Design Comments & Suggestions

Design Comments & Suggestions

~harumph~ huh? Oh, I'm here, I was involved in analyzing Arthur's costume as the Tick sidekick - those antenna still don't work for me. SSSPPOOOOONNN!

"Pay no attention to that adorable cat!"

Adorable, indeed!! Look into that cat's eyes - no, really, look INTO them....that cat is no cat at all!! That cat's expression says, "I know all and I'm not telling you any of it!"
Long live Le Cat.
Design Comments & Suggestions

domivr said:
Craig said:
That's what Fluffy wants to know:
That's no cat. That's a Wookie.
Fluffy is on the brink of graduation to third-density, which may account for her more "human" emanations. However, Domivr, she is curious (which can be a very dangerous thing for a cat) about what is on your head? A tin-foil hat?

Her inquisitiveness has not failed her yet though. She finally realised the horrible truths about her husband recently - that he is a lazy drunk, always scratching himself (down there) and just watches Planet's Funniest Animals all day long - mocking his fellow felines in his fantastical delusions of grandiosity:


You can literally see the contempt in his eyes. A true psycatpath...

Okay, I've taken this too far... :D
Design Comments & Suggestions

Our sheltie sleeps on his back. It's the damndest thing.

Well, in the next round of incarnations, looks like fluffy will play the part of Roseanne's hubby, I hear she was condemned to a hell of remaking reruns for all eternity.

Arthur looked sleek and stylish in his costume, though I was always partial to American Maid, and Deflator Mouse.
Design Comments & Suggestions

Craig said:
However, Domivr, she is curious (which can be a very dangerous thing for a cat) about what is on your head? A tin-foil hat?
It is hard to make out, but the comfortable headware is indeed made from bubble-wrap. I only wear it on special occasions.
Design Comments & Suggestions

Die Fledermaus is one of the more popular characters. He is vaguely Batmanlike, in that he has a black costume and cape and uses gadgets to get around. He rarely fights crime at all, and is more interested in how he looks in his cape than anything else. Die Fledermaus's ego and cowardice combine to make him one of the funniest characters in the series, and his implied intimate relationship with American Maid provides chuckles throughout the series. =)
Design Comments & Suggestions

Hey guys, good job!

just a suggestion for the new page look:
perhaps, you can make the excerpt of each article display when hovered with cursor like on
i think its a very convenient feature
Design Comments & Suggestions

I like the new format -- but I had a hard time finding a link to donate with. The old format, if I recall correctly, had a small link specifically for donations, which was handy from time to time.

With that GREAT recent article of Laura's on WHAT TO DO - I had another one of those irrepressible urges to send y'all some hard earned cash and at that point noted the abscence of a quick easy link

Not to worry, I found it in the library, but some others might not know to look there.

Thanks again for your great work - I think you're right on target with WHAT TO DO.
Design Comments & Suggestions

That's a cool banner, I like it!
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