Marie said:
Prayers for rain said:
Do yo read French ? The book - great book but alas has not been translated into other languages, grrrr - where the article on Pasteur comes from has a section devoted to cancer, and proposes natural remedies, explanations for that disease, and other suggestion that could help your father. If you're interested I can scan it and e-mail it to you, or if you don't read french I can translate it and post it here.
I can help with the translation if need is.
That would be nice Marie, thanks. I've translated the biggest part this morning, there remains 2,5 pages which I'll scan and send it to you hopefully this afternoon (the scanner is in my partner's shop, and he'll be absent till end pm).
The kids are demanding, that's all for me today :)
Here's the first part of the article :
It is currently known that cancer has become the first cause of mortality in France [probably in other countries too!], ahead of the cardiovascular diseases. The convergence of industrial food heavily polluted with radioactivity and heavy metals residues, microwaves, nitrated waters, unrestrained medication, multiple vaccinations with mutagenic effect, professional and emotional insecurity, ... cause men and women to undergo an adaptation process they're not always able to achieve.
- physical pollution
- mental pollution
- hereditary pollution
If we take the lung cancer, 2 out of the 3 following factors are necessary :
- relationship problems with family circle
- smoking, asbestos or other
- case history of cancer
Another example : throat cancer
- blocked expression or enfermé potential
- poison such as tobacco, radioactivity, etc
- case history of cancer
- fears are registered in the intestines
- hypersensivity in the liver
- aggressivity in the pancreas
- sentimental frustration in the breasts
According to the expression of Jean-Claude Guyard : "tout ce qui ne s'exprime pas s'imprime" : "all that isn't expressed, is impressed"
Thus, on the somatization plan, we can say cancer takes its somatic source within a secret wound which one hasn't shared and which is rotting inside
Poisons being more and more numerous and omnipresent, it is more and more probable to "fill" the 2 first basic conditions of cancerisation
Thus it is that on the opposite side, Asiatics, who don't consume dairy products, don't have uro-genitals cancers, whereas they have as many reasons to revolt and be indignated as us. We can see here the importance of the reconstitution of the path which could lead to cancer. It is obvious that to suppress the genetic hereditary defect is not easy. Yet, there is "Axinite, gem elixir" which gives very good results in prenatal eugenics, between the 2nd and 4th month. But its action on adults is not guaranteed.
To suppress the poisons stored inside the organism is often the easiest thing to achieve. To suppress the soul wounds can be more painstaking, specially when there has been a subconscious suppression during a great part of one's life. The intervention of a good psychotherapist is often essential on top of other corrective actions, in order to avoid potential relapses.
Apart from the general ground which settles down beforehand according to the known criteria of alkalinity and blood oxydation (Pr. Vincent's work), a cellular cancellation of target-organs is at one point ordered by the brain (Dr. Hamer's work). everything happens at the computer programme level (genome) of the cellular computer (DNA).
A quick reminding in embryology enables us to fully grasp the problem. During the weeks following fecundation, the embryo develops at high speed and all the cells are identical. Then, there is separation in 3 sorts of tissues (endo meso ecto) which in their turn, give bone, intestine, vessel, nerve... cells. The ADN of the embryonic cells of the beginning is a little bit like the cardboard band of a barrel organ where all the holes would be pierced, which would end with allowing all the notes simultaneously. It is by filling up the holes that one can select notes and chords. It works the same for the cells whose specialisation and job are obtained by the suppression of certain functions of the DNA genome.
In reality, a cancelled cell is not really sick ; it has merely returned to the embryonic initial state, with the associated characteristics:
- fast and unlimited reproduction
- non respect of the contact inhibition, hence painful crushing of the nerves
Conventional medicine always thinks that the cancerisation of a cell is irreversible et that one must inexorably destroy the affected cells. This is false and has always been - in France and abroad, there has been accounts of fast remission cases, by the most diverse means : argile, plants, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, placebo effect, changes in lifestyle, mental programmation, yoga, silent walks in nature...
It isundeniable that everywhere there are cancer survivors, but only are recorded those who were treated
according to the rules - the others are meticulously hidden or denied (they didn't have cancer !) yet they do exist , beaming with life, and one can meet them.
According to Dale Carnegie : "When someone succeeds, try to do like them". What is the commun trait of "winners" ?
At a given time, they ceased to submit their bodies and souls to services and specialists. They turned a deaf ear to the cries of those who wished them well. And they decided that in the same way they had created their disease, they could create their cure. Here are the decisions they took :
From now on :
1) I don't eat junk food
2) I don't overdramatize life
3)I regularly do physical exercise
4)I go out to breathe in nature and I learn to breathe CONSCIOUSLY
5) I'm nice with everyone [the author probably doesn't know about the problem of psychopathy]
6)I sort my life out
7)I have faith my destiny
But there is still the fire to extinguish on the physical plane.
The chemotherapy is the unique dish, supposed to be the only serious and reasonable means. It is imposed with such psychological pressures, that it is difficult to avoid it. Yet, there is no question of submitting to it or to "please people" - the point is to secure onself.
If one is frightened by the fact of refusing chimiotheray, THEN ONE MUST DO IT
But if one is frightened to submit to it, and one prefers to try something else, ONE HAS THE RIGHT NOT TO DO IT
Nobody can draw conclusions about a treatment whatever it may be, to distinguish its real effect from the placebo effect - and hundreds of recoveries by pacebo are known, all therapies concerned.
What everybvody knows, is that chemotherapy is harmful, traumatizing, tiring, and that it destroys the blood formula and can cause genetic alterations. Yet, there are parallel treatments which can allow one to bear chemo without too much damage. Moreover, it is possible to undertake a programme for the rebuilding of cellular programmes, and thus for self-recovery.
Here is a protocol we've often had the occasion to experiment with a good rate of success, knowing that, as said a great doctor : "all diseases are curable, but all sick persons are not curable".
At bedtime, during chemo and for the 3 following days :
> barite gem elixir - 15 drops - activates renal drainage, eliminates poisons, avoids nauseas and vomitings, limits tiredness and prevents hair fall
>Alkyrol (shark liver) : 2 pills during the 3 main meals
The shark, contemporary with the dinosaurs, is nearly impossible to cancerize
>Carzodelan : in intramuscular injection. Every 2 days during 2 months then in degressive doses
This german product, sold for more than 40 years, is a pancreatic extract which selectively dissolves dead tumoral cells and cystic formations. The tumor regression generally occurs in 2 months, relieving the pain by its anti inflammatory and decompressive action on nerves. A degresive use is advised during 6 months minimum after remission. [the author mentions an address to buy it in France, but I could'nt find any useful information in english on the Internet]
At bedtime, alternate on 3 days :
> Axinite gem elixir - 10 drops - it restores the ADN genetic alteration caused by chemotherapy
> Agate gem elixir - 10 drops - it stops cellular cancellation via somatization
> Barite gem elixir - 10 drops - It cleans from the chemical poisons
Beljanski products are forbidden in France but recognized in USA. Use : cancer, aids...
Natural Source International Ltd
PMB 331-208 East 51 st Street - New York, NY 10022 - USA
Tél : 00-1-212-308-7066 (after 4 pm) - Fax : 00-1-212-593-3925
>PAO V - Pao Pereira (plant extract) - 100 pills bottle
>Rovol V - Rauwolfia vomitoria (plant extract) - 100 pills bottle
>Gingko V - Gingko biloba (plant extract) - 100 pills bottle
>Real Build - Escherichia coli (ARN fragments) - powder cones
> Natural Vitamin C - 4 to 5 g /day
thus : 7 ACEROLA tablets of 700 g / day
>Probiotic supplements
The intestines are the hub of immunological defences. Probiotic products restore the intestine.
When one has a cancer, the more one changes the parameters of one's life, the more one has chances to obtain a recovery, beginning with food diet :
Thus, it is crucial to suppress:
- white bread
- sugar, jams, chocolates, ice creams, industrial pastries, biscuits and shortbreads
- red meat
- sorrel, watercress
- delicatessen in all sorts
- all dairy products (yaourts, cheeses, crème fraîche/sour cream, butter)