everything is said and done in any particular session.
October 5, 1994


- Ritual constricts communications. Better without ritual.
- Mass affects electromagnetic transfer within gravity wave. Mass affects time cycle : small equal short cycle; large or dense equals long cycle.
- The original creator gods were us. 6th Density. The Cassiopaeans, the Pleiadeans. Same.
- The Atlanteans built the great pyramid, 10643 years ago, to capture cosmic energy. This cosmic energy was used for many things : power, transport, healing, mind control, climate, et cetera. At the same time, Atlanteans built the sphinx as a temple with records buried under it.
- Neanderthal man was removed, as in taken off the planet physically, by Lizzies to other planets.
- In Switzerland, the story about the Solar Temple Cult suicide was a pact, agreement and covenant. They all made a pact to commit suicide together. They were 48. Religious zealousy.
- The United States government deliberately murdered the Branch Davidians at Waco. Led them to destroy themselves. Psychological warfare tactics. The US government didn't set the compound on fire, it was the branch Davidians. Drove them crazy. ELF or subliminals used. As well as other means.
- OJ Simpson killed his wife.
- Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed and the other cities of the plain by the lizzies to implant fear and obedience. Nuclear; EM pulse.
Weren't the Sodom and Gomorrans really evil and bad doing sodomy and Gomorrahy? That is a deception of history.
- The god who communicated with Abraham was one of the Lizzies.
- Melchizidek wasn't a priest of the Lizzies. Close, he gave Abraham the true information.
- Close, the Kaballah the true teachings of the good guys.
- Close, the Osirian cycle is the exemplification of the action of the Lizzies upon mankind in terms of the cutting up of Osiris' body as the breaking apart of the strands of DNA.
- Noah/Utnapishtim lived in Atlantis.
- The ark landed after the receding of the waters in Egypt.


- Tonatha was the biological father of Jesus. He was an acquaintance of Mary's and was a member of the White Sect, AKA Aryans. Andarans. Mary was a member of the Essene group, not Tonatha.
- Mary and Joseph, once together, subsequently, had no other children. Jesus had 3 children with 3 romans women : Alicia, Rafea, Vella. It's the true meaning of the search for the Holy Grail, that it's not a cup but the "Sang Real" or holy blood line.
- Was Jesus Christed in the sense of having some special mantle of power falling over him at the time of his baptism? Nearly correct.
- The magi/prophets brang some gifts to Jesus as a baby : gold, spices and clothing.
- The mother ship, that was sighted by the magi, came from 5th density. It was here to lead the prophets. The main purpose was observation of event and encoding of infant, physically and telepathically. Before he was born into the earth in the body of Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus came from 5th density. He was a 5th density soul. He had other incarnations in other human bodies on planet earth. He had 1009 incarnations before he achieved 5th density. Melchizidek wasn't an incarnation of Jesus. Joshua, the right hand man of Moses, was an incarnation of Jesus. One other incarnation of Jesus is Socrates.
- The spiritual relationship of Jesus to John the Baptist was a pact. The spiritual relationship of Jesus to Mary, his mother, was a pact too.
There was no other spiritual relationship in the sense of being combined souls. Mary and John the Baptist were 5th density souls. Arafat, Sadat and Pope John V are 5th density souls on the earth today or in recent times .

Demons and negative entities

- Demons and evil spirits fear power that you, as humans, possess : Knowledge. They don't fear religious symbols, signs or figures.
Sometimes, there is name or sign or symbol that can halt their activity.
- They were afraid of Christ because of his knowledge. The mass of his knowledge raised his vibrations. Knowledge is truly power.
- Pentagrams have effect in slowing down or halting negative entities, only if you think they do.
- The greatest power you have to resist demonic entities isn't held in your free will : your power to say no. Your greatest power is Knowledge. The accumulation of spiritual knowledge hold the key. You don't need anything else than knowledge.

Cluster of comets

- Close, Exodus occurred in 2676 B.C..The cycle of the cluster of comets is 3600 yrs.
- It was the last passage of the cometary Venus. Close, this activity of Venus was interactive with the close passing of the cluster of comets we have mentioned. One of three cataclysms close together : Venus, the cluster of comets and Mars. Mars knocked out of it's orbit by Venus. Planetary alignment gravitational aberration related to Venus caused Martek to pass close to the earth at that time since that was many thousands of years before the Venus interaction. So, there was a planetary line-up that caused Mars to be pulled out of its orbit.Close, the two appeared to do battle in the sky to the inhabitants of the Earth as Velikovsky described.
- The aliens aren't traveling with this cluster of comets.

Tower of Babel

- Spiritual confluence was the event a hundred or so years after the flood of Noah that was described as the confusing of languages, or the tower of Babel. Electromagnetic concentration of all gravity waves is the purpose of the individuals who came together to build the tower intend for said tower. With these concentrated waves they intend to do mind alteration of masses. Spiritual unification of the masses. Lizards were the "gods" that looked down on the tower of Babel, at those who were building it with the intention of unification, and decided to destroy their works. The Lizzies blew up the tower of Babel. Close, they did something causing literal disruption of their understanding of language. To accomplish this divisiveness, they used the tool of brainwashing of masses. Partly, through implants and abduction. The ancients were going to place a crystal in the tower of Babel. Close, the Hebrew word "shem" is synonymous with "crystal" and Shem, the son of Noah, was the ancestor of the group that built the tower.

Adam and Eve, and the Tree of Knowledge

- Knowledge restriction and encoding was the Fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that was supposedly eaten by Eve and then offered to Adam. The fruit of the tree of life was Limitation. How can the fruit of the tree of eternal life be limitation? Conceptually limited. If you think carefully, it does make a whole lot of sense. In what sense would the fruit of the tree of life be limiting? Believing that one source contains all knowledge is contradicting reality.
- What did it mean when it said Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge? What act did she perform to do that? Consorted with wrong side. Eve is symbolic of female energy. When it consorted, the female energy lost some knowledge and power.
- The Bible says that these gods said that they were afraid that man would now take hold of the fruit of the tree of life and live forever. What does this mean? Why did the eating of this fruit make god afraid? Did not.
- The god who walked in the garden who warned Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, wasn't the original creator god.


- What was the flaming sword barring re-entry to Eden? Review. If the concept was the eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge provides all knowledge, then one is being deceived, because no one particular source can provide all knowledge. Therefore, when one believes in the deception, one has now trapped oneself within parameters. And, forevermore, the human race, will be poisoned by the very same problem which is reflected in several different ways : one is always seeking the truth through one pathway instead of seeking it through a myriad of pathways; and also believing in simplistic answers to very complex issues and questions.
- What was the flaming sword barring re-entry into the garden of Eden? Symbolizes trap. A self-imposed flaming sword.
- The entire Earth was Eden. The "fall" in Eden, or the loss of the Edenic state, was also accompanied by a cataclysm. The nature of that cataclysm was comets. The cluster mentioned before. This occured 309882 years ago. The loss of the Edenic state was also accompanied by a takeover of mankind by the Lizzies.
- The true identity of the serpent in Eden was Lizards.

The french version is here 📚 Séance du 5 octobre 1994
I’m thinking there needs to be a level of discernment to act as a filter, too. Does human destiny depend on the truth about OJ Simpson? Or whether the insectoid bastards run around naked or have cool Nazi uniforms?

What really matters? (To real souled individuals striving to evolve) What lessons are the C’s trying to convey? What are the pivotal game-changing and mind-altering statements? The confirmations of basic knowledge, too.

It would be all too easy to become bogged down in minutiae.

(Lesser point: As for keeping it contextual, that is important, sure, but there are plenty of things said by the C’s “out of the blue” that don’t necessarily flow from the prior comments in a given session. Often I find those both head-scratchers and the juiciest at the same time.)
October 7, 1994


- Regarding the "Fall" in Eden and the loss of the Edenic state, it happened 309000 years ago approx.
- What was the situation... what was the state of mankind? Loss of faith caused knowledge and physical restrictions by outside forces.
- The snake or the "tempter" represented forces known to you as Lizzies; we have already taught you this.
- The original creators of the human race are the Cassiopaeans. For what purpose did you create us? Soul development or advancement.
- The father of Jesus was an Aryan who came from Palestine.
- The origin of the Aryan race is 5th planet now know as asteroid belt. They came to earth 80 thousand years ago? Difficult for us to use your measuring system. They were similar in form and structure to what they are now. Your scientists have been able to uncover evidence of such ancient existence. Do not want to acknowledge it.
- The Celts came from 5th planet. Ferocious people. That planet was destroyed 80 thousand years ago.
- Some descendants of Jesus famous individuals : Yassar Arafat. Churchill.
- The Exodus occurred in 2676 B.C., that is 4,670 years ago more or less, would mean that this wasn't related to the comet cluster which came in 1588 B.C.. Then, close enough, the comet cluster came by 8,788 B.C.. There wasn't any historical cataclysm recorded in history that we could relate to that passing. And, close, Noah's flood occurred 12,388 B.C..
- Mars' moons are disguised bases built by the Lizzies. There hasn't been any landing on Mars by the United States.
- Al Bielek is a semi-phony. He didn't work on the Philadelphia project. He wasn't brainwashed to have fake outrageous memories. Instructed by government for disinformation dissemination.
- A space-craft of the Lizzies piloted by the Grays crashed in Roswell. Ionization caused the crash. The bodies and the craft were recovered by the United States Government.
- The Majestic 12 documents are semi-factual. To leak information and disinformation. Many were involved. ONI and CIA
- The information in the book “Majestic”, by Whitley Strieber, is semi-factual. There are many glaring falsehoods.
- The source of the Native American Indians is Asia. Across the Bering Strait? No. Rescued. Cataclysm. Comets. 7200 years ago approx. Transferred. By Grays.
- Paul encountered Spirit of the 6th density on the road to Damascus.
- If the Revelations are from the "bad" guys, are they an accurate portrayal of the end times? Close.
- The source of the prophecies of Isaiah is fiction.
- Jupiter has a solid core.
- Zecharia Sitchen wasn't correct in his naming of the planets.
- Jews came from Atlantis.
- Yahweh was a fictional being.
- The Basques came from Atlantis. Their language is derivative of the Atlantean language.
- When the Jews were dispersed, a few came to America.
- The angel who communicated with the Prophet Daniel was Us. .
- The Lizzies gave John Revelation.

The Sumerian

- The Sumerian story of the creation of human beings involves a story where they say they killed a god and mixed his blood and parts to mix with mud and then planted it in these female "gestation" goddesses and that this is where the human race came from. Now, this sounds an awful lot like what the "Grays" are doing at the present time. Did someone actually kill a "god", break his soul in pieces, and thereby make the human race? Symbolism and not correct event sequence.
- What was that story about? What was the real seed event? Lizard beings genetically altering the human race after battle for their own feeding purposes.
- These events that these Sumerian stories are talking about took place 309000 years ago, approx.
- So, it happened so long ago that these stories have lost the truth? Reflection passed down through psychic memory channel.
- Which came first, the Sumerians or the Egyptians? Sumerians.
- The Sumerians were a high civilization after the Atlanteans. The Atlanteans traveled to Sumeria. They set up outposts in Sumeria. Then the main Atlanteans moved to Egypt (the Egyptians came from Atlantis.) when Atlantis was destroyed and elsewhere. Americas. Inca. Aztec. Maya. Hopi Tribe. Pima tribe.

Cluster of comets and dinosaurs

- The time of the great dying of the major dinosaurs, the big critters was 27 million years ago as measured by your scale. Comet impact. Cluster. This comet cluster has been with you in our solar system since 890 million years. The origin of this comet cluster wasn't originally a large planet.
- This cluster of comets that you talk about that caused an impact, did one of the cluster impact the earth at the time of the dinosaur dyings? No one was large enough for event.14 of these comets in the cluster hit the earth, at that occasion.
- This cluster of comets orbit around the Sun. Your government already knows they're coming close again.
- Where does it enter the plane of the ecliptic? Varies. Sometimes, it enter between Mars and Jupiter, for example.
- Is the orbit perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic? Or is it at an angle? In between.
- What degrees of angle does it intersect the plane of the ecliptic? Not correct idea structure. Picture a spirograph.
- Do the comets orbit around themselves. Do they have a sort of axis? No. They lose or pick any up from time to time.
- The biggest one, at this time, is 900 miles diameter. Spirograph.

The asteroid belt and the Annunaki

- The planet between Mars and Jupiter that was destroyed and became the asteroid belt, was inhabited by sentient beings. This planet was destroyed by psychic energy. What was the source of this psychic energy? Beings inhabiting the planet. The beings that lived on this planet didn't evolve there. They were created beings like you, created by the Cassiopaeans. And, the Cassiopaeans has been created by your super ancient spiritual ancestors. Transient Passengers.
- Do beings in this area of the galaxy just sort of destroy their planets from time to time? Is this getting to be a habit? Close. Has been.
- Some beings left that planet and came to earth. They were blond and blue eyed descendants. It wasn't a colder planet and that planet was much like earth. Some knew the planet was going to be destroyed and were taken by Lizzies and they are the Annunaki.


- The time of the passage of Venus was the time of the Exodus? Was Venus a result of this cluster of comets? Semi-stimulatad by gravitational pull. Venus was attracted, drawn into the solar system by the gravitational pull of the cluster of comets.
- Where did Venus get all its gases and clouds and so forth? Collected during fiery, friction filled journey and space matter in general.
- Where was Venus originally from? Ancient wanderer from near Arcturus.


- Who was the god that spoke to Moses on the mount? Audible projection of Lizards. Moses never realized that he had been duped by the Lizzies.
- Moses is also doing work with Christ on another plane. If he was misled by the Lizzies, how did he get to be a good guy? Taught afterward. Plane transfer. Moses didn't die. The Cassiopaeans took him.
The french version is here Séance du 7 octobre 1994
October 09, 1994


- Who killed Sir Harry Oakes? David Crofts.
- Who was St. Issa of India. Lama Kirtanah. He was from Palestine. He was in India 13 and 14 A.D..
- What happened to Tiffany Sessions? Murdered. By Bob August. The body is in many sites.
- The Grays feed off emotions to fuel their energy.
- The most of the six billion people living on the planet at the time of Noah's flood was in Atlantis.


- We, the Cassiopaeans look like Humanoid light form. According to the perceiver, we are physical in atomic terms. We don't arrange ourselves according to what the perceiver wants. It is according to perception capacity.
- We can't appear to you. Vibrational frequency envelope of your density prevents this.
- Are we ever in any way physical? Varying degrees according to realm.
- We're communicating with you because you called.

Celts and Aryans

- What are the differences between the Celts and the Aryans? Geographic and cultural.
- Are there any differences inherent from the former planetary home? No. Post arrival difference development. They were the same prior to arrival.


- Mars was ever inhabited. By those you now know as Sasquatch or Bigfoot.
- Do they now live on this planet as a result of being brought here by other beings? They are transitory. Do not inhabit on a permanent basis. They are the slaves and "pets" of the Lizard Beings. Brought on Mars by Lizard Beings but they do not inhabit earth.
- Why have Sasquatch been seen in remote places throughout history? Put there for menial slave tasks.
- That doesn't mean that whenever Sasquatch have been seen that there is a Lizard nearby.
- What menial tasks might they be doing? Collecting samples.
- Why do they stink (awful odor of them)? Organic functions. Sweat.

Cassiopaeans' translation of Sumerian names

Mummu: Comet cluster.
Lahamu: Venus
Lahmu: Earth
The Hammered Bracelet: Comet trail of Venus and cluster.
Anshar: Jupiter.
Anu: Moon.
Ea: Sun.
Gaga: Saturn.
Marduk: Mars.
Tiamat: Sirius.

Aliens and U.S. Governement

- What, exactly, does the U.S. Government know about aliens? That they exist.
- Does the government have or did they ever have a treaty with any aliens? They tried to get a treaty with them. It never was in effect.
- Did the aliens refuse? No. Tricked. How long before the U.S. government realized they had been tricked? 19 years. 1972.
- Does the government have any alien technology? Yes. Given by the aliens. Close to mind control technology.
- The government is incompetent to walk through walls as the aliens do.
- Why are there more abductions by the grays in the U.S. than in other countries around the world? Government opened channel.
- Some alien bases in the U.S. : New Mexico, Colorado, Off Florida, Appalachia, California. Underground bases. Also under water.
- Is there any way we can prevent abduction ? Knowledge channel.

Adolf Hitler

- What influence was Adolf Hitler under when he undertook to do the things he did. Who was guiding him? Lizards. Indirectly.
- What connection did they use to influence him? Projected beings of human type, inspired forms of great Aryan spirits.

Jesus Christ

- Jesus spent 96 hours in a comatose state in a cave near Jerusalem. When he awoke, he prophesied to his disciples and then exited the cave. 27,000 people had assembled because of mother ship appearance and he was taken up in a beam of light.
- Christ gave into temptation : three women represented sexual temptation. He felt bad after each. He washed himself and asked for strength and forgiveness.

Osirian cycle

- Could you describe to me the true meaning of the Osirian cycle. What was the symbology of the killing of Osiris and the cutting up of the body? Removal of knowledge centers in your DNA.
- The breaking up of Osiris' body represents partly the breaking up of the DNA in your bodies. Also means knowledge capacity reduction.
- What was the symbology of the throwing of the phallus into the river and it's being eaten by three fishes? Sexual violence energy introduction.
- What did Isis searching for her lord Osiris symbolize? Separation of female energy from male energy union.
- Does this have anything to do with brain activity? Yes. The separating of the hemispheres of the brain achieved through DNA modification.
- What did the son of Isis, Horus, represent? New reality of limitation.
- What is the meaning of Horus avenging himself upon Set, the murderer of his father, Osiris? Beginning of perpetual conflict energy to limit humanity.
- Set represented war. All war.

Karla Turner

- The individual in the Karla Turner book who had an experience similar to virtual reality, inside a blue bubble, who did this? Grays.
- Who were the grays working for when they did that? Lizard Beings.
- Who are the beings that have been abducting Karla Turner and her family? Lizards. They perceive them as a threat.


- The Egyptians mummified their dead by superstition.
- There was really a curse on the tomb of King Tut that caused the deaths of many people. Curse put by the Egyptians. Anybody can create curse successfully with enough mental energy.

The french version is here Séance du 9 octobre 1994
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