Did a French psychic make accurate predictions in 1980 for our world today?

wetroof said:
true, like I said I have not really looked into the details... I remember reading the website a while back and I could not figure out the exact method. like how he is translating his dreams into written words on paper. it seems unintuitive. So that is the main problem I have, but he seems sincere. don't know what to make of the data thing. possible he moved websites :lol:

I looked some more. 2011 dreams _www.briansprediction.com/dreams/2011/week1.html

A lot of what he writes, does not make sense. does not seem like normal conscious recollection process. Seems like trance writing or something, though he doesn't mention this at all that I know of. Content is varied. but lots of high profile things: kidnapping, murders, foreign policy, then some personal and nonsensical things. What is interesting is that a lot of his predictions--the ones that it appears other people verify--happen to be about very recent occurrences. so, in my understanding it seems more probable to have the ability to predict "see" a recent event, then to predict a point far in the future. In terms of specific things.

to really determine if he is faking this or not, maybe one need to understand the web software he uses, possibly methods of forging dates etc. However, I'm not up to do this.

wetroof - you're completely missing the point. Re-read what mkrnhr wrote and see if you can understand it. 'Seeming sincere' means nothing. What software he uses means nothing. It's really important to learn to actually use your mind - critical thinking. So, please re-read mkrnhr's post and see if you can get the point.
mkrnhr was saying that it matters when a prediction is made. What the guy on the website is maybe doing is predicting the event after it occurred. so he has a dream log about events in 2005, that came true, that was maybe written in 2006, and put on the web in 2006.

I don't see how I missed this point, except that I was intent to respond and share more about the guy which maybe is not that useful. I considered mkrnhr input but it does not make me convinced brianspredictions is automatically a scam.

It's true, something seems sincere to me, does not mean much about its validity.

if he begins to do more drawing, like he says this Feb, I will see them as they come up, and so be sure when the prediction is made. I can be more confident in evaluating it. Is that a good idea? or to not bother with this? To me it sounds like fun idea. IF he does put more up, I won't attempt to verify them, I can let someone else do that on the web which seems to be how it works, but just keep a record, so I know when it was made.


Hi Anart,

I feel it's not right for me to ask you to advise me about if it is a good idea to do x activity above. So I retract those two questions.

could you explain how you see that I am not critical-thinking? thank you.
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