Cs' sessions key sentences

I'd like to have all the sessions organized in chronological order, saved as pdf or doc files, maybe limited size (200 pages each?) Then, I'd be able to analyze them with chatGpt. Anybody up for the task of getting them together this way?
I'd like to have all the sessions organized in chronological order, saved as pdf or doc files, maybe limited size (200 pages each?) Then, I'd be able to analyze them with chatGpt. Anybody up for the task of getting them together this way?

I usually download the chronological sessions as a pdf from here:

It's a little over 3,000 pages. So you'd want it cut into something like fifteen 200-page chunks? And presumably with the end of a session corresponding to the end of one 200-page document, so that none of the sessions are cut part-way through?
I'd like to have all the sessions organized in chronological order, saved as pdf or doc files, maybe limited size (200 pages each?) Then, I'd be able to analyze them with chatGpt. Anybody up for the task of getting them together this way?​

Dear @Laura, I think what @iamthatis is proposing is the best solution : thanks to the work of @KJS, we have a single PDF file containing all sessions up to March 9, 2024 session included. We'll have to ask @KJS if he can plug in the last 4 sessions of 2024 so that the file is complete.

I fully understand the need to work with a single file so that ChatGPT can analyze all the data from all the exchanges transcribed with the Cs.

If the file proves too large for ChatGPT to handle, either use more powerful AI software, or modify the initial format of the file used by @KJS to reduce the text font and remove the space between the lines of each session (this should significantly reduce the file size).

Just one last point, I've just checked : in the PDF file resulting from @KJS's work, the session of December 19, 1998 is missing, which I had informed it was missing from this list (📚 Cassiopaean Session Transcripts by date). Laura completed it a few weeks ago. @KJS could you please integrate it with the last 4 sessions of 2024 so that the pdf file is up to date for Laura? Thank you very much! :-)
I'd like to have all the sessions organized in chronological order, saved as pdf or doc files, maybe limited size (200 pages each?) Then, I'd be able to analyze them with chatGpt. Anybody up for the task of getting them together this way?

Here you go. I hope this isn't too large of an attachment. The docs are not all exactly 200 pages, but close enough. These files go from July 16, 1994 to March 9, 2024... and what a wild ride it's been!


I'll download them and see what that smarty chatGPT makes of it.

Very cool project!

If the A.I. doesn't like the format of Word Docs, I re-formatted the first of iamthatis's files above to numerical dates, ascending order, and
exported it to a bare text file.

Computers like numerical dates, "=" signs as descriptors, and raw text, because they are lazy. 🙂


December 5, 1994


- Please understand, we are not here to lead you by the hand, because, that would interfere with your free will, which is how you learn, which is how you progress.
- When you network, your entire life will dramatically improve immediately! See, sometimes we do advise when appropriate.

- We understand that you are STO. We are in need of a little service tonight. Is this alright? Okay but you are supposed to be moving toward STO. Well, if you are a STO being, isn't our perception the one that matters? The one you are serving by clarification? Serve by help to learn, learn by using mind. Direct answers don't help to learn. And so, what did we just learn from all of that? How to use your mind.
- It is not STO if it limits. Ask test questions that potentially affect all.
- Do 4th density STO's feed off of 3rd density energy? No.
- Aren't things of universal significance more important?

- V__'s friend, B__ P__ says she has channelled in the past. Who does she channel? Lizards. Most channel them.
- I would like to know what force was behind the rise and domination of Oliver Cromwell? Lizards.

- Would you please elaborate on the concept that alien abductions are "the scourge of God" and are manifested so that consciousness may grow and differentiate itself by a refusal to accept negative experience within the delusive material world? Nonsense!

Biblical command
- Would you comment on the Biblical command to not make graven images. Why was this command issued? In order to prevent control by too many sources. How would not making graven images prevent control by other or too many sources? Deception. Who issued this command to not make graven images? Central. What is "Central?" Level 7.

Egyptian scarab
- What is the true symbolism of the Egyptian scarab and why was it invented? Was an operation. How was a scarab an operation? And supposedly the scarab symbolized eternal life because it represented the rolling of the sun... oh dear, wait a minute... the rolling of the sun across the sky is what the Egyptians understood... but what the dung beetle really does is simply rolls dung up into little balls... is this the operation you are talking about... the rolling of dung into little balls? Close. Life cycle.

All is lesson
- I would like to know what is the Karmic ramification of the killing of those two little boys in South Carolina by their mother? Everybody in the U.S. will be interested in this one, maybe not Katmandu, though. Pain teaches. And, in this case is the mother suffering the pain? And all others involved including the whole nation. All is lessons. Did these two little boys volunteer to come in for this purpose? Yes. Were higher density beings on mission.

Different source channels and Akashic records
- Jane Allyson channels an entity known as Zeena. I would like to know who or what is Zeena? Just Jane.

- I would like to ask about the “Starseed Transmissions”. I would like to know about the Bird Tribes. What is this source? Ken Carey is only channelling his alternate self. Who are good channels, then, if every one we ask about is channelling themselves or false channels, who can we look to as a clean channel? We have already told you of one example. This session. The I Am discourses? Review. Graven images. Could you tell me what source of information was behind the... Akashic records. Are the Akashic records the same thing as the source that you called "Central?" No.

- Are the Akashic records the same source that the I Am discourses come from? All is one at base but different "branches". Could you tell us the source of this book, the "I AM" discourses? Good. What density level is the source of this book? Sixth level. Can you tell us the name of the group behind this book? All is one and the same.

- Was Nostradamus getting his information from the Akashic records? Yes. So, Nostradamus' quatrains, if interpreted correctly, would actually be valid. Interpretation is the key. If we were to hold a series of sessions about the quatrains of Nostradamus, would you be able to help us interpret them? Yes.

Orions STS and STO
- Are the 6th density STS individuals that you indicated are the Orions, these are the same beings, I understand, that genetically engineered or created mankind, is that correct? No. Are they the first to alter us after creation? Close.

- 6th density Orions are known as Transient Passengers. So there are Transient Passengers that are STO as well as STS? TP is "wanderer". Well, the idea of the Wanderers, according to the Ra Material, is 4th or 5th density beings that have chosen to come back into 3rd density to help us. Would that be the same kind of Wanderer? 5th or 6th density.

- I would like to know, for the sake of all the Theosophists around the world, what was the source of the information in the book "Isis Unveiled" by Helena Blavatsky? Orions STS and STO. 6th Density. And it is up to the reader to figure out which is which? Good idea. Is there any possibility that the information we get through this source is STS oriented? Yes. Always possibility.

Dimensional curtain and experience of the Wave
- What is the definition of and would you describe, for us, a dimensional curtain? Self-explanatory. Think. When we are talking about dimensional curtains we are talking about divisions at the same level of density, is that correct? Maybe. Can dimensional curtains be between dimensions at the same level of density? Yes. Are dimensional curtains also something that occurs between levels of density?Yes. So, a dimensional curtain is a point at which some sort of change takes place... what causes this change? Nature.

- In specific terms of the engineering of it, what defines this change? Experience. It's related to atomic or quantum physics or the movement of atoms. An atom is in 3rd density. What distinguishes it from an atom in 4th density? Reality. What distinguishes one realm from another? Assumptions. What you assume or expect is what you perceive about that atom depending upon which reality you are in, is that correct? Close. What determines your assumptions? Experience. My experience of atoms is that they congregate in such a way as to form solid matter... Every thing that exists is merely a lesson. Okay, so once we have learned certain lessons, as in experience of certain things, then our assumptions change.

- This wave that is coming our direction going to give us an experience that is going to change our assumptions? Catch 22 : One half is that you have to change your assumptions in order to experience the wave in a positive way. And what does this wave consist of in absolute terms? Realm border. That realm border is as in a cut-off point between one reality and another, as in dimensional curtain. So the planet earth is going to pass through a dimensional curtain? Or an earth. All is merely a lesson, and nothing, repeat nothing, more. Is the realm border 3rd density? Have answered; stop and contemplate.

Crop circles
- What exactly are crop circles and how are they formed? I would like to know the specific mechanism by which they are formed? Not issue but energy vortex. Does this energy vortex arise from within the earth itself? No. Where does this energy vortex issue from? Here. Sixth density.

French version is here Séance du 5 décembre 1994 :-)
These files go from July 16, 1994 to March 9, 2024... and what a wild ride it's been!
I have loaded these files into Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct-Q4_K_M model that I am running locally on my computer. Thank you, @iamthatis
On the question "What is 5th density?" it replied with the following:

According to the context provided, beings from 3rd density (our current physical reality) are described as light when they reach 5th density. It's mentioned that this is what will happen to us no later than December of 2013, based on their science. Additionally, it's stated that in 5th density, there is a contemplation zone where beings from 1st through 4th densities are recycled into one of the physical realms.

On the next question;
What is going to happen on December 2013? it responded:

Based on the provided context, it's mentioned that:

"In their science, they say no later than December '13, we'll be light."
This suggests that by December 2013, beings from 3rd density (our current physical reality) will have ascended to 5th density.
And this question "Who or what are the Cassiopaeans?" brought totally unexpected answer:

According to the provided context, the Cassiopaeans are a group of mantid-type beings that originate from active human imaginations. They communicate regularly with the Quorum, which is mentioned as being part of their ongoing relationship for thousands of years. Additionally, it’s implied that the Cassiopaeans may be deceptive and manipulative, as they have been known to pretend to be other entities (such as the Pleiadians) in order to deceive individuals like Eddie Page.
It would be interested to pose similar questions to various models to find which one is more "intelligent". This model is not so much.
December 9, 1994

Essence of beings and incarnation

- Tell me the name of the beings D__ M__ experienced as preying Mantises in her hypnosis session? Her essence.
- Well, you said that the beings that V__ encountered were Minturians, aren't they the same? No. Did the Minturians, the preying mantis beings that V__ experienced in her regression, did those preying mantises eat people? Too complex for your thought patterns of this session. You are upset. Biological and we are telling plenty, you are not "hearing" because biological factors have temporarily pushed you back more into 3D.
- Is there a difference between essence beings and incarnate beings? Yes. Okay, who were the ant/fly beings she described? Her essence too. And what were those snakey, slug-like beings that she saw? Same. Are you saying that all of this stuff is who she is? All of these horrible creatures and these... In some of the alternate realities. Well, weren't those horrible icky beings eating little children? How do you think you are viewed by deer, for example?

How to know you're a 4D candidate
- Is that going to happen to me, that I am going to have memories like that surfacing? Yes. Well, I can't even cope with it in someone else, how am I going to deal with it in myself? You will. Is this something we are all going to have to do? All eligible. 4th density candidates. How does one know that one is a 4D candidate? You gradually "awaken". Is there any way to tell if someone is a 4D candidate? Inquire of them. And they'll know, at some level. In a sense. Those who are chosen feel it. You will know.

Qualifications needed to get the lottery numbers
- Is there any qualification that needs to be established for us to get the lottery numbers? Is there some thing we have to do, or be, or think, or say? Completely pure intent, i.e. open. Nonanticipatory. Your anticipation constricts the channel when you ask for that kind of information. We have to be completely uncaring whether we get it or not, so to speak? Happy-go-lucky attitude helps. As you were before. So, as long as you are worried, tense, anticipatory, and attached to the idea, you constrict the flow. Don't be anticipatory. Faith, dear.
French version is here Séance du 9 décembre 1994 :-)
Number of the Beast, 666, Lizards and AntiChrist
- The number 666 in the book of Revelation means visa as in credit card. Credit cards are the work of what 666 represents. Isn't just credit also debit. VI is 6 in Roman Numerals. S was 6 in ancient Egypt. A was 6 in Sanskrit. VISA, see, is 666. Interesting that to travel for extended periods one needs a "visa" also, yes?

World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have you not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future of money as controlled by the world banking system i.e. the brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.

- If I don't have a credit card then I don't have to belong to this system? No. You will have no choices : belong or starve.
- What happened to free will? Brotherhood aka Lizards aka antichrist has interfered with free will for 309000 years.

They are getting desperate as we near the change. Rebellion against this system is possible if you are willing to leave the body as in death. They are going to have the kind of capability of controlling everything and everybody no matter where they are.

Refer to Literature "Bringers of the Dawn". Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed with proper perspective which is not, we repeat : not of third level reality. What sort of challenge? Living through the turmoil ahead.
December 10, 1994


- Here is a transcript from a group called "Cosmic Awareness".... Dezinformatzia.
- J.Z. Knight supposedly channelled Ramtha. Who was Ramtha? Originally valid source. Did that change? Greed. So she faked it? Yes.
- What is a 4th density candidate? Self-explanatory. How does one get to be a 4th density candidate? Natural progression. Is everyone on this planet a 4th density candidate? No. Could someone become a candidate overnight who is not now a candidate? Yes.
- If our 3rd density were to examine Laura's DNA right now would they see new strands of DNA? They would call it Junk DNA. Would it be noticeable as DNA that was not there before? Maybe.
- Who are the Andarans? Thought forms for STS. What level of density are they? 5th. So, they are at the contemplative level? Yes. Where do they come from? 5th level.
- Can you tell us what is the Rainbow Bridge referred to in Bringers of the Dawn. Is this what you were talking about when you spoke of our group being a conduit? Yes.
- Otto Muck came to the conclusion that the final breaking up of Atlantis occurred on June 5, 8498 B.C. Is this pretty close? Close.
- What happened to the Mayans? Taken by Lizard beings to cosmos in 4D. "Lizzieland". What did they do with them there? Many possibilities.
- How big was the main island of Atlantis? 1,354,000 square miles.
- J__ A__ channels a robot named Cytron. Is this a put on or is she really channelling a super cyborg? Nonsense.
- You must learn this yourself. Are you learning yet? You keep asking 3rd level questions.
- In one of my Fate magazines over there I read a story about a fellow who discovered an enormous structure in a cave when he was wounded and hiding there during the war. It was in Europe somewhere. I am visualizing the image. What was this thing this man found in this cave? Magnesium wall made by Lizard beings. Constructed 309448 years ago. It was part of a base. It was buried during cataclysms.​

Human essences, transient Passengers and the Wave
- I want to ask again what or who were the beings seen by DM in her hypnotic regression the other night? Her essence. Were these in any way physical beings on the earth we occupy in space/time from where we are at this moment? No. This happened in a so-called alternate reality? Is still. So, in some alternate reality, DM is a preying mantis being eating little children? And so are you. And all others. This is an essence of what? Her being. Are these aspects of our being coming to earth as part of the realm border crossing? Yes. Are all of us going to have to face these aspects of ourselves as other beings? Yes. Are there other parts of us in all realms doing other things at this moment? Yes. And how is this going to be affected by the realm border crossing? Will merge.

- Do we need to do extensive hypnosis to bring these aspects of ourselves up and deal with these things a little at a time? Will happen involuntarily. Will be like a thermonuclear blast. Message follows : See pattern. Orion, Pleiades, Arcturas, Cassiopaea; check distances from earth; progress locator for wave combined with earth references of space time. For you to figure out. Cross reference channelled messages, printing dates and location. We are where we are. What do you mean you are where you are? Cross reference Time and distance. What book do we need to cross reference? Any star chart and Marciniak, Arcturas Channel, Orion literature and Us. We speak from "crest" of wave, now, where are we? Is this a riddle? From, not of. You speak from the crest of the wave? Are you riding the wave? Yes.

- You mean that YOU are the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, and now you are the "Cassiopaeans" because you "are where you are"! And you are riding the wave. Is this wave a straight line connecting all these constellations? Circuitous or cyclical route. So, is it like a spiral? Yes. So we really need to set up a map so we can draw it? Yes. When we speak from Orion we are "Orions". When from Pleiades, we are "Pleiadian", and so on. So, all of these channelled books you have mentioned are coming from the same basic source, through different channels, that they are able to connect with because of their different positions in space time and preparation level of the channels, is that correct? Close. We have given you a Wave crest locator. We are from where we are and speak. Get it? You are the wave crest? We are Marciniak's Pleiadians. We are where we are. So, you are not really Cassiopaeans from the Constellation Cassiopia? We are Transient Passengers.

- So, when the wave reaches earth and you are transmitting to somebody else out there you will represent yourselves as the "Terrans?" When wave reaches earth, we merge with you. When you were at Orion, did you merge with the Orions? Not on same frequency for realm border crossing. What effect did the wave have on the Orion sector? None. Already at 4th density level. Where did the wave originate? Did not. Has it always been cycling through the universe? Close.

- You are riding on the crest of this wave in 6th density, is this true? Yes. We are you in 6th density. Are you alternate selves extending into higher densities? At your current reference point in space time, we are you in the future. We are your destiny? And vice versa. You are not, by any chance, one of those weird ant or preying mantis beings are you? Yes and no. You are just another part of ourselves? You, us, the Lizards, the ants, the grays, the trees... We are your whole self as you/we are in 6th density. So, what we are working to become is You? You are us? Yes.
- So, when we move to 4th density and become whole with ourselves, we will know you also for a short time? Not whole yet when at 4th density. But in order to move to 4th density... Closer. We, us, in this room, are closer than others are? No. Closer when at 4th density.

- Wave is transport mode. A transport mode for many beings. Are you coming to invade us? No, merge. Are others coming with the intention of invading us? Yes. And, when you merge with us, are you going to empower us to resist and defend ourselves? Wave is "crowded". So, everybody out in the whole universe who want a piece of the earth action are on this wave? At realm border crossing.

Area 51

- Has the base at area 51 been moved to Kirtland as this stuff says? No. Is there a base at area 51? Yes. Kirtland has a new addition. Is the base at area 51 where our military and aliens are working in conjunction? They have recovered craft of grays, but human and alien personnel are not working together there. Are the craft actually captured? Recovered from crash. Have any alien beings given the government craft? No. Would you give mice tv sets?

- How do these insect beings, these other manifestations of ourselves, how do they view our treatment of insects on this planet ?Unconcerned. Is that because the insects on our planet are not sentient beings? Different. How do the insect beings handle insects on their planet? They are the insects on their planet. Do they have pests on their planet like we do? No. Microbic. Well, do they exterminate them like we do? No. Can we understand our pests as something that has been inflicted on us by the Lizzies. I always did wonder why God created mosquitos? No. When we go into 4th density are we going to be free of mosquitoes, roaches, slimy worms, slugs and so on? No. In conjunction with DNA changes, is there any similarity between the human race and the idea of transformation relating to populations such as grasshoppers into locusts? Yes. When grasshoppers turn into locusts, they swarm when their population gets too large. All is part of natural cyclical process. Was the DNA change that we are experiencing programmed into us so that after so many generations these changes would just sort of kick in? Close. So, we all selected certain bodies before we incarnated that would be prime for this programming? Are you ready to be hermaphrodites? Is that what we are going to be? Wait and see.

Barbara Marciniak and the Pleiadians

- Since you are riding this wave, in order to communicate, since the wave is what you are using to focus this contact with, and you are, whoever you may be at whatever point the wave is, you gave Barbara Marciniak information under the name "Pleiadians". You are telling us this. Have you told the other people, such as Barbara Marciniak, that you are contacting other people? No. So, Barbara may not know that the contacts are the same only under a different name? No. Is it because she didn't ask? Progressive information. Also, system is like mosaic. Does this mean that different people get different pieces of the mosaic? Yes. But, you have told us that you have contacted others under other names? Yes. Have you told the others? No. Why have you not contacted the others and told them this? Just answered. Progressive. Are you still contacting Barbara? Not at this point. She is in pause mode. Does she know this? Yes. Write to her and tell her to call "Cassiopaea". Next stop is Leo.

- In some time in the future, the next sending point is Leo. Does that mean that at some point we will not be able to contact you? We just told you who to call. Well, what I am having trouble understanding is why we have to call to a certain space point. We are now in touch, does this channel not stay open? Reference point. So it doesn't matter as long as we meet regularly to talk with you? Yes. Barbara is also able to continue talking to you even though you are no longer the Pleiadians? She may talk to someone else.

Ancient of Earth's civilizations

- Were Atlantis and Lemuria the most ancient of Earth's civilizations? No. What advanced civilizations were before Atlantis and Lemuria? Many. Was there an ancient advanced civilization located in the area we now call Antarctica? Yes. What was the name of this civilization? Gor. What kind of individuals lived in Gor? 18 feet tall. Were they humanoid and did they look like us? Close. Were they male and female like us? Yes. And did they have space travel capabilities? No interest. Are there any remains of their civilization left? Yes. Did they only inhabit Antarctica? No. Did they inhabit the whole world? Close. Are there any remains in Florida? No. Where might the remains be found? South America. Where in South America? Amazon. Ancient legend of Amazons. Do our scientists know any of this? Yes. Are there remains of Atlantis and Lemuria? Yes. Do our scientists know of any of those? Yes. Are they withholding information on purpose? Yes. Have they any intention of telling about it? No. Do they have relics of these stored? Yes.

Young people and music

- In our cultural experience, we have a lot of very strange things that our young people participate in. Among these activities is the use of extremely loud stereo systems that quite literally vibrate the cells in their bodies until they turn to jelly. Could you tell me, please, the long term physiological effects of this kind of exposure of the human body to these loud booming noises? Strange thought patterns. What effects are these violently loud stereos having on people? Varies. Are these effects negative? Open. Are these effects less than conducive to optimum health? Maybe. What can these very loud booming sounds do to the body? Make the body go "boom boom".


- What happens psychically at the moment of orgasm? For whom? For anybody. In just a general way. Does anything happen to a person psychically when they have sexual climax. Open. Is it different for each individual? Close. Is it different for males from females? Usually. The reason I ask is because a man named Wayne Cook did some work with dowsing and he found out that the human body, after sexual climax, dowses the same pattern as a dead body. Why is this? Draining of energy. Yes. Okay, where does the energy drain to? To the ether. Does the energy go to one or the other partner? Maybe. Is it possible, during this activity, for Lizzies or other beings to be hanging around and be drawing this energy? Yes. Is that, in a general sense, what often happens? Yes. Is this one of the reasons that sex has been promoted and promulgated in our society to such an extent... Yes, yes, yes.


- You talk about both STO and STS. Yet you tell us that we need to learn to be STO. Why is there a difference between what we have to do and what you are doing? STO is balance because you serve self through others. You have said a couple of times that you are STS by being STO. Is this not true? Yes. Already answered. Kind of like: what goes around, comes around? Yes. Is STO a means to an end for STS? No. STO is balance. STS is imbalance. How can you be STS through STO if STS is imbalance? STO flows outward and touches all including point of origin, STS flows inward and touches only origin point.

- Well, they refer in the material that I am reading through, that they are STS through STO. They serve self BY serving others. Is that what we're supposed to do, serve ourselves by serving others? Yeah! Because what goes around, comes around. If you serve others then you get things back. Because when you serve yourself, all there is is an infinite number of individuals serving self. There is no energy exchange, no synergy within the group; there is no exchange. Everything moves inward. There is no sharing, no growth, there is no nothing. No interconnecting. Right! There is no learning. In terms of major STS, this may or may not be related, could you tell us the nature of a Black Hole? Grand Scale STS. Is it like a being that has achieved such a level of STS that it has literally imploded in on itself in some way? Close analogy. Possibly an entire civilization of STS? No. Well, maybe a civilization can't do it because that implies working together. It must need to be an individual being. Black Holes are a natural force reflection of Free Will consciousness pattern of STS. Notice that Black Holes are located at center of spiral energy forces, all else radiates outward.

- Now, you say "spiral" energy forces, and you also have said that this wave is a spiral. Is the central point of this wave that is spiraling, a black hole? No. Is it a radiating wave? All in creation is just that: a radiating wave. Where does the energy go that gets sucked into a black hole? Inward to total nonexistence. Well, if a black hole continues to suck stuff in, is it possible that it would eventually suck in the entire creation? No. Why is that? Universe is all encompassing. Black holes are final destination of all STS energy. So, does this mean that we, or anyone else who is classified as STS, remains on said path, that we will eventually end up in a Black Hole? Close. And what happens to energy that is "total non-existence"? Total non-existence balances total existence. Guess what is total existence? Well, is it kind of like a balancing force? "God".

- Are we talking about the creator god as in the Pleiadians? Not Pleiadians. Prime Creator. What is the difference between the Prime Creator and "God?" None. As long as you exist, you are of the Prime Creator. Now, this stuff that goes into Black Holes, that goes into non-existence, is that, then, not part of the Prime Creator? Correct. How can Prime Creator lose any part of him or itself? Prime Creator does not "lose" anything. Well, then, how would you describe this energy that was in existence and then is no longer in existence because it has become or gone into a Black Hole? Reflection is regenerated at level 1. So, this energy goes into a Black Hole and... does it come out on the other side? No. Does it become like a primal atom? No. Does it go back into the cycle? No. Reflection regenerates as primal atoms.

- When we put out energy as positive or negative energy, and there are beings on other levels that feed on this energy, is this true? Yes. Okay and you said that the Lizzies feed on the negative energy? Yes. Who feeds on the positive energy? You do. How do we feed on the positive energy? Progression toward union with the one, I.E. level 7. In other words, you fuel your own generator instead of fueling someone else's. You are at level 6, what do you feed on? You have the wrong concept. We give to others and receive from others of the STO. We feed each other. So, by feeding each other you move forward and grow but those of the STS path do not feed each other so must feed off of others. Now, you are talking to us now. This is considered STO? Yes. We are providing energy for the channel also, Does that provide you with energy? No. What do you want from us? We don't want when pure STO. We came because YOU wanted. But that is STS until you share with others. So, it is necessary that we share this information? Up to you, it is a free will choice. Is there some risk to ourselves by sharing this information? At some level but there is "risk" to all things.

Oak Island Regenerator

- What is buried on Oak Island? Regenerator. What is a regenerator? Remolecularizer. Who put it there? Lizard beings. 10,000 years ago, approximately. Do they use it from time to time? No. Does it still work? It could. What is the purpose of a remolecularizer? Regenerate matter. Such as physical bodies? Yes. Any matter.

French version is here Séance du 10 décembre 1994

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