Defense Style Questionnaire

loreta said:
Mature 31.55 (1.6)
Neurotic 15.79 (1.5)
Immature 14.79 (1.6)

When English is not your maternal language you have to be careful when answering the questions that are tricky.
You right, Loreta!

Mature: 29
Neurotic: 22
Inmature: 20

And I have to learn to laugh more of myself...
I got these.

Mature 31.55 (1.6)
Neurotic 15.79 (1.5)
Immature 14.79 (1.6)

alkhemst said:
A big issue I have with this test is it's black and white. It doesn't seem to account for how different people interpret these questions, which from a certain standpoint, could be entirely different person to person.

"I can keep the lid on my feelings if letting them out would interfere with what I'm doing."

I figure a 9 would likely go to the "mature" score for that question, but what if you're a person who is always doing something that is "important" (which could mean different things), then you would never let out feelings? That, I'd suggest would make a person quite neurotic - i.e. holding in anger and frustration etc.

I agree with this, it was sometimes really hard to choose from the scale, because life's not black and white.
Divide By Zero said:
Mature 28
Neurotic 11
Immature 11

It's sometimes hard to judge on a scale. Unfortunately, most of these tests depend on this method.
I wonder if there is a test that has specific situations that cause thought of a response, to dig deeper into motivations/drives than a simple question with a subjective, self-assessed rating system.

Having a sliding elongated scale of agreeing or not agreeing (by degrees) certainly has bearing on the statistics gathered. Many corporate surveys (usually put together by a third party statistical/marketing party) seem to use the same sliding scale, and not only that, the questions can often be very subjective. For instance, in one such taken, question 7 & 8 (related to each other) was something like "do you think we (corp.) are adapting to change" and "is change happening fast enough". In this survey, change, which can represent dualities, was never defined for the participants, and the end results made it look like a cheery picked analysis that the changes corporate made were wonderful; yet the opposite was more correct for the employees about to loss their jobs or about to be downloaded on with more work and stress. The survey never got to the heart of the matter and if the question and range was distinct, the results would have been much different, yet as it was, it was used to influence employes and stakeholders; all around giving pats on the back, where if it had been defined, these would have not been warranted.
Late to the party, but:

Mature 28 31.55 (1.6)
Neurotic 16 15.79 (1.5)
Immature 11 14.79 (1.6)

I would tend to agree that I have some things to learn about mature responses to situations.
Mature 35
Neurotic 11
Immature 17

Had to agree with Archaea.... Who says I'm depressed or anxious?

Archaea said:
Also I think this question:

Sticking to the task at hand keeps me from feeling depressed or anxious.

Might be a bit of a loaded question. What if the person doesn't feel anxious or depressed? or what if they have nothing to do?
Very interesting test to get external assessment, although I can see how lack of context could lead to misappraisal in specific circumstances. For instance, I got:

Mature 40 31.55 (1.6)
Neurotic 18 15.79 (1.5)
Immature 9 14.79 (1.6)

But then I can see that I had two questions that assess Neurotic which twist the score:
. I always feel that someone I know is like a guardian angel.
There is someone I know who can do anything and who is absolutely fair and just.

I answered 7 - mildly agree - as I feel very blessed to count within my social circle a variety of high-level yogis, integrated individuals, personal growth coaches, permaculturists and all-around conscious and healing-driven persons. Kind of like this network, but in actual geographical proximity. I can see how my answer would generally be interpreted as deluded due to idealization.

Now, switching both answers to 2 - disagree, which reflects my general you-gotta-earn-my-trust-first attitude, then the neurotic score drops to 8. Ahhh. Much better.
United Gnosis said:
But then I can see that I had two questions that assess Neurotic which twist the score:
. I always feel that someone I know is like a guardian angel.
There is someone I know who can do anything and who is absolutely fair and just.

I answered 7 - mildly agree - as I feel very blessed to count within my social circle a variety of high-level yogis, integrated individuals, personal growth coaches, permaculturists and all-around conscious and healing-driven persons. Kind of like this network, but in actual geographical proximity. I can see how my answer would generally be interpreted as deluded due to idealization.

Well, isn't it possible that you do idealize? What you're saying seems a bit improbable to me.

Personally, I'm not sure I would even recognize a person who was absolutely fair and just, because I might mistake their fairness or justness for something else entirely at some point. So it goes without saying that I do not know one. And I don't know anyone who can do absolutely anything. (Is that taking it too literally?)

And as far as guardian angels go, it's probably not normal to think someone is always protecting you, right?

Just my take.
Mature 25 31.55 (1.6)
Neurotic 16 15.79 (1.5)
Immature 26 14.79 (1.6)

Hmm, thought I'd be more on the neurotic rating.
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