Deep connection between Sanskrit and Russian languages?

Romans did just that 1,5 millennium prior when they went all the way to England to conquer the Celts and they failed thanks to Picts.

The Picts are interesting I think. I recently noticed something the Cs said about them.

Session 21 May 1997:
Q: When did the Celts or Kantekkians first take up residence in the British Isles?

A: Same. 12,000 years ago.

Q: Were the Picts also Celts?

A: No, Atlantean. Remember, "Celt" is latter day moniker.

Q: Were the Picts Kantekkians?

A: Originally.

Q: Was Abraham a Kantekkian? Was the story of Abraham the story of the Kantekkians being brought to Earth?

A: No.

Q: Was Abraham a Kantekkian or a derivation?

A: Latter. But, so are you.

According to this session the Picts were Atlantean and were originally from Kantek. Who knows where their descendants are now?
Thank you for your research, although I have no knowledge in this field, it fascinates me.
Here is a picture of the "mother goddess" from the front and back, with the meaning of the different picto-grams and the translation from paleo-sanskrit.
I appreciated the addition of the embroideries and I have several books on clothing, embroideries in the world I will look at it more closely
Thanks to you
First of all, thanks for this thread. I am catching up with this section in the forum. Very, very interesting.

So, obviously, there were 2 unrelated languages, one native to Earth referred to as Atlantean and one native to Kantek. When Kantekkians landed on Earth 80K years ago, they obviously brought their own tongue, but there was a blending that occurred early on. So, after a few hundreds or even a few thousands of years the 2 languages merged and created the composite language that we may actually consider as Nostratic. So, as we approach the Younder Dryas event that ended the last Ice Age some 12,700 years ago Atlanteans on Earth (the 3 groups mentioned in the transcripts) basically spoke 1 global language that we can and should call Nostratic. Then the cataclysms destroyed the global civilization and pockets of people survived in different locations and started to live a much more isolated life due to the lack of global travel infrastructure. Fast forward 12K years and the single Nostratic language from before the end of the Ice Age evolved into a few hundred (or thousands) languages that we enjoy today. That makes sense.

Great explanation, it really makes a lot of sense to me. Well, I only know the basics of linguistics and I had never seen the Nostratic concept before, so I got really intrigued and had to read about it elsewhere. Just by chance I came across a linguist from Georgia who studied in Russia, his name was Nikolai Yakovlevich Marr who proposed a theory in the years 1920s, though it was discredited (due to ideological/political reasons and the lack of scientific proofs), perhaps someone in this forum would like to review it, but his books are in Russian (a language I don't understand, BTW).

I was able to find only a small part of it and from what I read the linguistic connection between Sanskrit and Russian might indeed be much deeper than between Sanskrit and any other Indo-European language.

Something similar proposed Marr. Here is a little excerpt in English about Marr's theory:

Marr’s Japhetic theory linked the oldest European languages such as Etruscan and Basque with those of Asia,
and claimed that they had also had an important influence in the development of the Indo-European (Promethean) languages too. In fact by the 1930s Marr was claiming that the Promethean languages had actually developed out of the older Japhetic idioms -- Japhetic had now become the substrate, or rather earlier evolutionary form, of all languages in the

Source: Stalin, Marr and the struggle for a Soviet linguistics

The books in Russian ("Selected works") :
Н. Я. Марр. Избранные работы. В 5 томах. 1933-1937

I am looking forward for more info about Nostratic and also, about the origin or Romance languages!:-D
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