Defense Style Questionnaire

Mature ......30
8. I'm able to laugh at myself pretty easily. (humor) Been doing this a lot lately. :lol:
51. I always feel that someone I know is like a guardian angel. (idealization) The best guardian is my own vigilance.
24. I pride myself on my ability to cut people down to size. (devaluation) This was a weird question????
53. As far as I'm concerned, people are either good or bad. (splitting) What i am seeing is people ether live in denial, or reality, with less living in realty.
42. I fear nothing. (denial) Like WJ say's "The real world is a danger zone".
Mature 40
Neurotic 12
Immature 21

Interesting test....

Good reminder of defense mechanisms/styles
Funny how serious I am about my image... stupid test :) (denial)
Mature: 33
Neurotic: 14
Immature: 20

Four areas to work at:
1. Laughing at myself - ha ha ha... I am so afraid of being/saying/ being perceived as stupid. Self importance. So easy to say. So hard to laugh ... ha ha ha :D. This one sounds inside of me loud.
2. changing dreaming to doing - it is like sacrificing my favourite things, like selling all that I have and putting on beggar's clothing
3. getting rid of guilt when being assertive - is like getting really alone, against everyone - as such this association came to me. I hurt people by being myself - this is some childhood program from narcissistic relations.
4. Generalizations like "doctors are never right" - is funny how I identified with that. I can find just few examples and believe that this statement is right. Funny. Automatic program. They are wrong I am right.

Hey, this was nice simple exercise which made some ferment.
lux said:
zlyja said:
3. 40. I work more things out in my daydreams than in my real life.

How do people "work things out" in their daydreams?

It's about dissociation, in instance, when we are creating pleasurable ideas/presentations in our mind on our future, what we will do, and how we will be, without making any real efforts in this direction.

That makes sense. Thank you. :)
My results:

Mature :: 43
Neurotic :: 4
Immature :: 13

I tried to be as objective as possible, although for some I was a bit torn. For instance, I can laugh pretty readily at myself when I am not tired or stressed. The last question about needing to do something to compensate for an aggressive thought, I took to mean "if I think something bad about a person, I need to think something good about a person to compensate for that" - which doesn't make any sense to me so I put strongly disagree on that one. I was thinking it could also mean, if I have an aggressive thought I need to do something to deal with it, like breathing, reminding myself to not get carried away, etc. But I guess the keyword being compensate and not address, or deal, or handle. My immature rating is so high because doctors really never did understand what is wrong with me :D

Not sure what to think of the results, though. I am surprised I didn't score higher on the neurotic and immature scales.
I tend to find tests like these really interesting, even if sometimes one can tend to over(or under!)think certain questions when phrasing seems odd.

My scores were:

Mature: 42
Neurotic: 4
Immature: 5

For me, what I was thinking about while taking this test though is how I may have answered these questions say 5 years ago and how much different my scores would probably have been. I tend to handle things in a much different way these days and am feeling much more fulfilled in life as a result. :)
Sometimes when filling out questionnaires or surveys, I wonder if I could totally forget everything I answered and then fill it in again if I would get very different results.

Here are my scores:

Mature: 39
Neurotic: 18
Immature: 27
Here's my scores:

Mature 42
Neurotic 21
Immature 29

Used to do quite a lot of these but not so much recently - especially when interpretation can muddy the waters. Tried not to over (or under) think it.
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