Curses, Negative Energy and Attacks Endured.

Good morning, Godot, thank you for "coming out of silent observing" and sharing your esoteric awareness which transpires each and every your post.
Having Esoquest and you onboard - priceless, please continue posting. Strangely enough, i was reading your post and keeping TV morning program running on pc background and then heard somebody performing black magick ritual subject running on tv, changed to see that. Man on russian tv was chanting black magic ritual with strange deep throat sounds coming out of him, then he explained that he uses ancient Celtic language to cast death spells. Just instant before turning tv to full screen i was reading about your Celtic background! He was performing
black ritual just in front of camera, direct eye contact he made with camera surely put him in close proximity with audience in front of tv. Immediately i went to the bathroom and cleaned face and eyes with sea salt solution and bit of rosmarine oil (don't have basilic now).
Once that vulnerabilty is recognised and healed and that part of you is reclaimed it no longer belongs to the Predator.It could be considered that The Matrix or MCSor "consensus reality" is already the greatest curse of all.
That means only Work creates certain immunity to psychic ill will attack, both unintentional like vampirism and intentional directed transfer, like curse. Thank you, Godot and Esoquest!
glad to be of assistance CD
strange how synchronicities happen like that isn't it? I'm pretty much used to them but even so they throw me sometimes with their perfection.
Anyway.Shudder. I did have a suspicion that this strand infected Eastern Europe... perhaps it goes all the way back to Siberian shamanism.Or the Scythians. I think what you did when that nman was on TV was very sensible. I was going to elaborate on my experiences,well why not? I've had the experiences more or less out of the blue-the affair with the satanists was completely unexpected for instance and it's only by monitoring what happened, thinking and researching, sometimes long afterward, that I've been able to conceptualise it all.And I still have questions.
because I've never been part of any formal group I have my own way of thinking about these things.
One is the nature of STS or 'evil" as distinct from STO or "good"
I think STS is dichotomous-essentially Yin vs Yang, Male vs Female, and all the other antagonistic polarities.
STO on the other hand is complementary.
Yin is in love with Yang and vice versa.And the energy cycles.What I think of as Order/ Disorder, where for instance in nature , even in a single day everything is born and dies and is born again. A dynamic situation. Firm-gentle.
STS I conceptualise as Force (fascism, of any kind, whether it is personal or political.I'm very much with the Native Americans on this, that fascism is interfence in any beings freedom of expression) and it's complementary Chaos- or Entropy, but more Chaos as it is the *process* of heading towards entropy rather than the state itself.
Hard/ Crazy, (I guess that's as good a way of putting it as any)
Like macro political situations of Nazism and Communism.Hard rational theory-insanity in reality.
Eventually such systems collapse of their own accord.In the meantime the entity has to get through somehow,yes?
So, how would this relate to "curses"
Well a curse has a form,
It is Hard,and Insane (like that guy on TV!)
Thsi is where my association with nature came in very handy
If presented with a Hard energy curse (such as the death ones) I took,sometimes, a Gentle approach.I remember sitting in a nearby park by a weeping willow tree.I thnk this actually provided me with insight into the form of the curse as well as providing my body/psyche with the resilience to gently use the directed energy to turn it away.At one point however I understood completely who the people involved were what they were doing.It was blatantly obvious.A group of never before seen people, glaring at me insanely form the next tanle at a cafe. Etc!Then I opened up, as I had defined their Crazy and Looked at them and sent them light. At that point I relied on the power of the oak, which is my favourite tree and the power of the bird I feel most akin to.Basically end of the trouble. The covens disintegrated.
I think each specific tree has it's own knowledge /power.And that it is moderated by the entity "behind" it ( Ireally like the Queen o f the Cats for instance)
Now, I'd better clarify something...there were in fact a number of us involved apart from my sister and myself-we have adeep karmic bond going back eons, and work a team really well. This is to say: if this stuff happens, seek out true friends, the more the better. They may not know what is happening, or have any idea at all about this sort of thing but the presence and company will also act to protect.My most effective group, very informal, was one of four (one for each element). Only two of us really knew what was happening but the others acted to help to. It is important not to succumb to paranoia (part of the Crazy aspect) which is so often part of the process-deliberately.There si one curse I know of specifically designed to break up close friendships: it involves imagining the people involved arguing and falling out and concentrating on that.A real sneaky one.Best countered by Firm.With the help of confusing Cat!
Anyway that's all for now, as i've just finished overtime at wrk and it's time for a ceegar Yum! Good luck and safe travel.

Esoquest.greetings.This may be my last post.
If we met I'd probably like you and you'd probably dislike me. Lucky I've got an Irish sense of humour!I have of course read a lot of your posts (and a lot of other's posts too, so don't flatter yourself :lol:) I wish you well, I've Seen your heart's wound (with you Soul's permission of course) -your father and everything that went with it. I hope that heals. I also hope you find a suitable Other.You're a decent honourable man.
All the comments made on this thread have made me think about how to apply this to my situation - feeling attacked while online on this site. I wonder if what is happening to me is that there is a part of me that is vulnerable - the "fearful I" inside me . So if there is some kind of general signal of hatred/fear generated by the matrix towards the forum and its members, it is somehow linking up with or intensifiying the fear that this I already feels. Like it is already there, so these existing fears make me particularly vulnerable to the signal. I suspect that these fears include things that are specifically threatened by this site : the idea of having its subjective views challenged by the knowledge that could be gained here on the forum. And this I also fears being revealed as lacking in knowledge, and perhaps being exposed to public ridicule when its views are (inevitably) revealed as not objective at all. In short what is happening is an amplification of the fear program that already exists within me.

I am not sure I've grokked this or not, or if I've managed to explain my thoughts coherently, but if I am understanding the insights shared here, then the way for me to deal with this is to work on recognising and becoming totally aware of this fearful I ? If I were eventually able to do this, then the Matrix signal would have no fear program to link up with or to amplify?(at least in this specific situation)
The attacks i get are the sudden onslaught of sleepiness, and lethargy, especially with regards to posting something meaningful and lengthy on the forum. I suddenly get all foggy, and confused.
Another attack is my sudden interest in distracting dating websites. I actually observed myself, as if i was controlled/manipulated externally. It's like i had no control. It was kinda funny. I have never visited sites of that sort with intention, but, it was like i couldn't help myself. I just found myself on these various sites lingering instead of doing something constructive like reading the Cass material.
(it could have also been that the previous occupant of the university room was addicted to such, and since i haven't done a proper salt cleansing, the person's vibes still lingered in the room)
The reason i call it an attack or distraction bombardment/ misdirection, is because i've been accessing the internet ever since i was 14, and i had access to all these sites. I surfed these sites, but only for a short period. I've never had any sudden desire/urge to browse adult chat room and dating sites till last night.

So, this morning, to ground and empower myself, i did a 30 min hara/ base (below the navel) chakra meditation and i felt better. I smoked some american spirit tobacco to sharpen my mind, and now, i get the funny feeling that i'm some sort of lab rat in my little cubicle, exposed to multifarious interference from the 'experimentors'.
I've been able to handle such attacks before, but i think these attacks are on a more subtle level this time. I usually am able to deflect by means of tan dien focus and expansion, but not this time. I felt out of control, as if my grounding was slipping away slowly.

Esoquest, do you have any websites or books to recommend on Yantras/mandalas or any technique or system which can aid one in understanding such energetic influence?
wilecoyote said:
The attacks i get are the sudden onslaught of sleepiness, and lethargy, especially with regards to posting something meaningful and lengthy on the forum. I suddenly get all foggy, and confused.
Another attack is my sudden interest in distracting dating websites.
I get the same type of experience. I do most of my Work related reading @ work (talk about symbolism) and have been reading the adventure series (read the Wave, loved it, but find Adventure a bit slower paced, more details). I can only read so much a time off a monitor so everyonce in awhile ill find myself dabbling on myspace or lookin at guys on (male on male hookup site). I've discovered that while the prior is useful as a network resource the later is pure endulgence of my lower-brain (aka the predator). So i've been trying to self-ob all day at work, watching what im doing, but again this fails often. When i find myself on one of those aforementioned sites i know i have forgotten myself. Kinda useful.

I've noticed that recently my brain has been attacked with frustration, confusion, discord. Alot of desire to "go back to sleep".... thus far i've been successful in maintaining my sense of seeking, but without a local group it is difficult. I keep coming back to cass, engaging forumites and reading articles, so far it works.
Godot said:
Esoquest.greetings.This may be my last post.
If we met I'd probably like you and you'd probably dislike me. Lucky I've got an Irish sense of humour!I have of course read a lot of your posts (and a lot of other's posts too, so don't flatter yourself ) I wish you well, I've Seen your heart's wound (with you Soul's permission of course) -your father and everything that went with it. I hope that heals. I also hope you find a suitable Other.You're a decent honourable man.
Thank's. Believe it or not, I'll be sorry to see you go. And don't be so sure that I would dislike you ;).

Hearts will be wounded in life, and they are made to recover. As for the "everything that went with it" part, that's a lesson in progress with a challenging but hopeful outcome. Regarding the significant other: When a person is whole, he/she can find a whole person.

Thank's again for the head's up.
Godot, why is this gonna be ur last post?
Wat's going on? are you moving to an internet free zone?
We need ppl like u and esoquest on this forum.
wilecoyote said:
Esoquest, do you have any websites or books to recommend on Yantras/mandalas or any technique or system which can aid one in understanding such energetic influence?
I don't mean to cop out on you, but honestly, I found that the most useful material we can discover is that which is revealed by our own searches. That is because to find we need to learn to search. There is a lot of material on the web. Search, and let your inner compass point you to that which is resonant for you. Then look to find the BS (and there is so much that I am reluctant to point you in any direction) in it and remove that, if you can. In truth, systems are irrelevant, because a lot depends on individual predisposition.

First: I think it is best to realize that the ability is in you, and not the "system".

Second: Use rituals not so you can copy them, but to learn what is behind them. Rituals are just dramas of enacting our intent usuing archetypes. So, if you choose to explore in that direction, you need to understand it, and do some research.

For example, if you choose a Hindu motif, discover what is behind the shakta and all its representations. Read the myth, and try to see what it is trying to say beneath its symbolism. The purpose of this is so that you can design your own symbolic dramatizations of intent, using the same archtypes, and knowing that it is not the drama, but your understanding of the meaning behind it that matters.

Symbolic dramatization is an art, and does not even have to be complex. It is best, I found to discover the bare essentials or necessities of meaning in any dramatization and downscale as much as possible. It is awareness that does the work not the form into which it is channeled.

Third: Learn to discern what is going on in your environment, when people have ill intent toward you (even though they conceal it), when you are being manipulated. Gain confidence in your ability to understand the objective world around you, and you can approach the inner world without superstition or preconceptions. As Godot said, the greatest curse upon humanity is the Matrix. Learn the matrix and its ways of entrappment, and you can learn to safely choose creative forms of expressing your refusal to be entrapped.

Fourth: The crucial part of any "magic" is the transference of sensed awareness (aka "energy") from our self to the action and its representation. So you need to sense your awareness as the presence of your being. Meditation helps in this. Forms of bioenergetic circulation can also help. Self observation is a good way to discern sensed awareness through its "normal" action in you.

Fifth: Your intent must be clear, and you must feel justified in it. You need to experience what a strong conviction feels like, and connect that feeling with your sensed awareness of sense of self. This focuses our sense of the right to be. When countering any ill intent, it is important that we affirm our right to be without forcing it. This all happens naturally when your true I emerges.

As you can see, and the above five points are only some examples, the "recipe" approach to magic is not recommended. Setting foundations is, and that takes time. If you sense malignant energy in your life, if you can sustain a stabilized presence of self and level of awareness, then often enough just facing that energy/pattern with your conviction and presence is enough to disperse it.

"Magic" is like a speaker membrane in a stereo system. That is where the sound comes from, but it is only the last stage of a complex stereo system, music and power source that really combine to produce that outcome. designing speaker membranes usually works for those who already have stereos and a current outlet to plug them into (not to mention music to play).

I found most of the stuff on magic on the web worthless. And I spent years exploring the creative aspects of it, mostly as a hobby. What I got the most was the ability to think "magically", to experience any symbol in terms of how it reflects in my being as sensed awareness. By the way, language and writing is also "magical" because it provokes effects at a distance in other people. Of course, we take that for granted because we have explanations for it. Ancient peoples, however, had high regard for the written and spoken word, which we take for granted.

To use symbolic dramatization, you need to channel your awareness, to channel your awareness you need to sense it clearly. To sense it clearly, you need to have it, and hence develop it, because in most people it is muted. So research the zone to learn if you like, it may be useful, but ultimately you need to separate the little wheat there is from the chaff, and understand the basic principles behind that wheat. For that you need awareness, sensed and applied in seeing the unseen.
As I've been following this thread, I've noticed that on several occasions ritual magick has been brought up as a way to 'protect' oneself from 'curses' - which are ritual magick based anyway. My question is, since the C's clearly state that energy from rituals drains directly to 4D STS, how do you all reconcile what you're doing with that statement? Do you feel that since it is you who are engaging in these rituals, that you have enough control over the energy involved to make sure it doesn't become food for 4D STS, or are the rituals of which you are speaking completely different - and I just don't understand that. I am fairly ignorant on the subject of ritual magick, so I could be missing the point, but I find it odd that you keep discussing energetic rituals, sending energy back, naming the four corners and such when we have very good reason to believe that ritualistic energy drains directly to 4d STS. Help me understand this one, because I'm confused on this apparent conflict of interests.
I understand your misgivings and will try to clarify, at least from my end. People associate acutely directed ill will with rituals, and counteracting it with other rituals. I may have it wrong, but I thought the C's were saying that mechanical rituals done by rote drained energy to 4D STS.

Since many people are gung ho to try this path anyway, an alternative that does not, IMO, drain energy to 4D STS is creative symbolic dramatization, which is a spontaneous expression using symbols as the medium in a creative manner different than predetermined motifes.

This can by anything from singing a poem personally composed or writing one's intent on a piece of paper, or creating an environment with candles and incense with symbolic representations and making a drawing of a symbol representing a quality one wishes to strengthen in their environment.

Symbolic representations are vessles of qualitative information, like harmonic keys on a musical instrument, and by creating a composition of an improvised yet meaningful arrangement of them, one can vibrate one's need or asking in a deeper way than just verbalizing the asking or praying silently.

This is not a ritual per se, but a channeling of awareness into a creative representational act to ground the intent. The act of spontaneous creativity does not drain energy to 4D STS because the form is not pre-determined or mechanical, but improvised through one's own intuitive sense and expression.

To those who asked about "rituals", I urged them to look up information to understand the symbols so they could forge an artistic synthesis through which to channel their intent and/or prayer/asking, not to play out rituals scripted out with them. I believe that when intent or prayer is channeled into creative sythesis in what amounts to an artistic manner, the energy is life affirming and expansive, so if one MUST be curious about these things, rather than make sweeping prohibitions, I think there is one option where that curiosity can be channeled in a way that does not feed hyperdimensional critters.

Anyway, that is my opinion.
I pulled up a few passages from the transcripts relating to rituals

C's 07-08-95 said:
Q: (L) Well, this article I was reading said that different
people used several techniques where they think it has helped
them to halt or avoid abduction by "aliens." One is to generate
an "internal" sound, a high-pitche "thought hum," and another
is to invoke angelic spirits such as the Archangel Michael, and
another is to "Just Say No," and these people think they have
avoided being abducted thereby. Are any of these usable
A: Potpourri.
Q: (T) Sweet smelling dried flowers are potpourri.
A: Sage, salt, ooohm, any other rituals you like?
Q: (L) In other words, nothing works? (T) It's not going to
stop them! I keep a heavy shield around the house and all that
stuff and they still get through!
A: How about the hula hoop dance with green peppers stuck
up your nose! [Hilarious laughter]

C's said:
Q: All right. What was behind ... what forces were
behind Vincent's action? Were they simply 4th density
A: Close.
Q: Was there any Satanic cult activity behind his
A: No.
Q: Was there any ... was he, in fact, loaded with
attachments, as I saw him in the viewing?
A: Yes.
Q: What was the source of these attachments?
A: Rituals.

C's said:
Q: (L) We would like to know a bit more on the subject of
rituals, which you have warned us are restricting on many
levels. Why is this?
A: If one believes in one's activities sincerely, to the greatest
extent, they certainly will produce SOME benefit, at SOME
level. But, merely following patterns for the sake of following
patterns, does not produce sincerity and faith necessary for
ultimate benefits to result. So, therefore, as always, one must
search from within, rather than from without, to answer that
question. Do you understand? To give you an example, to be
certain, you meet this all the time. If you read material in the
pages of a book that advises one form of ritual or another,
and you follow that form of ritual because you have read
words printed on the pages, does that really give you the true
sense of satisfaction and accomplishment within yourself to
the greatest extent possible? Whereas, if you, yourself, were
to develop an activity which one or another could interpret or
define as a ritual, but it comes from within you, it feels RIGHT
to you, and you have a sincere and complete faith in it,
whatever it may be, does that feel right to you?
Q: (L) Hello.
A: Hello. Please no rituals. They constrict energy flow.
C's wrote 10-22-94 said:
Q: (L) Are there any rituals that can be performed to provide
protection for one against intrusion by the Lizzies.
A: Rituals are self-defeating.
While I understand your point, and believe that an artistic expression may well escape the trap of ritual activity, I think that this may be such a fine line of disctinction that most people would not only not be able to follow it, but that some may not even be able to see the line at all. It seems that it would take enormous effort and experience to be able to avoid turning even these creative types of rituals into a rote ritual predetermined to create a specific result, thus turning all energy expended into tasty treats for the 4D STS denizens. I'm not saying that it is not possible, I'm just saying that while you may be able to do this successfully, it seems like a very slippery slope in general.

There also seems to be a subtle STS feeling to the whole idea, generally the serving of self, the setting up of candles, 'four corners', written words to accomplish something for the self or to influence some other person in one way or another - like it is 'power over' and not 'power from within' - if that makes any sense at all, which it might not.

I'm much less interested in a general prohibition than I am in a very clear, complete and active dissection and analysis of everything we think and do - why are we thinking it, why are we doing it and what is the result - is what we are doing changing our inner landscape in a positive way, or is it an attempt to control or change someone or something outside of ourselves? Is what we are doing based in a desire to change someone or something outside of ourselves - and if that desire is present, what does that tell us about the whole basis of the action in the first place? I don't come close to having all the answers, I just think that a close inspection of ritualistic behavior in general seems to reveal that it stops truly active mentation. I'm sure someone else can probably flesh out what I'm trying to say here in a more clear manner, so hopefully they'll chime in.

(added later - ahh, thanks Beau for the transcript sections - and, I suppose, after re-reading those that I'm basically saying that I prefer to err on the side of caution and avoid ritualistic behaviour, and rituals specifically, because I'm not personally certain that I would be able to maintain the attitude necessary to ensure that what I was doing was fully creative and beneficial - but that's just me.)
EsoQuest said:
This is not a ritual per se, but a channeling of awareness into a creative representational act to ground the intent. The act of spontaneous creativity does not drain energy to 4D STS because the form is not pre-determined or mechanical, but improvised through one's own intuitive sense and expression.
I'll admit, most of your post went over my head. It sounded nice, but reading the above, I think you may be a bit naive in this aspect. Most people cannot keep such activity in the area of "spontaneous creativity". It's human nature to take something we enjoy and turn it into an obsession. I'm not saying that someone can't, but that it would take quite a disciplined individual.

And this is assuming that ALL acts of spontaneous creativity DON'T drain to 4D. Improvisation can be mechanical, you might not even know where the thought came from. Something may have "spoken through you".

There's all kinds of problems relating to the subjective experiences in this subject.

I'm not here to bag on those who choose to involve themselves in any of the mentioned activities. But I think it's worth noting that magick, for the most part, is done for reasons other than helping others.

just my 2 cents
C's said:
Whereas, if you, yourself, were
to develop an activity which one or another could interpret or
define as a ritual, but it comes from within you, it feels RIGHT
to you, and you have a sincere and complete faith in it,
whatever it may be, does that feel right to you?
The above quote was basically what I had in mind. It exercises personal creativity, the sense of what feels RIGHT, sincerity and faith, and awareness can be channeled in those terms. Again, objective perception is a must, but exercising creative application of sincerity and faith can help in putting one in touch with a frame of mind that can confront the sense of being attacked.

Yes, it is a slippery slope, when sincerity is in question. So is trying to see the unseen. I think that anything, however, that provides a venue to exercise sincerity, faith and the sense of right in a creative fashion, even if some elements are traditional, is not necessarily STS.

I just think that the whole pull such things has on people is very ingrained. Just as children use their imagination to play games enacting situations, adults have taken their version channeled into dramatic enactments of things hard to put into words, very seriously since time immemorial. Every culture does have its sacred ceremonies, shamans practice their own versions, as do mystics. I don't think all of them are life draining, but they can be.

Dramatic enactment just seems like a creative way to pray or express a need such as the desire for health, or protection from ill intent. The real benefit comes from applied faith, conviction, awareness and even seeing. The form of it is just a way our creativity can structure those. And such creative directions can compell people to greater focus of awareness, in the same manner that children learn better during play than when under enforced discipline.

I guess my take is that if there is a remote possibility that something can be done constructively, it is better to find that outlet than outright prohibit all forms of that expression. Observing is a must, but sometimes creative action lends a sense of participation that can balance it, even if in a symbolic manner.

Again, it's a matter of predisposition.
This may be my last post.
"Maybe" isn't definite, it's a possibility of a certain outcome out of many, and I'm intuitive that Godot takes pause to reflect on few of his favourite sigars and he will be back. At least hope so.
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