Descriptions of the "afterlife"/5th Density

You were right that it wasn't necessary.
Thanks for the link, hlat.

I have read this session x times, but I was blind to this part of the discussion - I now realize that. (My God, I laughed out loud at myself)

Thank you again for the link, and your time.

Translated by DeepL
Danke für den Link, hlat.

Ich habe diese Sitzung x-mal gelesen, aber für diesen Teil des Diskussion war ich blind - das ist mir jetzt klar geworden. (Mein Gott, ich musste laut über mich selbst lachen)

Nochmals vielen Dank für den Link und deine Zeit.
We have been discussing Prescott's Life and Afterlife in the reading workshops and I am enjoying this reading very much. I like Prescott's approach to this phenomenon, critical but open and insightful, and the way he presents the testimonies and evidence is quite Fortean, I think.

In the reviews of this famous site, there is a comment by Stafford Betty about this book:
It is hard to do justice to this excellent work. It comprehends much more than I can cover here. It’s especially rich in its analysis of the mystical and spiritual states of the soul that has left the physical body. Prescott has unearthed numerous near-death experiences (NDEs) from a time before they were widely investigated and uncovered riches unknown to me. He is intensely interested in the being of light that NDErs report. What is its nature? Is it God, as some have claimed? It’s neither a person like us nor a thing. Whatever it is, its awesomeness is not in doubt.
But what lies beyond it? He then takes us on a ride into the afterworld as reported, not by people who have almost died, but by those who are actually there and tell us about their world through mediums. He rightly reports how like our world it is reported to be—an active world filled with our friends and relatives doing things. There is music and art, lakes and mountains, and jobs to do. But there are also dark places where lost souls congregate and even drift down to earth to trouble it.
And there is reincarnation, a difficult subject because some spirit communicators don’t seem to be aware of it. For those who don’t reincarnate, there are the true heavens stretching into infinity. Prescott’s comprehensive research has allowed him to leave no stone unturned.
Near the end of this remarkable book he reminds us how extraordinarily fortunate we are to be individual conscious beings in a universe characterized overwhelmingly by unconscious vastness.
This book contains an impressive bibliography and references throughout. Prescott writes with the charm of a novelist (his other job) and the rigor of a careful researcher. I recommend it without reservation. :Commentaires en ligne: Life & Afterlife
I just watched a movie and there was a phrase they said in it that I really liked and I want to share it with you.

In the movie a preacher (who is a good person) is dying and in his last words he says to the outlaw next to him, "Remember, remember!" The outlaw replies, "I don't remember!"

And the phrase is this:

God doesn't care what you have done, God cares who you are!
D'après ma connaissance, Dieu sait qui nous sommes et ce que nous faisons... Pas de soucis pour Lui...
La loi Divine s'applique quoi que nous fassions en Bien ou en mal...
Le seul recours est sa miséricorde et la demande de pardonner nos fautes, les réparer, les expier et surtout ne pas les répéter...
Nous parviendrons tous à la perfection, le chemin sera plus ou moins long et difficile selon la bonne utilisation de notre libre arbitre, nos choix...

As far as I know, God knows who we are and what we do... No worries for Him...
Divine law applies no matter what we do, good or bad...
The only recourse is His mercy and the request to forgive our faults, to make reparation for them, to atone for them and above all not to repeat them...
We will all reach perfection, but the path will be more or less long and difficult, depending on how well we use our free will, our choices...
Depuis le départ de ma Maman j'ai voulu savoir ce qui se passait pour Elle de l'autre côté, au moment de sa mort, ensuite et lors de sa prochaine réincarnation...
J'ai trouvé des réponses passionnantes dans ce livre de Francisco Cândido (Chico) Xavier transmis par l'Esprit d'André Luiz
"Missionnaires de la Lumière - La vie dans le monde spirituel"
2ème livre après Nosso Lar de la série d’André Luiz. Version Française, traduction P. E. Jay, édition du Conseil Spirite International, 08/2005. Dans ce livre, André Luiz révèle les secrets de la réincarnation, montrant le travail des Esprits missionnaires chargés du processus de la renaissance. L’auteur spirituel nous explique que la mort physique n’est en rien une fin et fait ressortir l’importance de l’effort personnel dans la lutte pour l’auto perfectionnement. En vingt chapitres, il nous parle de la continuation de l’apprentissage dans la vie spirituelle, du périsprit comme organisation vivante modelant les cellules de la matière, de la réincarnation orientée par les Esprits Supérieurs et des différents aspects des manifestations médiumniques. Missionnaires de la lumière nous enseigne que la Divine Providence accorde toujours à l'homme de nouveaux champs de travail à travers la perpétuelle rénovation de la vie par l'intermédiaire de la réincarnation. 398 pages - poids 432 gr.
"Le paradis de l'oisiveté est peut-être la plus grande illusion des principes théologiques qui obscurcissent, à la Surface (notre Terre), le sens Divin de la véritable religion."

Ever since my Mum left me, I've wanted to know what happened to her on the other side, at the time of her death, afterwards and during her next reincarnation...
I found some fascinating answers in this book by Francisco Cândido (Chico) Xavier, transmitted by the Spirit of André Luiz
"Missionaries of Light - Life in the Spiritual World".
2nd book after Nosso Lar in the André Luiz series. French version, translation by P. E. Jay, published by Conseil Spirite International, 08/2005. In this book, André Luiz reveals the secrets of reincarnation, showing the work of the missionary spirits in charge of the rebirth process. The spiritual author explains that physical death is by no means an end, and emphasizes the importance of personal effort in the struggle for self-perfection. In twenty chapters, he talks about the continuation of learning in the spiritual life, the perispirit as a living organization shaping the cells of matter, reincarnation guided by the Higher Spirits and the different aspects of mediumistic manifestations. Missionaries of Light teaches us that Divine Providence always grants man new fields of work through the perpetual renewal of life via reincarnation. 398 pages - weight 432 gr.
Interesting! Do you recall where you read about that?

I just finished reading 'The Road To Immortality' by Geraldine Cummins, which I'm sure many of you are familiar with. In it, Frederic Myers (who Geraldine channels) gives a list on the various planes during the soul's journey upwards (sorry if this is a repost):

I'm not sure, yet, how those fit into C's cosmology! :-):cool2:
Thank you for posting the levels of spheres from 'The Road to Immortality' by Geraldine Commins. I am currently reading 'The Life Beyond the Veil' by Rev. G. Vale Owen. I had been thinking Rev. Owen's mother, the spirit he was channeling, was caught in some sort of mind matrix in the 4th dimension. Her experiences reminded me of where the Ascended Masters would take there earth students in their spiritual travels. Wonderful places with beautiful, colorful buildings and spacious gardens. Lots of color, light and music. His mother and her friends were always under the guidance of wiser and more powerful beings but were not given access to certain areas where the more advanced beings lived and worked. Though she was given access to a few places that were befitting of her spiritual level she couldn't move beyond certain boundaries. She would become exhausted if she tried to venture further. His mother was also very aware of the dark chasm which seemed to reminder her to keep her mind pure on loving thoughts. She seemed very aware of her fear of the dark and of the evil which was held in the depths. A hell of sorts, full of suffering souls. I was a bit nervous about this Bliss state combined with a structured control of some sort.

Your post on the levels of the spheres helped me to understand that anyone spending time after death in the 4th dimension would be aware of the lower levels and at the same time experiencing the magical qualities of the 4th. This made sense. Rev. Owen's mother was still experiencing the influences of sphere levels 1-4 as she spent her time engaged in the lessons of the 4th. She spoke of the type of matter around her, explained what she could understand about the heavenly bodies, the misery of the hell place, and how she was seeing color in it's many expressions and learning to use her mind to create form. His mother had spoken of where she lives as Summer Land. A place with a mixture of all of the levels she was experiencing.

An earlier post on the Rev. G Vale Owen book regarding the directly Christian content was right about this theme making it difficult to get through without some doubt to the integrity of the channeling. But then again, giving it some thought, the lower dimensions may be only what we perceive as truth until we work our way up through the ladder where earth teachings begin to fall away from the personality. If I remember correctly the C's spoke of becoming more aware of the realities of other levels once we are in the 4th.

Book ll will surely give more clarity to the first part of the book. Either way, you ended up with my very first post and have helped me move along. If I am right or wrong it's still nice when I can put my thinking cap on! We learn as we go! Thank you.
An earlier post on the Rev. G Vale Owen book regarding the directly Christian content was right about this theme making it difficult to get through without some doubt to the integrity of the channeling. But then again, giving it some thought, the lower dimensions may be only what we perceive as truth until we work our way up through the ladder where earth teachings begin to fall away from the personality. If I remember correctly the C's spoke of becoming more aware of the realities of other levels once we are in the 4th.
Thank you for your thoughts. At our 3D physical level we can't know anything for sure about higher densities, but according to the C's, the density that is sometimes called Summerland is actually 5th density (5D) – the 'contemplating/recycling zone' where we go after we die here. We suspect that 5D might also have different 'levels', at least that what the literature suggests. That when you advance in 'Summerland', you proceed, if you're able and wanting, to higher levels. In my understanding, the theory is that from there you can either reincarnate back to 3D or, if you're advanced enough, proceed to 4D (see below).

When we talk about 4th density here, it is believed to be the density to which 3D humans very rarely ascend, the density with varying physicality. I hope I'm getting this right, but according to the C's 4D is more 'nuts and bolts' than 5D, and you can 'graduate' to 4D either along a STS (super evil/nasty) or STO path. What makes 4D special, and 'attractive' is that according to the C's, in order to advance to 6D and then ultimately to 7D you first need to 'make it' to 4D.

It's a complex and interesting topic, and I hope you'll find more information on it by searching the forum. :-)
Thank you for your thoughts. At our 3D physical level we can't know anything for sure about higher densities, but according to the C's, the density that is sometimes called Summerland is actually 5th density (5D) – the 'contemplating/recycling zone' where we go after we die here. We suspect that 5D might also have different 'levels', at least that what the literature suggests. That when you advance in 'Summerland', you proceed, if you're able and wanting, to higher levels. In my understanding, the theory is that from there you can either reincarnate back to 3D or, if you're advanced enough, proceed to 4D (see below).

When we talk about 4th density here, it is believed to be the density to which 3D humans very rarely ascend, the density with varying physicality. I hope I'm getting this right, but according to the C's 4D is more 'nuts and bolts' than 5D, and you can 'graduate' to 4D either along a STS (super evil/nasty) or STO path. What makes 4D special, and 'attractive' is that according to the C's, in order to advance to 6D and then ultimately to 7D you first need to 'make it' to 4D.

It's a complex and interesting topic, and I hope you'll find more information on it by searching the forum. :-)
Yeah, not bad little summary of the complex topic, and is kind of the way I have come to think of it too.
Not sure if it was share before but I just saw this NDE video, and the way she describes her experience, sounds like she got it contact with a lizard being right after “almost” passing, and then she moved to a different place where she faced her egregores or “programs” directly. Then what she describe as a goddess assisting or helping her could be her 5D persona or self. Anyways that’s how I interpreted it, nice video nevertheless.

IF we have had multiple lives, then we have made this journey multiple times. IOW, The information and experience is already inside us, although it is most likely veiled. Why do I need someone else's journey? Well, maybe it helps me remember my own. But it is not my own. Anyway, we have already been there (5D) and so potentially should have the answers locked inside us. I think the key point is not "what is it like, there?" I think the key is what did I say to myself there, then, that caused me to come back here, now?
A remarkable and life-changing near-death experience revealed by Travis Shreeve

In Coma For Days - What He Saw Will Blow Your Mind
Sep 9, 2024
Travis Shreeve shares his tender and incredible experience of what he felt and saw when he was hospitalized and in a coma for many days. When all the pieces finally came together with what truly happened, it changed his life forever and solidified his beliefs about the afterlife and the other side.

What Travis felt and what he saw is a wonderful reminder to us all to keep enduring through this life.

No matter what pain or sorrow you are experiencing, brighter days are ahead. An indescribable calm and peace will be yours someday, and it makes all the struggles of this life well worth it. The Prioritize Your Life series highlights experiences from amazing people to inspire us all to live a better life.

A life where we are focused on what truly matters. Let's leave this world with no regrets.
I wasn’t sure where to put this.

I follow a YouTube channel called “Esoterica”. The presenter does video lectures about the occult, philosophy and religion. I like his presenting style, he has a great depth of knowledge. (Caveat lector: from what I can tell he believes in a historic Jesus of Nazareth)

He has posted a message saying that tomorrow’s video will be about mediumship in the mid 1800s’ and the messages and themes that came through were truly interesting. A whole lot of influencing of social ideas, reform, cultural changes. Thought I’d share the message here and anyone who wants to watch it can find the channel by searching for it:

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