A way to help the body to control the Ph is by drinking osmose water.Dant said:Hard part is how to control the PH of your body, how to measure it, etc.
You can find strip to mesure urinary pH, but don't take into consideration the first urine of the morning which is always acider than the others . Test during several consecutive days . Of course, it is not the mesure for the whole organism, but it can give a good indication in the case of excess of acidity .1/ PH of water and health
According to the works of professor Lautie, a lightly acid water , pH inferior to 7, is essential to make his role of catalyst for the mainly part of biochemical reactions and to well assimilate vitamins, oligo-elements, minerals and proteins of food. Ph of tap water, because of chlore, calcium salt and several undesirable elements, is generally above 8 , so to much alkaline. Mineral waters are often beyond 7.
2/ Oxydo-reduction (RH2)
This parameter mesure the electron content, it is an electrical factor. The products of treatment of water are very oxidizing , which is bad for heath. The coefficient of RH2 of blood is ideally 21, the one of tap water is about 30 , bottle water 25 to 30 , because of the long time between bottling and consumption.
3/ Resistivity , purity of water and renal elimination
Kidneys operate following the principle of osmosis and counter-osmosis. So it is necessary to drink very pure water to eliminate perfectly toxins and purify blood.
The more the water is pure , and the more it gets a high resistivity. Studies have shown that the resistivity must be superior to 8000 ohms to assure to a good working of kidneys.
Tap water gets generally a resistivity of 2000 ohms, bottle water : 500 to 5000 ohms because of minerals content , unassimilable by body. The purest water have a resistivity from 20 000 to 30 000 ohms.
Mesure of very pure water or osmose water :
Ph 6,6
Rh2 22
Resistivity 20.000 to 30.000 ohms
It is primordial to break eating habits. Most diets have their miracles, but the beneficial effects are often temporary. The essential thing is to shake the metabolism and to make the body “get out� of its tolerances. For example the morning coffee with milk: if you go without for a few weeks and then drink some again, you will find that it doesn’t seem good to you anymore; maybe it’ll even stay on your stomach.
THE CRETAN DIET, which is now accepted, even by official medicine, for it’s better chances of health and longevity, consists of:
- Lots of fruits (seasonal and local)
- Gluten-free cereals (rice, polenta, millet)
- Olive oil (17 litres per person per year)
- A bit of dried fruits
- Some legumes with the cereals (dry beans, lentils, chick peas)
- A bit of goat and ewe cheese
- Fresh fish caught from the sea (no fish from pisciculture )
- (biologic) eggs
- tannin-rich red wine (maximum 3-4 glasses a day) while eating
That is what makes healthy old people in Crete
All the sages of the Tradition have always said: “When you are in perdition, and nothing is right anymore, take your backpack and go"
Yes, leave your house, your family, your friends, your habits, all your habits, all your reference points and activities. It is your way to salvation.
The key story is that of the woman who knew herself condemned, struck with cancer that only left her a few months to live. For a long time she had dreamed to go around the Mont Blanc by foot. She decided to do it, even if she should die on the way. Fifteen days later, she came back home in good shape, and then realized her cancer had disappeared. She was cured. A few years ago, a group of fifteen cancer struck Japanese came to reiterate the experience. Unfortunately, we have never been able to learn the results. Maybe they have been hidden on purpose?
Another very touching story written in L’impatient:
A lady from Perpignon struck with multiple sclerosis lost her job for incapacity; then her husband left her; then she lost her unemployment benefits, then children’s protection took her kids. Alone, sick and ruined, she was letting herself die when she heard of Maggy Lebrun in Grenoble. She decided to join her by foot. In the meantime, the treatments for multiple sclerosis had provoked breast cancer.
She left in October with her walking canes, 50 F in her pocket and a garbage bag for a raincoat. She slept in cement pipes around roads and bridges and lived off mendacity. After 200 km she threw away her canes, and when she arrived in Grenoble she had recovered part of her health. Maggy Lebrun received her and placed her with cousins living in Paris. There she was comfortably surrounded but, after a few months, the cancer worsened, because her mind kept going over her misfortunes. So she decided to start a very long walk. She walked for 10 000 km and crossed over half of Africa to arrive in Congo where she was greeted by the President in person. She was totally and definitively cured. She started her adventure when 49 years old and finished it at 51.
Here is what I had several cancer patients do, that had been cured for several years: to leave alone or accompanied for 15 days to a month, on a G.R. course. If one is accompanied, the rule is to stay within sight but separate, and to never talk while walking; during meals and even the evening, never talk about the past but about the present “here and now" . To unite with nature the most possible i.e. talking to trees, flowers, birds etc. While walking do the following yoga, to be rythmed on the walk and directed especially to tall trees:
To expire while saying: “I love you�
To inspire saying: “Help me�
“I love you… Help me… I love you… Help me…�
You can judge of the results for yourself.
On the psychological level, cancer is always an unexpressed wound. Therefore all cancer treatment should be accompanied by psychotherapy aiming at identifying the wound which may go back to childhood and then have been occulted by life’s intensity. In the second step one must give sincere forgiveness to those who caused the harm. This forgiveness may be very difficult and painful, especially when the rancor is perfectly justified. For that there are tried-and-true methods.
The first consists of writing down the object of our grief or indignation. Roll up the piece of paper in a little carton box, and then go in the forest, dig a hole and bury the box. Tell the Earth that you entrust her with the weight on your heart, and charge it to dissolve and digest it, since you have been unable to do so yourself.
One must also remember that Jesus on the cross, has said of his tormentors and the thieves crucified next to him that were insulting him: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do� . Even Jesus did not feel capable to completely forgive by himself; therefore he delegated his father to do it much better than himself, in full sincerity. Moreover when our wounds are too fresh or too deep, the secret of forgiveness is to delegate superior beings or instances that we idealize as spiritual references to do it in our stead and much better than us. It is properly miraculous! And we have seen completely unexpected remissions by this psychic transfer.
This book is for everyone! Researchers, doctors, therapists, educators, teachers, parents, persons in charge of the health of the present and future generations. The vaccinologie, the iron of lance of the preventive medicine, knows at present a decisive crisis. With her, it is all the modern medicine, stemming from pasteuriens dogmae, that is confronted with its paradoxes and from then on questioned. From the present work, a question many a time composed, many a time evaded, and has it is necessary to us to dare at the moment all the implications:
Did Pasteur make a mistake?
If it is not the case, how to explain the collapse generalized by the immunity, the allergies, the autoimmune pathologies, the AIDS, the new viruses, the new epidemics?
Would we have been on the wrong track?
At the age of 46, Louis Pasteur is a victim of an intellectual attack which makes him hemiplegic for the remainder of the days. He is 55 years old when he begins his searches on the "germs" that he will consider only responsible human and animal diseases. If it turns out that the systematic and compulsory vaccination was not able to and can never reach(affect) its official objective of health for all, then maybe let us owe see again humbly our copy and concern the vaccination a new glance. [...]
In the first quater of the 19e Century, the Europe appears hardly from four centuries of horror. The sanitary state of the country is absolutely pitiful. The big epidemics, vectors of which we still ignore, constitute the obsession of the starving populations. The cholera, the plague or the smallpox appear regularly and without preventing, on the heels of armies in the field, everywhere where pile up the hollow stomachs. The already considerable poverty, is going to deteriorate because of the urbanization and of the industrialization. A massive drift from the land pulls thousands of families discouraged in the most unhealthy districts of the big cities. This proletariat benefits from no material help. There is then no hygiene, no water conveyance or of sewers, no structure of medical and social mutual aid. Let us dream that in this period, a child on five is abandoned by his parents! In these conditions, it is not surprising that the infectious diseases made devastation.
It is only from 1870 when Western Europe was considered shielded from the plague: if it makes deaths in Paris and Marseille in 1920, the last big epidemic already dates 1720 (Marseille). The cholera is in France from 1830 till 1884: 13,000 deaths in Paris for only year of 1832 (Pasteur is ten years old), 20,000 in 1849 while Pasteur works on crystals. The country will be cleared only in 1884. Let us note that these two diseases declined without vaccines. But there is also a tuberculosis, which between 1830 and 1880 will make more victims than the cholera; The syphilis, the very wide-spread sexually transmitted disease in Europe from the 16th century; The malaria, which in 19th century is still endemic in France; And of course, the smallpox, still unchecked in spite of the vaccination of Jenner. To overcome these "God's plagues" would thus constitute an immense scientific victory, because the Church was able nothing to make there!
Scientific but also political and social Victoire, because the last century is a period particularly disturbed on these two backgrounds. France is torn between the Empire and the restored monarchy, again the Empire and finally the difficult return in a republic eager to base its legitimacy. There will be the riots of 1830 and 1848, then the war of 1870, the military collapse, with for consequence an aggravated nationalism which is going to have to let off stream on grounds of battle others than servicemen, in particular the scientific rivalries. It will be the case with German Liebig for the fermentations and German Koch for the infectious diseases. For the young republic, the new Lights of the scientism constitute the best support of the secularism, under reserve however of an early conditioning of the masses. The principle of the "free and compulsory" school is generalized by Jules Ferry in the 1880s. Which is the objective of this education in which nobody can escape, otherwise " to inculcate to all the citizens the values of the dominant elites, in particular that of the faith in the scientific and technical progress" (Ref 9).
It is by this way that will be set up diverse civic obligations, as the vaccinal obligation, which locks any individual creativity in the yoke of rules and habits which it would be improper to question. "Poured into the mould of the industrial society, designed at the same time to answer its technical needs and to assure the reproduction of its social connections, the school conveyed its standards and its values: a sense of the national solidarity often pushed until the chauvinism; a respect for institutions and for civil and military elites, which populated them; Once in the progress and in the science. More profoundly, it worked in the broadcasting of its way of thinking: Taste of the precision and the exactness, but also intellectual rigidity and love of the formalism, the linear and mechanistic reasoning. In brief, it privileged sharply the qualities of order and method to the detriment of the creative faculties, which, we know it since, do not put on the same intellectual zones" (Ref 9).
The same reflection brings the philosopher Krishnamurti to write: "if we were educated only to be people of the sciences, academics plunged into volumes, or specialists of miscellaneous knowledge, we contribute to the destruction and to the poverty of the world as long as the education will not cultivate a complete view of the life, it will have only not enough value". The school "encourage to conform to some model", what is absurd because "the ignoramus is not the one who misses learning, but the one who does not know himself, (who does not have) the perception of the totality of its own psychological process" (Ref 9). In the heart of our current preoccupations, the failures of the education are to be put in parallel with those of the scientific medicine, because they recover from the same doctrinal bases. It is not surprising that a paternalistic system, a negative of the feminine values, favored the emergence of a medicine technician incapable to establish a link with the subjective lived of the patient. The analphabetism and the immunosuppression are both faces of the same reality: to sick society, sick medicine!
From then on, all 19th century will be filled with the confrontation of the "vitalisme" and with a hard-line materialism to lead. The vitalisme is a philosophic doctrine which stipulates that the demonstrations of the soul and the body, or if we prefer of the psyche and the soma, are determined "from the outside" by a "vital principle", mostly likened to a transcendent divinity, later reconceptualised in the "that" of the psychoanalysts. In the time which occupies us, the ideas of Pasteur or Darwin are going to serve the cause of a determinedly atheistic rationalism, become today a real scientific obscurantism. It is not the place here to formulate hypotheses on this blunt refusal of an immaterial principle, this will of the scholars to cut any link with the philosophy and the metaphysics. We shall say that it is "fashionable", expression which as many proverbs and adages conceals a very big depth.
Galaxia2002 said:BECHAMP HAD REASON
Meanwhile the original ideas that Pasteur had simplified and perverted (the ideas of Antoine Bechamp), were forgotten. But Bechamp and Pasteur approaches are not only two different ideas, but two distinct theories are mainly two ways of looking at life with profound and far-reaching consequences. The Pasteur connects with Darwin and his followers to apply to life the "fittest" and think that evolution is the result of a competition that have won. Bechamp theory , however, part of the idea of cooperation among the people that make up the network of life.
And although Bechamp was "erased" from the official story his ideas germinated and today there is a stream of research that continues to explore the way that he opened whose latest findings that confirm beyond doubt that his insights and suggestions were on the correct line.
Today we know that bacteria were essential for the emergence of life on Earth through photosynthesis creating adequate weather conditions. And then was the gradual coming together of different types of bacteria leading to the current cell, true cooperatives vital that enabled the formation of multicellular organisms.
In short, bacteria are key elements in the food chain, both at sea and on land and air. As explains the Spanish biologist Máximo Sandín, teacher of Human Evolution and Human Ecology at the Autonomous University of Madrid, citing studies from the last ten years "they purify water, degrade and recycle toxic waste products, replenish the carbon dioxide the atmosphere and make available to plants nitrogen from the atmosphere. Without them, the continents would be deserts that would hatbor little more than lichens. In humans the number is ten times that of the cells and their biomass is greater than the plant biomass of the planet "(between the reader www.uam.es/personal_pdi/ciencias/msandin/).
But the role of bacteria does not end there. Then see how far they are necessary for life and the dramatic consequences of the war declared against them.
In 1868, Pasteur indeed understands that Béchamp is right. He writes then to diverse Ministries and Academies (Regional education authorities) that he discovered the parasitic origin of the pébrine and that the flacherie is an independent disease, " fact of a big importance and completely ignored before my searches". He will dedicate its treaty on the diseases of the silkworms to the Empress, "in tribute of profound gratitude and a deep admiration for its high spirit and its big heart". At no time he quotes Béchamp.
It is then that arises a considerable event in a human life, especially in the light of a " new medicine " which in every disease associates, not a pathogenic germ or a defective gene, but a natural conflict emotional psychology.
On October 19th, 1868, at the age of 46, Louis Pasteur is struck by an attack of hemiplegia which paralyzes its left-hand side.
According to the biological laws of doctor R.G . Hamer, he could involve of an epileptoïd "crisis" activated in phase of cure by one cerebral oedema situated in the right hemisphere, at the level of the driving centers. Cure of what? For the right-handed man, this part of the brain is in narrow relation with conflicts of territory. Now Pasteur has just imposed at the last minute its anteriority on Béchamp! We have to indicate also that the right hemisphere and the left-hand side of the body, definitively disconnected at Pasteur, correspond classically to the feminine part of the being, to the passion, to the artistic sense, to the intuition, to the capacities of synthesis which allow a global vision of the world. Does this mean that all the microbiology built itself on purely male values, the action, the confrontation, the analysis, the reason, that all the biology comment-pasteurienne is a disabled person, a born hemiplegic?
What feelings can liven up from then on this ambitious "fighter", victim of a very invalidating attack and without almost hope of cure in this second half of the 19th century? The fear doubtless, a profound anxiety and the anger not to have been able to reach its purposes, to complete a career promised to all the honors. And it is true that he believes his come last hour because he makes say to the emperor that he dies "with the regret not to have made enough to honor his reign". But he does not die! He will survive even 27 years, what will allow him to know the decline of the Empire, the succession of a new Republic which he will honor just as much, and to interpret by means of an amputated brain the extraordinary complexity of the microbial biology.
Warning! Furious researchers
Imagine that the press is really free and the scientifics really honest, and that you read this in a newspaper:
"An old hemiplegic chemist inoculates the rabies to children".
What would be your reaction? Would not you think of a somber affair of serial killer? Supreme irony of our end of century, the prison where are imprisoned the high-ranking persons responsible for big political, economic or medical scandals is called... The Health! It is doubtless there that Pasteur would have finished its days if some of his schemes had not remained secret thanks to the complicity of his defenders.
The Germ Theory of Disease Causation
[…] We do not catch diseases. We build them. We have to eat, drink, think, and feel them into existence. We work hard at developing our diseases. We must work just as hard at restoring health. The presence of germs does not constitute the presence of a disease. Bacteria are scavengers of nature...they reduce dead tissue to its smallest element. Germs or bacteria have no influence, whatsoever, on live cells. Germs or microbes flourish as scavengers at the site of disease. They are just living on the unprocessed metabolic waste and diseased, malnourished, nonresistant tissue in the first place. They are not the cause of the disease, any more than flies and maggots cause garbage. Flies, maggots, and rats do not cause garbage but rather feed on it. Mosquitoes do not cause a pond to become stagnant! You always see firemen at burning buildings, but that doesn't mean they caused the fire […] It has been reported by researchers searching for the hypothetical "elusive virus," that viruses can "mimic" human tissue! They are human tissue.
R. R. Rife
[…] A major upshot of Rife's work was his ability, through several pleomorphic stages, to transform a virus he found in cancer tissue into a fungus, plant the fungus in an asparagus-based medium, and produce a bacillus E. coli, the type of microform indigenous to the human intestine. This was repeated hundreds of times. Rife showed that the pleomorphic capacity of microforms goes beyond the bacterial level to the fungal level, and its progression to the last stage--mold. Included in this cycle are the very important stages intermediate to microzymas and bacteria, the protein complexes usually referred to as viruses, and their immediate descendants, the cell-wall deficient forms.
Rife identified 10 families in the whole spectrum of microlife. Within each family, any form/member could become any other. […] In reality, it is not the bacteria themselves that produce the disease, but the chemical constituents of these microorganisms enacting upon the unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that in actuality produce the disease symptoms. Disease-associated microorganisms do not originally produce the condition which has supported their morbid evolution in the body.
Biological Terrain
A healthy or diseased biological terrain is determined primarily by four things: its acid/alkaline balance (pH); its electric/magnetic charge (negative or positive); its level of poisoning (toxicity); and its nutritional status. One critical symptom of diseased terrain is low oxygen. Another is a stoppage of movement or stagnation in the colloidal body fluids between cells. Still another is loss of electrical charge on the surface of red blood cells. This contributes to a condition called rouleau, sometimes called "sticky blood."
[…] The universe seems to operate by keeping opposites in balance. When things get out of balance, a sign usually appears to make it known. Health is balance in the system. […] Through a process called pleomorphism, (pleo = many; morph = form), bacteria can change into yeast, yeast to fungus, fungus to mold […] In pleomorphism, a so-called species is just a stage in the growth cycle of a family of beings. Each member functions differently and looks a lot different from the others. […] What people commonly think of as causes of disease, are symptoms. In this category are bacteria, yeast, and their descendants.
[…] Béchamp discovered Microzyma (now known as micro-organisms) minute or small ferment bodies--the basic structure of cell life; and that germs definitely are the result, not the cause of disease. […] Both the normal cell and germ have constructive work to do. The cells organize tissues and organs in the human body. Germs cleanse the human system and free it from accumulations of pathogenic and mucoid matter.
In the primary stages of inflammation (pus formation), the bacteria present are streptococci but as blood cells and tissues further disintegrate, the "streps" turn into the staphylococcus--changing into forms native to their new surroundings of dead tissues. Bacteria do not have any action on live cells; only dead cells. They are not the cause of disease but the result thereof. That's why in many cases of pneumonia; the pneumococci don't appear on the scene until 36 to 72 hours after the onset of the disease […] Our bodies are densely populated with microorganisms, inside and out. What inhabits us doesn't hurt us and is essential to us. We live in a symbiotic, mutually beneficial, mutually necessary relationship with our personal population of bacteria.
[…] Pasteur was aware that fermentation (which he studied extensively while formulating his germ theory) only occurs in injured, bruised or dead material, and that bacteria are a natural result of fermentation, not the cause. He realized later that germs and bacteria change their form according to their environment […] Most infectious pathogenic bacteria, yeast, mold, and fungus, thrive in an imbalanced pH […] The germ theory, virus theory, genetic theory and autoimmune theory--contemporary disease causation theories--are all based upon and rely upon IMMUNOLOGY. Immunology is based upon and must be supported by Darwinian concepts of evolution.
Long and repeated observation of live blood in the phase-contrast, dark-field microscope […] shows that the blood can contain various microforms in an otherwise asymptomatic host, or in a condition defined as normal or healthy in orthodox terms. Monomorphism was the cornerstone of developments in 20th-century medical research and treatments. Refusal by the mainstream to examine fairly, much less accept, the demonstrated facts of pleomorphism--that viruses and bacteria, yeast, fungi and mold, are evolutions from microzyma; that microforms can rapidly change their form (evolve and devolve) in vivo, one becoming another, dependent upon conditions in the biological terrain (environment); that blood and tissues are not necessarily sterile; and that there are no specific diseases, but only specific disease conditions--was the foundation of the debate.
[…] Maybe someday soon, with improvements in the electron microscope, we will find out that what are now being called and classified as viruses will prove to be intracellular crystallizations of protein catabolism--meaning the destructive process by which complex substances are converted into simple compounds […] With death of the cell and disintegration of the cell nucleus, ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease enzymes catalyze the depolymerization of RNA and DNA--providing the free strands of nucleoprotein which "mimic viruses" when viewed with the electron microscope […] Isn't it strange that modern scientists have become so deeply entrenched in the microbial infection theory of disease causation that they are unable to comprehend that infection is not infection...but inflammation. Few people will consider chronic poisoning and/or malnutrition as possible factors in the futile search for disease eradication.
[…] The essence of [Béchamp’s] theory is that the microzyma, an independently living element, exists within all living things, and is both the builder and recycler or organisms. It inhabits cells, the fluid between cells, the blood and the lymph. In a state of health, the microzymas act harmoniously and fermentation occurs normally, beneficially. But in the condition of disease, microzymas become disturbed and change their form and function. They evolve into microscopic forms (germs) that reflect the disease and produce the symptoms, becoming what Béchamp called "morbidly evolved" microzymas […] Being at the foundation of organization in the body, microzymian transformations build up cells and eventually the whole organism in which they exist. Their function is twofold, and they are poised to recycle the physical body upon death. It is matter, which cannot be created or destroyed, and is the precursor to all living organized matter.
[…] Béchamp saw the life process as a continual cellular breakdown by microzymian fermentation--even in a healthy body. Renewal is happening as well, which is also being done by the microzymas. When illness is present, fermentative breakdown is not only accelerated, but is taken over by morbid evolutions, including bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold. These are the upper development forms of the microzyma, which feed on vital body substances. This results in degenerative disease symptoms.
Not only fermentation, but nearly all chemical reactions in the body are carried out, or controlled, by enzymes. Enzymes are catalysts--substances that assist chemical processes. […] According to Béchamp's discoveries, it is possible that enzymes create, or themselves become, microorganisms. It is known that enzymes take part in repairing damaged genes--the elements that define and control our heredity and function. Béchamp suggested that microzymas coagulate to become genetic material. Enzymes, then, are quite magical and mysterious substances. Behind every enzyme is a microzyma. In one sense, the gene may be seen as the tool of the microzyma. The mechanism for repair could be that enzymes construct or become repair proteins, which are then spliced into the gene. There is a good possibility that this is what "viruses" are--repair proteins, or structures that do gene repair, not forms that cause symptoms. Most viruses are made of a core of genetic material surrounded by a protein coat.
The repair process has been misconstrued by mainstream bioscience as a disease, and its tools, the repair proteins, have been called viruses, particularly retroviruses. Retroviruses have the ability to insert themselves into our DNA. […] Since viruses don't have a reproductive mechanism, they must use the host cell to reproduce. But perhaps the reason they can't replicate outside the cell is that they're not intended to. Perhaps something in the cell is producing or becoming viruses for a reason. There is the possibility that a virus may have a complex of microzymas in the center. And, as with bacteria, monomorphic medical science offers no explanation as to where these forms come from in the first place. Pleomorphism, however, easily suggests an answer.
Disease conditions weaken our enzyme system so that "improper" repair structures can be formed […] Another possibility is that even if the repair structure is correct, nutritional deficiency or depletion of the enzyme potential may prevent proper function. Once a protein structure is floating around, it could evolve into a higher morbid form itself, depending on circumstances. It may evolve into a bacterium. […] And in a compromised terrain, today's bacterium can be tomorrow's terrain-poisoning yeast, fungus, or mold. […] Béchamp, […] never denying that the air carried germs, maintained that airborne forms were not necessary for disease […] The body naturally has within it the factors and potential necessary to produce the symptoms of disease, including microorganisms. It means we also have the innate ability to become, and to stay, healthy.
[…] One organism can rapidly assume many forms and it may be in several stages at once. The toxins (acids) from the whole spectrum of these microforms combine to produce symptoms, or provoke the body to produce them. The toxic output of yeast, fungus and mold is a primary disruptive influence in the body. But, it is not the microforms themselves that initiate disease. They only show up because of a compromised biological terrain. […] Once this cycle of development has begun, it further compromises the terrain, creating a vicious circle of imbalance. As explained earlier, humans rely on certain microorganisms for life, as does every higher organism on Earth. They reside primarily in our digestive tract. This is an incontestable fact. It isn't much of a stretch to imagine that other forms could take over if the habitat changes. Invasion is not necessary for this to happen. They can evolve right out of any cell.
Dark-Field Microscopy
[…] Watching live blood on a slide, or on a video, one can actually see bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold feeding and growing as the blood loses its nutrition and oxygen. Most amazing is to see these forms coming right out of previously healthy red and white blood cells! They live off your body's vital nutrients: glucose, protein, fats, hemoglobin, tissues and organs. They disorganize, or change form, in the presence of oxygen.
The American medical establishment does not look at live blood. They focus primarily on chemical analysis to make their diagnosis, and in doing so, are missing the show. Also, when looking at blood, their practice of "staining" samples disorganizes them.
[…] The bottom line is that we must provide an appropriate environment for our tiny life units. We must deal with them on their level, for after that they will become what they must, and no amount of manipulation with drugs will stop their evolution or completely subdue their progeny. If it could, it would be the end of the host as well.
Yeast, Fungus and Mold
Yeast and fungus are single-celled forms of plant life. Inhabiting land, air and water, they are everywhere. Mold, which is closely related to them, is the end-stage of all pleomorphic cycles in the body. Single fungal cells […] can go from rapid growth to thousands of years of dormancy […] There is a sound biological basis for our inherent ability to produce these pleomorphic forms. While humans, higher plants and animals are alive; bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold are unable to overcome entirely the natural balancing mechanisms that higher forms of life possess. But once the host organism dies, these microforms are the principal "undertakers" which reduce the higher life form into basic materials.
In biology, this is known as the carbon cycle, and it is a natural, necessary life process. The recyclers have evolved from, and are actually a scavenging form of, microzymas. And microzymas naturally reside within all pleomorphic microforms as they do within all living things. They are the ultimate imperishable form to which organic matter is reduced. Yeast and fungus can start their takeover while we're still living. Because the microzymas are getting the chemical signal, from an acid terrain, that this organism is dead or disorganizing! The body naturally goes acid when it dies or when the cells begin to disorganize. And without respiration, oxygen is lost. One of the symptoms of terrain imbalance is lack of oxygen. These morbidly evolved organisms thrive without oxygen, i.e., they are anaerobic. We predispose ourselves to this takeover with various stresses. The main ones are chronic improper diet and/or other chronic toxicity. Emotional upheaval and unloving thoughts, anger, etc., have a strongly acidifying effect in the tissues.
These morbidly evolved organisms are literally eating us alive and polluting us. The thing is, we pollute ourselves first, thus creating physiological disease: pH imbalance/toxicity in our biological terrain. Toxins and an acid-forming diet disrupt body chemistry, and this loss of balance in turn disturbs the central balance of the microzyma. Nutritional deficiencies can have the same effect, but can also be created by acidification. […] The primary diet of yeast and fungus in our bodies is glucose for energy, plus fats and protein (even our genetic nucleic acids) for development and growth. As these organisms feed, they produce waste, just like you do. Their "urine and feces" are called mycotoxins (myco = fungus; toxin = poison), and they are very poisonous to humans!
[…] The symptoms of disease show up in two primary modes: (1) an attempt by the body to deal with toxic poisoning, and (2) a result of the action of toxins on body chemicals, cells and tissues. A combination of these two primary modes is also common. [...] Although yeast and fungus wreak most of the havoc in the body, the earlier, or bacterial stages can produce considerable effects themselves by means of their metabolic wastes (exotoxins) and chemical contents (endotoxins). Bacterial forms don't always evolve into fungus, nor does fungus always become mold, the end-stage form. It depends on the particular form and the condition of the terrain. In addition to our own ability to generate various microforms, we also have them entering the respiratory system and intestinal tract due to our exposure to the world at large […] One might contract a yeast and/or fungal infection such as athlete's foot, vaginal yeast infection, strep throat, or ringworm on the skin. But s/he must be predisposed to it internally.
Although the immune system can become stressed and lose its effectiveness against yeast and fungus, anti-infectivity is not its primary role. It cannot be the "first line of defense," as is commonly thought […] The only part of the immune system that could be called a "line of defense" is that which stands between our inner terrain and the planetary environment--the mucosal barrier. The primary, ongoing role of inner immune function is that of an elegant janitorial service […] But immunity to infection does not, and cannot, create wellness. Thus, infectious immunity is a back-up system--a spare tire, if you will. A balanced biological terrain is the primary discouragement to morbid microforms. The misplaced emphasis on immunity and stimulating immune function is an unfortunate hangover from germ theory.
Between the extremes of athlete's foot and AIDS are the yeast and fungus overgrowths underlying symptoms such as diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, and more, including infections which appear to be transmitted among humans. Most disease symptoms, chronic and degenerative ones, follow bacteria, yeast and fungus, and their associated exotoxins and mycotoxins. […] Acetaldehyde can reduce strength and stamina, cause excessive fatigue, cloud thinking and take away ambition. One mechanism for these problems is that it directly destroys neurotransmitters, which are chemicals responsible for completing all nerve impulses. Another mechanism is that it can bind to the walls of red blood cells, making them less flexible and therefore less able to get into and through the capillaries of the circulatory system. This causes starvation and oxygen deprivation in the tissues. An added difficulty is that the liver converts acetaldehyde to the mycotoxin alcohol [...]
DNA may also be damaged when excess acetaldehyde reacts with it, creating the following symptom pictures: pancreatitis, cardiomyopathy, dilated cardiomyopathy, brain atrophy dementia, atrophied brain with large ventricles, jaundice, spider angina, enlarged spleen, stomach ulcers, esophageal varicosity, ascites, cirrhosis, enlarged spleen, tremor, bleeding tendency, bruising, ankle edema, and reddening of the palms, and others. […] Other mycotoxins, such as uric acid and oxalic acid, provoke symptoms ranging from gout to kidney stones. Cancer and AIDS are nothing more or less than a cellular disturbance of the electromagnetic balance, disorganization of the cellular microzymas, their morbid evolution to bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold, and their ensuing production of exotoxins and mycotoxins. Cancer, therefore, is a four-letter word--acid, especially lactic acid, a waste product of yeast and fungus.
[…] Acetaldehyde further reduces cell energy because it destroys essential enzymes. The immune system is provoked into trying to neutralize it and to retard the yeast and fungus by releasing large amounts of free radicals. If body pollution is constantly generated, then immune response, our amazing house-cleaning process, eventually becomes overloaded and exhausted. […] Yeast and fungus take advantage of the body's weaker areas by poisoning and overworking them, and by direct penetration of cells. Yeast and fungus have the bizarre ability to change shape--to turn into a hard-edged arrow. Once transformed, they can aggressively plunge into the cells of the body, even penetrating the nucleus.
The fungus can now damage the genetic structure by feeding on it. Eventually, the cell may be converted entirely from normal fermentative metabolism (oxidative metabolism) to abnormal fermentative metabolism (absence of oxygen)--CANCER. Since cancer is primarily a systemic condition that localizes, not a local disease that spreads, it shows up in the body's weakest links. These are like dead zones; they carry a declining electromagnetic charge. All healthy cells carry an electromagnetic negative charge. All fermentative cells and their acids carry an electromagnetic positive charge. These rotting cells and their acids act like glue, which causes healthy cells to attract and stick together. This leads to oxygen deprivation and the disturbance and disorganization of more healthy cells. Simply put, healthy cells begin to rot!
In all cancer autopsies lactic acid or yeast, fungus and mold is found, and sometimes both […] They are present in cancer, but are also present in the blood before cancer, and without the presence of other symptoms for that matter! […] The two primary parasites in all infectious and degenerative disease are of the Aspergillus strain and the Mucor strain [of yeast] […] A pool of lactic acid--the waste product of a cancer microform--surrounds every cancer tumor, but the microform itself may or may not be there.
8/9/97 said:Q: […] the bloodlines that converge in the Percys and the Mortimers are incredible!
A: You should know that these bloodlines become parasitically infected, harrassed and tinkered with whenever a quantum leap of awareness is imminent.
Q: Whenever a quantum leap...
A: Such as “now.”
These Protits or colloids of life in our blood, develop or change according to the condition (pH, etc.) of the blood. At some stages of their development they are outright pathogenic (make you sick) and parasitic. These are our internal parasites. These Protits can go in the other direction too and turn into cells we need. They can help regenerate organs.
The internal parasite, which exists in us always, is in contrast to external parasites with which we occasionally come in contact. This is where the germ theory actually holds relevance. This is the area of external microbes and parasites that when taken to extremes, intensifies into infectious diseases and epidemics which overwhelm the system.
Surprisingly, without having even the slightest idea of pleomorphic biology, medicine through hygiene, has accomplished much in this area. The fact is, opportunistic bugs, bacteria and viruses are all over the place, in our blood even which modern science says is not so, even though they are easily seen. Some of us get sick and some of us don't. As far back as the plagues of the dark ages some lived and some died. One third of the people didn't get plague. Nobody knew why.
The Somatid Cycle
Even stranger, over the years the somatids were revealed to be virtually indestructible! They have resisted exposure to carbonization temperatures of 200º C and more. They have survived exposure to 50,000 rems of nuclear radiation, far more than enough to kill any living thing. They have been totally unaffected by any acid. Taken from centrifuge residues, they have been found impossible to cut with a diamond knife; so unbelievably impervious to any such attempts is their hardness. The eerie implication is that the new minuscule life forms revealed by Naessens's microscope are imperishable. At the death of their hosts, such as ourselves, they return to the earth, where they live on for thousands or millions, perhaps billions, of years!
Even before Bèchamp's time, other researchers had observed, but passed off as unexplainable, what they called "scintillating corpuscles" or "molecular granulations." Bèchamp, who was able to ascribe strong enzymatic (catalytic change-causing) reactions to them, was led to coin a new word to describe them: microzymas (tiny ferments) […] Among these ferments' many peculiar characteristics was one showing that, whereas they did not exist in chemically pure calcium carbonate made in a laboratory under artificial conditions, they were abundantly present in natural calcium carbonate, commonly known as chalk.
With the collaboration of his son, Joseph, and Alfred Estor, a Montpellier physician and surgeon, Bèchamp went on to study microzymas located in the bodies of animals and came to the startling conclusion that the tiny forms were far more basic to life than cells, long considered to be the basic building blocks of all living matter. Bèchamp thought them to be fundamental elements responsible for the activity of cells, tissues, organs, and indeed whole living organisms, from bacteria to whales, and larks to human beings. He even found them present in life-engendering eggs, where they were responsible for the eggs' further development while themselves undergoing significant changes.
Most incredible to Bèchamp was the fact that, when an event serious enough to affect the whole of an organism occurred, the microzymas within it began working to disintegrate it totally, while at the same time continuing to survive. As proof of such survival, Bèchamp found these microzymas in soil, swamps, chimney soot, street dust, even in air and water […] So seemingly indestructible were the microzymas that Bèchamp could even find them in limestone dating to the Tertiary, the first part of the Cenozoic Era, a period going back sixty million years, during which mammals began to make their appearance on earth.
And it could be that they are older still, far older. Professor Edouard Boureau, a French paleontologist, writes in his book Terre: Mère de la Vie (Earth: Mother of Life), concerning problems of evolution, that he had studied thin sections of rock, over three billion years old, taken from the heart of the Sahara Desert. These sections contained tiny round coccoid forms, which Boureau placed at the base of the whole of the evolutionary chain, a chain that he considers might possibly have developed in one of three alternative ways. When I brought the book to Naessens's attention, he told me, ingenuously and forthrightly: "I'd sure like to have a few samples of moon rocks to section and examine at my microscope. Who knows, we might find somatid forms in them, the same traces of primitive life that exist on earth!"
Over years of careful microscopic observation and laboratory experimentation, Naessens went on to discover that if and when the immune system of an animal or human being becomes weakened or destabilized, the normal three-stage cycle of the somatid goes through thirteen more successive growth stages to make up a total of sixteen separate forms, each evolving into the next […] Naessens attributes this weakening, as did Bèchamp, to trauma, brought on by a host of reasons, ranging from exposure to various forms of radiation or chemical pollution to accidents, shocks, depressed psychological states, and many more.
By studying the somatid cycle as revealed in the blood of human beings suffering from various degenerative diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, cancer, and, most recently, AIDS, Naessens has been able to associate the development of the forms in the sixteen-stage pathological cycle with all of these diseases […] when blood is washed to remove all somatids external to the bloods red cells, then heated, somatids latently present in a liquid state within the red blood cells themselves take concrete form and go on to develop into the sixteen-stage cycle. […] It is not yet known exactly how or why or from what the somatids take shape. Of the some 140 proteins in red blood cells, many may play a role in the process. The appearance of somatids inside red blood cells is thus an enigma as puzzling as the origin of life itself.
[…] Even more significant is that while Bèchamp, as we have seen, championed the idea that the cause of disease lay within the body, Pasteur, by enouncing his famous "germ theory," held that the cause came from without. In those days, little was known about the functioning of the immune system, but what else can explain, for instance, why some people survived the Black Plague of the Middle Ages, while countless others died like flies?
"You see," began Naessens, "I've been able to establish a life cycle of forms in the blood that add up to no less than a brand new understanding for the very basis of life. What we're talking about is an entirely new biology, one out of which has fortunately sprung practical applications of benefit to sick people, even before all of its many theoretical aspects have been sorted out." At this point, Naessens threw in a statement that would startle any biologist, particularly a geneticist: "The somatids, one can say, are precursors of DNA. Which means that they some-how supply a `missing link' to an understanding of that remarkable molecule that up to now has been considered as an all but irreducible building block in the life process.”
If somatids were a "missing link" between the living and the nonliving, then what, I wondered aloud in one of my meetings with Françoise Naessens, would be the difference between them and viruses, a long debate about the animate or inanimate nature of which has been going on for years?
"Yes," agreed Françoise, "to continue its existence, the virus needs a supportive milieu, say, an artificially created test-tube culture, or something natural, like an egg. If the virus needs this kind of support for growth, either in vivo or in vitro, a `helping hand,' as it were, the somatid is able to live autonomously, either in a `living body,' or `glass-enclosed.' This has something to do with the fact that, while the virus is a particle of DNA, a piece of it, the somatid is, as we've already said, a 'precursor' of DNA, something that leads to its creation."
We have come to the conclusion that the somatid is no less than what could be termed a concretization of energy. One could say that this particle, one that is "initially differentiated," or materialized in the life process, possesses genetic properties transmissible to living organisms, animal or vegetal. Underlying that conclusion is our finding that, in the absence of the normal three-stage cycle, no cellular division can occur! Why not? Because it is the normal cycle that produces a special growth hormone that permits such division. We believe that hormone to be closely related, if not identical, to the one discovered years ago by the French Nobel Laureate Alexis Carrel, who called it a trephone.
3/30/02 said:A: Viruses make inroads only when there exists gaps in consciousness. A full field of awareness closes the gaps. Heal the soul by means of increased knowledge which leads to DNA modification which closes gaps...To do it otherwise amounts to self violation of lesson profiles elected by the self.
3/4/12 said:Q: (L) Okay, we have a question that Psyche and I have been thinking about. After reading this book about viruses, we have the idea that viruses may be the means by which genetic manipulation {as in intentional coming from other densities} has taken place on this planet for millions, if not billions, of years.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Does that mean that a virus is a transdimensional manifestation?
A: Yes. Thoughts made manifest! Compare to some crop circles!
Q: (Psyche) Some viruses in the atlas DO look like crop circles. [wind noise muffles Ark's question] (Ark)...of course virus is just pure DNA, or what? (Psyche) It can be both DNA or RNA depending on the type of virus, and usually coded to protect itself. There are so many types of viruses; it can be just a piece of genetic code. (Ark) Okay, so my question is whether there is a particular part of the virus that has the property that is not just described by normal quantum physics or quantum chemistry and so on, or its the whole organization of virus that has this property?
A: Yes. Information field aggregates matter.
Q: (talk of thought vs. information) (Belibaste) Does information command or direct the aggregation of different proteins or amino acids to form a virus? Materialization?
A: Yes.
Q: (Psyche) It's very interesting because they have found in our "junk" DNA, properties of viruses that are close to those of stem cells, and also cells that end up producing cancer. It is quite interesting. (Perceval) That means our DNA is thought made manifest?
A: More or less!
The best experimental proof backing up this astounding disclosure, Françoise went on, begins with a cube of fresh meat no different from those impaled on shish kebab skewers. After being injected with somatids taken from an in vitro culture, the meat cube is placed in a sealed vessel in which a vacuum is created. With the cube now protected from any contamination from the ambient atmosphere, and anything that atmosphere might contain that could act to putrefy the meat, the vessel is subsequently exposed during the day to natural light by setting it, for instance, next to a window.
Harboring the living, indestructible somatids as it does, the meat cube in the vessel will, thenceforth, not rot, as it surely would have rotted had it not received the injection. Retaining its healthy-looking color, it not only remains as fresh as when inserted into the vessel, but progressively increases in size, that is, it continues to grow, just as if it were part of a living organism.
Could a meat cube, animated by somatids, if somehow also electrically stimulated, keep on growing to revive the steer or hog from which it had been cut out? The thought flashed inanely through my mind. Maybe there was something electrical about the somatid? Before I could ask that question of her, Françoise seemed to have already anticipated it.
"The `tiny bodies' discovered by Naessens," she went on, "are fundamentally electrical in nature. In a liquid milieu, such as blood plasma, one can observe their electrical charge and its effects. For the nuclei of these particles are positively charged, while the membranes, coating their exteriors, are negatively charged. Thus, when they come near one another, they are automatically mutually repulsed just as if they were the negative poles of two bar magnets that resist any manual attempt to hold them together."
"Well," I asked, "isn't that the same as for cells, whose nuclei and membranes are, respectively, considered to have plus, and minus, electrical charges?"
"Certainly," she replied, "with the difference that, in the case of the somatids, the energetic release is very much larger. Somatids are actually tiny living condensers of energy, the smallest ever found."
[…] “How is it determined that somatids have electromagnetic negativity, and repulse one another?”
“They are easily seen to be repulsing one another at the microscope, just as if they were miniature equivalents of negatively charged billiard balls, which, on the green baize of a pool table surface, would never come in contact, or carom off one another, and thus make billiards an impossible game to play. Furthermore, they are attracted to the field of the positive pole of an ordinary magnet placed close to the blood sample on a slide.”
[…] "I'll tell you, now, about one experiment we have repeated many times," she answered, "whose results are hard for any orthodox biologist to swallow. Before describing it, let me add that it is our belief-as it was also Antoine Bèchamp's – that each of our bodily organs possesses somatids of varying, as yet indescribable, natures that are specific to it alone. But the whole ensemble, the `family' of these varying forms, collectively circulates, either in the circulatory or the lymph system. On the basis of this experiment, we hold that, as a group, they contain the hereditary characteristics of each and every individual being."
As described by Françoise, the experiment begins by extracting somatids from the blood of a rabbit with white fur. A solution containing them is then injected, at a dose of one cubic centimeter per day, into the bloodstream of a rabbit with black fur, for a period of two weeks running. Within approximately one month, the fur of the black rabbit begins to turn a grayish color, half of the hairs of which it is composed having turned white. In a reverse process, the fur of a white rabbit, injected with somatids from a black one, also begins to turn gray.
Astonishing as this result, with its "genetic engineering" implications, might be, the effect of such "somatid transfer" from one organism to another also, said Françoise, produces another result offering great insight into the role played by the somatid in the immunological system. "When a patch of skin," she continued, "is cut from the white rabbit and grafted onto the empty space left after cutting a patch of similar size from the black rabbit, the graft shows none of the signs of rejection that normally take place in the absence of somatid transfer."
1. The blood is not sterile, as we were led to believe after the Second World War with Hitler's ideology of the creation of a 'pure' blooded race.
2. The cell is not the smallest living thing.
3. Organisms come of the blood and tissues to decompose those tissues when they can no longer live and support their own metabolism within the environment they find themselves in, in their internal milieu.
4. These same organisms can also come out of the blood and regenerate new tissues and organs; depends on which way we want to go. One needs a source of Protits in the diet, organ meats provide these, organ specific Protits/Somatides.