Jakeskully said:
If it is the case that my anticipation of future events cancels them out, then how do I learn to stop anticipating?
On the topic of anticipation, the following thread contains discussion on the topic of anticipation vs. non-anticipation, i.e. belief vs. faith.
Precognition or no, the topic of anticipation is quite relevant to the Work, since attachment to a particular outcome blinds us to infinite possibilities, and is a characteristic of STS.
Most often though, something happens that I have a deja vu experience, that I didn't necessarily have a clear precognition of, but after it happens, it's like I remember such a thing having happened to me.
I've experienced this. I'm just doing something (generally something not particularly noteworthy from my perspective) when I suddenly realize "I remember this already..." For a while, I was having these sort of deja-vu moments off and on, and one day when I was riding in the car with family, suddenly I realized I was in the middle of a deja-vu moment, but this time I was aware enough that I was able to intentionally choose to act contrarily to the "memory" that had just appeared in my mind. It was just a simple matter of not looking out my window to the right at the trees, which is what I remembered doing at that point of the "memory". This really stuck with me as an extraordinary experience. I was watching a "memory" of the present play out in my head, while I acted differently in my physical reality, so it was sort of like experiencing two realities at once for a moment.
Once, as I walked through a doorway in my house, I started to have one of those "I've done this before" moments, except that I became aware that I was having a deja-vu moment while the deja-vu was still happening, and then I became aware that I was aware of the deja-vu. This resulted in a sort of hall-of-mirrors effect, so I was having deja-vu about having deja-vu about having deja-vu, etc. However, that particular memory is a little strange in that I can't really remember it clearly; I'm not completely sure whether it actually happened or not, which disturbs me. So perhaps there was manipulation afoot, or maybe I'm having troubles with little I's regarding memory(?). I haven't had any deja-vu for a couple months, now. They seemed to come in waves, as in I would suddenly have several such experiences within a week or a few weeks, after a period of none. I used to think that they happened during periods of higher spiritual "clarity", when my frequency was raising or something, but I'm not sure of this anymore.
It's an interesting phenomenon, but I agree that it is easily distracting and can make one feel unduly "special". I now wonder if my experiences may have been signs of spiritual imbalance and manipulation.
For what it's worth.