CT Elementary School Shooting

Aragorn said:
I wonder what 'they' are up to with this:


DNA of Newtown Shooter Adam Lanza to Be Studied by Geneticists

Geneticists have been asked to study the DNA of Adam Lanza, the Connecticut man whose shooting rampage killed 27 people, including an entire first grade class.

"Given how wide the net would have to be cast and given the problem of false positives in testing it is much more likely we would go ahead and find some misleading genetic markers, which would later be proven false while unnecessarily stigmatizing a very large group of people," Bursztajn said.

Bursztajn also cautions there are other risks to this kind of study: that other warning signs could be ignored.

"It's too risky from the stand point of unduly stigmatizing people, but also from distracting us from real red flags to prevent violence from occurring," Bursztajn said. "The last thing we need when people are in the midst of grief is offering people quick fixes which may help our anxiety, but can be counterproductive to our long term safety and ethics."
After seeing how corporations weeded out hard working, honest loyal people with bogus ideal employee criteria, I think they want to use this data for profiling. Quite possibly adam lanza is normal man ( non psychopath). They can easily do this testing from the blood samples from the lab, if one has gone/goes to lab. I am not sure how long blood samples are stored or how long they are good. Even if they do profiling, it won't be known to public until it is too late. Even if public knows about it, public is going to support it. It is interesting how far these guys taking this incident.
Yesterday I heard a new version of "say some thing, if you see some thing" NJ transit Ad on the busy local radio station. It basically says , "If you see some body nervous, suspicious, don't think simply text #NJTPD even if you are not sure" . Ad was intended to not to think, just say if you feel it. My first thought is , why on local radio station instead of on transit locations. To day they even aired during paid slots in between news items. It is troubling to see this modern version of Nazi denunciation in the open air in front of our eyes . I will try to record the ad next time. Now people can text #NJTPD for road rage, suspicious of any thing or nothing while federal govt. going with NDAA.

Is similar type of things happening in other states too?.
Guardian said:
seek10 said:
Is similar type of things happening in other states too?.

It's the opposite here. If anyone sees somebody from the guberment, they text all their neighbors. :lol:
Probably you guys are used to revolution ( in some sense)
Guardian said:
seek10 said:
Is similar type of things happening in other states too?.

It's the opposite here. If anyone sees somebody from the guberment, they text all their neighbors. :lol:

Sounds like music to my ears..It's been just getting worse in the NY/NJ area as Seek10 pointed out. Now these ads are not only everywhere but you can't go anywhere without hearing/reading it at least a few times.
seek10 said:
Yesterday I heard a new version of "say some thing, if you see some thing" NJ transit Ad on the busy local radio station. It basically says , "If you see some body nervous, suspicious, don't think simply text #NJTPD even if you are not sure" . Ad was intended to not to think, just say if you feel it. My first thought is , why on local radio station instead of on transit locations. To day they even aired during paid slots in between news items. It is troubling to see this modern version of Nazi denunciation in the open air in front of our eyes . I will try to record the ad next time. Now people can text #NJTPD for road rage, suspicious of any thing or nothing while federal govt. going with NDAA.

Is similar type of things happening in other states too?.

That reminds me of an episode of Thirty Rock where you see these huge "say something, if you see something" ads in NY. And where Liz Lemon acts on these ads and calls the police, because she is convinced that her neighbour who is Muslim acts nervously and also has - oh horror of horrors - maps everywhere in his apartment. After he gets arrested and tortured the truth comes out. He is wannabe actor and was doing research for a series he would like to be in.
This is what neighbours can do to each other.

The Dutch government paid for advertisements on websites for parents and called upon them to report child abuse, even when in doubt and encouraged them to keep a log of suspicious events. The same MO, OSIT.
This was on FB today...


While I can't attest to the validity of the information, it is nice to see a few more people question the official story.
While I can't attest to the validity of the information, it is nice to see a few more people question the official story.

Me either as far as validity, but this rabbit hole is deep in any case. I saw the same post, so this is going around it seems.
Well, a pop up on the computer is saying that the second gunman reports, Lanza's mother working at the school, were "collective error," by the media "journalistic bedlam."

That explains everything now doesn't it? :rolleyes:

Interesting, the word bedlam:

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bedlam said:
1. obsolete : madman, lunatic
2. often capitalized : a lunatic asylum
3. a place, scene, or state of uproar and confusion
bngenoh said:
Well, a pop up on the computer is saying that the second gunman reports, Lanza's mother working at the school, were "collective error," by the media "journalistic bedlam."

That explains everything now doesn't it?

To muddy the waters even more, there are already a good many crazy, off-the-wall theories bouncing around FB, most of which are just too fantastic to even be considered and will certainly do well as straw man arguments, so people will wearily, and fearfully give up and accept the "official story". It seems like people are being driven into two camps, maybe the PTB were "sloppy" on purpose, IDK.

The truth to what actually happened is "out there" somewhere... yet I can't blame people for being so saddened and horrified that they don't even want to think about it. But many others do have serious doubts and are looking for answers.
Very true Mark. It's a pretty sad comment on our society where those supposedly trying to "uncover the truth" end up doing the best job at making sure it never reaches the people.

Just for the record and those who haven't seen it, here's our (probably final) take on SH


and there's this

What on earth is happening?

Look at this: http://www.sott.net/article/256396-Another-school-shooting-Student-shoots-faculty-member-then-himself-in-downtown-St-Louis-school


The frequency of school shootings is exponentially rising! Is this >America gone crazy< or are the PTB's carrying out further traumatization of the populous?
Apologies if this has already been posted elsewhere, but even if it has it should be discussed here.

"The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed"


It is making the social media rounds and currently has over 10 million views. A co-worker brought it up at lunch earlier in the week and I hadn't seen it yet, but that led to a refreshing discussion of 9/11 which had never happened in that context with those people before.

I guess you could call it the "Loose Change" of Sandy Hook so far (although I think "9/11 in Plane Site" deserves props but it never got as much exposure). I'm sure errors abound in it, the guy even misspells holograms as "holigrams" in the first frame but hey, nobody's perfect :rolleyes:. He does focus on the supposed "actors" a bit much which, regardless of whether true or not, seems to be a weak link as far as inconsistencies to expose. Supposedly the people who are supposedly actors but are supposedly real are now being harassed because of the video and this is causing an uproar. Who knows?! :huh: But of course there are plenty of other inconsistencies: a nurse that supposedly doesn't exist confirming that Lanza's mom was indeed a kindergarten teacher at the school, the crazy medical examiner, conflicting accounts of which gun(s) were used, the escaping unaccounted for other supposed arrestee(s).

The conclusion drawn by the uploader listed as ThinkOutsideTheTV is that it is a ploy to restrict gun rights. Is it really that simple? Is it reverse psychology to increase gun ownership even more and get everyone to go crazy? Seems to be working so far. Just wondering what people here think of this video and how it fits into the bigger picture of COINTELPRO, disinformation and whether or not the uploader is sincere. He does use infowars.com footage early on which is usually not a good sign but hard to avoid amongst the "skeptical" crowd these days.

EDIT: It's 30 minutes long so you can judge the time commitment you have to make.

Mod note: Link deactivated
Meta-agnostic, I think you can find answers to your questions, and more, if you read this whole thread and the excellent articles by Joe and others on SOTT. I must admit, I'm a bit surprised that you post the above after all that's been covered extensively about SH on this forum and related pages.
Aragorn said:
Meta-agnostic, I think you can find answers to your questions, and more, if you read this whole thread and the excellent articles by Joe and others on SOTT. I must admit, I'm a bit surprised that you post the above after all that's been covered extensively about SH on this forum and related pages.

Adding to that the tomorrow coming First ever Sott.net Talk Radio Show Sunday Jan 20th 2013! may add further information and clarify many things.
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