
Thank you Buddy for warm greeting and thank you Shijing for the links. :)

(Sorry for in Japanese)
pointed out D2 Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups characterize Ainu.
The pictures in this site compare the similarity of Izumo and Ainu culture.

Also wikipedia for Japanese in Japanese:
describes this DNA aspect.
GotoGo said:
pointed out D2 Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups characterize Ainu.
The pictures in this site compare the similarity of Izumo and Ainu culture.

Also wikipedia for Japanese in Japanese describes this DNA aspect.

Yes, the Y-chromosome D-haplogroup has a very interesting distribution, being found discontinuously in the Andaman islands, Tibet, and Japan (especially amongst the Ainu). Here is an English Wikipedia entry for those who can't read Japanese but want to see what we are talking about:

In relation to the Ainu, another haplogroup (mtDNA in this case) you might want to take a look at is the Y-group, which occurs in 22% of Ainu, and 66% in their Siberian neighbors, the Nivkh:

Although I'm sure you already realize this, keep in mind that this data is all interpreted in the context of the 'Out of Africa' theory, which assumes a single colonization of the world from Africa, but which according to the C's is inaccurate. Rather, these genetic signatures reflect a history of the repopulation of the world, probably from various enclaves remaining around the globe after the great world cataclysm 12,000 years ago. One of the things this means is that discontinuous DNA distribution doesn't need to be so mysterious, since different genetic populations were already in contact before that cataclysm.

Another thing to consider is the mutations that distinguish the various haplogroups -- the mainstream assumption is that these occurred randomly and accidentally, but we can also consider the additional hypothesis that some of these mutations could have been the result of genetic tweaking by 4D controllers, at various times for various reasons.
Hello all,

Sorry for not being around much. :-[
I have been still digesting the experiences in Japan and have being adjusting myself to start working in the office again etc...
I came back to U.S.A on 12 th. It was the same day 2010 Haiti earthquake occurred, which was the last 'shock' for me that indicate my whole trip was somehow related to Kantek as I mentioned earlier in this thread.

When I heard the news I immediately associate with the following C's transcript:
Q: (L) I have tried to imagine a plane full of people of pure Aryan types, or purified Celtics, and it is difficult to imagine what such a culture would be like. Is there anything that we can look at, literary or otherwise, that would give me a concept of what this culture or society could have been like?
A: Search Japan and the Bahamas.

Q: (L) What?! What do Japan and the Bahamas have in common?
A: See for yourself. Remember, learning is fun and energizes. Spoonfeeding sessions do little for you.

Of course, Haiti is not exactly Bahamas so this association may be not significant but it was shocking for me the fact it happened on the same day of the end note of this trip to Japan that I had been somehow connecting to Kantek while traveling...

Another interesting 'synchronicity' is that in this trip I had an opportunity to meet the person who introduced me to the 4th Way 20 years ago. And he is a Japanese osteopathic physician in Kyoto but also got a new direction to study Clinical Psychology in a glad school last year and studying for the new direction (how come 2 persons separated for 18 years suddenly get the same direction at the same time???)! I am thinking to introduce this Forum to him soon when an opportunity comes...

Thank you Shijing for the new year comment above. I will be slow but will catch up step by step. :flowers:
GotoGo said:
Thank you Shijing for the new year comment above. I will be slow but will catch up step by step. :flowers:

You're welcome, and take your time as you get settled. Also, be wary of synchronicities as I understand they are often used as traps for us. I know that you said earlier in the thread that you were going to approach them with critical thinking, so just consider it a friendly reminder. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to hearing more about what you uncover about Japanese origins and (of course) anything Kantek-related!
Shijing said:
Also, be wary of synchronicities as I understand they are often used as traps for us. I know that you said earlier in the thread that you were going to approach them with critical thinking, so just consider it a friendly reminder.
I agree. Thank you for the good reminder. That is why I need this 'Networking'! :flowers:
GotoGo said:
...I now 'connected' these events related to Kantek... It is hard to explain in words yet but I am following what comes as 'present' through 'synchronicity' with 'critical thinking'... She knew there is a deep connection between Izumo (出雲) where they locate very closely and Ainu! (see the suspected connection between Ainu and Kentek at

Izumo (出雲) is a very 'spiritual' location in Japan, for example, October is called 神無月(means "the month when there are no gods") in Japanese old calendar but only Izumo October is called 神在月(means "the month when the gods are present") (see

This time I would like to study more about Japanese history especially the origin of Japanese... :cool2:

GotoGo, I wanted to make a suggestion -- since your interest in the above is of a historical nature, and since Approaching Infinity and I recently suggested two sets of historical questions for the C's, maybe you could think about this topic and come up with one or two really clear and concise questions about it that could also be suggested. My thinking is that it might be convenient for Laura and company to have questions with the same theme grouped together, so that they can decide ahead of time how they want to proceed with them at a session, if and when they choose to ask at some point. Just a thought.

I think it is a good suggestion. :)
I had book marked Psychopathy Questions thread to learn also, if that is what you are referring (if not please let me know which thread you are referring). To be honest, I feel I have a lot to catch up with you guys. So please give me some time to study. Let's say a week, means by the end of this month I think I can come up with a couple of clearly formulated questions to C's with some of back ground knowledge about ancient Japan. :cool2:
GotoGo said:
I had book marked Psychopathy Questions thread to learn also, if that is what you are referring (if not please let me know which thread you are referring).

Yes, that's the one.

GotoGo said:
To be honest, I feel I have a lot to catch up with you guys. So please give me some time to study. Let's say a week, means by the end of this month I think I can come up with a couple of clearly formulated questions to C's with some of back ground knowledge about ancient Japan. :cool2:

Sure, and no pressure -- its just a suggestion because I thought the timing might be good. Since one of the two cardinal rules of 'Questions for the C's' is to do your homework first (the other being 'ask questions that generalize to as many people as possible'), if you feel like you need more time and study, then don't be in a hurry. There isn't any kind of deadline for suggesting questions, so I think you should do it whenever you feel ready.
Shijing said:
GotoGo said:
To be honest, I feel I have a lot to catch up with you guys. So please give me some time to study. Let's say a week, means by the end of this month I think I can come up with a couple of clearly formulated questions to C's with some of back ground knowledge about ancient Japan. :cool2:

Sure, and no pressure -- its just a suggestion because I thought the timing might be good. Since one of the two cardinal rules of 'Questions for the C's' is to do your homework first (the other being 'ask questions that generalize to as many people as possible'), if you feel like you need more time and study, then don't be in a hurry. There isn't any kind of deadline for suggesting questions, so I think you should do it whenever you feel ready.

You are right, Shijing. Thank you for your insightful suggestion. :flowers:

I read through:
Psychopathy Questions
About Kentekkians
Questions About Languages
by referencing Cassiopaean timeline
But more I read more I became confused and had not yet to reach the clear picture... :(

I think I would better to share first what I have discovered while I was traveling in Japan this time and so far by setting a new thread something like "Origin of Japanese (and possible speculated connections to Kantek)". I will try to be 'neutral' by clarifying what are facts base there. I have some points to share in mind, which are Izumo (also Japan's oldest Paleolithic stone found in Snahara Izumo (it was a big news in Japan last year but not much English links...)), Ainu - Izumo connection, Tengu, Kurama temple (sorry this link is in Japanese) and Sanat Kumara from Venus(!)... I am preparing them now and hopefully put them out in this week. :)

Edit: clarification
Sanat Kumara[/url] from Venus(!)


Recently Haruhiko Tsuda, aka HAL-san,
who taught me Cassiopaean, finally told me how he found this Cassiopaean site.
6D (Arion, “From the Light of Lights, coming down from Divine Status of Orion”)
is supposed to have contacted us, Japanese in late 1980’s to 90’s.
Arion has told Japanese how Sanat Kumāra arrived to Earth from Venus.
After “enjoying renewing old friendship” with HAL through the channel Keiko Kitagawa, Arion seemed to have left Japan.
So HAL sought Arion and discovered Cassiopaean, as an almost the same density level Thought Form entity.
TakashiTakahashi said:
Arion has told Japanese how Sanat Kumāra arrived to Earth from Venus.

This is the intro quote about Sanat Kumāra taken from the Wikipedia article on him:

According to the post-1900 publications of Theosophy, i.e. the writings of C. W. Leadbeater, Alice A. Bailey, and Benjamin Creme, as well as the Ascended Master Teachings of Guy Ballard, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Geraldine Innocente and other Ascended Master Teachings teachers, Sanat Kumara is an "advanced being" who is regarded the Lord or Regent of Earth and of humanity.

It is believed by these authors that he is the founder of the Great White Brotherhood, which is composed of Ascended Masters and volunteers from other worlds who have joined together to advance spiritual evolution on Earth.

Did Arion have positive things to say about this guy? I am asking, because the information quoted above sets off some red flags...
From “Apocalypse of the Light” by Keiko Kitagawa
( pp141-142)

“Was Genetic Manipulation executed?”

At first, an investigation team from Mars came to manipulate gene, but failed.
After that, the envoy team from Venus came and firstly corrected the magnetic field, so genetic manipulation was done successfully.
Japanese myth told this in different form (the story of Izanagi and Izanami).

After magnetic field correction was done,
firstly arrived a monitoring mission from Venus, with a prince as representative, at mountain region in the Kinki area you Japanese call.
This prince is well known by the name of Sanat Kumara.
At that time, Japanese islands was still adjacent to the continent.
Introduced by the monitoring mission, Primitive Terran entered in Japan along the continent.

(They) repeatedly manipulated gene under the influence of special magnetic field of Japan and little by little formed nearly desirable human.
But this was the period when the gravity of Earth was unstable,
so, (Japanese) evolved with the junction of skull bone and spine remaining fairly unstable.

To manipulate gene,
the monitoring mission brought with the memory element and the biogenic forming element from Venus and other outer planet.
Human never occurred naturally.
The planet Earth was observed growing extremely suitable for biogenic evolution.
Because evolved biological body is suited for the manifestation of the cosmic energy.
In other words,
earth is very suited for the forming of biological body as acceptor of the cosmic soul which is to incarnate in individual physical form
Hi TakashiTakahashi --

I am not sure if what you quoted above from Kitagawa's book is in reply to my question about Arion and Sanat Kumāra -- can you clarify, and say a bit more about the quote above? What is it that you thought was interesting or important about this information?
TakashiTakahashi said:

OK, so it is just a sample of Kitagawa's work, which you think is a restatement of things other people have said before? Please let me know if I have misunderstood what you meant by "platitude".

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