Daily Prayer - translations


Jedi Master
Since as a goodie on FOTCM site appeared the metallic plate with Daily Prayer printed on it (see the attached image below), the idea crossed the mind that maybe it might be useful to open a thread for its translations, similar to what was done for the Prayer of the Soul, that could be shared with interested members and people of good will around the world who are not so fluent in English, so they could join their voices and energies with others into asking the Divine Cosmic Mind to "lead us to a realm where free will for all reigns supreme", using this beautiful prayer at par with the POTS.

Original English version of the Daily Prayer:

Divine Cosmic Mind:

Take our hands and lead us to a realm
where free will for all reigns supreme.

A realm where true knowledge,
awareness and light,
truth and justice,
love and acceptance,
are principles which flourish.

Divine Cosmic Mind, assist all
who are devoted to these principles
to merge into such a world,
a realm of service to others
and sharing of the boundless beauty of Creation.

Take our hands and lead us to such a world
where our hearts will find healing.

We ask in gratitude for all the blessings
we have already received,


Here's the preliminary Croatian version that might serve also as a basis for Serbian, Bosnian and Montenegrin translations.

Be free to suggest any changes that might be more in the spirit of the spoken language.
In the brackets (like this) are already some options that might capture the same meaning and perhaps flow more naturally over the tongue. FWIW.

Dnevna molitva

Božanski Kozmički Umu:

Primi nas za ruke i odvedi nas u kraljevstvo
gdje je slobodna volja za sve vrhovna vlast.

Carstvo gdje su istinsko znanje,
svjesnost i svjetlost,
istina i pravičnost,
ljubav i prihvaćanje,
načela koja u njemu cvatu

Božanski Kozmički Umu, pomozi svima
koji su predani ovim načelima
da se stope u takav svijet,
kraljevstvo služenja drugima
(službe za druge)
te razmjene i sudjelovanja u bezgraničnoj (neizmjernoj) ljepoti Stvaranja.

Primi nas za ruke i odvedi nas u takav svijet
gdje će naša srca biti izliječena
(zacijeliti; naći ozdravljenje).

Pitamo u zahvalnosti za sve blagoslove
koje smo već primili,

Great idea @msasa79!

My version in Portuguese (Brazilian):

Ó Divina Mente Cósmica:

Segure nossas mãos e nos conduza a um reino
onde o livre arbítrio reina soberano para todos.

Um reino onde o verdadeiro conhecimento,
a consciência e a luz,
a verdade e a justiça,
o amor e a aceitação,
são princípios que florescem.

Divina Mente Cósmica, ajude todos
que se dedicam a esses princípios
a se unir com esse mundo,
um reino de serviço para os outros,
compartilhando a beleza infinita da Criação.

Segure nossas mãos e nos conduza a um mundo assim, onde nossos corações encontrarão uma cura.

Pedimos em agradecimento por todas as bênçãos que já recebemos,

My Portuguese portuguese version XD

Divina Mente Cósmica :

Toma as nossas mãos e lidera-nos a um reino
onde livre arbítrio reina supremo para todos;

Um reino onde verdadeiro conhecimento,
a consciência e luz,
a verdade e justiça,
o amor e assentimento,
são princípios que florescem.

Divina Mente Cósmica , assiste a todos
os que se devotam a estes princípios
para que se unam a esse mundo,
um reino de serviço aos outros
e partilha da beleza infinita da Criação.

Toma as nossas mãos e lidera-nos a um tal mundo
onde os nossos corações encontrarão cura.

Nós pedimos em gratidão por todas as bênções
que já temos recebido.


( notes , awareness is here translated into the portuguese literal equivalent of consciousness -> consciência , the world realm is translated into the portuguese equivalent of kingdom for which there is a less "specific" portuguese word closer to english , dominion -> Domínio but i'm unsure as to which is better)

Merriam Webster synonyms for Awareness , and consciousness
And in the German language:

Göttlicher kosmischer Geist:

Nimm unsere Hände und führe uns in eine Welt,
in der der freie Wille für alle herrscht.

Eine Welt, in der wahres Wissen,
Bewusstsein und Licht,
Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit,
Liebe und Akzeptanz,
Prinzipien sind, die gedeihen.

Göttlicher Kosmischer Geist, hilf allen
die sich diesen Prinzipien verschrieben haben,
in eine solche Welt überzugehen,
eine Welt des Dienstes an anderen
und des Teilens der grenzenlosen Schönheit der Schöpfung.

Nimm unsere Hände und führe uns in eine solche Welt,
wo unsere Herzen Heilung finden werden.

Wir bitten in Dankbarkeit für all die Segnungen
die wir bereits erhalten haben,


Maybe it needs a little bit more finetuning, I am not 100% sure if I have translated it analogous.
Thank you for opening the thread! I'm sharing my Japanese version :-)







The Spanish version (feel free to make any necessary changes)

Divina Mente Cósmica:
Toma nuestras manos y guíanos hacia un reino
donde el libre albeldrío prevalece;

Un reino donde el verdadero conocimiento,
conciencia y luz,
verdad y justicia,
amor y aceptación,
son principios que prosperan.

Divina Mente Cósmica, asiste a todos
los fieles a estos principios
a integrar ese mundo,
un reino de servicio a los demás
y a compartir la belleza ilimitada de la creación.

Toma nuestras manos y guíanos hacia ese mundo
en donde nuestros corazones encontrarán sanación.

Pedimos en gratitud por todas las bendiciones
que ya hemos recibido.

I did a Polish translation, although I'm bit rusty in translating things, so it might require some fine tuning to better reflect the original version :-).

O Boski Kosmiczny Umyśle:

Weź nas za ręce i zaprowadź do królestwa,
w którym niepodzielnie panuje wolna wola dla wszystkich.

Do królestwa, w którym kwitną zasady prawdziwej wiedzy,
świadomości i światła,
prawdy i sprawiedliwości,
miłości i akceptacji.

Boski Kosmiczny Umyśle, wspomagaj wszystkich,
którzy oddają się tym zasadom
w połączeniu się z takim światem,
królestwem służenia innym
i dzielenia się bezgranicznym pięknem Stworzenia.

Weź nas za ręce i poprowadź do takiego świata,
w którym nasze serca znajdą uzdrowienie.

Prosimy o to z wdzięcznością za wszystkie błogosławieństwa,
które już otrzymaliśmy.

EDIT: spelling.
I made my own version by combining that, a prayer from Myth of Myself (and a little bit of my own imagination):
Myth of Myself said:
"Father of every manifestation
I love your name and glorify your spirit
Descend on me and on my brothers
So we may hear the great truth and see it in all its manifestations
To discern and follow your cause of light in the world.

May the light that you send illuminate all roads and permit your children to return to you.

Thanks father that you hear me, yours is the name of glory."

My own version in Croatian:
O Božanski Kozmički Um,
Primi moju braću i mene za ruke i
odvedi nas u carstvo svijetlosti,
gdje je istinsko znanje i ljubav,
tako da možemo ćuti i vidjeti istinu
u svim njenim očitovanjima.
Neka svijetlo ispuni dušu moje braće i mene
i neka nam Tvoje svijetlo
dopusti da se vratimo k Tebi,
O Božanski Kozmički Um

in English:
O Divine Cosmic Mind,
Take my brothers and me by the hands and
Take us to the kingdom of light,
where there is true knowledge and love,
so that we can hear and see the truth
in all its manifestations.
May light fill the soul of my brothers and me
and may Your light let us come back to You,
O Divine Cosmic Mind
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