A few more comments. Again, thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated!
dant said:
In my thinking, I would simply remain calm and think about what is it that you alone
could have possibly done or possess so as to draw their attention towards you?
As already mentioned, I have some idea of this, but it's always difficult to know for sure. I don't know anything for sure anymore. As Keit said, it might even be nothing at all here, and all of this is my own fear filling in the blanks, as Aurora said. All possibilities are open! Oh well.
CarpeDiem said:
i ask myself a trivial simple as a log question - Well, Laura who was and is DOING is still alive, ark - the same, Darren (that's the big kicker!) who DID the Pentagon Flash - is still alive - so What did YOU DO to run in fear for your so precious life?' This works wonders with me. Hope that can help you too.
You're right, that is a good reminder. Again, all of this is probably my fear making something out of nothing. It was still "real" in some sense, meaning, I had to do something with it, look at and figure this out, but like the monster under the bed it goes away when you check it out.
Beau said:
The plan is to "warn" you about Israel, in one way or the other, in order to spark your overall interest in these people and Israel. You probably wouldn't have thought twice about going there but now all of a sudden your interest may be piqued.
Interesting idea. Like a mental virus or trojan of sorts. As far as I can tell though my interest is about the same as before, that is non-existant
rabbit said:
As some one once said "its not a game" and sometimes these shocks to the system may come at a time when one is in need of one. Not saying in this case Foofighter that you where sleeping in , though I know you know what I mean.
LOL, yeah I have a vague memory of someone saying something like that
I know what you mean...
aurora said:
I think you are filling in the blanks here. Do you think that reading this site is dangerous somehow, given your line of business ??
My past experience is that, yes, it's not exactly politically correct in my line of business. But it's a double edged sword, because at the same time I have noticed that I am not the only one in my circle of peers who is frustrated with the current situation. But you are correct in that in this case I think I was filling in the blanks unnecessarily.
There are a lot of unknowns here.. What have you talked with this guy ? We do not know that either.. Maybe he is just pulling your leg, or doing it on purpose to scare you and make you go off balance somehow so that you quit your job. Or he is trying to get some feedback from you and use it against you, again for the purpose of making you quit.
I don't think he's trying to get me to quit. At this point I really don't know anything. We'll meet again sometime, so I'll just have to see what happens then, if he brings it up again or something.
Ruth said:
Being blunt may work better, something like a "please explain exactly what you mean by this comment"..... "is this a THREAT of some sort?"
mmm... but if it wasn't I just wrecked a good business relationship. Not a good idea IMO.
So much to think about...